About Me

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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, October 9, 2016




Last evening I was having a wonderful and quite deep conversation with a fellow coach.  We started our dialogue by discussing the particular type of life coaching we were most interested in.  And for me, the answer should hopefully not be a surprise to my fellow New Age Nerds; that being LIFE PURPOSE.  Helping others discover, and then follow their BLISS toward the very reason they decided to manifest into the human condition from the world of SPIRIT is obviously a huge passion for me.  It's why I started this company and why I write this BLOG.  To help others with the INSPIRATION and support they may need to live their LEGACY.  

I now know that much of this obsession stems from my greatest HERO, my father!  He was a teacher for nearly 30 years who touched the lives of thousands of students.  And it is through their businesses, endeavors, families, and conscious deeds of DELIGHT that his Legacy continues to live on.  In fact, at his retirement, at least ONE student from every year he taught showed up to show their respects for this man who had forever left an imprint of a life well lived.  

My coaching buddy was inquiring about the various things I have been implementing to grow the New Age Nerd into something that can help as many people as possible.  Thanks to you fellow NERDS daily readership of this blog has risen more than 20 fold since I started it in January of this year!!!  AND IT IS ALL THANKS TOO YOU!   And I wish I could simply share the heartfelt feelings of joy and happiness I feel with each and every one of you personally!!  

So during my friend's line of questioning about my business, he asked me how am I able to write so many blog entries with all the other things I am juggling, usually concurrently?!  LOL.    And do you know what I said?  “It's not all me, most of it is coming straight from Infinite Intelligence.  Or what many (like myself) call SOURCE energy. Do you think I could do all this by myself?”, I said.

“What do you mean exactly, Infinite Intelligence,” he retorted back with more than a twinge of curiosity.  

I am simply the vessel and allow SOURCE to work through me.  Now since I AM part of SOURCE (As we ALL are) it's NOT that I am uninvolved in the process.  It's just that I AM a small emanation of the WHOLE and thus have learned to BE IN ALLOWANCE of the greater part of Infinite Intelligence that wishes to work through me.  

Completely fascinated, he asked me, “How do you this?”  To which I offered a slight giggle.
“That is like asking how to be in relationship with GOD.  It is personal for each of us.  I would say that meditation is a great first step on the Journey,” I advised him.

He happens to be a fantastic guitar player and so I asked him how it felt the first few months of learning too play that instrument.  “It was pretty rough and painful, ” he said without hesitation.  When I inquired how long it took him to really start to get into a ZONE, a flow while playing, he said it took quite a while, but once it started, it felt like magic.  

“There is no difference between learning to play the guitar, and learning to tap into SOURCE.  It's getting out of your own way, and putting your own EGO aside.  And just BE.  Which is much more difficult at first for most people than it sounds.  But OH is it worth it.  It's Heaven on Earth and experiencing the act of being CREATOR.  Simply BLISSFUL.”

Now here is the SECRET SAUCE to tapping into this unending and bountiful slice of Infinite Intelligence that many call GENIUS.   In fact, most famous writers, poets, dancers, singers, or masters of many professions who have experienced this magical sensation eventually learn that the key to its access is........HUMILITY.  

In a book titled ‘Power vs Force’, by David R. Hawkins, there is a chapter that in great detail explains the scientific findings of what allows us to tap into our own GENIUS.  “Human history is the record of man's struggle to comprehend truths which to those of genius seem obvious.  Genius is by definition a style of consciousness characterized by the ability to access high energy attractor patterns.  It is NOT a personality characteristic.  It is NOT something that a person ‘HAS’, or even something someone ‘IS.’  Those in whom we characterize genius commonly disclaim it.  A UNIVERSAL characteristic of genius is HUMILITY. ”  As they say, Steven Spielberg never walks into a room and claims he is Steven Spielberg.  Watch the interviews he and George Lucas do. They are constantly deflected their power of genius.  And it is so refreshing and infectious!  

And hopefully you understand in humility, I am referring to the understanding that we are true co-creators always and in ALL WAYS.  To tap into the highest forms of truth and spiritual beauty in any endeavor, discard the ego and be in collaboration with SPIRIT!  You will be amazed at the work that will start to manifest before your eyes!!  And after enough practice, you will be living as though you have brought Heaven to Earth as your daily experience.  And THAT, is pure BLISS and a Hero's/Heroine's Journey for the ages!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez


  1. Wow you are quite the enigma! I never thought of it as tapping into the source. But it is truth. My gut tells me so. Sometimes when I write I cannot comprehend where have of the insight and knowledge comes from. I am always writing. Now you have a fan in me. I did not grow up in a happy household; it was full of strife, fighting, coldness and sadness. It has taken me many years to figure out how to repair my damaged selfimage and hatred. I am learning, as with all truths they come when you least expect them. For instance about a month ago, I realized that when "CHRIST TOLD US TO TURN THE OTHER CHEEK" HE DID NOT MEAN TO KEEP TAKING IT. BUT TO TURN YOUR CHEEK AND WALK AWAY. Thank you very much Jeffrey, I am exceedingly humbled by others and their intuition. Love Laura

  2. Can't wait to read this and ALL your posts! (HAA!) Just came across you... Will be commenting once can make more time... have big event tomorrow. ~ Elevation & Energy, Sarah Rose
