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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, April 10, 2023





A few months ago, I was helping some friends of a friend move to a new town.  They are both quite attractive, fit, have wonderful, high paying careers and two dogs they absolutely adore. During the day's proceedings, I walked in their house to pick up yet anther box of various collected life possessions and overheard the husband declare to his wife with such contentment, “Aren't you glad we have such an Easy Button life!”  Most likely taken from the now infamous Staples commercial containing an ‘Easy Button’ as its core theme of shopping there.   

And while I walked out of the house to pack the box in my arms toward the back of the moving truck, I began to process the conversation I had just overheard.  On one hand, having an ‘Easy Button’ life appears to be a goal worthy of striving for. I mean, let's keep it real! The appeal of seemingly ‘having it all’ sounds pretty frickin' fantastic, doesn't it!  The money, houses, cars, vacations, fancy dining, and all the big boy toys and sartorial desires many yearn for seems to be a dream come true.  Right?!  

And while there is absolutely NO THING wrong with desiring to experience all the ABUNDANCE life has to offer, I believe making it the central focus of our life's purpose can be quite damaging to anyone's Super Heroic Journey.  Because here is the TRUTH!  Everything in this illusionary world enters into our experience only TEMPORARILY.  We do not truly own anything or anyone.  We are simply stewards of these earthly illusions for a set period of time, before they are eventually taken away, many so that others can then share in that stewardship as well.  We fight so hard on this side of the putting green to obtain a certain amount of life CURRENCY!  Trying to find a level of comfort in having enough.  Yet, as we all have experienced, ENOUGH never comes.  

Yet the very thing that we do take with us when we make the transition back to SOURCE energy after our passing is the ONE thing that too many of us spend the least amount of our time and energy on during our time here on Earth.  Please remember, CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ONLY CURRENCY ON THE OTHER SIDE.  It is our unlimited source for the eternal ATM card of the cosmos.  Yet, if you were to be compassionately honest with yourself, what percentage of your daily time and energy is used on transforming and growing in your own level of CONSCIOUSNESS; 10%. 20%.  Some maybe more, many others even less. And for those of you who can honestly say you spend a great majority of your time on self growth and actualization I say “HOORAY!

For those of you who regularly follow my blog, you know all too well that I have gotten my PHD in pain in suffering many times over.  And while I am NOT saying it was easy, for much of it felt like pure unadulterated HELL, I would NOT change one experience or ONE moment of my life so far.  

I have found out that our pain is our salvation.  It is where we shed the things that do not serve us so that our pain transforms into our POWER.  And that power then can be used in service of our PURPOSE.  As Victor Frankel said, “Life begins to transform once we begin to understand the meaning of our suffering.”

Receiving too many ‘Easy Buttons’ in life before you have gone through the pain and reckoning that comes through true suffering, is like a baby chick being forced out of its egg shell before it has been fully shaped and formed.  That is why I now say that SUFFERING is:

Summoning our
Fears &

So many of us are conditioned to escape our pain through a variety of coping mechanisms that become in effect our own ‘Easy Buttons’ for life.  But those buttons come in the form of drugs, alcohol, food, abusive relationships, or any various forms of self destructive behavior.  

And would you like me to share with you the Magical part of embracing our pain and suffering and not hiding from it? All of the things you were fighting so hard to obtain, come flooding into your experience when you are courageous enough to face your pain and fears head on, and ACCEPT that they came into your life for a reason.  Once you fully accept that TRUTH, you will be able to accept the gifts they brought with a level of GRATITUDE you only thought possible in fairy tales! And you will also learn the greatest remembrance of all! That you are No Thing less than a child of God, perfect in every way, shape and form. And when that knowingness comes, it is the one and only thing that can NEVER be taken away from you!

And even as magnificent as that, you will then have the wisdom and ability to assist others who are still stuck in their pain, and pull them back into the light after they have learned what their pain came to  teach them. And that my New Age Nerds is the true CIRCLE OF LIFE!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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