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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, February 14, 2020


Anyone following my blog knows the past several years have been ripe with a series of rippling, chaotic events often sending me back down on my knees praying for relief (or further understanding) from yet another major life setback.  From one of the major health maladies that afflict my Heaven sent body, painful losses of loved ones (familial, romantic, or professional) to fiscal fiascos that have threatened my well long lasting being, it seems the Universe has been quite liberal in throwing "Divine Darts" my way! And it just so happens this year has been NO DIFFERENT! I am currently in the middle of a severe flair up from both Crohn's dis-ease and Aynklosing Spondylitis.  Both of which have not always been friendly based spiritual advisors the last 30 years of my life. To be fair, I did have a ten year reprieve from the abhorrent, devastating affects that these two ailments serve up on a tarnished silver platter from time to time. (But time is only an illusion, right!--that's for another post!) But as the preverbal saying does go, 

"To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under the sun,
A time to be born and a time to die,
A time to weep and a time to dance...."

And so dancing I will continue to do; even if it is with the tip toe dalliances from my fingers darting and dancing around my computer's keyboard! Because BEING A VICTIM to your current circumstances is akin to shunning the very reason for your life's unique CALLING! As I have professed time and time again...   NOTHING EVER HAPPENS TO YOU.......   EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR YOU! If anyone of you is still entertaining a thought of garnering a Tattoo, that last statement may very well be the most important bit of understanding worth considering to pin on your not so eternal body! Just sayin! ;0) 

Many of the soft spoken SPIRITS on this planet have long wondered the purpose for the current state of our World as well as their place within its potential demise. We all wake up every morning to a deluge of electronic information exploding with worrisome details of a World gone plunder. Too much to shield from the wonder filled imaginations of our very own children. Wild fires and gun shots here! Political upheaval there!  Underprivileged and underserved SOULS EVERYWHERE! Right?!

Yet, as THE GRAND CREATOR has promised us, (if even through nighttime whispers of dreams filled with ripe resolutions of people and places to still plant our spiritual seeds) there is a method to all this madness. For please understand that the ONE GOD MIND herSELF makes NO MISTAKES! NO THING occurring on this planet is happening through pure happenstance! It's all been perfectly orchestrated. All for the greater good! I promise! And as Tom Cruise was presented with in the movie 'Top Gun,' it's best not to write checks your body can't cash! So be rest assured that my spiritual savings are filled with discretionary income! ;0)

Although a profession few of you desire to hear, PAIN IS THE PERFECT PROFESSOR! It destresses our clouded misgivings into detailed visions of the reason why our Earthly sufferings have been bestown upon our individual experiences. Our suffering contains great wisdom. It deepens our core understanding and empathy for all things both great and small. Without suffering, we would not have the conscious connection that heightens our ability to soothe the pain of our fellow brothers and sisters. It softens our touch into soothing balms of LOVE for others to receive in their greatest times of faith bending needs!   

But PAIN without understanding is where SUFFERING goes awry! In the 'Garden of Earthly Understanding,' suffering uncovers our TRUE ESSENCE! It showers us with powerful blasts of wisdom filled rain drops that eradicate the Egoic 'MUCK' keeping us from connecting with our SUPER HEROIC HIGHER SELVES! A Super Powerful sense of re-memberance that WE ARE ALL ONE, and that while our bodies are temporary holy temples, we are all indeed SPIRITUAL BEINGS HAVING A TEMPORARY HUMAN EXPERIENCE! Our ever lasting SPIRITS are SUPER HEROIC! We all chose to manifest into the human condition to afford us the purpose of the grand expansion of our own eternal consciousness! Soul filled currency that will afford us entrance into the ever expanding Kingdom of Love! Ponder that thought the next time you doubt you own Trials and Tribulations...............    ;0)

Pain may at times 'shake you to your knees,' and as tough as this may seem, when it appears, pause for a moment to see what it needs! For pain always comes to shine a light bright as the sun. Showing us the places within that still require our individual attention. The crevices of consciousness that are still looking to become full and whole; so that your SOUL can thrive beyond measure once free from its earthly form! For our earthly struggles become most arduous the moment we look at our lives through the lens of permanence. Meaning we accept our temporary life circumstances as permanent fixtures of eternal experience. For No Thing could be farther from the TRUTH! Our current life circumstances, as challenging or excruciating as they may be, contain only temporary moments of loss, grief, suffering, and pain. And I should know. For the Universe definitely did not skimp on my own soul filled experience of LOVE and LOSS! Grief, pain and suffering. A cascade of moments allowing me to decide for mySELF if this whole damn experience/experiment was worth the effort; for if NOT, then why would I choose to slow down my own soul filled vibration to arrive on the scene of such chaos?! Not to mention the consistent pangs of pain and near torturous sufferings I have endured the past 45 years. No pain, no gain; okeedokee, maybe some days that soothes my pain, for on others, I simply feel like throwing in the proverbial white towel of surrender. I'm quite sure I'm not alone in these ruminations.....    Or am I ?!  ;0)

But it's EXACTLY when we feel as though "All Is Lost," that we must forge on! And see that the thick forest that appears before you is simply an illusion. It's NOT blocking the light; your PERSPECTIVE of your current situation is! Does that make sense. 

Meaning we don't succeed In Spite of our struggles, but rather BECAUSE OF THE UNDERSTANDING AND WISDOM their hard fought garnering brought into our ever expanding consciousness. Easy peezy?! HELL NO! Worth it?! ABSOLUTELY....    every single hard earned thread on your own Superhero's cape! For once our bodies have settled back into the earthly resin from which they came, the growth of LOVE and JOY we took away from our greatest hardships will settle into the vessels in which we use as currency in the hereafter. A cosmic 'Ticket to Ride' with absolutely NO restrictions. And you will have more than earned it! Soul infused universal lessons are indeed hard garnered accoutrements on planet Earth! But they last forever; no questions asked.................. EVER!  

So the next time life is threatening to squeeze the air from your well intentioned breathes, nearly extinguished from perseverance, KNOW THAT YOU ARE BEING USED AS A VESSEL! A twilight painting for all the world to see. A brave portrait of trust, belief, compassion, and knowingness that not one single drop of your pain and suffering is in vein!
YOU ARE HERE TO BE AN INSPIRATION FOR ALL OTHERS! And being an INSPIRATION is perhaps the greatest gift we can give and receive in this short time frame we have chosen to call LIFE! 

Just look at the global impact NBA Superstar Kobe Bryant was able to manifest during his 41 years sharing his worldly talents with our planet! While not everyone can have such a wide reaching rumination, my own father taught me how far a few acts of kindness and LOVE can go toward repairing a Planet in desperate need of UNITY! I was shellshocked during his retirement party as a Virginia based teacher who had AT LEAST ONE STUDENT FROM EVERY YEAR HE TAUGHT! He did indeed leave us all with a template on how to build an everlasting Legacy! 

For where others still see confusion, you are here to show them the calm of the storm. When they experience chaos, it is your purpose to exhibit kindness. And when this World's palette is filled with pangs of separation, may you shine your own LIGHT, as bright as the Sun, with the promise of a new day; in which the wind dries all tears, and the warmth of God's healing hands showers ALL with the understanding that from LOVE doth thee came, and from LOVE will thee return.............



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

1 comment:

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