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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Proof POSITIVE That YOU Are A MIRACLE Makin' Machine....!

The official definition of a MIRACLEa surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.

This past Friday morning began on a similar daily note of gratitude; with a heaping side order of knowingness that I didn't manifest into the human condition to allow life to happen to me. No 'Siree Bob!' Like a steely, gracious galactic gladiator, I came here in order to HAPPEN TO LIFE! To punch a gaping hole in the sky with a billion buckets of LOVE! All with the pure intention of restoring the natural flow of expansive growth from the 3rd to the 5th Dimension that the Universe now desires and declares as our next collective evolution toward pure BLISS!  That's just how I roll! ;0) 

Little did I know, that on this day, the Universe had more than a simple magic trick up its spiritual sleeve. I'm always one to ask the Grand Creator herSELF to astonish and surprise me with HER magical wand of awe and wonder. And she doesn't disappoint! I've found this to be the most productive manner to create true MAGIC in my life! And let's call a spade a - well, a spell of sorts- as your every thought, word, and action creates the reality you see before yourSELF! Your outer experience is a direct reflection of your INNER REALITY!! Please allow that to sink in for a moment. For you may be able to temporarily deceive yourSELF and those around you. But please TRUST me when I say that you will NEVER be able to deceive the Universe.  Do not pass Go! Do NOT collect $200.00. NO Boardwalk or Park Place for you! (Says the Wisdom Waiter of the Universe - where else do you think Seinfeld's Soup Nazi got his inspiration - lol) 

So after an early morning visit to hit the heavy weights at my local gym, I headed back home to begin my day. One gi-normous protein shake and super supply of supplements later, I went into my backyard to pick up the leftover limbs from the eradication of a 40 ft tree the day before. Hotter than a fritter on a frying' pan, I scurried back into the cool confines of my Washington, DC based home to write my daily blog post. 

After a liberal toweled wipe down of the sweat conversing my entire body (especially before it transformed into the dreaded 'Swamp Butt') I headed straight toward the awaiting keyboard of my five year old MacBook Air. All so I could do my daily medicinal meditation of communing with Infinite Intelligence. The "Wisdom Waltz" with a dance partner who could give 'Dancing with the Stars' a true run for their mojo! A connection I constantly still yearn for even years after perfecting its delicate dalliance. 

However, on this particular morning, as my fingers began to find their appropriate place on the keyboard where so many of my daily posts had been born, the computer sizzled in a WHIZ, BANG sort of manner. And not the notes from a perfect professor, but rather the noise that shakes the conscious connection I had so adored the past 4 years into a state of utter confusion! 

WTF!! No, really, WTF!! No juice, no power, no shirt, no dice! 

For the next 45 minutes, I desperately tried to get my computer to re-boot in any fashion possible. NOTE TO SELF: External hard drives are 'Mastro's of Miracles' in this technological age of information overload! Just a quick 'word to the wise.' If you don't have all your precious programs backed up by an external device, run, do not walk, to your nearest hardware haven of protection! And get that data nailed down pronto! Thank me latah gatah!  ;0)

Within an inch of the 'Grinch' who stole Christmas, I grabbed my computer and swiftly headed to the nearest Apple Store. I had already prepared mySELF for the nasty news that might be uttered from the alcoholic free zone of the Apple Genius bar. And after nearly an hour of trying to recisitate "My Precious," I was bluntly given the final proclamation! 

"Sir, your computer is completely fried! If you have three hours, we have an opening for one of our data specialists to remove the hard drive and see if we can possibly save any of your data. But, its a long shot and so expensive, it may not be worth the effort." 

"Exqueze me, ah baking powder! Come again!" I snorted.  

"Might be time to start thinking of your next computer," the 'Genius Officer' at the "GENIUS BAR," softly ushered. 

"Really, bra! Um, not exactly what I though a frickin' GENIUS was going to offer me as emotional support!" I shot out. 

To be fair, I was freaking out! After all, every single piece of important information I had been hoarding the past five years seemed to be eternally lost! Perhaps in the same unknowable Universe that steals your socks and underwear from the weekly wash! Feel me?!

But it was at that precarious moment that a true MIRACLE was about to be born into my personal experience! I slowly closed the computer screen and oh NOT so softly began to tune my personal SGS (Spiritual Guidance System) into direct communication with SPIRIT/SOURCE/INFINITE INTELLIGENCE! 

I was beyond resolute that I could, not unlike LAZARUS in the bible, literally bring my computer back from the dead! The key ingredient here my fervent followers of the New Age Nerd is KNOWINGNESS. I didn't think, believe, or wish for this to occur. HELL TO THE NO!!! Just as Morpheus ushered the truth to NEO in the MATRIX, you must not follow the path, but KNOW THE PATH!! Big difference.....................   TRUST!

And so I immediately went into full out communal mode! As I walked back to my SUV, I started to connect with the ONE GOD MIND. Slowly, softly and with delicate intention. At first! The subconscious mind, while 30,000 times more powerful than the conscious mind, it only 'comes to life' when wooed with utter awe and wonder! Like any spiritually attuned suitor, it must be coerced with utterances of pure BELIEF that it is being used for purposes of LUSCIOUS LOVE!! The very reason for its BEINGNESS.........  For when that form of "Purpose and Power" is fed to its hungry heart, the results are truly OTHERWORLDLY!! 
For it is only then in which the most outrageous of your inner desires become manifest into tangible form! And you will no longer have to believe in MAGIC! For you will come to understand that YOU ARE MAGIC! In fact, in time, you will come to know that you are not just a drop of the ocean of Universal Miracles;  you are THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE IN A SINGLE DROP! Please read that last sentence one more time............  ;0) 

So as I opened the door to my ride home, I placed the MacBook Air onto the passenger seat. And began to meditate. I not only asked, but began to DEMAND that SPIRIT work through and as me! I began to renounce any form of FEAR, and called on the energy FORCE/SOURCE that governs the entire pulse of the MULTI-VERSE! 

I saw mySELF in my home office, pounding away at the very computer that had just been pronounced as completely fried by the so called "Geniuses" at the Apple Store! I used the power of my imagination to carve out every conceivable detail of this new reality I desired to manifest in pure, perfect tangible form! I simply refused to be in allowance of any resonance of EGOIC energy to permeate this vision! 

"I am ONE with the Force, the Force is within me! I am ONE with the Force, the Force is within me! I am ONE with the Force, the Force is within me!" I declared with a fervent intention as I placed both my hands on the closed top of the computer for 30 seconds.

As I opened my eyes, I slowly lifted the screened end of my MacBook Air. With complete, resolute certainty, I pressed the Start-Up button.  And the computer instantly began to light up and load all the data from its presumed 'dead' hard drive!! In fact, it started up all of its pre-programmed data twice as fast as it ever had in my previous five years of ownership! 
I KID YOU NOT! And three days later, (now backed up with a newly purchased external hard drive thank you very much) the computer is working better and faster than it ever did pre-destination 'dead zone.'


WOWSARight?! My message today is that just as Jesus The Christ stated after any of his earthy Miracles, "This and so much more, one day, you too shall do," each and every one of you precious souls are MIRACLE MAKIN MACHINES!! If you only knew who walked beside you at all times, there is absolutely nothing you would be afraid of! The Universe has life completely, 100% rigged in your favor! Even if at times, it FEELS the complete opposite.  That's totally okeedokee! 

Always be in full allowance of your feelings. For not only are they the guideposts to your SOUL, but repressing them only denounces the very spiritual lessons they came to bare!  Once your feelings eventually match up with your desired reality, it's totally off to the races! And you will come to understand that you can literally 'Bend Reality' to your very preferences of desired circumstances! And your life will never feel or be the same again.....
For as my story of bringing a piece of spiritual software back from the dead proves, you can do the EXACT SAME THING! I promise you............ Oh the wonders hiding just beneath the realm of what you choose to believe is possible for you to create....   Re-member, what you 'PAY' attention to eventually becomes your reality! When you 'PAY' attention to anything, you are literally buying that very experience. So please begin to choose wisely what is on y0ur weekly spiritual shopping list! 

As I have stated before, the Universe is currently desiring a grandiose form of expansion! Which requires all of us SUPERHEROES to DO and BE our part in this Mission Possible! It's an arduous task, but also one that will give all of us the great challenges we so crave and live for. If you're here, NOW, it's because you were "TAGGED IT" by the The One God Mind! Many were asked, and yet very few were willing to answer this Galactic Beacon Call! But all of us currently traversing the planet said "HELL TO THE YES! I AM -  SO IN!" And so it is, as it ever shall BE!

So I lovingly urge all of you New Age Nerds to grasp the TRUE PERCEPTION that is right before your energetic eyes! Time is a precious gift in this realm. And "time it is a ticking for us all." So there is now 'NO TIME' to waste. Your wings are ready. It is time for you to soar to heights previously unimagined and thus not held in a space of your own allowance.  The sky is NOT the limit; it's just the beginning! BOOM!

So now, go and spread the "Great Word," to all ready to receive it. And start to gently and lovingly nudge those who are not yet awakened. Trust me, they will eventually re-member who they really are and LOVE YOU FOR THE JOLTPromise! ;0) And their favorite band will become Aerosmith because as they sing, "I just don't want to MISS a thing!"  And miss a thing they will not if we start to DO and BE what we promised.  Which is of course, no thing less than being of loving service to ourSELVES and all others! Keep it eazy peezy por favor! K?! Simple, but deep! Always........ Simple, but oh so very deep!

So go deep within and trust what you FEEL! And pray (a prayer is an energetic thank you note to the Universe) for the KNOWINGNESS of this great adventure! And YOUR part in it! Warm up them vocal chords and start to belt out your own unique "Heart Song!" Re-member, you incarnated with a Soul Pod. And many of them are still searching for you. And you for them! So please DO NOT allow anyone to tame your freak flag. As Freddie Mercury from Queen taught us, becoming a LEGEND requires you to BE unapologetically you. Be weird, unique, and especially NERDY! (wink) Your Soul Tribe will NEVER miss you that way. 

RELAX and KNOW that we are already well on our way to this "New Earth." In Tuesday's New York Times, there was an awesome article declaring that the Universe is expanding more rapidly than ever believed possible!! See! IT HAS BEGUN!! Heck YES it has!!! Wooo yooooooooo.............

So my suggestion is to stop being afraid.  Re-member from the post earlier this week, your best friend is Frankie FEAR! You CANNOT fail. Failure is just constructive FEEDBACK from the Universe. The world is completely rigged in YOUR favor! ALWAYS! And Frankie is just a loud mouthed bestie who is showing you all the places to go so that you can become a fully self actualized version of your Super Heroic Higher Self! It's that simple! So no more "One Dayer" mentality. Your day is NOW! Everything has been put into its magnificent imperfectly perfect place. All so you can joyfully PLAY in this matrix of energy that can be bent and twisted beyond the reaches of time and space to create ANY REALITY YOU SO DESIRE! How frickin cool is that?!

Again, no pressure. But the entire galaxy is watching. In complete awe and astonishment of what we chose to come here to BE and DO! Ok, I gotta scoot. Tons of fellow peeps to be of loving service to....... 5th Dimension Here We Come!!



Jeffery Louis Martinez

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