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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, June 22, 2020

MODERN MYTH MESSAGES: Cloak and Dagger...!


"So why exactly are we so mesmerized by our favorite Hero's stories?! 

It's because they aren't about them. They are about us.

Myth is a mirror.  One we hold up to see ourSELVES more clearly. 
That is the catch twenty two of the human condition. The inability to see ourSELVES for who we are.  We can often only do it through someone else's eyes. And when we do, we may not like what they see. So as we watch the rise and fall of our Heroes, the question we ask should not be; will they be greater, can they ascend?  No. When the rubber hits the road, when that tire blows, the question we should ask is; will WE be greater, can we ascend?"


One powerful manner in which to assist you in uncovering your personal mind-set paradigm is through the lens of "Modern Myth." That's right. All those movies and TV shows you binge watch on Netflix and Amazon Prime will direct you straight toward what you truly BELIEVE!  For MYTH holds the DNA of our collective consciousness. It's actually the stories that we love and believe in that tell us so much about ourSELVES.  Throughout history they always have.  The Greeks built their entire empire around the mythology they created; as did the Roman Empire and the Egyptians. And the history books will one day show that our culture was also constructed within the confines of the stories we consumed so voraciously. That's why I truly believe this period in time will be known as "The Heroic Age." That's why every other movie that has graced our local silver screens for the past 15 years has been so SUPER HEROIC in nature.  

The Universe is currently desiring grand expansion. And that happens only through and as US!  For WE are indeed the Universe expressing itself.  At its core, energy expands the fastest through the transcendent power of LOVE.  And believe it or not, at the core of EVERY Super Hero story is LOVE.  Think about it.  Super Man and Lois Lane. Iron Man and Pepper Pots.  The Hulk and the Black Widow. Batman and Rachel Dawes. Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor. Spiderman and Mary Jane. The list is endless!  

We watch these stories because they are our gateway into the realm of spiritual transformation. That's what The Hero's Journey is all about. Creating the grandest version you have ever held of yourSELF in your mind's eye. Deep down, we are slowly starting to awaken from our slumber. Our collective CALLINGS are ringing the doorbell; damn hard! The world is in need of its very own team of Avengers.  Wouldn't you agree?!  

I like to call this team "The Legion Of Love." Yeah, that ALWAYS rings so true! How does it sound to you?! Our own bodies are made up of loving sprites of sprinkling stardust. 
We came here filled with no thing but LOVE.  And then we learn FEAR. Boo! Part of the transformative process that occurs once we garner the courage to follow our own unique personal CALLING is re-membering who we really are. We transcend the illusionary veil of egoic filled victim consciousness to the understanding we all have a Super Heroic Higher Self! We recall all of our Super Powers!  And, BAMPOWCRUNCH! We learn to live within that space of pure powerful BLISS.  We begin to gain control over our emotions.(emotion is energy in motion) Rather than them controlling us. Big difference. We start to re-member that there is NO need to believe in magic. Because as Dorthy learned in the Wizard of Oz, all the magic lies within us. YOU ARE A MAGICAL MIRACLE MAKIN MACHINE! All you have to do is learn to BELIEVE in yourSELF. Nothin' up my sleeve; and then PRESTO.  A miracle is born. Right before your very own eyes. That's what all HEROES came here to do.  BE creators of LOVE.  Always and in always.  

Life is really quite simple my New Age Nerds.  Get up every day re-membering you are NOT victim of your current life situations. You are the grand creator of them. And your Super Heroic Higher Self is benefiting greatly from everything you have brought into your experience.  All the pain, struggle, and strife is forging parts of you that will be needed in order to fulfill your own unique personal CALLING. Once you begin the process of transcending any thoughts of victim consciousness through the power of ACCEPTANCE, you can begin to live life from the perspective of complete GRATITUDE!   

You will begin to see how all the dots of your life connect together to create a masterpiece.   Even if from up close it now feels quite the opposite. Take a deep breathe. And slowly begin to step back a few steps.  And you will start to see the perfection IN ALL OF IT! The cancer, divorce, fiscal troubles, painful losses; like the three wise men, they all come bearing great gifts. I PROMISE YOU THIS!  And I should know!  I was forged to become a Wounded Healer and spiritual teacher/coach through transcending: parental abandonment, abuse, Crohn's disease, Aynklosing Spondilits, deep depression, MRSA, complete materialistic loss, and COPD!  And while the path has been far from easy, it melted away all but the parts of me 
that form my Super Heroic Higher Self.  And I am now so grateful for all of it.  I wouldn't be here typing this very post were it NOT for each and every "opportunity for growth" that has manifested into my life.

I would like to leave you with the prescient verbal musings of the crowning KING of "The Power of Myth" himself, Joseph Campbell:

A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.”



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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