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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, August 5, 2019

TIPS To Create SUPER Powerfully Creative PRAYERS....!



When I was growing up, a part of my nightly ritual was saying my prayers right before going to bed. And as I now look back with the 20/20 vision of pure hindsight as my guide, I can see the Gi-normous difference in the energy that was behind the words uttered all those thousands of nights ago versus how I pray today!  While I do not believe in right versus wrong, or  in advocating the manner in which anyone chooses to connect with their own sense of Godliness, I have Re-membered through the guidance of many mentors, teachers, and coaches some sage suggestions regarding the manner in which to pray! 

Many of us (myself included back in the day) see the act of praying as a way of asking for that which we DESIRE or hope to bring into our experience.  Be it money, a job, a partner, and often God's healing hands to bring the ending of pain, suffering, or dis-ease to ourselves or those that we LOVE.  Seemingly, prayer becomes something akin to a Universal ‘Wish List’ for a SOURCE (God, Spirit, Infinite Intelligence ) to fulfill at our command.  And I DO NOT use the word WISH lightly in the previous sentence.  As in, wishful thinking or wishing that all of our dreams come true.  As we all now know, everything is made up of energy.  Including our prayers.  Especially our prayers.  And I truly believe that using prayer with any sense of wishful energy behind it is No Thing less than a POOR PRAYER!  

Prayer is perhaps the most potent and powerful ally that we have in this illusional plane of existence. And too many of us are not taking full advantage of its power of TRANSFORMATION!!  You must Re-member that YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD!!  A perfectly unique emanation of Godly LOVE and energy that is cherished beyond your comprehension.  And that life is actually rigged in your favor.  I know, I know, it often appears as though the complete opposite were true!  For years, I felt like the Universe forgot who I was, where I lived, and what I desired.  I refused to even utter the words, “Well at least it can't get any worse than THIS!”  Because quite often, IT DID!!  But through my many years of self transformational work and study, I have come to understand that one CORE issue that was at the root cause of my devastating frustration was the manner in which I prayed.  

My prayers used to be filled with anxious energy and a sense of urgency that was completely antithetical to what I was trying to obtain.  Not unlike a child who writes his wish list to Santa every year, and then rushes down the stairs on Christmas morning hoping that what they wrote down on that piece of paper was siting under the tree.  

My prayers look and sound much differently now.  Where before I would ask God for what I desired, often feeling afterward like I wasn't even completely worthy of it.  Another perfect example of POOR PRAYING!!  I have found the act of prayer to be most effective when it is used as an act of GRATITUDE and THANKS.  This Universe and all of the LOVE that created it desires only for all of us to have the  grandest experiences of our heartfelt desires being met and fulfilled!  So when we come to God/Spirit with a prayer, I highly suggest it is fully ensconced with a steely energy of certainty and knowingness that it will be granted.  A prayer is the ultimate THANK YOU note you will ever write or say to anyone!!  It is your personal connection with an unlimited amount of pure LOVE that governs the Universe.  Prayer is greatly weakened when it is filled with wishful thinking and ANY sense of doubt about its ability to manifest into your experience.  It is an eternal handshake with the Universe that ‘As you ASK, so shall you RECEIVE.’  And so it is!!

Please Re-member, what we desire and seek out in our lives, is often NOT wrapped in the packaging that we have held in our mind's eye when it is delivered.  So be sure to leave plenty of room for Spirit to work its magic within your own life when you pray.  Trust me, God knows and understands what is in our best interest far better than we do!  How often have you looked back on your own life and been actually thankful that what you asked for didn't come your way or stay in your life?!?  Yet something even grander and more DIVINE did in its place?!  That is exactly what I am referring to when I say don't always judge a book by its preverbal cover.  

I would like to leave you with what a typical prayer looks like for me nowadays.  Not for you to copy or imitate, but to further help you Re-member the energetic resonance that makes full use of the true power of prayer!!

Dear God, as I KNOW you to be the source of all that is, I would like to say Thank You for already starting the process of bringing the exact people , places, and experiences into my life that will allow me to continue to be of service to all those still living in the darkness of their own Soul.  For I believe that before my words were even uttered, you began this miraculous process of knowingness into my existence.  I trust that you can see within my heart so deep, that you have already started sending the perfect versions of that which will be for the Highest Good of all concerned into all of my daily co-creations!  God, my dreams are big, however I know that the vision you hold for me is even bigger and grander than what I can even imagine!  And that I need only to ALLOW the abundance waiting for me to flow into my life in a perfect and divine time and manner.  I understand that some of these miracles may be challenging, but will Re-member they were brought to me for my own Hero's Journey!   And so it is..........



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