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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, January 1, 2022

This YEAR... It's FINALLY Time to Begin the JOURNEY Towards LIVING Your LEGEND...!

For the majority of you New Age Nerds, the past year was beyond harrowing! Seemingly daily life poundings in every form this earthly realm can dish out. Covid -19 pushed our FAITH, courage, and strength to an unfathomable level.  George Floyd cemented into our hearts and minds that BLACK LIVES DO MATTER!  The country became further torn apart by individual choices regarding taking the various Covid vaccines. Climate change continued causing horrifying storms and fires that literally decimated certain areas of the country right off of the map!! Our collective mental health was tortured through the constant isolation so many of us were forced to endure.  

I often remember feeling like I was in the movie 'An Officer and A Gentleman.' In which an officer in training, Zack Mayo, (Richard Gere) keeps taking an extraordinary amount of  punishment from his commanding officer, Emil Foley, played by Louis Gosset Jr. All so that he will quit his training and leave the military environment he so desperately desires to be a part of. 

EMIL FOLEY:  You ready to quit now Mayo!!

MAYO: (doing pushups in the mud) No sir!

EMIL FOLEY: Life sure has dealt you some shitty cards, hasn't it Mayo?! 

MAYO: I'm alright sir!

EMIL FOLEY:  Bullshit! I've done some checkin'.  I looked through your files. I know 'bout your momma. Don't you eyeball me boy!  I know your father is an alcoholic and a women chaser. That's why you don't mesh Mayo! I said don't you eyeball me boy! Because deep down inside you know all these other boys and girls are better than you are! Isn't that right! Isn't that right!!

MAYO: No sir!

EMIL FOLEY: I want your DOR. (Drop on Request- Quit)

MAYO: No sir!

EMIL FOLEY: I want your DOR.

MAYO: I ain't gonna quit!

EMIL FOLEY: Spell it! D... O ...R!!!

MAYO: No, sir! I ain't gonna quit!

EMIL FOLEY: Then you can be free and you and your daddy can get drunk and go women chashin' together!

MAYO: No sir!!


MAYO: I aint gonna quit!

EMIL FOLEY: Ok, then you can forget it! You're out!

MAYO: (screaming and crying) Don't you do it! Don't you do it!


MAYO: (still crying) Cause, I got no where else to go! I....got know where else to go!! 

From Paramount Pictures:  An Officer and a Gentleman

Because just like Zach Mayo, in addition to all the horrors we all collectively faced, unfortunately, my physical health quickly deteriorated in April. And every time I thought things couldn't get any worse, well, they did. Until, finally it was not Zach Mayo, but ME who felt I had no where or nothing else to go or try. I fell into a deep depression.To the point I even had thoughts about taking my own life;  thinking that would end all the pain. (I will save that Journey for a post later in the month)  And before you judge, let me share with you that being in that sort of physical and emotional pain is beyond comprehensible. And lest you judge me of being selfish, let me tell you -it's not selfish in any manner. Nor is it a declaration of weakness. If anything, it's a proclamation of extreme strength. Because every single moment spent in that type of tormenting hell seems like an eternity! And simply having the courage to face "another day" is a testament to one's raw inner power.  Trust me!

For even Jesus the Christ went into the Garden of Gethsemane to pray for strength prior to his capture and crucifixion. He had become deeply afraid of the path before him. And who wouldn't be?! And was scared, so he prayed and questioned GOD for another way to fulfill his Mission :

Once Jesus and the disciples arrived, Jesus drew away Peter, James, and John—His core three followers. He asked them to stay with Him. "My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with Me" (Matthew 26:38). He then went a little farther, fell to His face, and, in agony, asked God to find another way. His sweat fell like drops of blood; God sent an angel to comfort Him. We cannot know the depths of Jesus' sorrow at this time. While Jesus wept in anguish, Peter, James, and John fell asleep. 

And then one morning, I woke up and went into my living room. As I sat down, a poster of The Batman was staring me right in the face. (Most of you New Age Nerds know my spiritual totem is Batman) And then something transcendent washed over me. A skin tingling chill, riding alongside what I like to call 'the silent whisper.'  And I got the answer I needed. The vision I was holding for myself was too small. There were thousands of my TRIBE members still awaiting my help. The Universe was trying to enlighten, as well remind me that everything I was going through was for greater grit, wisdom and insight to fulfill my earthly mission. To reach the masses in a much grander fashion, I would need the courage and perseverance 2021 was bringing my way. As well as the transcendent reminder that every experience that comes into our lives HAPPEN FOR US AND NOT TO US!  Please read that last sentence again. For it may be the most important tool / understanding you will ever need for your own Super Heroic Journey!

In fact, to suffer without searching for its meaning is actually my own definition of a Sin. Thankfully, I had now received a clear understanding of every single moment spent in my own hellish pain. For favorite definition of HOPE is not in the conviction that things will turn out in the way you deemed fitting. But rather they fall into place in a manner that makes sense and offers you insightful meaning to assist you in fulfilling your life's grand CALLING! It is then when we become trusting in allowing the Universe to become our full time orchestrator! And we can RELAX INTO THE FLOW!

And so the next day, I went into beast mode! I started using metaphysical techniques and tools to mend by physical and mental health. (I will further flesh out the techniques I used next week)
I started lifting weights and put back on all the muscle I had lost throughout the year! And I began a recovery program for survivors of severe trauma. And today I can humbly and thankfully say I now feel better than I have in several years!

And then, finally, I rediscovered what I deem my INSPIRATIONAL ANGER! A trait I share with Batman. For just as he channeled all his anger into becoming a crime fighter and inspirational figure whose real message is that all it takes is ONE person to create great change in the world, (Know do ya see why I LOVE him so much) I needed to use my inspirational anger to help push through all my current pain and suffering. Most people aren't aware of the true power that is imbued within the emotion of anger. In fact, many of the greatest feats ever performed or created by man would never have come to fruition without the use of anger.  Someone or a group of people who got angry enough to get up and get moving to create a movement towards a cause of some sort.  The key though, is to USE ANGER WITH SUPREME CONSCIOUSNESS!  And by that, I mean channeling your anger and using it for inspiration, focus, purpose, strength, perseverance, and hard work! 

Because we are living in times in which everyone is searching for a SUPERHERO. Someone with the willingness and tenacity to step out amongst the masses and stand up for something that will rock this world back toward LOVE! If there is one thing I have learned these past few months, it's that it takes a gi-normous amount of COURAGE to be truly great! We have become a numbed out society that sheepishly walks along a line with very few lions left to shake us out of our slumber. And yet, when one decides to commit to this undertaking, they are often met with a vitriolic vibration. People desire change, yet most have become so attached to their comfort zones, that anything that will nudge them from their zombie like lifestyles causes a conscious chaffing. It makes them uncomfortable. And in the beginning stages, the messenger pays the price for their complacency. 

Since January of 2021 as many of you all know, I have shed much of my previous life. This includes, jobs, old routines, mindsets, and even a few friends. And then in August, I was "given notice" that it's finally my time to fully commit, in ways never before attempted, to assist others who are ready to awaken to their Super Heroic Higher Selves. And I can proudly say that I earned every damn piece of thread on my own superhero's cape. The "buffet line of life" I have endured was the perfect proving ground for my Mission! And every single challenge I have faced perfectly prepared me for exactly what I came here to DO and BE! And I could not be more grateful. All the pain and suffering was SO worth it! Yet, I am learning my job isn't about to get easier any time soon!  I have been called crazy, delusional, outta my mind. ( my personal favorite) But as they say, it is only those of us who think we can change the World, that actually do!

Because, again, it takes great COURAGE to be great! For the moment you put on that cape, you will be challenged; by family, friends, co-workers, and even acquaintances. Many individuals  are petrified to see others shine their light. Because it becomes a direct reminder that they have yet to turn their own "night light" to the ON position! Misery doesn't just love company my New Age Nerds. IT CRAVES IT! But I've had enough of these numbed out times. I'll take the lead in this charge with a potent message straight to the hearts and souls of the collective ONE MIND


At this juncture on your Superhero's Journey of spiritual awakening, you may find yourSELF slowly circling back toward your precious CALLING by re-visiting many of your pre-awakening passions. For some the list will be small but intense, yet others may find that they have collected a mountain of interests that will now serve as a blueprint toward uncovering the once in a delicious Cosmic Cornucopia of Calling's only YOU HAVE THE ABILTY TO FULFILL!  Yep! That's how important you are. Yes....   YOU!! 

Your unique mission on blue 'planet possible' is as divine as anything you may have previously allowed yourSELF to believe. Or admit. After all, being blown out of the earthly womb of creation, to once again accept your earthly CALLING can initially be unfathomably uncomfortable. Let's keep it real for a just a moment; you have been living a life utterly entrenched under the illusion of egoic SEPARATION. Feeling as though you are doing it all alone. A life that has left you weak and tired. Meandering just to eek out the ability to keep most of your bills paid on time.  Scratching each and every day, just to keep your head above the choppy waters of wisdom-less daily experience. Ultimately, leaving you feeling as a victim to your life's circumstances. Would'a, could'a, should'a starts every other one of your verbal tantrums. Both internal and external monologues of pleasure-less diatribes.  Pushing you further and further away from the TRUTH! The re-membrance that you are a tride and true SUPERHERO! A unique emanation of GOD! A heavenly slice of Universal mojo with access to super powers that would make Superman himSELF wince; in complete AWE and wonderment of your strength, tenacity, and most importantly, LOVE!

This years long constant struggle of trying to 'arm wrestle God' has undoubtedly left you bereft of strength. And yet, now, you feel re-energized. All the veils of illusion have finally been brushed away from your no longer barren brows. And chances are you have been blessed with a new, innate sense of synchronicity. As the saying goes, 'When the student is ready, the teacher shall appear.' And suddenly each movie, book, and song you come across seems to hum a similar tune. Not to mention the new found burst of opportunities that suddenly arise from folks who desire to teach, mentor, and/or coach you. 
Your once Yoda-less life becomes inundated with like minded friends and cohorts who desire no thing less than to assist you on your Superhero's Journey. 

And the life you have now left behind, in retrospect, becomes a 'scratch and sniff' outline toward the path that now stands before you. And this new found understanding will begin to unlock within you a new sense of connection to your SGS (Spiritual Guidance System). And slowly, you will begin to connect the dots of divinity. And that frown will start to turn upside down. LOL
As you realize that nothing in your previous unconscious life was pure happenstance. No! In fact, it was all providing you with the wisdom, and spiritual based skill sets that shall assist you in finding and fulfilling this mystifying CALLING you are still trying to completely uncover. 

You were never flailing about or drifting through this earthly experience after all. You were just CIRCLING YOUR CALLING. No harm, no foul! That divorce, taught you how to stand up for yourSELF! And understand that by loving YOURSELF first and foremost will always serve everyone else in the picture, just as it served you. And that illness, that brought you to your knees, taught you how to lean into your faith, until you were comfortable and trusting enough to allow your beliefs to belie any previous fear of falling- or failing. (Failure is simply an illusion. Once again, you are a divine spark of energy cut from the same spread of the One God Mind. And would you not agree, that God cannot fail. And so neither can you! Failure is simply Universal feedback. Instructive in its nature. So you can begin again; this time with much more knowledge than before.  Hoo-hah!!) We do not succeed in spite of our greatest challenges, bur rather because of them...........

Who else in this world is ready for change...
To stand for something more than just greed...
A planet that will still be standing...
When there are millions of mouths yet to feed...

Can there be more than just a few...
Who will shatter other countries sanctions ....
And keep promises sworn to protect..
Through our Super Heroic interactions...

Show me your hand, raise it strong and proud...
Through our example, so others will see 
For one day many more will be standing..
Where now its just you and me...

It will take more than heart and will to be great...
You must be willing to risk all you knew...
To forge a space for love to briskly shine...
And it will all begin with a precious few....

We've been given powers to move mountains..
To shift an entire planet from fear to love...
Yet it's ant hills on which we focus our time..
So be not afraid when GOD gives you a shove...

To become the HEROES this place now needs..
Will take more than you now know....
Thus look for the angelic helpers...
You'll know them by their heavenly glow...

It takes great COURAGE to be great...
And BELIEF in yourself to see it through..
Can't you hear the clicking of the clock...
One day soon your time here will be due....

So dare to be iconoclastic in nature...
Be a disruptive leader in all that you do...
The opinions of others will never matter...
If to thyne own self you are true....

by Jeffrey Louis Martinez

I have a deep rooted knowingness that there are many members of the New Age Nerd tribe who desire to be great. To leave a lasting legacy built on a foundation of LOVE before your time here ends. If any of you feel as though you don't fit in this world, that simply means you were never meant to. You were made to create a new one! So wake up every morning and ask yourSELF one question. 

"Today, what can I make possible for this new world!!" 

See you in the history books!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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