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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, December 21, 2021



THE WINTER OF DEATH  ---------  That's exactly what our president Joe Biden has just declared upon this country's Holiday Season and the long Winter to follow. Not exactly a soothing message for any of us to digest. Especially since we have already endured almost two years of this seemingly never ending pandemic - and its devastating effects across every aspect of our lives. At this point, I think we are well beyond any positing our current physical, emotional, and spiritual states as simple Pandemic Fatigue. 

And before you decide to discontinue reading any further, please have the solace found in the promise that my discourse today has absolutely nothing to do with political partisanship. For now, I will leave those talking points to the plethora of political pundits that fill our nightly TV screens.

Folks, the core issue that is causing the majority of disconnection, hatred, pain, and suffering in our World is coming from the acceptance of what I deem the  "Illusionary Veil of Separation." Collectively, we have truly forgotten a simple yet necessary aspect toward our collective mission here on Earth.  We Are All Truly One!   Please read that last sentence OUT LOUD once again! Because, my fellow New Age Nerds, the forgetfulness that WE ARE ALL ONE is at the crux of the majority of our World's current dilemmas. Sounds overly simplistic, I know. Yet, I promise you, IT IS THE TRUTH

Like millions of other teachers, coaches, healers, priests, and pastors, I spend the majority of my time trying to assist others to re-member the basic tenets of grounded spirituality; free from barren promises or false truths. Perhaps the most crucial and impactful of which is always being of loving service to everyone!

Life on this planet has "sprung eternal" for thousands of years based on the one unifying truth that we are all one! Unfortunately, this beautiful belief has slowly eroded throughout each and every generation, until it is now, in the mind's eye of the planet's majority, no thing more than a story for the pages of our favorite fairy tales. Which I know causes such pain and sorrow within the constructs of my own soul And I would gather I am by no means alone in this sentiment! 

Without getting overly esoteric, I would love to share, for the purpose of universal remembrance, that we live on this planet composed from a matrix of pure energy. It was actually constructed by and for us!  So that we may bend the very fabric of time and space.  All to experience the greatest heartfelt desires placed within our spiritual DNA. Pretty cool stuff, right?! 

So why was such a place formed for these type of experiences in the first place? Fantastic and prudent question! And what exactly is our collective purpose for not only creating this grand playground, but deciding to come here in the first place? First we must understand each and every one of us ARE MADE FROM LOVING FRAGMENTS OF MAGICAL STAR DUST THAT COMPOSE THE UNIVERSE ITSELF AND ALL ITS GREATEST CREATIVE FORCES!  YES! That is just how special, powerful, and magical you happen to be. The Universe is actually experiencing itSELF as and through us! So should it not follow, given this truth, the following understanding; that which you do for another, you do for yourself. And vice versa! 

For just as Simba learned in The Lion King, there is a 'Circle of Life' that we all share. But have you ever actually stopped to ponder what the title of that prescient song's inner meaning might be? I have many times. (Perhaps that's why I don't get out much!  LOL) Interested in my own answer? Either way, here goes. The 'Circle of Life' refers back to this spiritual core tenet. When we help even ONE person, we are in all actuality, helping everyone; including ourselves.

And if THAT question wasn't enough to shackle you to many nights of mental imagery, here is the grandest question ever pondered by men and women from the beginning of time. WHY ARE WE EVEN HERE?

It's quite a profound question to tackle. And one that has caused more thoughtful pontifications than any other since the dawn of existence.  I would never begin to usher a declaration that could possibly answer the most asked question throughout the entire cosmos.   Saying that I have the BE ALL answer that everyone has been searching for throughout the ages would be sacrosanct. But what this New Age Nerd DOES HAVE is a series of hard fought beliefs that have given much inner infused solace.  So after much study and contemplating with mentors around the United States and through a slew of spiritual programs I have been privileged enough to attend the last 20 odd years, I would like to share my beliefs with all of you. All with the intention that at least parts of it will feel like a sliver of TRUTH within your own inner belief system as well. Fair deal?!  Fantastico!

Of course, by now, hopefully we are all aware that each of us are spiritual beings having a human experience.  But why?  Why would we choose to leave the comforting confines of a Spiritual Realm that surrounds us with the constant feeling that we are LOVE and that eradicates all FEAR and Suffering?!  Some will say it is to manifest our Desires.  Ok, that makes some sense.  BUT, can't we do that instantaneously on the other side?  I believe we can. Still others think our Journey is to feel good and share that feeling with others.  I think nuggets of that rings true.  But it just doesn't feel like a full spiritual meal, does it? And of course there are MANY who ardently think we are here to prove our worthiness so that we can be ALLOWED BACK into God's Heavenly chambers for all eternity.  Yet, according to so many spiritual teachers, Heaven is not a place but a STATE OF BEING! Kinda tough to be forbidden to enter a chamber in which we already own the key, right?  LOL

So what if we allowed ourselves to come at this question from a completely different perspective. One that is very HEART centered and completely LOVE based. What if I told you we are all here for the ‘Unfoldment of Our Soul?’  And by Unfoldment I mean being in alignment with only the LOVE that is the very Heart Song within our SOUL.  And ALLOWING that LOVE to unfold in any and every imaginable way that we can possibly conceive for the further expansion of the Universe!!  Let THAT sink in for a minute or two...........

Universal growth and expansion occurs when the very essence that created it allows itself to be greater today that it was yesterday.  And still greater the day after that. Every time we share an expression of that LOVE within us, the Universe grows exponentially. And that is EXACTLY what the Universe desires.  To expand into the  Grandest Version of itself.  But it can ONLY do that through you, as me, for him, by her. Does that make sense?  That is because, as stated earlier, we are ALL ONE!  One of the greatest masters of all time, Jesus the Christ, espoused that almost daily-  “That which you do to others, you do unto me.” Can't get much clearer than that in my book!

And here is where things get completely and fabulously magical; every time YOUR PURPOSE is to emit and unfold your heart and soul through acts of LOVE and kindness, it has a wondrous effect on everyone!  And I think that's pretty damn cool!  How and why does this happen, you ask?  Because the very SOURCE that we all come from gave us the incredible power of free will.  And it can only channel LOVE through us to the extent that there is ROOM TO DO SO!  And every time you stretch your HEART SONG, you are opening up a larger portal from which SOURCE can work its miracles and magic!  And you thought the magic in Harry Potter was all pomp and circumstance....LOL 

Now just as the scientific principle of cause and effect is a very real phenomenon here on earth, so is the invert action when any of us CONSTRICT our own Heart Song; thus keeping the full unfoldment of our soul from taking place.  And that is EXACTLY what is occurring on our planet as I write this post.  Because the effect of this constricting nature causes Fear and Angst to run supreme.  And SOURCE energy has very little it can do to remedy the situation. As we continue to live from a vibration of greed, fear, jealousy, and disrespect, the very reason for our BEING here is jeopardized.  And guess what, it is currently affecting not only the United States, but all of planet Earth as well. Of course, at the crux of our current climate calamity is the issue of how to deal with the continuation of the COVID PLAGUE! 

So I would like to offer up the following suggestions.  One is to RELAX!  And take a walk, meditate, call a close friend, read a book or write.  Anything that calms your mind and centers you.  And then truly ponder the many ways in which you can begin to assist your soul in its inherent nature of unfoldment.  Especially in regards to the COVID virus. And Re-member, as Gandalf the Great from The Lord Of the Rings says, “It is the little acts of everyday kindness that I have found holds the darkness at bay.” And to never forget the re-membrance that "Separation is an Illusion!"   WE ARE ALL ONE. Black, white, or brown.  Still ALL ONE! Gay, straight, transgender, lesbian, or gay; still ALL ONE! Republican, democratic, or independent;  vaccination getter or protester. ALL ONE MY FRIENDS!!   

Please, I beg all of you. Start using the gift found in the "Illusion of Separation" to be the healing balm it was created to be!  I simply ask that you only "dip your toe" in the illusion of separation. All for the gifts that it can afford. But please, DO NOT jump fully headfirst into it's pond! Where you will forget Who You Really Are! Which is a perfect emanation of Heaven sent LOVE!

So many individuals refrain from doing the small acts of kindness that this world currently seeks. If any one of you are in this camp, please understand, it is these very acts of LOVE that keeps the World from shrinking into a state of permanent Unconsciousness! 

And perhaps the most important LOVE LIGHT question currently staring us all in the face has to do with receiving the different variations of COVID vaccinations. Emma right?! Do, or don't I get it?! Is it safe? How do I know? It's my body and NOBODY can tell me what to put into it! But if I do get the vaccine, aren't I helping keep not only ME, but all my fellow friends and family members around me safe as well? I consider my life too precious to press my luck on NOT getting a vaccine that has helped keep millions around the planet alive! I know too many people who have died because they decided to forgo the vaccine. ALL VALID POINTS! And at the end of the day, the decision on whether to immunize yourself against COVID is as personal decision as any we may ever make! And please let us judge not, lest we become the very thing we are judging..............

Now while holding signs and standing in protest of the vaccine, no matter where your position stands, is a magnificent gesture in conviction toward expressing your ardent beliefs, especially if it enhances our celebration of choice, rather than lowering our vibration from love to hate and fear, perhaps now is a wonderful opportunity for us to reaccess our true motives.  Not only in this moment, but for the blueprint we wish to create for the rest of our lives. 

For as Mother Teresa taught us all; it serves the World only when we stand up in SUPPORT of something, rather than AGAINST something. So simple yet so profound!  Isn't it beyond past time to decide (even beyond COVID) what you are willing to stand in support of, rather than all the things we stand against?!

Because I ardently believe there is something MUCH BIGGER currently transpiring on this planet that COVID is actually bringing into the light! And once again, it strikes to the very center  behind the intention of today's post. Namely, what it means to be a real life SUPERHERO! I know I like to wax poetic about the virtues and excitement that stirs within my soul whenever one of my post's themes veer towards the discussion of my belief that we are all SUPERHEROES! But this is different. There is real meat and potatoes (veggie meat  ;0)in today's post that truly supercedes any post I have written in several years. 

You see, I believe within every once of my heart and soul that this horrendous virus has brought with it a wonderful gift. As one of my personal heroes, Napoleon Hill, used to express, each and every earthly problem we face will bring with it a solution of equal or greater power!! Wowsa! Are you starting to get where I am going here?! For those of you still kinda scratchin' your noggin, (which is totally OKEEDOKEE) let me further flesh out my thoughts. 

The hard core facts are that the 8 billion spirits traversing this planet have been at serious odds with one another WAY before COVID reared its dispicable head. Wouldn't you agree?! From global wars (hello Afghanistan) to every form of injustice; be it racial, animal rights, climate change, political division, sexual identity.  Life on this planet has been a potpourri of upheaval for hundreds if not thousands of years. 

The only thing COVID has really done is shine the brightest of lights on all the variations of earthly separation, including - disconnection, hate, anger, fear, jealousy, greed, and superiority that, unfortunately is no longer an outlier, but rather the main meal being served up all over the planet. Sad, but oh so true!

And yet, despite all the often blood soaked hate and fear we have been spreading across the globe for centuries, the Universe, in all its forgiving glory, continue to afford us opportunities to become and be better versions of ourselves! And personally, boy oh boy am I thankful for the plethora of chances the GodMIND herSELF continues to shine upon us all!

For in this very moment of NOW, I hope most of you can become jostled in your own personal positions on COVID and how to eradicate it from existence on the planet, to beat it back into oblivion through the choices you are currently making affecting both yourselves and all others. First and foremost, it is my wish that this verse from the Bible will start a dialogue between yourself and your friends and family:

Healing and Victory Are Yours 
For In The Mind of The Father
You are a Conqueror
Whoever is born of God
overcomes the World
and its many troubles.
My triumph on the cross
is also your triumph.
M victory over death
is also your victory.
All that I did when
I was on Earth was for you, 
just for you,so you could live
an abundant life NOW, 
dynamic, whole, and undefeated.
Take what's yours today
and LIVE !

ISAIAH 53:5, Romans 8:37, John 10:10

Here's the real deal! The entire planet is currently being given the opportunity to BE A REAL LIFE SUPERHERO! The perfect series of events to express the HERO that has always been within you! 
Am I talking about making the brave decision to go out and get the COVID vaccine? HELL YES! However, for those of you who may never decide to stand in that arm sticking needle line, that's only for you to act upon- or not. Given the fact that I suffer from multiple auto-immune illnesses that would seriously affect my bodies ability to survive a COVID attack, your decision to get vaccinated is STILL not my business. After all, free will is still perhaps the greatest gift God ever afforded us. 

However, like Mother Teresa, what I am achingly trying to SUPPORT is how we can use this tragic pandemic as a way of expressing the real life SUPERHERO within your very fabric of being! Through daily acts of LOVE and kindness. Because this insidious illness has completely decimated so many fragments of our society, there is now absolutely NO EXCUSE to not get involved in random acts of LOVE and kindness! Not to beat a dead horse, but as good ole' Aunt May told her nephew, Peter Parker (AKA Spiderman) in Marvel's newest movie offering Spider man No Way Home, "By helping just ONE person, you are helping the World!"

For those of you who are still in need of tangible examples of random acts of  kindness, here is a small list of actionable steps seeped in LOVE that any of us can partake in:

1.  Go visit a senior assisted living home and spend time with the residents.  You will be AMAZED at the sharing of LOVE you will be engaged with!

2. Volunteer at a food kitchen for the needy.  One out of four people in the US go hungry EVERY day.  What would it feel like to contribute toward that atrocity?!

3.  Go check in on your elderly or disabled neighbors.  Even if it is just to sit with them so they know someone cares.  I am currently assisting a neighbor who has diabetes, no left arm, and MS. And no family to care for her.  Simply bringing her a morning coffee often brings tears to her eyes!

4. Stop and actually acknowledge the next homeless person you encounter.  You don't always need to offer them money.  Simply looking them in the eye and letting them know you see them and that they matter can make the biggest difference to these precious SOULS

5.  Choose one person a day to reach out to with a quick email or even better a PHONE CALL to tell them how much they mean to you.  And how wonderful and valuable they have been in your life.

6.  Visit a dog shelter and sign up to be a dog walker for the poor pups who are stuck in cages all day.  After all DOG spelled backwards is GOD!

7.  Find a local church or community Good Will center and inquire to see if they need volunteers to help in any fashion.  Free help to institutions low on funds is always a Heavenly sent gift!

8.  Sign up to be a mentor for a young boy or girl who is in the foster system.   Teach them through your actions that the world validates their worth and assist them on a path toward a purpose that will give them HOPE and Faith on their Hero's/Heroines's Journey.

I'm sure if you thought about it, you could come up with your own list of things that perfectly fit your own sensibilities of supreme service.  And I hope that starting today, you do just that.  I know we are all busy, and that time is a precious commodity.  But if your intentions are pure, the Universe will create time where there was previous only chaos.  As we New Age Nerds are aware, time is just an illusion.  But the need for our collective consciousness to create long lasting change is NOT!

As Marianne Williamson says, “ A miracle is a shift from fear to LOVE.”  And the fastest and most indelible way to create a Miracle is through the action of LOVE!!!

And share this information (heck share this post with as many people as you know) with others. So we can start a love chain reaction that grows our collective heart songs to unheard levels.  A spiritual American Idol of nothing but LOVE songs!!  And let your soul unfold back into the pureness and delicate nature of LOVE.  That is the answer we are waiting for and the only real call to action that can cause us to eradicate the tipping point that this planet and all the souls on it currently reside in..........



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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