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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, October 19, 2019


One my own Super Hero Journey's toward self actualization first started coming off the heels of an 18 month recovery from SEVERE CROHN's disease.  I actually had the hospital priest tell my friends and family to say their good byes to me as I was oh so very close to passing away on more than one occasion.  Pretty serious stuff for a 27 year old to confront.  I have fleshed out that Journey in the very beginning posts of THE NEW AGE NERD BLOG, for those who care to learn more about that ordeal and how it shaped me and my life's CALLING!

When I was finally released from the hospital, there was no going back.  I simply could not live a 'surface' filled life any longer.  I mean, how in the hell could I.  I had just looked at my own mortality straight in the fucking eye and stared him down like the Wounded Warrior I later realized my trials and tribulations had transformed me into!  Because as I have stated time and time again, No Thing in life is ever wasted!!  Everything that you experience in this realm must be accepted as a precious gift.  And please do not think that I would immediately solicit that suggestion to someone who had just lost a loved one, or been the victim of a horrific tragedy such seems to be way to commonplace in our given times!  But after the process of accepting the pained suffering that has befallen them, take a close look at ALL the examples of people who have used their pain to fuel their passion and purpose!   Like a family I know in Austin , TX whose young son drowned in a local pool!  Absolutely as horrific and trying event as one can possibly perceive.  I prayed for them every day for a year.  But after they gave themselves the dignity of their own process, they started a foundation that educates parents on that friends and family members can incorporate a myriad of different types of precautionary examples to avoid such tragedies from happening to them.  And shifts in consciousness that turn 'pain into your passion and purpose' is perhaps the most INSPIRING way to shed a light on others who are still trying to find their way after experiencing a gut wrenching event and/or loss.............

So why am I starting today's post with all this seemingly disperate information.  Because life can be BRUTAL!  Even a spiritual teacher like myself cannot escape that truth!  That's why the self help industry is a MULTIBILLION dollar industry.  Because we are ALL trying to find a way to navigate this experience not denying our pain and missteps, but after learning from them, putting their BLESSONS(Lesson plus Blesson) into productive ways to make this life EVERYTHING it was always mean to be!  

Coming back to my first ignitions into this world of self realization, I Re-member thinking to myself, "Success must leave a trail, and I am going to dedicate myself to find out and follow that trail to see if it leads me to my own WIZARD OF OZ!! And ya know what, it has not only led me to him/her, it has assisted me in blowing past any form of limited belief or self sabotaging long term thoughts and actions that would deter me from fulfilling my own CALLING and MISSION that I was sent here to complete!!

And along my own 25 year Journey, I have had more than my own set of setbacks, heartbreaks, loss, pain, and suffering!  Because, hopefully you have come to understand that all of that is a necessary part of our own growth.   And without it, there is absolutely NO WAY we could complete our own individual CALLING!  I hope you are feeling me on this!!  Because in the some  3,500 pages I have written over the past four years, there is nothing I have ever written that is more aligned with Universal TRUTH than what I have just espoused!!  

So for those of you fellow NewAge Nerds who are still reading because you would like to know what the 5 Things All Super SUCCESSFUL people do, you are in luck, because here they are:

1:  All successful people understand the difference between wishful Thinking and using their Super Powers of putting their plans into ACTION!!  

Have you ever come across someone who is always espousing some deep rooted experience they so desperately desire to manifest into their life.  Yet year after year, nothing changes.  They still have these incredible sounding plans for making their dreams reality.  I know I have MANY people I know fall into this category.  And it can at times be rather gut wrenching to witness.  Because for a myriad of reasons, their dreams end up in the graveyard of misfit manifestations that will NEVER EVER come to fruition!  Action favors the BOLD and those who COMMIT to bringing their DREAMS into reality!   

2.  Successful people realize the importance of investing in themselves.  

They KNOW that investing time, energy, and money into their own growth will reward them ten fold!!  Unsuccessful people will come up with a hundred different excuses why investing in themselves is a bad bet!  Yet, eventually, they will only experience the exact opposite.  Because super successful people NEVER stop learning.  They never stop reading, taking classes, and surrounding themselves with others who can only enhance the skill sets they have already built!

3.  Successful people realize that there is no such thing as a free handout.  

They know that there is a fair payment that much be exchanged in this earthly realm with others in order to get what you desire.  

Instead, they: 1) understand that they have something important and valuable to offer in any situation, 2) are willing and happy to share something helpful in return for what they want, and 3) if they can't return the favor, they offer to pay it forward in meaningful ways to other individuals who are in need in the future. In short, they treat others exactly as they would hope to be treated. 
Successful people are respectful, resourceful, curious, competent, tenacious, and they figure out how to get the help they need without asking for handouts. That doesn’t mean they don’t seek assistance when and where they need it , or make use of the many free resources available to them (like Score.org, etc.). It means that they don’t expect something for nothing. They recognize their own value. They treat others equitably and fairly and know they deserve the same. 
Courtesy of Kathy Caprino....

4.  Successful individuals realize that there ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS MISTAKES!!!  

They refuse to live in victim consciousness and truly believe things happen FOR them rather than TO THEM!  BIG DIFFERENCE!!  They aren't afraid to play BIG and know that every misstep they make in life is their greatest teacher! In fact, they embrace their daily missteps because they know that without them, they are not growing.  And even more importantly, they know that it is through their missteps that they gain the exact gifts, talents and skill sets that are absolutely needed to complete their life's CALLING!  So everyday they make sure to FACE THEIR FEARS!!  Because they know without hesitation that everything they desire in this life IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THEIR GREATEST FEARS!!

5.  The super successful understand the power of having healthy boundaries.  

To quote another on of Kathy Caprino's lovely quotes, "Successful people know what matters most to them – their priorities, values, concerns, and their mission and purpose."  
They develop a skill set that allows them to discern between what thoughts, beliefs, and actions are in alignment with what their CALLING on Earth is and never sway from those vibrational offerings!!  Because they are consciously aware that their root Purpose is BEING OF SERVICE!!

I'm sure my beloved group of New Age Nerds have many more attributes that lend a Light to what makes the Super Successful, well, forces to be reckoned with!  
But I truly believe this is a wonderful start to add to your daily arsenal toward becoming someone who both INSPIRES and reaches the heights of leaving a LASTING LEGACY for all of us to share......

Jeffery Louis Martinez
For more information on coaching with me 1 on 1
please email :  jeffmartinez@thesuperheroscoach.com

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