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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, February 22, 2022



Nora is The Flash's daughter from the future. She has come back from the multiverse to spend quality time with her father before he is killed in one potential timeline of a potential future she has been witness to. 
(Yes, time travel is often a convoluted concept)  LOL

NORA: After everything that you've seen, don't you think bad people stay bad?

THE FLASH: Not always. When I first met Leonard Snark, he was a criminal. The worst criminal in the city. But I knew there was a good person in there. And look at him. Turned out to be a Legend! Died a Hero. If he can change, anyone can. 

NORA: Do you really believe that?

THE FLASH: I do! I think part of being a Hero is seeing the good in people. Besides, if we don't believe in people, who will?!


TRUE PERCEPTION is a force that when wielded with compassion and forgiveness has the transcendent power to unite us all.  It takes to task the egoic mind and its penchant to hold us hostage to the "illusion of separation." It allows you to see yourself in all others. It allows us to see with open hearts and minds what is righteous within the ONE GOD MIND. Rather than competing with "the other," we commit only to celebrating the brilliance in all they bring forth from their Super Heroic Higher Selves! We bask in the INSPIRATION of their unique set of super powers.  Their light shines a path for us to do exactly what they are already doing. (Or at least your version of it)  Rather than holding them in a space of  "jealous contempt," we appreciate their efforts as an invitation for us to join them in daily dances of bliss filled joy!  And our attitude becomes perpetually mired in a space of gratitude.  We truly see everyone as a divine expression of The Universe in all its gloried splendor! 

However, before we can begin to appreciate this truth in others, we must first learn to SEE this magnificence in ourselves! It is quite challenging to give to "the other," what we have not yet remembered to celebrate within ourselves first. Wouldn't you agree?! 
And as I have learned during my own Superhero's Journey, this path all begins with the pragmatic practice and super power of forgiveness.

The long held, standard practice of teaching FORGIVENESS, relies on the principality of  separation.  As though YOU and are two separate beings.  When in truth, separation is a fallacy.  FOR WE ARE ALL ONE!  Any experience of separation is simply our EGO in play. It's very job is to keep us feeling separate and disconnected from one another.  Even more damaging, holding us back from experiencing our ONENESS with the Universe.  Thus we are often taught that forgiveness is a form of pardoning ourselves or another for a perceived 'wrong doing.'  And transforms into the ultimate form of judgement if used under such pretense.  

For once you relinquish the EGO's hold over the dominion of your inner being, you become realigned with the power and understanding of TRUE PERCEPTION.   The remembrance that all of life is part of the ONE GOD MIND.  You see yourself in all others. The SELF becomes fully realized as the great I AM.  You begin to live from the space of your Super Heroic Higher Self. And once again, you become your brother's and sister's keeper.  Suddenly, the manner in which you wield the power of FORGIVENESS is transformed.

As it so eloquently states in the book God I Am, "This is what is meant by remembering God, or the truth, for one's brother.  He gives his brother's separation away, therefore he forgives!  This is the true and only meaning of forgiveness.  Forgiveness, as it is commonly seen, first establishes guilt and then pardons it.  Again, perverted truth, twisted by the Ego's Law of Reversal.  Now true perception has the exact same effect, although it is still a step away from Oneness.  It is still cognizant of separation, but is no more part of it.  It stands apart from the dream. It recognizes separation for what it is: only error, NOT sin - therefore it cannot see guilt whatsoever.  Not seeing guilt, it only sees innocence.  This is True Perception's way of giving away, of forgiving separation.   This is where the miracle comes in to heal."

And what a powerfully disruptive healing process the true nature of forgiveness becomes in our lives.  It is the most effective manner of tapping into your INNER INNOCENCE.  A realm where judgement in any form vanquishes back behind its illusionary veil. And we stay steadfast in the moment of NOW. A state of spiritual enlightenment. Fully connected to SOURCE. And in our brother we see a reflection of our SELF.  And all of our co-creations become joy filled opportunities for-giving him/her back to themselves.   Assisting them in awakening from their slumber so they once again re-member who they truly are. Their authentic Super Heroic Higher Selves! Ah, what a wonderful world that would be.........

Our INNER INNOCENCE knows not any form of condemnation.  It seeks only to reunite. To see ourselves and others in pure divinity.  It showers us in LOVE BUCKETS.  It sees nothing but pure potentiality with 20/20 vision.  What the EGO hoards, it gives away freely and without expectation.  It assists us in understanding the gifts behind our former false beliefs.  By showing what we assume are wrong doings, actually light a path toward the places within us where healing LOVE and LIGHT can still be applied.

The most deep seeded form of healing comes through the use of our INNER INNOCENCE.  For it perhaps the most powerful tool to us remind and assist us of any misconceptions from the scourge of separation.  Instead of staying in victim consciousness, we begin to build a solid foundation of courage and self confidence.  Rather than living in fear of what LIFE MIGHT DO TO YOU, this- now SELF realized you- starts to happen to life!  As best espoused in this soliloquy from the great Rocky Balboa:

"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It can be a very mean and nasty place. And I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But, it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard YOU can get hit and keep moving forward. Just how much YOU can take and keep moving forward. Cause that's how winning is done!"

And I now use the toll of INNER INNOCENCE each and every day.  It has shown me the true path toward forgiveness.  Any individuals and their 'wrong doings' toward me have been shifted back from anger and judgement toward LOVE.  Through this revelatory paradigm, many of my wounds have healed.  I receive all my fellow brothers and sisters through the eyes of ONENESS.  And am once again free to inhale their individual brilliance in all its forms.  I seek only to unite.  And awaken others to the same TRUTH..............


Start incorporating the process of tapping into your INNER INNOCENCE immediately!

Like everything else it is a process that must be nurtured.  One terrific place to start is by remembering that you cannot make a MISTAKE!  Life is not a test.  Everything in your experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.  You are something akin to a Spirit based scientist and life is the palette from which you experiment.  If something doesn't 'work out' simply learn the lesson and try again.  Transcend the catabolic energy that infuses the term "mistake" with that of a MISSTEP.  Which is "totally innocent" in nature.  BIG DIFFERENCE!  A Misstep has the same vibrational resonance as Guilt.  And guilt is a terrific teacher.  It's job is to show us the feeling attached to making a misstep.  And so we become much more eager to readjust and realign our actions the next go around.  A MISTAKE holds the same energetic offering of SHAME.  When we feel that WE ARE whatever it is that we have done.  Shame is incredibly nasty and becoming an epidemic on this planet.  The habit of shaming builds on fear, hate, and self loathing.  No way, Jose.   Homey don't play that in this dojo! 

Another suggestion is to practice the art of receiving others in the NOW.  Without any preconceived notions based on their past behavior.  Practice seeing them as being innocent in nature.  Doing the very best they know how.  You will be amazed with the transformation in all your relationships when you stop holding people in "the box" of their former selves.  

Please stop with the notion that "people don't change."  As The Flash taught his daughter Nora, it is up to all of us Superheroes to hold a space for others to transform into their own Super Heroic Higher Self! When you choose to see only the magnificence in a Spirit, you are creating a loving space for them to continue to grow and learn.  And more often than not, this co-creative process will birth the greatest version of who they really are. Right before your very eyes. And theirs!  Try it. You'll LOVE it!  I promise!

INNER INNOCENCE has the ability to transcend limitations without fear of judgment. It gives you the tenacity to tackle bigger goals and manifest MAGIC.  It holds your space in every NOW moment.   Where abundance in the form of creativity, courage, and confidence flows freely like an 'All You Can Drink' station.  So pony on up and order a few of its Cosmic Cocktails.  Happy hour is on the Universe!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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