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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, February 9, 2020

From NOW On, YOU Work For the UNIVERSE!!

Our family just celebrated the 7th Anniversary from the passing of my father, Roger Lee Poston. A man filled with NOBLE intentions brought forth into earthly, tangible form through his fervent and FEROCIOUS efforts. A spiritual being of such blinding light, his skin was double wrapped with sacred stardust; pure LOVE and guided Purpose to be a spiritual servant to the World! 

His grounded experience through 65 years on this planet was as humble as the wings of a humming bird. He never sought adulation or exhalation for his plethora of Divine Deeds. For his concerns were narrowly focused on the underprivileged and laser penetrated toward amplifying the voices of the disenfranchised. Fame and fortune were never on his personal radar, for his BEING had billions of well worn galactic miles that ensured him that such fleeting moments were filled with pleasures tickling only the egoic flesh. Pressed biochemical matter that while garnering billions of souls with a false sense of SELF, also ensured a "Big Bang" of never ending connected experiences for the SOUL filled purpose of learning, growth, and energetic expansion. A hand-held excursion to accelerate the deeply held desires of the entire Universe. Which is no-thing less than leaving the limited, esoteric version of our current "3-D reality" for the more expansive shores of life lived in the realm of a 5-D experience.  The next level of spiritual growth leading towards the ASCENSION of our Soul's Highest Potential! 

The past few weeks, I have been awoken several times in the deep midst of midnight slumber with pangs from SPIRIT. My bed becoming wrought with raspy ripples, sending my mattress shaking from the base up! Not only awakening me from a well earned night's sleep, but also causing me to seriously ponder my own mortality and the "next version of soulful expression" that awaits us all. Like the famous epithet from the film POLTERGEIST, "They're here!" became my constant companion.

It's no wonder I found myself constantly jumping out of the comforting confines of my bed, as my still awakening consciousness was trying to comprehend the "What, How, and If's" that these near supernatural experiences were trying to show/teach me! 

And then, one evening, deep into these nightly experiences, the message became as clear as conscious crystals! SPIRIT had a message that required immediate expression. The constant night filled shaking of my bed was akin to the prerequisite shock of 'Awe and Wonder' that is currently required to awaken us all from our deep slumber! The daily slog of living lives of unfulfilled promise and purpose no longer serving anything or anyone! 

And I could honestly feel my own father's uniquely softened voice whisper to me. And upon retrospection, it suddenly made perfect sense. A spirit that was so intent on being of supreme service during his short 65 years amongst us was the perfect emissary to deliver a message for all the World to hear! And my daily mantra during Morning Meditation is always  "Lord, allow me to be a vessel."  Another little tid-bit to gnaw upon; DO NOT only watch what you wish for, KNOW that it's already on its way. But rarely will it be wrapped in the packaging of your limited 3-D consciousness!  Not to be the bearer of hastened news, but the Universe does not have any Return Policies...  Just sayin....    ;0)

Just to let you all in on a little "Secret," (LOL) but while you may be able to temporarily dodge your collective Purposes, the Universe is ALWAYS watching! Never to judge your progress, but rather just the opposite. To see what you may need to fulfill your very reason for manifesting into the human condition on a planet still under the influence of a 3-Dimensional consciousness. Which in the most basic of terms means living under the guise of SEPARATION. The Great Illusion of All Ages! That in any way, shape, or form, we are separate entities. Rather than the re-membrance and acceptance that WE ARE ALL ONE!
And that our current primary MISSION is to awaken from our deep spiritual slumber to the realization that we all draw upon ONE GRAND CONSCIOUSNESS! While our bodies are indeed sacred temples, they are simply the carriers for our Super Heroic Higher Selves! The temporary housing for our eternal and true essence! Beings of pure LOVE wrapped within Stardust Skin!

And that given such understanding, we are absolutely LIMITLESS IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE MANNER! For once we awaken to our infinite inheritance, there will no longer be any desire for competition; or the hoarding of any form of abundance. For we shall forever re-member that what I do for you, I do for mySELF. And that which I do for mySELF, I do for you! The true meaning of being a SUPERHERO! For we are all EMPLOYEES OF THE UNIVERSE! Light workers who agreed to manifest upon this very planet to assist in the grand expansion of its consciousness into the eternal understanding that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  And that the ultimate answer to every question is .......     LOVE!

For the great majority of us, the path toward assuming the role of a "Lightworker" is NOT a straight, upward climb. There are certainly more zigs and zags than we ever could have imagined. Perhaps that is why so few of us answer the soulful ring that illuminates us to our Earthly Mission that often comes at the most inopportune time. After all, "comfort zones" feel so damn good, right?! And yet, our true life CALLINGS rarely come at the time of our choosing. This is not because the Universe is a trickster, playing games with our precious earthy experiences. Oh contraire mon fraire! In fact, it's actually quite the opposite. 

The Great and Grand Creator often sends us the reminder of our Earthly mission in one of two ways. The first being when we have finally succumbed to the life experiences of acquiring the "quick hits" of materialistic pleasures. The "easy button" life per se. When we finally believe we have figured out the rules to the game of Life. But these accoutrements often come with a costly price. That being the compromise of living the soulful calling of the purpose filled life we all came here to complete in earnest. We slowly start to succumb to the external successes that are all around us. Fancy cars, houses, clothes, vacations, and "bling" filled jewelry that have become a status statement of a success that only fills the EGO! Now please don't misconstrue this post's intentions. There is absolutely NO THING that should stop anyone from living an abundant life filled with the grandest visions of all this earth affords us all! But if all these "pleasures" come at the expense of completing our life's true calling, then we will forever be stuck in a vortex of accumulating "things."  A Yellow Brick Road to a materialistic "OZ" where there is NEVER enough to fill the hole in our hearts and souls. It's the EGO's way of tricking us into believing that the path to eternal happiness is by the accumulation of materialistic trinkets that will soon turn back into the very form of dust from which they were formed. 

The second delivery system comes just as our life starts to become stifling in every manner. The "jobs" that start to feel like hell bent internment camps; sucking the life from our very veins in every manner imaginable. The relationships that no longer serve us, and the dreams once carried safely within our hearts start to find another place to call home. We begin to feel that our lives have become a vortex of never ending "wrong way" posts that seem to forgo ever showing us the way back to the eternal salvation of peace, joy, and love we so desperately desire! Sound familiar?! ;0)

I have learned that life's greatest gifts often come wrapped in packaging that does not resemble anything you had planned for.  And so very often we miss the blessing that the gift came to bare.  That's why it is so crucial to live in the NOW.  For it contains the heaven sent PRESENT devised and designed just for you;  for your continued growth and understanding.  To allow you to develop the Super Heroic skill sets that will be needed in order to fulfill your own CALLING.  Too often, we stay stuck reliving the past.  Or projecting out toward the future.  And then all the gifts pass us right on by.  Please do not do that!  Your TRIBE is still waiting for you.  You came here to be THEIR SUPERHERO.  And I know you don't want to let yourself or any of them down, right?!  ;0)

However, that is simply the very beginning of spiritual living under the guise of a 5th Dimensional reality. For many of you, the discourse in today's post may feel a tad uneasy to your current sense of consciousness and inner belief system. AND THAT IS ABSOLUTELY OK!! I will try my absolute best to soften the spiritual blow of what and where the UNIVERSE is desiring us to BE-COME

The very reason our Planet is slowly dying has to do with the manner in which we are not only treating each other, but the horrendous acts of disrespect that are ensconced with our daily co-creations with Earth! We have all been blessed with an energetic playground that when given the opportunity, imbues our collective consciousness with deep impressions of nature's direct blessings of awe and astonishment. Yet we treat Mother Earth as though she is a second rate citizen. Shunning her from our LOVE and Conservation. As if she can take our daily brutal beatings forever! Do you not understand that this planet and its precarious state is no thing less than a direct reflection of who and what WE ARE BEING! Which is oh so sad....   Don't you think?!   

So the next time you hear someone utter the  words "Stop and Smell the Roses," it just may be the exact healing balm that your SOUL is requiring to continue its path of blossoming into the Greatest Version of It's own Potentiality! As well as a call toward supporting a new conscious effort to respect all beings (especially the very planet WE LIVE ON) with the upmost sense of dignity and LOVE! For there are NO coincidences in this realm. ONLY OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH! 

Deep ridden political discourse, the resistance toward breaking down barriers of understanding, and the insidious connotations that stem from an "IF I WIN THEY LOSE" mentality are slowly chipping away at the very fabric that our forefathers wrought and laid their very lives upon. It takes more than just a great deal of courage and intestinal fortitude to forge through a "mass hysteria" that still buys into a world binded together from a base belief in SEPARATION! How can we possibly come together in UNITY when we continue to act as if we are in any way, shape, or form superior to our fellow brothers and sisters!! Blood lines are not simply "thicker than water," they are the very essence that connects every single living entity on this planet! 

We are currently being called to become something greater; something that can encompass the unlimited levels of service, joy, compassion, and LOVE that are a very part of our birthright. Despite the various versions of outer experiences that are unescapable to our current life visions, we were born to be ONE UNIFIED EXPRESSION OF LOVE! No- thing less......no-thing more.........   

We are all "Legends in the Making." It's our very birthright to be Iconoclastic Innovators! And as Superheroes, we have the super powers to be forcefully disruptive in a world that desires to be awoken from its deep slumber. Showering each day with LOVE BOMBS of spiritual "shock and awe" is our collective purpose on this planet! We knew the nominal norm was no longer serving our highest good. So we are here to LOVE this world back into the LIGHT

There is a wonderfully transformative book by Steve Taylor called ‘OUT OF THE DARKNESS’.  He  covers the topic of acceptance in such a beautiful manner, such as in this passage, “I discovered a similar phenomenon when I wrote my book which examines how difficult and dramatic events can sometimes have a positive and transformative effect.  Some of the people in the book underwent transformation after being diagnosed with cancer, bereavement, losing everything to alcoholism, being disabled or suffering from severe depression, and so on.  They found a new spiritual strength inside themselves, felt a new connection to the world, and to other people. A new sense of purpose and meaning.”  But he discovered these transformations ONLY occurred after each individual completely and utterly made peace with the events in their life and ACCEPTED ‘that which now is’.
By letting go and surrendering to the present moment, and accepting it as being exactly where you are NOW supposed to be, can be one of the most powerful practices anyone can incorporate into their spiritual life.

But it is so important to be kind, compassionate, and patient with ourselves through this critical process.  It is not easy. It certainly was not for me.  And it takes time.  And often assistance from our TRIBE, friends and relatives who can hold a space of love and healing for us, until we are strong enough to do it for ourselves.  That is what got me through this arduous process and completely back on track with my passion and PURPOSE!  And saying the Serenity Prayer, daily.  ‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.’

For what we resist will persist, and what we look at eventually melts away..... And I think we can all agree....   any and all barriers toward LOVE must become illusions from the 3-D world...as we rise together into a 5the Dimensional reality in which we KNOW, WE ARE ALL ONE~~~



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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