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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, November 7, 2016

An AMAZING Tale About The True POWER of KINDNESS....!!!!


Tyler Durden         (FIGHT CLUB)



A FABLE......................
By Jeffrey Louis Martinez
inspired by The Power of Positivity
and my Father..  We miss you! 

In the Summer of 1997, in a small hometown hospital just outside of Richmond, Virginia, on a hot and steamy day, two strangers met for the very first time.  But their shared experience left a lasting tale of love and friendship, kindness and compassion that is still told by the faculty till this very day.  Some believe it is just an old folk tale told to keep the patients from becoming bored during their long arduous stay.  But like most tall tales, it is up to YOU to see the TRUTH in the story being told.  

You see, their bond became the stuff of LEGENDARY Magic!  And who doesn't want a little more magic in their lives?!?

This slightly run down building that housed the very sick and feeble stood a mere 6 stories tall.  But what it lacked in its external accoutrements, it more than made up for by it's incredibly compassionate and dedicated staff of doctors, nurses, and administrative team.  They truly worked as though they were ONE!  The doctors treated the nurses with dignity and a deep appreciation.  And the nurses reciprocated that care with a delicate and proactive demeanor, seemingly knowing what their team of doctors required even before they asked.  Some say the building itself was built upon an Indian burial ground, and the SPIRITS of the these loving and peaceful souls filled the hospital with their energy of peace and tranquility.  And a respect and knowingness that ALL LIFE IS PRECIOUS!  And that is what attracted the very staff that traveled from near and far to work at such an inauspicious medical facility seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

The 4th floor of the hospital kept the sickest of the building's patients.  And it also happened that the favorite patient housed within its hallowed halls resided in ROOM 404.  He was also the longest ‘resident’ having been in the hospital's care for over two years.  His name was Reginald Armstrong.  But he preferred to be called plain ole' Reggie!

Reggie was a former soldier in the Korean War and had no family left to speak of.  He was 84 years young and his heart was slowly failing him.  Yet every morning, he greeted his care team of doctor's and nurses with a corny joke.  His favorite being “How many doctors does it take to change a lightbulb?  It depends on if the lightbulb has health insurance!”  Needless to say, Reggie was looked after like a King of his Kingdom.  His one request upon entering the facility two years earlier was a bed next to a big window.  And without hesitation, his wish was immediately granted.  

Reggie was never much of a TV watcher;  no he tended to spend much of his time looking out the window.  Allowing the warm sun to pierce his still glistening skin with its rapturing touch and the breeze to help wipe away the sweat from the day's sweltering summer heat.  

One afternoon, a nurse knocked tersely at his door and made a proclamation.  “Reggie,” she said, “I 'd like to introduce you to your new roommate Gary Harrison.”  Now this caught Reggie completely off guard as he had only one previous roommate in his two year stay and wasn't quite sure what to make of his new ‘situation.’  But ever the proper gentleman, Reggie extended a warm “Welcome Gary, I don't care what the nurses told me about you, I think you are one helluva good looking man!”  This gesture instantly broke any tension in the room as Gary, Reggie , and the nursing staff all laughed in unison!

Gary was placed in the open bed at the opposite end of the room from Reggie.  And the next few days and nights the two exchanged stories, common losses and disappointments, and even a few regrets they both had kept hidden deep within their hearts for decades.  The two became instant friends and the best of roommates.  

However, Gary suffered from a traumatic back injury and was unable to sit up in bed.  The doctors ordered him to lay in a flat position for several weeks, not even allowing pillows to lift up his upper back and head.  Gary had spent his life as a true adventurer.  Hiking and biking, he even did his fair share of mountain climbing.  So to be stuck in a neutral position for weeks was pure HELL!  

So a few days after his arrival he asked Reggie for a huge favor.  “Reggie”, he asked “would you do me a big favor.  Would you share with me your daily visions from the window beside your bed?”  “I am so connected with nature.  It feeds my soul and nurtures my mind.  And without it, I'm slowly losing my hope.”

Reggie looked over toward Gary and gently said, “When I was in the military, my best friend saved my life by taking a bullet that was meant for me.  He died instantly, and I have been asking God ever since that day for me to have the opportunity to give even the slightest piece of his love and sacrifice back to someone else.  As tears started pouring  from Reggie's eyes, he shook his head and promised to share the miracles of life outside the window with is new friend from that day forward.

Never one to break a promise, Reggie shared the majority of his following days sharing with Gary the visions from outside the window.  He told him of the small lake in the distance, and the variance of birds who would flock to its outer edges to clean their feathers and cool down from the summer heat.

He shared with Gary the day a couple holding hands and obviously deeply in love strolled down the path to the side of the hospital.  And excitedly shared with him when the handsome fellow reached into his pocket, pulled out a ring, bent down on one knee and proposed to the girl by his side. Gary smiled as he envisioned these daily vistas that were being so kindly shared with him by his new friend Reggie.  And at night, before he went to bed, he thanked God for bringing Reggie into his life. For he wouldn't know what he would do without him. 

The next morning, the nurses came into Room 404 and they both started to cry.  Reggie had peacefully passed away during the night in his sleep.  They gently woke Gary to tell him the news.  It hit him like a tsunami of over whelming grief!  Reggie had given him back his HOPE.  He had single handedly relit the candle of JOY deep within his heart and soul, and now he was gone.

The rest of the day, the nursing staff cleared out all of Reggie's belongings and cleaned his side of the room.  That's when Gary tugged at one of the nurse's skirts.  “Would it be too much......if I could be move over to the window where Reggie used to be?” he hesitantly asked.  To which the nurse slowly shook her head with a resounding YES!

Just as the sun was starting to set later that day, a team of orderlies came into Room 404 and slowly moved Gary's bed over to the other side of the room, next to the big bay window that had become the creation of newfound HOPE thanks to his blessed friend Reggie's daily assistance.   

When the orderlies had left the room, Gary gently raised his one elbow to slightly lift himself high enough to see out the window.  But his entire body became fright with utter confusion.  There was nothing more than a giant brick wall standing a mere few feet from the window.  But, how could this be, Gary thought.  Reggie had shared so many transcendent moments with him.  All from scenes he caught from outside the window.  Gary immediately pressed the emergency button at the side of his bed.  A nurse came running into the room, nearly out of breath!  “Gary, what's wrong?” she inquired.

I....don't understand.  Did they just put this wall up?  And Reggie.  He used to peer out the window and tell me of the fantastic events just outside this very window.  But the only thing that I can see is a big ugly brick wall!!” Gary cried.  

The nurse slowly set down on the bed and grabbed Gary's frail hand.  “Reggie was blind Gary!  From an injury he suffered during the Korean War.  He was just offering you comfort the only way he knew how,” the nurse explained.  

Gary's eyes filled with tears as he remembered Reggie's made up stories and myths.  And how much comfort it gave him when some days, he just didn't feel like living anymore.  

Gary passed away three months later.  But not before many days spent peering outside that exact same window, using his own imagination to create Magic and Miracles of his own.  He envisioned what Heaven will look like when his time was to come.   And of course, they all included being back with his friend Reggie................


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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