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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, January 16, 2023



In the Matt Damon film "We Bought A Zoo", his character Benjamin Mee's life is a complete disaster.    His wife has passed away and his son has been expelled from school.  In what appears to be an impetuous decision, Benjamin decides to quit his job and move his family to the Southern California country side to buy a large property with a dilapidated Zoo on its premises.  Not exactly a sound moment of well planned clarity to say the least.  And to complicate his mounting issues, the Zoo is in desperate need of a full renovation in order to survive an impending shutdown by the local state ordinances.  While his daughter is thrilled at the prospect of a renovation, his son is sullen, despondent, and completely reticent to this project.  

While Damon is aware that the daunting task of running a Zoo is beyond the scope of his skill sets, he is equally conscious of the need to reconnect with his children.  After all, it's quite a jolt to the Spirit to lose your mother and then be removed from your comfort zone with the daunting task of returning a Zoo to its former glory!  In an attempt to 'rally his troops', Benjamin brings his kids to a restaurant and reenacts the very moment that he first laid eyes on the angelic beauty that would later become the love of his life! 

"So, I was walking by, and I saw her and I literally stopped.  Like this.  Just stopped!  And I went 'Oh my god, that is literally the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life.  But I had never done anything like this.  I had never gone to talk to a total stranger before.  So I thought to myself, 20 seconds.   Right! Go!  Now I'm in the restaurant.   I'm terrified and I'm thinking about leaving.  I can actually touch her.  She is right there. She still hasn't seen me.  But I still have 15 seconds of courage left.  Bravery!  Here is what I said.  I said, 'Excuse me.  Why would an amazing woman like you even talk to someone like me?  And she warmly answered, "Why not?" 

As much as Benjamin was trying to instill a sense of COURAGE and Bravery to his kids, his short soliloquy was actually just as much for him.  Completely overwhelmed and bogged down by the pressures of running a business that stretched his sensibilities, he was in need of a boost of COURAGE just as much as his family.  

And in that moment, he supplied both himself and his kids with a powerful life lesson!  Just 20 seconds of COURAGE can create Miracles; and start to Crush Your Fears!  As it had for him those many years ago.  And guess what?  You can apply the same principle in your own life. Think back to how many times, had you been able to muster just 20 seconds of COURAGE, your life might be much different than it is right now!  It truly causes one to pause, doesn't it?!?  


1.  The first step toward infusing yourself with COURAGE is SELF LOVE.  Practice reprogramming your Mindset toward the remembrance that you are a perfect emanation of the Grand Creator.  Whose very essence is pure LOVE!  And SELF LOVE is the foundation upon which a Mindset of COURAGE and Self Confidence is constructed!  So it is absolutely vital that we learn to quell any thoughts that are not in alignment with this TRUTH.  Including any notion of self doubt, worthlessness, fear of failure, or letting others opinions curb you from stepping out of your comfort zone.  For life truly begins where our comfort zone ends!  Whenever these feelings burst into our thought patterns, it is a direct sign that we are disconnected from our Higher Self.  The very nature of our true being!  And that disconnection is our arch enemy called the EGO!  Whose dastardly dealings are intent on keeping us feeling small and insignificant.  This disconnection leads to depression, despair and loneliness, for we feel we are navigating our lives all by ourselves.  When the truth is we are being supported in every way possible for us to fulfill our unique CALLING and live and share a life of pure BLISS!

The great late teacher Wayne Dyer had a conversation with Abraham, the embodyment of master Source energy.  In one potent exchange, Abraham professes, "And when you get control of your own vibration, the first thing that happens is your sense of self-worth comes into place- because the entire Universe is assisting you.  You feel clarity, and everything works out.  It's like a concierge leading you everywhere you want to go.  There are no missteps.  Things no longer feel difficult.  In fact, things that at one time felt difficult often feel humorous to you."

The lesson here is to learn to trust more in the LOVE SOURCE that surrounds you at all times, and worry less. It is the guiding presence that provides us with COURAGE, strength, intuition, and the inner knowingness that this energy source is available for us to access at any time!!  It's your personal 'genie in a bottle.'  As Gabby Bernstein says, "Worry is a constant prayer for CHAOS!"  And that is a recipe for a life of confusion and the lack of  abundance that is your very birthright!  Yet we often conjure feelings of being poor. When you were born wealthy!!  Can I get an AMEN!!   ;0)

Many of our challenges with SELF LOVE stem from the trauma we have endured.  Whether from family member, friends, or authority figures.   Many have been showered with abusive forms of mental, physical, and/or sexual experiences that have never been fully healed.  And the result is a Mindset filled with thoughts of not being good enough or lovable.  So is it any wonder that we have a growing epidemic of depression and anxiety?!  (Please refer back to my post on Creating a New Origin Story from January 13th to assist you in transcending your trauma)

2.  Call forth CAPTAIN COURAGE! He/she is a divine part of your Super Heroic Higher Self.  And requires only your absolute BELIEF in her! And CAPTAIN COURAGE will appear faster than a speeding bullet if you mix that belief with positive emotion. For emotion is Energy in Action. It amplifies his 'derring do' on your behalf!  And together, your Fears do not stand a chance in holding you back from anything you wish to accomplish!

3.  Incorporate the '20 SECOND RULE'!  Just as Matt Damon's character Benjamin did in “We Bought A Zoo!” Remember, you are a Miracle Making Machine!  And mustering up just '20 Seconds of Courage' at the right time can change your life from mediocre to MAGNIFICENT!  I highly suggest you incorporate this potent practice into your life the very next time the opportunity arises.  

4.  Use the SELF CONFIDENCE FORMULA devised from none other than one of my personal Heroes, Napoleon Hill.  

FIRST: I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my definite purpose, therefore I demand of myself persistent, aggressive and continuous action toward its attainment.

SECOND: I realize that the dominating thoughts of my mind eventually reproduce themselves in outward bodily action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality.  Therefore I will concentrate my mindful thirty minutes daily upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to be by creating a mental picture of this person and then transforming that picture into reality through practical service.

5.   Once you have practiced calling upon Captain Courage, tag team with her potent power to make 'Friends with Fear!'  As they say, there is strength in numbers.  And just like an unruly steed, use your tandem COURAGE to tame Fear back into submission. Learn to see Fear as a gift in that it shows you the areas within which still need to be cultivated and improved upon! It is perhaps the most powerful manner of spiritual transformation toward gaining the wisdom you will need to fulfill you CALLING!

Now even friends have feuds!  If your Inner Critic is filling you with stifling fear, do not be afraid to look it steely in the eyes! Actually intimidate it, if just for a beat or two. Remembering that it is still a precious gift, but not letting it turn the tables to stop you from doing anything.

By incorporating these tips into your self growth practices, I believe you will see your levels of COURAGE increase dramatically.  Providing you with a much needed boost of self confidence and the fortitude to follow your heartfelt desires!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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