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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, January 27, 2022



LUKE: Look, I'm sure its delicious. I just don't understand why we can't see Yoda now!

YODA: Patience! For the Jedi it is time to eat as well! Hmm! Good food! Eat! Eat! Hot! Ha ha ha!!

Luke dishes out a serving of Yoda's stew onto his plate with rancid disgust.

YODA: Good food, huh! Good! Hmm!

LUKE: How far away is Yoda? Will it take us long to get there?

YODA: Not far. Yoda not far. Ha ha! Patience! Soon you will be with him. 

YODA: Why must you become Jedi, hmm?

LUKE: Mostly because of my father I guess. 

YODA: Father, powerful Jedi was he. Ha ha! Powerful Jedi!

LUKE: (impatient) Oh come on. How could you know my father. You don't even know who I am!

YODA: (solemn) I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience.

BEN KENOBI : (Voice Over) He will learn patience. 

YODA: Much anger in him. Like his father.

BEN KENOBI : (Voice Over) Was I any different when you taught me?

YODA: No! He is not ready.

LUKE: (surprised) Yoda?! (soft beat) I am ready! Ben, I can be a Jedi. Ben, tell him .....

YODA: (interrupting) Ready are you?! What you know ready? For 800 years have I trained Jedi! My own council will I keep on who is to be trained! The Jedi must have the deepest commitment. The most serious mind. This one, a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was! On what he was doing! You are reckless!

BEN KENOBI: (Voice Over) So was I if you remember.

YODA: He is too old. Yes, too old to begin the training!

LUKE: But I've learned so much.  

YODA: Will he finish what he begins?

LUKE: I won't fail you. I'm not afraid!

YODA: You will be. You will be!

The Power of NOW! It was what master Yoda was trying to instill in his newest pupil, Luke Skywalker from the start of his training to become a Jedi. And yet so many of us choose to reject this space of being perfectly present in every moment. It can feel overwhelming and uncomfortable to face what currently IS! It's akin to sitting in the fire of our own compassionate truth and allowing the heat to burn off the ashes of everything that is not part of our authentic selves. Especially when this process is most effective when we truly allow ourselves to FEEL that burn; deep down to our own soulful core. Yet anything worth doing, is worth doing with us being ALL IN! Ask Yoda if you don't believe me. Tell you he will the truth! LOL And you wonder why Yoda told Luke he may become fearful. He he!!

Luke was challenged to find acceptance and gratitude with the life he was living on the barren planet of Tatooine. And so his mind was never focused on the LOVE and joy he had been given by his Aunt and Uncle before they were murdered. And he carried that trauma with him and eventually left his Jedi training with Yoda prematurely to rescue his friends who were captured by the evil Galactic Empire. What we do not repair, we are destined to REPEAT!!  Re-read that last sentence again. Please! Luke found that out the hard way. Hopefully, you won't have to......  ;0)

That's why it is so utterly important for us to use the healing and transformative power of ACCEPTANCE as a way to live in pure ALLOWANCE!!  For it is only here that we spend our days living in a Divine Dance with Spirit. And where we can sip from the well of TRUST that defines the Universe itself. And we come into the Universal understanding that No Thing happens To Us; but rather THROUGH us and FOR our Highest Good!  

Later during Luke's training, Yoda teaches him the power of BELIEF! Luke is trying to raise his downed X-Wing fighter out from the swamp i which in crashed and can't quite muster the inner belief of his own Super Powers.

LUKE: We'll never get it out now. 

YODA: (disappointed in Luke) So certain are you. Always with you what cannot be done. Hear you nothing of I say?

LUKE: Master, moving stones around is one thing. This...this is totally different!

YODA: No! No different! Only different in your mind. You must unlearn what you have learned. 

LUKE: Alright, I'll give it a try.

YODA: No! Try not! Do! Or do not. There is no try!

Luke attempts to use the Force to lift his spaceship from its watery grave. But to no avail.

LUKE: (breathing heavy) I can't. It's too big.

YODA: Size maters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you. Hmmm. And where you should not!

LUKE: You want the impossible. 

Despite his diminutive size, Yoda summons the Force to lift the ship up and out of the swamp to dry land! Luke is in a complete state of astonishment.

LUKE: I...I don't believe it!

YODA:  That....is why you fail!

SUPERHERO'S IN TRAINING TAKEAWAY.  Everything in life is a PROCESS!  Including acceptance of our life exactly the way it is!  And when we do experience pain, discord, angst, anxiety, or suffering in any form from an experience that has manifested into our experience, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for us to allow these emotions time to resonate within us. For repressed emotions are unactualized spiritual lessons. Just don't allow yourself to permanently move into these houses of perpetual pain and suffering. Instead, compassionately give yourself the gift of allowing the emotion to flow through you. Just long enough for the lesson it was meant to bring forth into your life to be fully actualized. And then LET IT GO

Yoda taught Luke that fear leads to anger, and anger to hate. In the very same manner, Belief leads to Faith, Faith leads to Knowingness, Knowingness leads to Gratitude, and Gratitude leads to Bliss! BUT IT ALL STARTS WITH ACCEPTANCE OF THAT WHICH CURRENTLY IS! 

As the great German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche discerned for himself, "I want to learn more and more to see what is necessary in things as well as what is beautiful in them - thus I shall be one who makes things beautiful. AMOR FATI ( the love of FATE) : let that be my love from now on. I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse the accusers. Let looking away be my only negation. And all in all on the whole : some day I want to be a YES SAYER!"

For Nietzsche, this meant fully accepting any and everything that came into his life. Including our capacity to overcome individual pain and suffering! And perhaps more importantly, to respect our suffering enough to discern the meaning within it! Strip away these fancy musings, and once again we find ourselves looking at life through the lens of LOVE

So never be ashamed to flood this World with all the varied ways in which LOVE can be unleashed.  Manners never yet witnessed by all the special spirits who are here, now - as well as the billions of angels throughout the Cosmos who check up on us all from time to time! After all, there has never been 'another you.'  Despite the billions of special spirits who have graced our planet, not one of them has your toothy grin; creating that dazzling smile that illuminates every room fortunate enough to have shared space with you!  Not to mention the memories now forever etched in oh so many who still bask in glorious glee because of how deeply you made them laugh! Or the shallowed moments in which your gentle touch eased the pain of a pet about to make their earthly transition. Or the amazement of your Spirit Guides, who have witnessed, time after time, the precarious precipice in which you had the courage to choose LOVE over FEAR in times of suffering from abandonment or painful judgment from those you still consider friends. And the open, forgiving heart you carry as majestically as Wonder Woman carries her 'Lasso of Truth.'

You are a unique emanation of a GOD who is limitless in all ways. And thus only YOU have been bestowed with the creativity to expand the LOVE within your heart to create miracles of all shapes and sizes. All within a framework for many - or perhaps just a single soul- to grasp as a pathway for all the prayers that many always thought went unheard. So never underestimate the power you wield to change the trajectory of another's path from pain to power. Often, simply through utterances filled with compliments and declarations of how you see them in their full grace and glory! Especially when they have fully forgotten how spectacularly special they are and the reverence with which they are being held within the arms of a million angels always standing by their side......

Do in these first precious moments of 2022, please commit to being a Disruptive Force. Be Disruptive in the way you LOVE yourself and others! Be Disruptive in extending random acts of kindness and compassion! Be Disruptive in showing others the light from your Inner Superhero, thus giving them permission to shine THEIRS!  And be Disruptive in showing this world a form of Loving Service to all; the likes of which it has never witnessed before  ....

The followers of my blog know I truly believe that we are all SUPERHEROES. Yet I am often challenged with this declaration which actually energizes me. Because it allows me to fully flesh out and clarify my musings on what I declare as TRUTH....
The origin term HEROES comes from the Greek. HEROES meaning many. As in, that which I do for you, I do for mySELF. Inversely, that which I do for mySELF, I do for all others. 

It was later changed to the singular HERO in Latin. Simply put: TO BE OF SERVICE
And as far as I'm concerned ...As simple as it may appear......  THAT IS THE SECRET TO LIFE....
And to those of you who choose to challenge such a short rumination on the answer to the 'Meaning of Life," I understand. All that I ask of you, is to put that declaration into your daily routine. And then step back and watch the MIRACLES begin to flood your very existence. 
Because as long as your thoughts, words, and deeds are in congruence with this singular intention of being of service, filled with LOVE, I have complete FAITH in the experiences I KNOW will flood into your life. 
Furthermore, learning the power that comes from living in the NOW is crucial. This is the mystical path towards living life in "the flow."  It is the way of the Force. And the Force is alive and well; an all empowering SOURCE of all the Infinite Intelligence that powers and sustains all of the cosmos. 

As Yoda would say, "Use the Force always. For a powerful ally it is. Powerful ally indeed.  Yes! Yes!" And so it is!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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