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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Learn To Live YOUR Life FEARLESSLY..!!

Ok, my fellow New Age Nerds, it's Trivia Time!  Are you game?!  Awesome!!  What is the biggest thief you will ever encounter during your lifetime??  And NO, the answer is not your ex husband or wife!  LOL  ;0)  The answer is actually quite simple.  It's FEAR!!!  That's right, not only is it the antithesis to LOVE, but it has stolen more hopes, dreams, possible life long love affairs, and miraculous manifestations than all the other pastiche of thievery in existence!  And FEAR is attached to the Ego.  And these two terrible horribles can crush a life meant for monumental feats of MAGIC!!

In fact, as many of you know, now of the most profound teachers of our lifetime, Marianne Williamson explains a MIRACLE as being a shift in perspective from Fear to Love.  So simple on paper, yet quite arduous to always put into practice without well.....lots of PRACTICE!!

I'm sure you can take out a piece of paper and write down many of the daily fears that stop your powers of manifestation dead in their tracks.  For example:

1.  The fear of not being good enough.
 2.  Fearing what others think about you.
3.  Fear of rejection from our tribe.
4.  Fear of not feeling lovable.
5.  Fear of stepping outside your limited boundaries and beliefs.

I'm quite sure I have not even begun to stretch the service of the havoc Fear brings to our daily lives.  I will step right up to the microphone and say I have not been immune to such fear based limitations. And let me tell ya, if your experience has mimicked mine in any meaningful manner, it can stop you from moving forward on your Hero's Journey all to sit  back in the comfort of your own safe place of Not Doing!  We tend to keep our dreams and aspirations in our noggin, where they are never put to the test and can remain safely tucked away in our own imagination.  Let me tell you from my personal Journey, that is a life of just surviving and NOT THRIVING!!  And I don't know about you, but life is too challenging not to Thrive!  Can I get a Hell Yes from the congregation!!    AMEN!!

  Now fear in and of itself is a built in aspect of our inherent DNA.  It is actually very useful in certain circumstances.  Our ancestors used it to protect themselves from perceived dangers in their environment.  Hello Mr. T-Rex!!  LOL  I actually love Robert Downey Jr's definition of fear.  He says that he strays not from fear in and of itself, but rather FEAR BASED RITUALS!  Meaning not allowing fear to hold him back from situations or actions that are in no way threatening to his well being and alternatively cutting him off from miraculous opportunities no matter how scary they may stretch his current sensibilities!!  Go Iron Man!!!

In a previous post I wrote about the wonderful book “Dying to be Me” by Anita Moorjani.  In this profound tomb, she fleshes out her Near Death Experience with cancer and the hard-fought lessons she learned during the whole ordeal.  The one mantra she got from her experience that she has shared with millions of fellow Truth Seekers around the world is “Live Fearlessly!”   In fact, she credits the reason that cancer began to ravage her body was because rather than simply ALLOWING her life to unfold, she used FEAR as a constant protection mechanism in most areas of her life.  In time, she believes that FEAR solidified as cancer.  Not to say that any of us should feel responsible for our maladies, BUT we are absolutely responsible TO THEM!

“ Fear is very subtle, and it can creep up gradually without our even noticing it.  Looking back, I see that most of us are taught from a very young age to be afraid,although I don't believe we are born this way.  One of the things I believe is that we are what we spend our lives trying attain, but we just don't realize it!  We come into this life knowing our magnificence.  I don't know why, but the world seems to erode it as we start to grow up.

I want to say, too, that after my NDE, things got a whole lot easier.  I no longer feared death, cancer, accidents or any of the myriad things that used to concern me...except for expanding out into the greater world!  I've learned to trust the wisdom of my infinite self.  I know that I- along with everyone else- am a powerful, magnificent , unconditionally loved , and loving force.  

T his energy flows through me, surrounds me, and is indistinguishable from me.  It is, in fact, who and what I truly am; trusting in it is simply trusting myself.  Allowing it to guide me, protect me,and give me all that's needed for my ultimate happiness and well being happens simply by being myself.  I need only to be the magnificent love that I am and allow events and circumstances in my life to play out in the way that I know is always in my best long-term interest.” writes Moorjani.

Fear based rituals are actually diametrically opposed to our natural state of being.  To experience the life we came here to treasure, we must learn to be in a state of ALLOWANCE.  Fear closes the door on the abundance that is waiting to shower us with joy and happiness.  Only staying in a vibrational energy of LOVE can keep us attuned to Source energy that carries with it our birthright of indescribable BLISS!

The biggest suggestion I can offer you on assisting a shift in vibrational frequency from Fear to Love is in  the dichotomy of Being Versus Doing.  The act of Doing is inherently based with an energy of Fear.  Because we feel we are incomplete without something and that by our doinginess, we will be complete and whole by obtaining something.  While when we pay attention to what we are BEING at all times, our energy is flooded with LOVE and Abundance.  Why?!   Because in this state you are in a vibration of complete allowance.  While we are in busy in our Doingness, we Re-member to BE kind, joyful, and grateful in the process.

I am NOT trying to say that working hard toward our goals is an ineffective way of reaching them.  For that is simply NOT the case.  It is just in our best interest to make sure in our Doingness that we are constantly monitoring what we are Being and that we are in allowance during the process.  In other words, GO WITH THE FLOW OF LIFE!  I promise you it will make your goals so much easier to attain to incorporate this paradigm into your way of manifesting your goals, dreams, and desires!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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