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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, March 2, 2022



Man is not destroyed by suffering; he is destroyed by suffering without meaning

Victor Frankl

One of the more challenging aspects of being a coach/philosopher/teacher is helping my clients navigate the choppy waters that confront them when they are in the midst of making a transformational breakthrough.  Because this type of life altering event is usually preceded by a courageous act of facing their life's deepest pain and suffering.  And let's keep it real....   most people avoid pain and suffering like the plague!  And that's understandable.  Especially if we are too narrowly focused on the pain itself, rather than embracing the BIGGER picture.  The narrow perspective looks something akin to this.........

Life is hard enough.  I just want to be happy.  I see SO much pain and suffering all around me.  I thought people who have done a lot of spiritual based personal growth work learned to live in a state of Peace and Joy...even BLISS! I'd rather not face my TRUTH because I am afraid of what I may find..........   OR.....   I'm too busy to deal with my own shit! I'd rather stay in this state of unfulfillment than commit to the painful changes I may have to make......

Sound familiar?!

BUT...Being in acceptance of the bigger picture, completely changes the palette you are working with and for.  Your focus is NOT on the pain itself, but rather WHAT the pain came to bring you. Our most powerful spiritual breakthroughs come when we give ourselves permission to DEEPLY FEEL AND DEAL WITH OUR EMOTIONS!  For our feelings are the guideposts to your very SOUL!  In fact, when we fail to completely inhale our emotions, we miss out on the spiritual lessons that they contained!  

Sometimes we must allow ourselves to FEEL THE DEEP BURN within us......

Sit in the Fire of your Own Truth...  And be in Allowance of the Flames to burn you to ashes..   Having Faith in the Universe ..  That it will rush in with a gust of LOVE so uplifting..  That your Soul shall be rebirthed as a Phoenix of Hope, Inspiration, a spectacular Purpose!  

Jeffrey L Martinez

Our suffering is often our Spirit calling for a lifeline into the Soul's version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.  It's a powerful, albeit often excruciatingly agonizing sign a miracle is looking to be birthed through you.  Usually contained within a profound yet painful life lesson.  In order for the AMAZING, stupendous, disruptive calling you came here to manifest, there needs to be a larger gateway for SOURCE to work through. You need to be rebirthed into the ‘The Greatest Vision of the Grandest Version’ of yourself!  And as all moms know, the birthing process is an arduous one.  It forces us to stretch and grow.  Often without having a single idea what might be waiting for us on the other side. Tough stuff!  No doubt!  As the saying goes, 'the devil you know is better than the devil you don't.' (Moms inner monologue..“YOU...have NO idea!!”  lol)

Just as the prescient Joseph Campbell proselytized, “We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”  But that can be a Journey that sounds scary, overwhelming, and many of us refuse the calling.  Once we start down this path, life will never be the same again.  And somehow, we know it.  Letting go and having the courage to transform from the caterpillar into the beautiful butterfly takes a lot of faith and persistence, not to mention the absolute willingness to allow the rebirthing process to occur.  And do you know what happens if someone assists the newly formed butterfly, as it fiercely fights to break free from its cocoon?  It fails to gain the strength its wings need to fly, and it dies.  It actually MUST suffer in order to thrive!  Not unlike the Superhero's Journey that awaits every one of us.

Our most profound life lessons often leave us with a series of scars.  But aren't scars the signs of a wound that has been healed? In fact, many of the most conscious Spirits on this planet bare the most vicious of scars.  All of which are now constant reminders that the gift of wisdom in this realm must be earned!   Not because you are in any way, shape or form unworthy. Nothing could be farther from the spiritual truth! The Grand Creator set things up this way. Confused? Think about it. Can you think of a more productive and everlasting manner from which to garner wisdom than by learning it through earning it?! 

In our own unique and transcendent manner, I choose to believe we are all WOUNDED HEALERS! While that expression may ring disparate to all sorts of your individual bells, here is my personal definition:

"Wounded Healers are not born and they are not made. They create the gateway to allow all the gracious gifts and super powers from The Universe to flood into their existence. This creation is hard earned. For it entails conquering adversity, through earthly experimentation, which often leads to many forms of extreme pain and suffering. Over time, in which they focus their energy at an increasingly accelerated state, they begin to remember Universal laws beyond the limited scope of our 3-dimensional realm here on earth. Spiritually grounded information to help them remember that we are SO much more than physical matter. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Our greatest servant is our human body operated through the conscious mind. But it is our celestial being and our subconscious mind that is our greatest gift and true essence. Yet, we too often become slaves to our physical bodies and forget our spiritual core. 

But the Wounded Healer learns how to once again embrace their authentic selves through the ancient process of rebirth. During this time they learn how to overcome and even befriend fear. Often through several scuffles behind the spiritual scenes of their most challenging trials and tribulations. And in doing so, they transform into Galactic Warriors! Able to shed healing light back towards others still making their own Journey back towards the LIGHT! A light bright enough to illuminate the path of even the most lost of souls. 

They eventually become quite profuse at showering others with what is needed most; be it inspiration, peace, joy, light, wisdom, and love!

The Wounded Healer has learned the courage and fortitude to stretch their Soul and LEAN INTO THEIR LESSONS!  And in return, they have gained the gifts of how to uncover the meaning within their pain and suffering.  Including the remembrance of their Calling and the wondrous super powers that they came here to wield.   All to be used in the service of all others! 

The secret to our Salvation lies WITHIN.......  All the answers we seek, the LOVE we crave, the Wisdom we wish for, the Peace we desire, the unimaginable POWER we have been granted and the utter Understanding that WE ARE ALL ONE.......  are accessible to one and all at any given time!  You must simply stay silent and listen to your inner voice.......   !

So I invite everyone in The New Age Nerd community to begin a practice of LEANING INTO YOUR LESSONS.  It's OK to be scared when entering uncharted territory.  But within the depths of your courage lies the keys to your greatest awakenings! And in your times of trepidation and fear.......remember THAT YOU ARE NOT ALONE....   

I would like to leave you with one of my favorite tales of such wondrous truth....may it bring you  a gigantic slice of spiritual wisdom........

A Native American myth recounts that the Creator gathered all of creation and said,
"I want to hide something from humans until they are ready for it.  It is the realization that they can create their own life and their own reality." 

The eagle said, "Give it to me; I'll take it to the moon and hide it there."  

But the Creator said, "No, one day they will go there and will find it."  

Then the salmon said, "Give it to me; I'll hide it in the bottom of the sea."

 "No," said the Creator, "they'll get there too." 

Well, the buffalo came and said, "Give it to me; I'll bury it in the plains."  

The Creator said, "No, they will get there. They will cut into the skin of the earth, and they will find it even there."

But then Grand Mother mole came, the one who has no physical eyes to see on the outside but has spiritual eyes and the capacity to see on the inside, and she said, "Put it inside them; they'll never find it there."  And the Creator said, "It is done."

by Unpublished



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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