About Me

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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, November 8, 2016




By far, the biggest question I get confronted with as a coach is “I don't know what my purpose is!
So if this same quandary consumes parts (or even most) of your mental energy, do not worry, for YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  For yours truly was NO different.  Have a pen and paper.  Cause here is my list of variant careers I tried on, like a rented tuxedo for a friend's wedding.  READY:

1.  Television Sports Producer/Writer
2.  Television Sports Anchor
3. Co- producer of a local technology business show
4. Actor
5. Stand Up/Improv Comic
6. Print Media Sales
7. TV Media Sales
8. Mobile Media Sales
9. Podcast Media Sales
10.  Life and Leadership Coach.....   My Company  THE NEW AGE NERD

It took over 20 years of dreaming and scheming, trial and error, MISSTEPS and Fumbling through life to FINALLY find my calling and true PURPOSE!  And ya know what?  I wouldn't have it ANY OTHER WAY! I've come to understand that there is NO THING that we experience on our Hero's/Heroine's Journey that does not carry within it some form of meaning and purpose, understanding and knowledge, courage and wisdom for our PATH!  In fact, I cannot think of ONE coaching call yet in which I haven't called upon some aspect of my past Journey.  And as Victor Frankel, author of ‘Man's Search for Meaning’ so eloquently said, once we discover that our pain and suffering has meaning, life is NEVER the same!  Here, here!!  Perhaps no truer words ever spoken in my book!

Now I would be remiss to say that the Universe didn't put some pretty UNIQUE signs along my various paths all in the attempt to help me Re-Member what I came here for.  There is one particular story I will share with you that stays with me to this day.  As a constant reminder of my path and PURPOSE.

Back in 2005, when the housing market was hot as hell, a good friend of mine and I decided to learn about buying and flipping houses.  We were making great money in our ad sales jobs, and figured it was a better bet than playing Russian roulette in the stock market!  So we both signed up for one of those weekend seminars in Long Beach, CA that was supposed to tell you everything you needed to know in order to become a house flipping auteur.

During the first day, they broke us up into pairs of four as we broke for lunch.  Our group consisted of my buddy and myself, and two other seminar participants that we did not know.  One was a portly man in his late 40's, and the other was a very regal looking lady of Persian persuasion who was probably close to 50.

Given the sparse options at our epicurean disposal, we went ahead and settled on good 'ole Chili's!  No expense spared for this desperate group.!  In order to get to know one another in such a short window of time, I decided to ask the group if they would be open to sharing a story about themselves to the group.  Thankfully everyone agreed, and so one by one, we divulged our story of choice.  When it came time for our new Persian friend to espouse her particular tale, I noticed her staring very intently at me.  She spoke in a heavy Persian accent as she began to elaborate on her story.

She told us that when she was in her late teen's, she was afflicted with a disorder that no doctor could connect the dots to find its primary origin within her.  It seems she would periodically pass out with NO prior warning.  It happened several times, including while she was driving a car.  Until one day, as she was walking down her home's stairs, she passed out and fell all the way to the bottom of the basement flooring.   She weaved a tale that was absolutely riveting and had us all at the edge of our seats.  She continued on by saying she left her body and could she her father hovering over her limp body, crying.  And then, without warning, she was whisked ‘into the light.’  And it was there that she claims she saw Jesus the Christ.  His presence alone calmed her fears as he began to speak.  He told her it was not yet her time to come back HOME, and that she would soon be going back to her body.  But the previous issues of passing out would be eradicated.  And she was also to be given a special GIFT!  Jesus told her that she would have the ability to see if someone was NOT ON THEIR CHOSEN PATH.  And it was her responsibility, upon coming across such a person , to help them Re-member their TRUTH!  What a story, RIGHT!!

We were just about finished with our lunch and after paying the tab, started to leave.  When this incredible woman asked me if I could stay behind for a moment.  I told my buddy to go back to the seminar, and I would catch up with him in a few minutes.

She slowly moved in close to my body's proximity and grabbed my hands.  “Jeff, you KNOW why you are here, don't you?”, she gently inquired.  “Absolutely, ” I said, “to learn how to buy and sell real estate!”  LOL

She leaned in even closer and in almost a whisper said, “Jeff, you are here to be a spiritual teacher.  Not for the hundreds, or even thousands of people.  But for millions.”  A few tears started to well up, because deep down, I knew she was right.

So why do you not do this Jeff.  I KNOW you know your purpose.” she said.
I took a beat or two before responding back.  “I don't know if I can do it.” I said.  Tears now streaming down my cheeks.

Jeff, you have a very special Journey here.  And before I let you leave, you have to promise me  something, ” she declared.  I shook my head yes.  “You must promise me, that you will fulfill your purpose.  Do you promise me this?”

Trying to hold my emotional composure, I gave her a hug and whispered ‘YES’ into her ear.

And it took me another 10 years to FINALLY fulfill that promise.  But I regret nothing.  I wasn't ready.  There was still information I needed to collect and experiences I needed to have before I was ready to MAKE THE JUMP!  But I am now doing it.  Every day.  By writing this blog, and coaching clients.  And I am launching a weekly podcast, THE NEW AGE NERD PODCAST next month!!  And on the largest podcast network in the world, and one in which I am a Key Media Advertising Consultant for while working remotely!

My point in fleshing out this story is to remind all of you that right NOW, you are EXACTLY where you need to be on your Journey.   If you still haven't found your path and purpose, that is OK!  Just make sure that you are ALWAYS listening.   Because the Universe is always guiding you with signs and gestures of where to go.  It could come from the lyrics of the next song you hear, or in a chapter from a book you are currently reading.  But you must be ready at all times to listen for the cues!  They will come!  In a timing that is perfect for YOU!  Your job is to FOLLOW YOUR BLISS, your passions, in things you seek out.  And your purpose will eventually reveal itself to you; just PLEASE be listening!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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