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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The SUPER POWER Of COMPASSION Is The Victorious Vehicle For LOVE....!!

When we find ourselves in the position of having what I call a ‘Break Open’, which is to have been brought to our knees in an act of graceful SURRENDER, the remnants that are left over in the ritual of after effects are filled with nothing less than unadorned LOVE.  In my teaching of the Hero/Heroine's Journey, I believe this to be one of the most transcendent moments in your life.  And a big part of that reason is because of the COMPASSION that this LOVE represents as it comes gushing out of our healing Spirit looking to do good in the world!  Our job is to find a way of Com-ing From Passion(Com-passion) to funnel that fervor of joy, wisdom, and LOVE out to others. 

Passion is God's way of saying ‘Hi!’  And COMPASSION in my belief is the way we spread the Godliness within to ourselves and to each and every person that crosses our path.  For when we come with passion in everything we do, we also learn so many other things.  Jack Kornfield teaches that our Western Culture has produced a society of both loneliness as well as self hatred.  Why?!  Because the first stage of COMPASSION is understanding.  It is learning to LET GO of the stories we have been told and imprints our psychological being.  Every day is a miraculous chance to start over and Re-member who we truly are; which is nothing less than a perfected emanation of Infinite Intelligence and Source energy.  To let go of the shaming, blaming, and judgment that the ‘others’ in our life have needlessly projected onto our own sense of being.  For most of us, this causes years if not DECADES of painful habits and life choices that mimic the projections of our precious past.  It shows up in the choices we make in our friendships and especially our deep intimate relationships.  Basicially replaying our past over and over again trying to desperately heal a past that was NEVER a part of our own sense of reality or own BEINGNESS to begin with.  We make up stories to help make sense of the painful imprinting we received throughout those oh so many years of our life.  

The second part of COMPASSION is tearful healing through acceptance.  It is allowing our tears to flow freely as a way of bathing our pain from our bodies.  We may NEVER completely heal all of the transgressions from days gone by, but we can certainly learn to allow them to live within us in a much more tranquil and peaceful manner.  Acceptance can be a tricky traitor.  We can fool ourselves into thinking we have truly moved into a state of acceptance in our stories of who we believed ourselves to be, when we are actually just creating a new story that frees us from truly facing our pain.  Examples would be creating a reframing that it is our fault that created our painful past and making excuses for others that free THEM from their responsibility in the co-creations of your experiences together, but NOT YOU.

To truly accept, we must create a space of mindfulness that encompasses recognition, investigation and forgiveness and acknowledgement.  And this is when we live in a state of pure presentness with ourselves and others.  We must acknowledge things for what they TRULY ARE, and not what others tell us to accept them to be.  Through investigation, we learn to free ourselves of the stories that others have been telling us about ourselves, so we can be in allowance of healing these false and limiting beliefs for ourselves in a process of FORGIVENESS.  First and foremost we must for-give ourselves before we can for-give others.  And for me, this process of FOR-GIVENESS is much different than what is taught in most organized religions.  I believe Jesus the Christ's idea of for-giving had nothing to do with blame.  It was not an idea about pardoning someone for a transgression ‘done unto us.’  It is transcending this paradigm into the understanding that no transgression ever occurred.    What transpired is that the other has temporarily forgotten who they are and it is our opportunity for-giving them back to themselves.  To hold a space for them of the miraculous being they truly are until they re-member this for themselves.  How does that difference in meaning FEEL to you?!?

Once we are TRULY past the point of acceptance in the deep resonance of our Spirit, the next step is GRATITUDE.  It is the ability to now see the gifts and opportunities that our pain and suffering actually provided us.  Now that the storm has passed (at least THIS storm) we can walk calm and mindfully along the shoreline and see the gifts that have been left behind and washed up along the sand by Spirit.   These gifts can then be used for the greatest quality that COMPASSION offers us.  Which is the ability to see others exactly as we see ourselves.  With empathy and connection.  Sans any sense of separation.  WE ARE ALL ONE becomes our calling card and motto always and in all ways!!

Compassion allows us to remember not only who it is that we truly are, but others as well.  It transcends any sense of separation and creates acts of fully integrated inclusion of all races and genders into ONE BODY OF LOVE!!

But buyer beware!!  Some teachings believe that COMPASSION is a mind taught to free others of their pain and suffering.  I believe this is in no way, shape, or form what the highest version of COMPASSION can or should be.  As an example, if we try and help a butterfly looking to free itself from its cocoon, that beautiful being will die.  Why?   Because it needs to struggle and use its strength to spread the fluid through its wings that is needed in order for it to fly.  Without this struggle, that butterfly will cease to BE.  In the same way, we must often struggle through our own pain and sufferings in order to conjure the wisdom, courage, and understanding that comes from walking into the darkness of our fear and pain!  So please DO NOT confuse the meaning of compassion with trying to eliminate the process of someone else's process of suffering.  You are actually doing them an injustice by doing so.  Instead, it is my suggestion to use your compassion to assist someone in the understanding of the reason they are going through their dark night of the soul.  So that they never feel as though they must traverse this valley alone. And that there indeed will be someone waiting for them with loving arms on the other side of the birthing process they are going through! After all, REPRESSED emotions are unactualized spiritual lessons........



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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