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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, June 17, 2022

BE Very CAREFUL Reading This POST....... One Wrong Move = GOTCHA !!


I live in Northern Virginia, just a half hour drive from our nations capitol, Washington DC.  Several years ago, we had a few consecutive weeks filled with a cacophony of defamations that temporarily shook this state for "LOVERS."  The Commonwealth was rocked with several political scandals that has chipped away at our collective consciousness.  From racially charged epithets to sexual misconduct allegations, we were exposed to the "underbelly of ugliness."  Forever being referred to as "Chaos in the Commonwealth."

The culmination of which is adding fresh fuel to a FIRE that has been growing for some time now.  Our zeitgeist has transformed into a "GOTCHA" mentality that is intent on destroying the foundational construct upon which this nation was founded!  Including the major principality and tenets that sprouted our own judicial system; being innocent until proven guilty. While these recent surprise dirty dispatches in Virginia have been of the political ilk, the nation has been exposed to such displays of often reckless assertations covering a kaleidoscope of behavior for quite some time.  From Matt Lauer, Billy Bush, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, James Gunn, Morgan Freeman, Richard Dreyfus, Megan Kelly, to film director Bryan Singer's (X-MEN Movies) next movie has been put on "hold" due to sexual allegation charges.  In fact, since former Miramax Head Harvey Weintstein was brought up on several charges of sexual misconduct back in 2016, the floodgates have been flabbergasted with a pastiche of all types of "charges" on a seemingly daily basis!

And lest us not forget (and how could we based on its permeation throughout every form of mass media the past six weeks) the Shakespearean level train wreck of the Johnny Depp V Amber Heard trial. Which broke almost every single mass media outlet's viewership record! We have become addicted to the fast twitch notions of a 'thumbs up or down' mentality. Based fastidiously on broken pieces of the truth that seep through all the muck we are forced fed in order to gain 'clicks' on various mass media platforms. 

Before I go any further.  PLEASE DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME!  I DO NOT CONDONE ANY FORM OF PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, SEXUAL, MENTAL, or SPIRITUAL BASED ABUSE!!  Such behaviors are reprehensible, completely unacceptable and beyond vile in nature.  And are antithetical to my own sensibilities; not to mention the core foundation of my life's CALLING.  Which is to BE of service to myself and all others through the energetic vibrational offering of LOVE!  From the focused intention of everything I think, say, and do; this "triple threat threesome" is the manner from which I teach/coach/mentor/guide others in remembering who they truly are.  I see each and every moment and co-creation as simply an opportunity to FOR-GIVE! (For-giving someone back to themselves.  As in helping them re-member that they are a spiritual being having a human experience.  NOT the other way around)  In its most simple context, that is what life is ALL about.  We are all a group of SUPERHEROES who I envision eventually joining together in unassuming unity to form The Legion of Love.  Our conscious collective is one "giant alarming clock."  We are all "COSMIC FIRST RESPONDERS" for the Grand ONEness!  Ready and waiting to be put into "Super Service" in the blink of a whispered wave from the Universe.  

When the student is ready, the teacher will indeed appear.  It's Universal Law.  And in most cases, the students of this particular Gargantuan Galactic Gameroom are ready when they have become "shaken and slightly stirred up" by LIFE; and are in a space of willingness and as my Gorgeous Goddess of a friend PK (please check out her Facebook site - Allthingspossible-  ASAP...  Thank me later)  would say, "INNERSTANDING",  that it's finally time to wake up from The Matrix.  Just as Morpheus "woke up" NEO from his deep slumber in the movie of the same name!  (Of course NEO is an acronym for The One.  Because we are ALL The ONE!)  

I dove down a little deep just now because my intention is for that discourse to underscore the message of today's post.  Once again, this "GOTCHA" collective mentality that is ripping at the wondrous woven tapestry we have concocted on this planet.  I'm trying to strike a delicate balance today because I do not desire to offend anyone on either side of this debate.  Tough for me on all fronts, because I do not believe in "right and wrong."  Only that which serves the Highest Good!  And my heaving heart is seeping out with compassion and forgiveness for both the accusers and the accused in every single one of these challenging situations.  Truly!  Because as I'm sure is the case for most of us, I have worn both sets of shoes in these struggles and KNOW first hand how each side feels. Tough stuff, trust me!

And it seems like our country is literally equally divided between two camps.  For instance, here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, during the Ralph Northam scandal, 47% of those polled said they believed our Governor should resign. (For his handling of the "black face-KKK picture" found in his old college year book)  Yet, another 47% thought he should finish out the rest of his three year term. It was literally a dead heat.  Amazing.  Yet, to me, it sheds a light on the REAL ISSUE that must be addressed. And that is the disconnection and near devilish division that is ravishing our society at large!  It's almost as if we are at constant odds with each other.  Just one "cutting in line" moment away from a verbal, or even worse, physical altercation.  And I say it's time for us all to take personal responsibility for what is playing out on the stage for all the Cosmos to see.  (And believe you me, they are all watching.  Just sayin'!)

We have co-created the "opportunity of a lifetime" in the very HERE AND NOW.  That's right.  Where there is a huge mess, there is the space to be heavenly blessed.  And aye dios mio; we have done a brilliant job of creating a mess.  Wouldn't you agree?!  The great news is that while it was very long in the making, transcending it can be near instantaneous.  For once again, a MIRACLE is simply a shift in perspective from fear back to LOVE.  So I have a question to ask all you franfrickin'tastic New Age Nerds.  Who is ready to start making some MIRACLES ... right NOW?  Yea!  I thought so.  Cause my Tribe rocks!  ;0)


I have a suggestion for all of you Spiritual Spinsters.  What would it feel like to stop with this space of snap judgment addiction we find ourSELVES to be resonating within?!  To judge in ANY form becomes a block of tangible resistance.  It actually blocks the flow of abundance not only into your life, but because YOU and the Universe are ONE, it also dams up the natural Universal flow of all blessings/gifts/desires into and out of our planet. I call this patterned behavior "BE'avering."  Because just like a beaver, you become quite proficient at building damaging dams that just gum up the natural order of things.  The freeing FLOW of the Universe both to and fro.  The exact opposite of what we came here to do!  We came here to help in expanding the Universe.  For that is the true nature of the entire Galaxy.  Because it has no limits or boundaries, the Universe always desires to "push the limits" and expansion is its board game of choice.  (ok...call me old school.  I still love board games.  )

And NO, Source does not like it when we play "the spiritual version" of the board game SORRY ! Which is kinda what oh so many of us are doing right now.  Resonating at a vibrational offering of illicitation that screams out, "SORRY.  But I/WE gotcha now.  Re-member that picture from long ago.  Or that tweet /Facebook post from 10 years past.  Or that 'encounter' with the ravishing young lady from 17 years ago.  Well, GOTCHA!  Sorry, but your life is ruined.  Next!!" UGH................

Again, I am NOT condoning any form of abuse.  EVER!! And I do believe it is necessary to have a set of socially acceptable standards/behaviors to adhere to; especially for those who wield great power.  I truly believe it would serve the highest good, for all of us to hold both ourSELVES and one another accountable to those set standards; in similar fashion as we do with our own set of healthy self loving and self respecting personal boundaries.  Both are of superior service to the Grand Creator herSELF!  

But the distinction here is the following.  And it is a very important one:

Starting in this very moment of NOW, let's start being Miracle Makin' Machines
And my suggestion in doing so is to transcend any form of thought vibration that contains even a hint of judgement, hate, fear and loathing, disconnection, or separation.  Let us STOP with the rash rushes towards snap judgments every time a new 'allegation' is dragged into the cultural consciousness.  As the great Martin Luther King Jr. always said, "Hate cannot drive out hate.  Only love can do that."  Amen!

Like anything meaningful and purposeful, it is a process.  Many of us have mental predispositions based on past experiences that still trigger us in the NOW.  And that is OK.  I get it.  However, once again, I pray you now see that every time you find yourSELF personally triggered by one of these allegations, it is a gi-normous opportunity for you to heal, grow, and transcend that trauma that still sees "separation."  Not only personal separation; as when you forget that you have a Super Heroic Higher Self.   That YOU and the Universe are indeed ONE.   But also separation from all others.  The "if I win, you lose" mind-set from EGO that has set its sails straight into the hearts and minds of the unconscious.  

That feeling that bubbles up during these times of trouble probably does not feel good.  Please re-member in that instant, of the glorious glow that is 'just beneath' that pain!  Waiting for you to receive the lesson so the lesion can clear away.  As spiritual teacher and coach Iyanla Vanzant says, "Pain means Pay Attention Inward Now."  What a novel and empowering idea!  Rather than wasting energy on vitriolic thoughts toward your fellow brothers and sisters, why not expend that same action on doing the inner work of transcending the blocks and limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in victim consciousness mode.  For it is from that space, that this whole "gotcha mentality" springs forth.  Through the transformational process of transcending our past hurt/pain/strife/trauma we start to see the world through the lens of ONENESS.  Your leeriness of "the other" becomes understanding of their own pain and Superhero's Journey.  And your heart fills with COMPASSION and the KNOWINGNESS that WE ARE ALL ONE.

The opposite of victim consciousness is "Christ Consciousness."  And living from this state/space we actually choose to give even more LOVE, forgiveness, and compassion to both the accused and the accuser.  For Christ Consciousness has the innerstanding that THEY are the precious Spirits who need it the most!  Just as Jesus the Christ taught us through his many examples that imbued the true meaning of being a SUPERHERO.  Which is to BE of loving service to yourSELF and all others.  

We can do this my dear friends.  No longer must we succumb to the ever nasty whims of the EGO.  Trying its damn near best to tear us apart at the spiritual seems.  Causing us to cast out judgment, fear, and hate toward one another.  Instead of caressing the collective ONE GOD MIND with thoughts of LOVE and forgiveness;  always and in all ways.  And there is plenty of space to do BOTH!  And by that I am referring to both holding one another in a state of LOVE, while also refusing to condone certain actions/behaviors.  

What would it look like, the next time a new 'allegation' of some sort comes to light, for all of us to take great pause.  Right then, right there and now.  And simply......PRAY.  Pray for both sides in "the situation."    Pray that LOVE finds a way.  A path into the pain of all concerned.  Pray that lives won't be irrevocably damaged.  Pray the wisdom that comes from seeing everyone through the prescription lens of our Inner Innocence will work its magic.  Especially before the innocent is disproved.  Because we will find out that in some of these cases, the innocent is actually.....innocent.  Eventually, by doing the inner work, we will eventually transcend any form or idea that does not see ALL as innocent.  Because we are all "Divinely Devised," perfect emanations of GOD.  And are seen as innocent in his loving glaze!  For GOD does not judge. He refuses to utter the word sinner.  For that term is concocted from pure judgment.  And non-forgiveness.  It's totally egoic in nature.  The closest thing to a "sin"' in God's One-Mind is denying him by forgetting who you truly are.

The smokey air is literally choking the spaces of "Forgiveness and Compassion" from our lexicon.  But just because the past chapters of our collective story has already been written, there are many, many more pages still to be jotted down in the pages of our collective Superhero's Journey!  Let's make sure we are writing a Best Seller............



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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