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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, March 27, 2023



Jessica Jones is a hard charging, and even heavier drinking Private Investigator who was confiscated as a child.  During her time under the "care" of her abductors, she was given a managerie of "Super Powers" and upon escape, reluctantly summons them only when in desperate need of additional aide in detective duties under her umbrella company "Alias Investigations."

Jessica Jones:  "They say everyone’s born a hero. But if you let it, life will push you over the line until you’re the villain. Problem is, you don’t always know that you’ve crossed that line. Maybe it’s enough that the world thinks I’m a hero. Maybe if I work long and hard, maybe I can fool myself."

From Marvel TV and ABC Studios :   JESSICA JONES


Life isn't some form of spiritual crap shoot. But it is messy. Like a pair of rugged jeans we hold onto one sartorial season longer then necessary. All because their ripped and shorn aesthetics match the feelings that silently mask inner emotions we use bare witness to the masses as a sign of inner confidence.  We may be torn and shredded externally as a defensive form of confidence, but our internal emotional equivalence is causing us daily havoc on so many levels. Seismic components that are seizing the very life we came here ordained to create!

The problem lies not in the visual representation of our personal style. How could it?! We are spiritual beings having a human experience.  NOT the other way around.  So please continue to rock those denim denizens that cause you to feel like a rock-star still in the making! And while you are in the mood, continue shaping that shaggy hair into concoctions the world has yet to behold! YES PLEASE!!!  Trust me ladies, guys DIG IT!!  LOL

The issue at hand is that this world needs more SUPERHEROES!  NOW!! And focused energy towards our life's MISSION is the cosmic level sized problem with our current state of being

There is absolutely nothing quelling you from the desire to rock a daily wardrobe that matches an inner confidence that ignites the "Super Forces" that are part of your own Hidden Hero. So long as that image truly matches the 'feeling' that burns deep within your SOUL! A feeling that conjures the very CALLING that brought you into this very existence. Because anything other than serving that CALLING will NEVER bring you the type of inner peace and solitude that we all so desperately seek! Short lived shivers of "shiny things," absolutely! If you so choose, that will lead you to short lived bursts of personal salvation. But the long lasting boosts of BLISS that are the cornerstones of our SOUL'S desires can only be quenched by the intense focused intention that flows directly from Spirit filled Soul's,  that manifest through our individual "Heart Songs."

The WORLD is in desperate desire of true authenticity. The type that the arch-hero Jessica Jones exhibits. She still dresses like an 80's superhero version of Joan Jett, but her actions are flamed by a soul that is ALL-STAR HEROIC! She takes absolutely "No Shit" from anyone, yet has a heart that is always open and vulnerable to care for those disenchfrachised souls that have become a beacon of the needs of our current socio-economic climate. Bottom line, it's NEVER about taking money from a potential client, but rather taking care of her cadre of client's personal needs and personal care that informs her professional decisions. 

One of my points is that while our external meanderings have a demonstrative manner in our sense of self, not to mention self confidence, it is our fervent commitment to this personal MISSION that can only be fulfilled by our individual and internal fortitude for the greater good that will sustain inner contentment! And our eternal mind-set can be set on euphoric only when and IF we commit to fulfilling this Universal Calling!

My fellow New Age Nerds, the collective Universal Time Clock is ticking down. We were each given a SOUL-guided mission to fulfill upon arriving on this planet. Yet, too many of us have been mis-guided by the blinding lights of   the false promises and declarations of heartfelt happiness that are the very purpose of our own EGO

I don't ask for much. But I am asking that everyone who reads this blog takes a deep, long look at the state of their dear brothers and sisters right outside their very own doorsteps. I know just a few miles from my own homestead there is a homeless shelter that I have been helping to serve the past six months. Soul brothers and sisters that have absolutely NOTHING! No home, family, food, or HOPE for a better future in their own mindset. Typing the words is one thing, experiencing it in person is........    HEARTBREAKING........

As Jessica Jones professed, "Maybe it's enough that the world thinks I'm a hero. If I work long and hard, maybe I can fool myself." And I believe that her verbal convictions truly capture our own feelings about the state of WHO WE TRULY ARE and WHAT WE CAME HERE TO DO AND BE!!! We greatly downplay our own importance; our own power and purpose for being!!  

Be honest with me and yourSELVES!  How often do you re-member you are truly a SUPERHERO that came here to make seismic shifts in the lives of the collective whole?! That only by being authentically YOU can this World change and shift from its current perilous state, into one in which BILLIONS can enjoy its ethereal shores for thousands of years to come!  THAT....is our collective MISSION my New Age Nerds!

What would it look like for all of us to reconnect daily with the very purpose filled CALLING that brought us to manifest into this Earthly experience?!  From my perspective, there is still so much for us to DO and BE! For ourselves and each other! Rather than awaking each morning in a vibration of lack, wishing for "oh so much more" than we currently have in our earthly possessions, that we offer our own form of gratitude for the multitude of blessings that reign down on our daily experiences and offer up our own sufferings for those who can only dream of the riches that have been bestown upon us so lucky to have them! And then finding ways to pass along the stewardship that we enjoy to those in our community who cannot even fathom enjoying the basics of life that we take for granted!

Because THAT is what being a SUPERHERO is all about!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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