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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, August 5, 2021



When I was five years old, my first childhood fascination became MAGIC!  I remember watching a David Copperfield special on our 19 inch black and white television.  Little did he know that while he was seemingly manipulating the laws of physics right before by big brown eyes, the real magic being performed was within my own beingness.   For the first time, I saw life through a different spectrum. A technicolor lens of AWE and AMAZEMENT! Suddenly, anything seemed possible.  And this once fearful young lad was suddenly given a platform to perform within.  A grand stage built upon a woven tapestry where the only limitations were in what you were willing to believe! 

I began to read books on magic and even asked The Magic Maker King himself, Santa Claus, for a top of the line magic kit that very Christmas.  Every visitor to our home became a chance to awe and amaze with my newfound magical prowess!  And I made sure never to disappoint a member of my audience.  So I built up a smorgasbord of various tricks and slight of hand habits to call, upon very short notice.  My mom has told me stories about how my fervently held beliefs caused me to utter the phrase, "It's Mah-gic!" to pair up with anything that fit the bill of unexplained circumstance!  

And thankfully, I still carry that overwhelming sense of excitement about life and all its magical moments to this very day!  And boy is doing so a real game changer.  Why do you think the Harry Potter books and movie franchise created such a powerful paradigm shift in our cultural zeitgeist?!  It's because WE ALL DESIRE OUR LIVES TO BE FILLED WITH MAGIC!  Don't we?!?  Life feels so much better when its infused with bursts of stardust and the magic of daily miracles!

I believe that we are all born with a keen bent toward the belief in magic, miracles, and the Awe and Amazement they conjure up.  Sadly, we often unlearn these feelings as we progress through the stages of our Hero's Journey.  As they say, 'Life Happens!'  And where we once had the ability to witness the wonder and wisdom of the Universe expressing itself all around us, the unconscious events that begin to 'pile up' around us dampen our senses.  That technicolor lens turns back to being just black and white.   And magic turns to misery.

However, that spark of Spirit never leaves us.  It can't!  For our human bodies are the temple upon which it lives while we are here, NOW.  It's our very essence.  The Super Heroic Higher Self that is the real you.  While you may have forgotten about your authentic self, it remains stead fast and serene within you.  It desires nothing more than for you to awaken from your slumber so that you may reunite as partners in unconscious crime.   And that's why it is constantly sending you Forget Me Nots.  You are its forever Valentine!  

Even if those around you have completely lost their ability to experience Awe and Amazement in life, does not mean that you have to do the same.  In fact, I HIGHLY suggest you begin to strip away the dirt and dust that has collected over time on your senses.   So that you can see clearly without the need for spiritual prescription lenses.  

When we are in allowance of Awe and Amazement in our life, we become bathed in the power of Infinite Intelligence.  A realignment occurs that puts us at ONE with SOURCE energy!  We get a VIP pass to pull back the illusionary veil of separation.  Where there was once a fear of lack, we begin to see that all life offers is abundance!  Rather than live in a constant state of competition with others, we stand in the light of their brilliance.  Not in the shadows of their accomplishments.  In complete AWE of their magnificence.  Because their power now shines a light of remembrance in what we ourselves are capable of conjuring in this world!  Which is absolutely anything and everything we desire!  JUST LIKE MAGIC!!!

When our gazes are mesmerized by the magic all around us, there is much less room for anger and fear.  The Oneness of life seeks to UNITE.  Not to disassemble and destroy!  And living within this powerful vibration, shifts our understanding back toward LOVE. And GRATITUDE!  For where we are in full allowance of the Holy Spirit, we bask in our platitude of differences; and conflicts transform into compassion.   Our sensibilities become heart centered and soulfully enriched. We become grateful for all 'the little things.'  Where there was once sorrow, there will be joy.  And PEACE will be with you, as it is with me!

As Pastor Scott Kramer says, "Amazement and astonishment are signs of the Holy Spirit's power and presence.  Where there is awe there is less likelihood of fear and suspicion, anger, hatred and all those emotions that are often associated with differences and with conflict."


So how exactly do we shift our energy back toward forms of awe and amazement?!  I have two suggestions that I would love to impart to all you New Age Nerds:

1. Incorporate the power of gratitude toward nature into your daily experiences.  Don't just 'stop and smell the roses.'  Gently touch and caress them.  Look deeply into their essence.  See the rich colors and contours of their vein lined leaves.  Admire their arched stems.   And the contrast of the soil just beneath their glory!  And then begin to look at ALL THINGS this way!  Your life will begin to slow down and within this new space in time, you will begin to see miracles all around you........

The former legendary college football coach Frosty Westering was a master at motivating his players though the power of the Natural Order.  His final coaching stop was at Pacific Lutheran University.  Where he NEVER had a losing record and is ninth all time in college wins for a head football coach.  In the middle of his practices, he was often known to blow his whistle.  He would instruct his players toward the view of majestic Mt Rainier in the distance.  He would have them all cheer in unison: "Attaway, Mt. Rainier!"   It was his way of keeping his players in a state of awe of the Natural World. He was fully aware of its power on the minds of his team.  Awe instills a sense of possibility and gratitude!!  And it obviously worked!

2.  Become more childlike in nature!  Kids still have their knack for knowing that anything is possible.  They still love to use the power of their imagination.  Their levels of astonishment are off the charts high!  Their sense of wonder is still fully in tact.  Their hearts have yet to be hardened by life's hardships.  And there is SO MUCH we can all learn from their blissful nature!  So commit to spending either more time with your own children;  especially during their playtime.  Or find ways to be in the energetic field of children at play when given the opportunity.  Watch, listen, and learn from them.  You may even be surprised at how much fun the experience turns out to be!

Obviously, that does mean to act immature or inappropriate.  I am simply suggesting you stray away from erroneous thinking that we must leave our natural, childlike wonder behind as we become adults.  For no thing could be farther from the truth.  We become much less creative as we age.  Our imaginations become withered from lack of use.  And we begin to lose belief in our own Super Heroic Powers.  

It's time to reignite our sense of Awe and Amazement!  Allow yourself to be astonished by at least ONE THING each day!   And watch your life turn back into a Technicolor of Daily Dreams...



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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