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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, October 7, 2016

Sometimes Shit Just Happens..........



As many of you daily followers of my daily blog, I'm sure you have noticed that several days have been torn from the year's recent October calendar without a new post being churned out by yours truly.  And to quote the great prophet “Forrest Gump” sometimes in life SHIT HAPPENS.  To ALL OF US.  I know there some of you out there who believe that a life dedicated to spiritual service and dedicate perseverance to service somehow shields us ‘Lightworkers’ from the daily chaos and travesties of this Journey called life.  And to that I say perception is vision through fractured glasses, offering only a glimpse of the entire framework of any situation we decide to investigate more clearly.  In fact I have actually found that many of those who dedicate their life purpose to one of a calling toward service are often hit the hardest with various trials and tribulations of one form or another.  Many of us get our PHD's in pain and suffering so that we may Re-member and grasp the tools of wisdom, compassion, and understanding to assist others who are still stuck in their own darkness, once we have found a way out of our own.  

Through patience and time, we learn not to curse these times of agony and confusion, but rather see them for what they truly are and why they are showing up in our lives.   And eventually we assign them as BLESSONS.  That being Lesson's of Re-membrance that bring with them a gift of a BLESSING that far outweighs the pain of the lesson that has been brought into our experience.  I think coaches and spiritual teachers would offer great insight and commiseration if they were vulnerable enough to share their own BLESSONS with their TRIBE so that others can see that WE ARE ALL ONE and go through a very similar Hero's/Heroine's Journey!  In this way, we can ALL become beacons of support, LOVE and Re-membrance for each other, ALWAYS and in All Ways!

So on that note, I would like to share with you my past five days.  What started as a terrific five day trip to NY turned into a complete and utter nightmare as on the last day of my trip, a storm of monsoon proportions hit the city.  And lacking my better sensibilities about preparing for such an event, I came completely unprepared for the deluge of a storm that would engage me for the entire day of this fateful Friday.  You see, when it rains that hard in NY, it becomes nearly impossible to catch a cab.  So was forward to walk for miles from my hotel room to my NY based office and became completely drenched in  50 degree stinging downpour of rain as I headed into work.  I truly think when I walked through the door, my co-workers didn't know whether to laugh, help fry me off, or take me to a local shelter.  LOL

Unfortunately, I only had one meeting that day, and it was with a good friend who took my appearance with a kind grace and understanding.  I'm not as sure how the person who had to take the seat after I was finished using it felt as he/she obviously sat down to soaked seat that would have drenched whatever fine couture they had fancied for the day.  Se la vie!!

At 3 in the afternoon, I had to make the two mile walk back to my hotel to check out and grab all my luggage to head to the amtrak station at Madison Square Garden.  And once again, became drenched with pellets of a rain that was intent on making us mere mortals were fully aware of our place in the Universe!  LOL

I FINALLY made it to the train station completely soaked with my four piece of luggage still in tow and made the nearly 4 hour train trip back to the Washington DC Metro Station.  I had prearranged plans to be picked up by my mother at 9:00 PM.  However upon arriving at my Metro drop off station, she was nowhere to be found.  I called her on her cell, and she was completely lost.  Now it was still absolutely pouring buckets of stinging raindrops outside and I stood out in the road next to the Kiss and Ride section of the station, all in the hopes that she might take the right turn and find me.  After 45 minutes of this insanity, I decided to go ahead and hail a cab.  And while I made the 5 mile trek back to my home safe and sound, my brand new iPhone did not.  I LEFT IT IN THE CAB!!!
And I had just purchased it brand new less than a month before.   

Needless to say, Spent the net few hours calling every cab company in town, including the one from my receipt to try and retrieve what had in today's age become our lifeline to the world.  EVERYTHING was on that phone!!  

At 3 PM the following day, I finally got the call from the cab driver that he did nit find the phone is his cab, and that obviously someone had taken it home as their new man toy!  Yeah for me.....  

I called Apple to have the phone instantly disabled but also got the bad news I was lamenting for the previous 24 hours since I noticed it missing.   I would have to pay off the phone I had just leased, and then if I wanted to keep my same number, purchase  a brand new phone to replace the one that was lost.  And get this, Apple Care, DOES NOT COVER THEFT OR LOSS OF A PHONE.  FYI!!
That meant I was going to have to pay close to $1,500 in order to get a replacement phone and keep my same number.   

And if that wasn't bad enough, on the way to the iPhone store, my car's front axil began to shake uncontrollably.  Which I had seen twice with friends cars.  I was most likely going to need a brand new from axil at the tune of $1K plus.   You can't make this stuff up!!   Believe me, I have tried...lol

Needless to say, I was completely frustrated and befuddled!  Angry and hurt!  And ya know what, that is completely OK.  As I love to say, repressed emotions are unactualized spiritual lessons; just DO NOT make a Broadway Show our of it!!  Because nobody wants to buy a ticket to s show they have seen one too many times.

My point in sharing this story with all of you is to let you know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  And that sometimes things completely beyond our control manifest into our lives. 
I truly believe that the ONE distinct difference between those of us who THRIVE versus just COPE through Life's Journey are the ones who can  keep their Hope, Belief, and Faith in the process of our own Hero's/Heroine's Journey!  And never lose the understanding that every setback in our life, comes with it the seed of an equal or GREATER opportunity.  We just must trust in that fact and NEVER keep searching for what the opportunity is! 

For as Neale Donald Walsh says in his wonderful series of books ‘Conversations with God’, “ I can promise you only this, I bring you nothing but angels.

Because looking back on the cacophony of incredibly painful and challenging times of my life, I have eventually found the perfectly formed pearl that represents the astounding gift that that event brought into my experience.  And once we make sense of our pain, LIFE TRULY BEGINS!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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