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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Why It's Time To SUIT UP as SUPERHEROES and Follow Our CALLINGS!

For the great majority of us, the path toward assuming the role of a "Lightworker" is NOT a straight, upward climb. There are certainly more zigs and zags than we ever could have imagined. Perhaps that is why so few of us answer the soulful ring that illuminates us to our Earthly Mission that often comes at the most inopportune time. After all, "comfort zones" feel so damn good, right?! And yet, our true life CALLINGS rarely come at the time of our choosing. This is not because the Universe is a trickster, playing games with our precious earthy experiences. Oh contraire mon fraire! In fact, it's actually quite the opposite. 

The Great and Grand Creator often sends us the reminder of our Earthly mission in one of two ways. The first being when we have finally succumbed to the life experiences of acquiring the "quick hits" of materialistic pleasures. The "easy button" life per se. When we finally believe we have figured out the rules to the game of Life. But these accoutrements often come with a costly price. That being the compromise of living the soulful calling of the purpose filled life we all came here to complete in earnest. We slowly start to succumb to the external successes that are all around us. Fancy cars, houses, clothes, vacations, and "bling" filled jewelry that have become a status statement of a success that only fills the EGO! Now please don't misconstrue this post's intentions. There is absolutely NO THING that should stop anyone from living an abundant life filled with the grandest visions of all this earth affords us all! But if all these "pleasures" come at the expense of completing our true life's calling, then we will forever be stuck in a vortex of accumulating "things."  A Yellow Brick Road to a materialistic "OZ" where there is NEVER enough to fill the hole in our hearts and souls. It's the EGO's way of tricking us into believing that the path to eternal happiness is by the accumulation of materialistic trinkets that will soon turn back into the very form of dust from which they were formed. 

The second delivery system comes just as our life starts to become stifling in every manner. The "jobs" that start to feel like hell bent internment camps; sucking the life from our very veins in every manner imaginable. The relationships that no longer serve us, and the dreams once carried safely within our hearts start to find another place to call home. We begin to feel that our lives have become a vortex of never ending "wrong way" posts that seem to forgo ever showing us the way back to the eternal salvation of peace, joy, and love we so desperately desire! Sound familiar?! ;0)

I have learned that life's greatest gifts often come wrapped in packaging that does not resemble anything you had planned for.  And so very often we miss the blessing that the gift came to bare.  That's why it is so crucial to live in the NOW.  For it contains the heaven sent PRESENT devised and designed just for you;  for your continued growth and understanding.  To allow you to develop the Super Heroic skill sets that will be needed in order to fulfill your own CALLING.  Too often, we stay stuck reliving the past.  Or projecting out toward the future.  And then all the gifts pass us right on by.  Please do not do that!  Your TRIBE is still waiting for you.  You came here to be THEIR SUPERHERO.  And I know you don't want to let yourself or any of them down, right?!  ;0)

Just this morning I was watching an interview with the famous crooner Michael Bolton.  He said he got his first record deal at age 16.  Yet he did not cut his first record until 10 years later!  As tough as that time period in his life came to be, he passionately espoused how much those challenges gave him the time to find his unique singing voice.  And toughened within him all the areas that would be required to stay relevant in such a competitive industry for over 50 years!

And please do not sell yourself short through the dis-ease of EXCUSITIS.  Your path may not being going exactly as you had planned.  But never lose faith in yourself or your CALLING.  The Universe has things completely rigged in your favor.  ALWAYS!  As David J. Schwartz wrote in his book The Magic of Thinking Big, "You will discover that excusitis explains the difference between the person who is going places and the fellow who is barely holding his own.  You will find that the more successful the individual, the less inclined he is to make excuses.  But the fellow who has gone nowhere and has no plans for getting anywhere always has a bookful of reason to explain why.  Persons with mediocre accomplishments are quick to explain why they haven't, why they won't, why they can't, and why they aren't."

Some of your desires will manifest themselves into your experience immediately after you declare them.  Others will take more time.  Don't try and "arm wrestle God."  You will lose every single time!  The path may be arduous or even treacherous at times.  But always re-member.  Everything happens through you and for younot to you!  Gi-normous difference, right?!  So practice enjoying each step along the way of your Hero's Journey.  That's how to create daily joy and happiness.  And always honor the dignity of your own process.  Remain loving and patient with yourself.   It's not about the destination.  Often times it's the magical moments along the way that we cherish the most...............


Believe it or not, I have been contributing to this blog for over three years.  And many of you may wonder what my motivation for continuing to write so many daily posts must be.  So do you truly want to know the answer to that quandary?!  I mean TRULY?!?  It's because I have a personal CALLING AND MISSION!!  And that is to awaken as many Spirits on this planet as possible!  Awaken them to their personal CALLING!!  

Because I cannot be the only person who sees a world that is sick with apathy, disconnection, emotional starvation, and spiritual confusion.  And I truly Believe with every ounce of energy within my body and soul that the most effective way in changing the vibrational consciousness on this planet is to have as many Souls as possible awaken to their CALLING!  And the ONLY way to accomplish that endeavor is to guide as many people as possible toward their Hero/Heroine's Journey!  Help them accept the fact that by following their life's MISSION, no matter what obstacles may seem to be blocking your path, that YOU ARE A SUPERHERO!!  YES, YOU!!  And you matter more than you could possibly imagine!!  And that you have unique talents and gifts the likes of which have NEVER been seen before you have wielded them in this realm!  But, you must have the courage to step out amongst the light of the masses who would rather see you fail and flail amongst the illusions that they do not yet have the courage to confront!  

But that is NOT who YOU ARE!!  You are a SUPERHERO! And no matter what your current circumstances may be, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO SAY, THIS IS NOT HOW MY STORY WILL END!!  And please Re-member that you cannot make a MISTAKE!!  Mistakes do not exist in this realm.  Missteps do, but they are simply opportunities to say, I TRIED!!  So do not let that stop you from taking the first few steps toward your salvation and the CALLING that is a part of your birthright!  

Because here is a SUPERHero's ProTip.  Every single thing you desire to manifest into your life is on the OTHER SIDE OF YOUR GREATEST FEARS!!  In fact, by stepping through the ILLUSION of time and space, and facing our greatest fears and terrors, there is something called PURE BLISS on the other side!!  And the definition of Bliss is perfect happiness and eternal JOY!!  So what on earth could you possibly be waiting for!  Start your Hero's/Heroine's Journey RIGHT NOW.  There will never be a perfect  time when the stars align in perfect harmony that will act as a cue for you to start your JOURNEY!!

The world is full of SUPERHEROES, yet so few of them BELIEVE!!  Well, I do BELIEVE!!!  In fact I hold a space of KNOWINGNESS!!  Because that is my CALLING!!  And as the proverbial saying goes, The Night is The Darkest Just Before the Dawn!!  Well, the Dawn is upon us and the time is NOW for us to awaken from our collective slumber.  

And we are all to fixated on allocating our finite energy on external answers to a problem that stems from deep within our own BEING!   WE ARE THE SOLUTION!!  WE ARE THE SUPERHEROES THE WORLD HAS BEEN WAITNG FOR!  Pointing figures at one another (even our current government administration) is simply a waste of time and energy as well as a futile attempt at deflecting our own responsibility for the state of the world's current consciousness!  

As one of my own personal heroes, Wayne Dyer once said, "Life either happens to you, or YOU happen to life!"   And I think every New Age Nerd chooses to happen to life!  Am I right?!?  Please tell me I am! 

A tide of trouble seems to be at every corner of our experience that has no need to be tolerated any longer!  Because by transforming into the SUPERHEROES we have been waiting for, we have the ability to see and acknowledge those amongst us who are hurting and seeking our assistance.  Looking the other way is no longer a solution that we can accept!  By simply acknowledging those in our path with compassion and kindness, especially those who are in obvious distress and discomfort,  we can circumvent so much of what plagues our precious planet.  Don't you agree?!?



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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