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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Learn The Key INGREDIENT That Will DRASTICALLY Change Your Life..........



When I first began my Journey on the path of self realization, there was a TON of information in the form of books, lectures, videos, etc., on the importance of how ‘Thoughts Become Things.’  And how everything we think drastically affects what we experience in our lives.  “If you THINK it, it will come,” seemed to be the ‘go to’ catch phrase that consumed the minds of so many of us in the Self Consciousness community.  Then the book ‘THE SECRET’ appeared in the mid 2000's and suddenly, well, everyone thought it contained ‘The Secret’ to manifesting all of your wildest dreams and delectable desires.  It talked about creating vision boards and repeating affirmations that would bring about all the things you thought your life needed in order to be happy.  It shared deep insights into this powerful and transformative process called ‘The Law of Attraction.’  The author was even on Oprah and the next thing ya know, weekend dinner parties transformed into ‘Law of Attraction’ events where everyone gathered to create gorgeous vision boards that essentially became wish lists to the Universe. And YES, I threw such a party myself.  And my vision board was smokin'!!  Every single inch of the thing was covered with anything and everything my heart truly desired to manifest into my life.  And ALL my friends had vision boards too!  Just like ‘The Secret’ told us to do.  We all practiced our affirmations several times a day, and made sure to monitor our thoughts, for as the book states ‘like attracts like.’  The world seemed a wonderland of possibility, simply by what and how we thought and felt on a daily basis!  Things were FINALLY going to be different.  We were sure of it!!

But slowly, this celebration of a Spiritual renaissance started to sour for most people.  No matter how hard we tried, nothing tangible really seemed to change.  And within a year or so, disillusionment set in most people's tribes of like minded individuals.  The jobs, houses, relationships, money, and sense of joy and happiness that we were expecting to manifest simply didn't.  And many people in my particular tribe felt jaded and could not understand what was going on.  What showed up as a powerful promise from the Wizard of the Knowing World, appeared to be nothing more than a hoax.  

Before I am misconstrued, let me stop for a moment and say there IS scientific evidence that because everything is energy, including our thoughts and feelings, that they DO INDEED have an affect on our lives.  As do the BELIEFS behind our thoughts.  If you think one thing, but your core belief about that very thing is in opposition to the thought, you are sending mixed signals to the Universe and often chaos ensues.  In fact, I still say affirmations, and monitor my daily mindset.  And I DO believe that our thoughts and feelings are a PORTION of the formula for creating the outcomes we desire in life.  However, the one thing that ‘The Secret’ failed to focus in on is actually the Secret Sauce toward experiencing the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision we have ever held about ourselves.  And in turn experiencing the multiple forms of abundance we all deserve!!

What is this missing but absolutely essential piece of the missing equation toward manifestation:  ACTION!!
 In fact one of my favorite definitions of FAITH is that “it is belief in ACTION.”
This is such an important topic, with the intention of Re-membrance, I am going to borrow from my own past post about the power of Grounded Spirituality to further explain the importance of taking ACTION in life:

Don't get me wrong, I am a BIG believer in the power of Universal Energy.  As Yoda says, “It's an energy field that is created by all living things.  Life creates it, makes it grow.  It surrounds us, binds us.”  And it is ALL powerful.  BUT, in this dense realm, it MUST be combined with ACTION in order to work.  And unfortunately, there is not enough re-membrance of the importance of taking daily actionable steps toward our goals.  You can think all day and night to align your energy fields with your desires until the cows come home, but if they are NOT backed by actionable steps toward your plan/goal/path, the ONLY person you will be making rich is your therapist.  Trust me!  

For more pragmatic advice about the proper use of The Law of Attraction, I highly suggest reading ‘Beyond the Secret,’ by Dr. Lisa Love.   She has such a grounded way of explaining the Law's principles.  For instance, she suggests one use it to try and attract the qualities for keeping and using money responsibly, rather than just acquiring money in the first place.  Great stuff!

Furthermore, I highly suggest taking the sage advice of Napoleon Hill, who actually describes the law of attraction in his book ‘THINK AND GROW RICH.’  He never specifically calls it that, but it is quite obvious that he is referring to it when he describes the manner to co-create with the power of the Universe to develop plans for our goals.  In his explanation, he says we should hold our thoughts, feelings, and prayers toward asking the Universe for us to attract the correct plan of action that we should follow in order to bring our desires forth into tangible experience.  And I LOVE THAT!!  It actually changed my life in so many wondrous ways!

Life is a Journey as well as a process.   And as the old adage goes, “It's all about the Journey, not the destination.”  In fact, I have seen such miraculous moments emerge into so many people's lives, once they combine ACTION with their thoughts and feelings.   THAT is the real SECRET!  


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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