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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Myth Magic Blissful Boost: CONTACT...!

In the radiantly explorative 1997 film Contact, Jodie Foster plays an inquisitive astronomer named Dr. Ellie Arroway. After losing her fellow scientist of a father at the tender age of 9, she becomes a lonely orphan.  Eventually, her other worldly talents become poured into an obsession with trying to continue her late father's work. Becoming a beacon of belief in the possibility of intelligent life behind our own Universe.
After she and her fellow team of like minded SETI scientists discover radiant evidence of possible extraterrestrial life beyond our small minded scope, she becomes driven to make "first contact" with whatever form of intelligent consciousness that may be lurking beyond the understanding of our own limited beliefs in a Universe of unlimited possibilities. 
Testifying before the US Conrgess, she pleads her case for the potentially unplausable experience she underwent as the first member of the human race to make a true connection with a potentially conscious life form not of this planet.  One that would alter our own paradigm shift of a long held belief system forming the possibility of potential life well beyond our limited scope of understanding.
Senator: You come to us with no evidence, no record, no artifacts. Only a story that, to put it mildly, strains credibility... Are you really going to sit there and tell us that we should just take this all on faith?
Ellie Arroway: Is it possible that it didn't happen? Yes. . . . As a scientist I must concede that. I must volunteer that.
Kitz: Then why don't you simply withdraw your testimony and admit that this journey to the center of the galaxy, in fact, never took place?
Arroway: Because I can't. I had an experience. I can't prove it. I can't just explain it. But everything that I know as a human being, everything that I am tells me that it was real. I was given something wonderful, something that changed me forever: a vision of the universe that tells us undeniably how tiny and insignificant and how rare and precious we all are. A vision that tells us that we belong to something that is greater than ourselves, that we are not - that none of us is alone. I wish I could share that emotion, that everyone, if even for one moment, could feel that awe and humility and that hope that I felt, but... that continues to be my wish.

From Warner Brothers : CONTACT


Strained credibility, while protecting us from charlatan theatrics, also inhibits our own magical and personal experiences of the awesome, wondrous beliefs of this more than "Magical Universe." Too many of us have slowly succumbed to the Soul numbing understanding that this short lived Earthly experience is both the beginning and ending of our individual reality! 

Thus shortcoming our shared collective consciousness on two fronts. The first being our own extraordinary place and pleasure in stretching our own energetic essence during our precious time here on Earth. More importantly, the second, encompassing the contribution of individual hard fought and unique Super Hero's Journey that blends new found wisdom with the desire of sharing this enlightening  loving understanding with the "collective whole."

I've had my own "expansive experiences" during my personal Super Heroic Journey. And sharing some of them have only further dampened and caused a deep questioning of my own mind filled sanity. 

And I have the succinct feeling that I am not in the minority on this topic. 
The way the Universe communicates with each and every one of us is absolutely magical and unique! This cacophony of communication may come in the form of synchronicities, or signs from not only our burgeoning  media, but from using meditation towards tuning into the power of our subconscious mind! We are truly all MIRACLE MAKING BEINGS!! If we simply BELIEVE

Simply tune into the nightly TV news for a brisk 5 minutes. In such a brief exposure to what is unfolding outside your own protective window just might shake you to its soulful core. I believe you will experience a World run amok with a political system running sans absolutely NO checks and balances. And such a paltry lack of sufficient health care (especially on the mental illness front) that is causing a severely fractured Nation of disillusioned individuals with nowhere to turn to receive the assistance that is their very birthright! We are continuing too numb ourselves through materialism, drugs, and alcohol as a way to circumvent an emotional world gone awry. While I am in NO way against the expansion of technology in ways that bring us together and ease the manner in which we navigate our ever expansive Earthly experience; doesn't it feel as though we may have "jumped the shark" in the process?!

Wouldn't you be more interested in breaking free of such anarchist paradigms and begin to accept a new belief system about the truths of what our world deems as esoteric in nature?! For deep "contact" is the key to our collective expansion! 

In one of my favorite personal books, Bringers of the Dawn, by Barbara Marciniak, she channels the brilliant discourses of the Pleiadians. She credits her sister, Karen, for the assistance to connect to this Universal compendium of energy that becomes the core components of this "must read" book! 

Just as Jodie Foster's character in the film CONTACT, this book offers  a different way for us to believe in the possibility of what exists beyond the window pains of our own heart and souls! As is explained in this extrapolation within this transcendent tomb:

"It's not that you don't know how to feel, it's that you are afraid of your feelings. You don't know what to do with them when you feel them. They bring up a feeling of powerlessness within you, so you associate feeling with a sense of, " Oh no, I blew it." You have boundaries in your belief system that states that when something comes up that is emotional and brings pain or anger, than it is not good. It is time to stop tiptoeing around things and avoiding our emotions."

"Through your emotional body you are connected to your spiritual body. You may want to bypass something that is difficult, yet you have to feel your way through it."

"You want to sweep difficult things under the rug and say."I don't want to do this, " when the difficult things are your gemstones. Look at the boundaries you have set up, and instead of swearing at them, simply observe them and see if you can discover how they came about. See what purpose they served-what grocery store you shopped at when you bought those times.......   And you must learn to love your emotions. As long as you describe something as difficult, you are making it difficult."

"Get clever. Next time you come into one of these emotional situations, say to yourself immediately, "Alright, I know what is going on; I'm not getting caught on this one. I know there is something for me to learn, and something for me to change. I believe I am being guided and that I am following a blueprint, so I will check out what is in this for my not judging it and by going with the flow. I request that all my changes come in joy and safety and harmony. So I will go with this energy and see what is changing for me and what I need to give up."

While the film Contact may offer us an expanded viewpoint of our individual beliefs in the makeup of the Universe , it more importantly showers us with a devout undertaking of the importance of seeking out our individual TRUTH! And expounds on the power of personalizing our own spiritual beliefs with the understanding that by honoring what feels true to us, may just resonate with many in our 'Collective Consciousness." 

Go deep within and trust what you FEEL! For feelings are truly the guideposts to the SOUL!  And pray (a prayer is an energetic thank you note to the Universe) for the KNOWINGNESS of this great adventure! And your part in it! Warm up them vocal chords and start to belt out your own unique "Heart Song!" Re-member, you incarnated with a Soul Pod. And many of them are still searching for you. And you for them! So please DO NOT allow anyone to tame your freak flag. As Freddie Mercury from Queen taught us, becoming a LEGEND requires you to BE unapologetically you. Be weird, unique, and especially NERDY! (wink) Your Soul Tribe will NEVER miss you that way. 

And you will NEVER miss out on "Contacting" those special spirits that came to assist you in accomplishing your heart filled desires and unique, personal CALLING! 

And that "Contact," will always begin with YOU! No teacher can enlighten you further than what you are willing to unleash from your own forgotten essence. We all need compassionate and patient reminders of who we are and why we came here. So be open always to the keepers of the light that will appear when you are truly open and ready to receive them!

May these words assist in lighting all your Super Hero's Journey's!!

Through the moon lit night....
A single Path is now shown...
Dare I step onto its glowful glare...
For the destination is unknown...

I ask Spirit for Guidance and Strength...
As I take my first move into the Night...
Heavy are the thoughts of my mind...
An internal struggle to hide my Fright...

It is then that I Re-member...
That when our Journey is at its end....
We all forge a path and must go alone....
To those before me, much Love do I send.....

Night swept Fog now blinds my way....
A silent whisper like none before....
Asks for my utter Belief and Trust...
As I traverse this foreign shore..

My sight still betrays me...
Tho I surrender to this special voice...
And brave this dreamlike vision...
For I've learned the power of choice ...

We have many gifts to light our darkness..
Yet still so many lose their will...
Giving way to all their lifelong pain...
Shouting to heaven a powerful shrill....

Perhaps this night's Journey....
Will show me that our pain is power...
Perhaps forgotten along the way...
Inspiring others with this night's swept shower...

Is this the Purpose for my dreamlike state...
To assist in my Re-membering of why I came...
A Steward of conscious spiritual Light...
Teaching others that our Path we can reframe....

As I start the process of Knowingness...
The path ahead begins to clear....
My Hero's Journey illuminates this path...
And leaves me No Thing to Fear.....

Written by Jeffrey Louis Martinez



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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