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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, November 10, 2019

TIPS For Moving PAST Life's TRAUMAS....!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”

~~ Emmet   (THE LEGO MOVIE)


I recently received the first post communication from a previous relationship that ended a while back.  Despite my belief  that I had moved forward from the emotional residue left within my being, I was super surprised at the extent to which I was triggered by this engagement.  Had I REALLY been moving on with my life the past year, or was I mired in the past, reliving the impactful moments in my head over and over again pressing a perpetual rewind button in my mind?

As is typically the case, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.  What is for absolute certain was the realization that it is time to apply some serious attention to truly MOVING ON!!  So like a Prime Directive from Captain Kirk, I have been compassionately applying some terrific techniques to assist a shift in energy toward anabolic energetic progression of new BEGINNINGS and magnificent manifestations!  Since all New Age Nerds understand that everything is comprised of energy, the reason we feel so much more powerful when we are in the act of expanding that essence is because it is our natural state and essence.  When we become stuck in pertinent areas of our life, our connection to SOURCE energy becomes stagnant or even catabolic in nature.  That's why it is commonly said  “Either get busy living or get busy dying!”  In fact, Bruce Lee used to implore to his students that “Life is never about stagnation. It is constant movement as we we constantly change.  Things change only by moving forward which always causes strength as it goes.”

I think we can all relate to feeling stuck, stagnant, or even complacent in our lives.  Especially in the areas of past traumas (relationships, job loss, break-ups) and the daunting difficulty in moving forward. Not to mention the self destructive behaviors that accompany reliving the same painful moments again and again, conjuring realities of what ‘could have been’ or even writing different versions and endings of these past stories in the mind making script machine of our minds.  I don't know about you, but I Thank God from time to time that there are no hidden camera recorders in MY mind!!  Just sayin......

If there is ONE thing I have come to understand as Universal Law, it is that you can fool yourself and others by trying to ‘fake it to make it’ in regards to your efforts in soul filled transformation in life, but you CANNOT pull the spiritual veil over the Universe with the reality of your core movement.  And let's face it, since our most powerfully ally is the connection to the SOURCE energy that is always at our disposal, why not ‘work with the mystical medication, NOT against it!’  :0)

I invite you to think about incorporating some of the following suggestions that have done wonders in supporting my own efforts in MOVING ON in areas of my life that were keeping me from being the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision of who I came here to BE:

“In my experience, I have found that the solutions to all of life's intractable problems are NOT found in any form of intellect or cleverness.  They are solved by simply MOVING ON.”
~~  Carl Jung

There are several stages to healing from and moving forward from the various painful traumas we all experience during our lifetime.  I believe ACCEPTANCE of now what ‘IS’ can be the most profound part of this process.  Eckhart Tolle, in one of my favorite books said, “In fact, the moment the judgement stops through acceptance of what is, you are free of the mind.  You have made space for love, for joy, for peace.  That immediately takes you beyond ego.”  Are you aware that the majority of suffering in the human condition comes from the resistance of that which is.  So Re-member, what you RESIST PERSISTS, and what you look at, eventually melt away.

Last year, on an episode of Super Soul Sunday, I was introduced to the life affirming story of Madonna Badger.  A former big time NY magazine editor who seemingly had created a storybook worthy empire for herself and three small daughters, lost it all one Christmas morning in 2011.  On that fateful Christmas Eve, a house fire took the lives of all three of her children, as well as her parents who had come to visit for the holidays.  While Madonna was able to escape the burning blaze herself, she lost her entire family literally overnight.  UNTHINKABLE LOSS.  Tears streamed down as I watched her relive the two year journey that followed this horrifying event.  As you can imagine, she suffered suicidal depression for over a year, and found herself transferred to several ‘mental rehab’ centers, all in an attempt to transform her back to a semblance of her former self.  But do you know what she said was the miracle medicine and healing balm to her Soul that helped pull her out of her deep doldrums?!  It was the moment she stopped trying to THINK hew way out of the emotional malaise.  Getting out of her head where she found herself reliving the painful past, feeling guilt and shame about what she could have done differently that frosty, fateful night.

She decided to leave the trappings of the mental facilities she had been cooped up in for two years, and went to live with close friends in Arkansas.  She started occupying her mind with action steps and set goals, albeit understandably small at first.  Eventually, she traveled to Thailand to visit a child orphanage and gave the underserved children all the toys that her own children cherished prior to their passing.  Soon, she said she no longer felt herself stuck in the past, and found that life started filling in the new space with HOPE, joy, PEACE, and of course, ACCEPTANCE of her new reality and life.  It didn't happen overnight, but she said she made more progress in 6 months living with her friends than over two years at the various rehab centers. 

Finally, I will leave you with this little parable that strongly resonates with me and it is my desire that its essence finds its way into your ability to MOVE FORWARD in in any area of your life that is causing you pain or confusion, so that you can continue your Superhero's Journey in the most productive manner!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

For more information on my 1 on 1 Signature Coaching Programs,

please email me:  Jeffmartinez@thesuperheroscoach.com

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