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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, June 3, 2019

Learn the MAGIC Of The Power of BELIEF...!!

Do you still re-member as a child, the magical feeling of stumbling through the house as the sun had just begun to illuminate the morning sky on Christmas morning with the mission of finding what Santa had left under your perfectly decorated tree? When the power of BELIEF was actually a natural part of your energetic essence. A "Super Power" of enlightened understanding that the World was a kind and compassionate place. More than capable of delivering not only what you desired, but more importantly, what you needed. Even though what you desired trumped what you needed at that still burgeoning period of your SOUL's unfoldment. 

And then, the hardships that may have befallen you during life's tumultuous nature damaged your most powerful "Super Power." And your BELIEF slowly morphed into a fairy tale told by individuals who were filled with ideas of "wishful thinking." A subset of spiritual souls who seemed to be hanging onto a notion of a Universe that offered up dreams of what you wanted in life. Yet much more often delivered pain filled experiences that caused you to question your personal FAITH.

Trust me when I declare that you are not alone. In fact, you are part of the major collective whole that inhabits this experience we call life! In what may appear as an oxymoron, you will NEVER acquire that which you WANT, but will more often be blessed with that which you DESIRE and KNOW to be part of your very own birth right! Let me explain in further detail.........

Did you know that you were born rich?!  And that ABUNDANCE is not a privledge for a lucky few, but rather your birth right!  And if you DO NOT BELIEVE what I just stated, that is the first energetic frequency I would suggest you work towards.  For in order to receive the unending amounts of abundant energy in all its many forms, be it LOVE, money, health, or fulfilling relationships, there is something even MORE important than Belief that must be achieved as part of your inner alignment.  And that is the highest form of vibrational energy as it pertains to manifesting our most heartfelt DESIRES.  And that my fellow New Age Nerds is KNOWINGNESS.

See if this example resonates with any of you. You have a friend who desperately desires to be in a loving, fulfilling relationship.  Yet weeks, turn into months, which pass by through many years of her/him wanting the same thing, yet their story NEVER changes.  Five years later, you see that person at an end of year Holiday party, only to hear the EXACT same story of how they were hoping that ‘this was the year’ it was going to happen. That they really WANTED to meet that special someone.  Raise your virtual hand if you have had or know at least one person with a similar ‘Story.’  I know my hand is raised high as can be!!  LOL

The Universe is made up of NO THING but pure energy.  And that energy is at our disposal whenever and however we Desire!  But in order for that statement to become a reality in your experience, you have to first BELIEVE it to be true.  And NO; wanting, wishing, or hoping JUST WON'T CUT IT!  It's absolutely essential that we realign our thoughts and beliefs into a state of pure BELIEF to access the abundance that surrounds us. It is the ‘Key to Miracles’ in this dimension.  Abundance is not something we ascertain or acquire, bit rather something that we tune into through changing our vibration into a state of ALLOWANCE THROUGH BELIEF!

We must re-member that it is our sub-conscious mind which holds our true power in this dimension. Yet most of us spend the majority of our energy on the "conscious mind" in the false belief that it contains the ability to manifest our most heartfelt desires. Yet, nothing could be farther from the Universal Truth! 

As Nido Quebein stated in his mind altering book "The Magic of Believing," "Just as the conscious mind is the source of thought, so the subconscious mind is the source of power. Also, it is one of greatest powers in human life. The subconscious mind is beyond space and time, and it is fundamentally a powerful sending and receiving station with a universal hookup whereby it can communicate with the physical, mental, psychic, and according to many investigators, spiritual words, past, present, and future, as well. The powers of the subconscious mind are many, the chief of which are intuition, emotion, certitude, inspiration, suggestion, deduction, imagination, organization, and of course, memory and dynamic energy."  Wowsa! 

However, the precious key that unlocks the otherworld power of the subconscious mind can only by accessed by those whom wholeheartedly BELIEVE in both its existence and power. Let me repeat that. THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED BY THOSE WHO WHOLEHEARTEDLY BELIEVE IN BOTH ITS EXISTENCE AND POWER! 

And that's the "Super Heroic Power" of secret sauce that differentiates those who align themselves with their own higher self, and those who spend their lives dancing with different partners who offer false claims of their potential powers. Think of your sub-conscious mind as your soulful connection to the ONE GOD MIND. Unlike "wishful thinking" it is more reliable than and FED-EX truck. 

Continuing to believe in the power of your own sub-conscious mind will ALWAYS provide you with the proper path toward that which you not only desire, but more importantly, is for the highest good of everyone in your life! And once you have arrived to your heartfelt desires, you will be able to look back and see how your own belief caused a cacophony of perfectly aligned steps that led you to the perfect moment of time you find yourSELF basking within! 

And once our confidence in the power of BELIEF within our universal space takes a firm hold upon one's subconscious mind, we can transcend into KNOWINGNESS! 

I absolutely love Huffington Post writer Nathan Dern's explanation of this Paradigm when he writes, “An authentic life is one of making distinctions about the nature of reality. Many people think that what they believe about reality and what they know about reality is the same thing, but unfortunately its not. There is a fundamental difference between believing something to be true, having faith that something is true and knowing something to be true. Believing means that you have accepted a truth, faith means that it may be true, but knowing means that you are certain about that truth. These distinctions need to be made if we wish to invite sublime possibilities into our lives. When you say ‘I believe that angels exist,’ what are you really saying? What you are implying with this belief is that you don’t know about angels because it is not within the realm of your experience. Do you believe in angels because they are appealing or because you have arrived at this truth through personal experience? Do you have faith that angels are among us or do you know for certain that they are? Or you may say ‘I am Divine’ but again what are you implying? You believe that you are divine, you apply faith to this belief but do you know for certain that you are? Is your belief based on knowing or based on an outside source?”  

Knowingness has been the single biggest factor in my most profound life changes.  In fact, it wasn't until I truly started incorporating the practice of true KNOWINGNESS into my inner vibrational realignment that my life TRULY started taking off in the direction I had yearned for what seemed like ages!   In simple terms, it is like the difference between wanting something and committing to having that very thing in your life.  One is passive and rests at a very low energetic vibrational resonance.  The other is a Kick Ass proclamation that you are prepared to do whatever is necessary to get the job done!  Does that make sense?!

In times when your own FAITH starts to crumble, re-member to tune back into the power of your own God given birthright. And it all starts with power of BELIEF!  And guess what, I KNOW without a doubt that after reading this post, all of you will start to incorporate the power of this concept into your daily spiritual practice.  Like any other spiritual principle of value, be patient with yourself.  It takes time to shift log held thought patterns that we have been carrying around with us for in some cases decades.  But I promise you that by working on shifting your inner beliefs into KNOWINGNESS, your life will profoundly shift in ways previously thought unimaginable!!  And you know what, there is not one person reading this that does NOT absolutely deserve to live the life of their most heartfelt dreams.  Let me tell ya, it feels AMAZING!  And my desire, is that one day, you too shall be creating daily miracles for yourself and others using this incredible Paradigm shift!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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