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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, February 10, 2022




A long time friend and former boss of mine recently sent me a story about the life of an EAGLE.  At first glance, I thought to engage the information later, thinking perhaps its content was of a National Geographic Nature.  For those of you living in the greater DC area, you will recall the ‘Eagle Cam’ that ran non-stop on our local airwaves just a few weeks ago.  A camera was fixated (as were thousands of us) on an Eagle who was nesting waiting for her two eggs to hatch.  This did NOT always make for reviting TV viewing, but once the baby birds finally hatched, it was quite magical to get a secret peek into the inner lives of these majestic animals!

But I got another one of those ‘Silent Whispers’ from Spirit to watch the video she sent, right then and  there.  And so I pushed the play button and became completely transfixed on what this five minute feature shared about our National bird symbol.  In fact, I actually teared up watching and listening to how this proud and courageous animal must painfully transform itself in order to survive!

An Eagle lives on average of  70 years.  But during its 40th year, it is faced with a decision that will determine its ultimate fate.    After 40 years of using its powerful beak, strong talons, and majestic wings for its survival, they all start to wear down.  In fact, all three begin to break down to a level in which they are no longer of use to the bird to capture its prey to eat, nor fly in a proficient enough manner to survive the harsh elements in which it lives.  It is at this time the Eagle knows it has but two decision to choose from.  It can either fly to the top of a rocky mountaintop and bang its beak and talons across the sharp and rugged rock terrain long and hard enough until they break off.  The bird is internally aware that its beak and talons will grow back much stronger, but the process involved in tearing off parts of its own body is a horrifyingly painful experience.  And if that isn't enough to cause you to pause and think about this bird's courage, once its beak grows back, it must pluck out its worn out feathers so that new, stronger ones can take their place.  If the Eagle makes the decision to put itself through this jarring and excruciating experience, it will typically live for another 30 years!   It is literally REBIRTHED into a greater version of itself!  If it chooses NOT to go through this challenging transformation, it will soon die.

I thought about how an Eagle's life is such a perfect metaphor for human existence and survival.  How often we are given an opportunity to either change our mindset, belief system, or completely let go of someone we love, all for our better good.  And with it comes the transformation we so often desperately seek.  

And more importantly, how Nature gives us signs, and PROFOUND examples of how to live our lives.   I often hear from friends and my clients that they wish that they were given a guidebook on how to live a prosperous life.  And see how much fear they face, all understandable, when facing the painful choice of change.  Not to mention how challenging it can be to remain FAITHFUL when we are in the middle of a Life Storm.  And sometimes cannot fathom why they/we need to experience such pain and suffering, both physically and emotionally.  That's why I say SUFFERING is really Summoning our Ultimate Fear & Frailty Encouraging Rebirth!  Just like we are taught by the miraculous story of the EAGLE!

It is my hope and intention in sharing this story, that it will bring you a sense of inspiration and KNOWINGNESS that at the other end of whatever level of trials and tribulations, pain and suffering you may be going through, that it is because a miracle is looking to be birthed through you!  The Universe needs you to transform and let go of toxic energy and mindsets and belief systems that no longer serve you.  All so that you, like the EAGLE can be resurrected and reconnect to your Purpose as you travel along your Hero's/Heroine's Journey!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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