About Me

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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, April 2, 2017



Optimus Prime  Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon   “You can lose faith in us.  But NEVER lose faith in yourselves.”


Many of you may have noticed I have not posted in a few days over the weekend.  And if you have noticed, BLESSED BE ME because it means you have taken notice and that means a great deal to me!!  As usual, sending out a Gi-normous hug to all the ardent followers of the New Age Nerd.  As most of you are aware, I suffer from Crohn's disease as well as a devastating form of arthritis that many individuals with Crohn's are afflicted with.  It is called AS or Anklosing Spondylitis and when it flairs up, it fuses the bones of the spine together.  Nasty stuff!!  Well, I have had pretty severe flair ups of both of these conditions the past couple of weeks to the point that I could not walk up the stairs because my knee swelled up so bad .  Now, before you think this is going to be a post about my trials and tribulations, hang in there with me for a moment.  

I will be the first to share with you that I HAVE had my moments during the last two weeks of throwing little pity parties for myself.  Trouble is, nobody I sent invitations to showed up.  Not because they don't care, but because they all have their own issues they are dealing with on a day to day basis.  And I get that.  I really do.  But it can make a guy feel lonely and forgotten.  Tear!  LOL

But this morning I finally felt well enough to make a trip to the grocery store and found a renewed strength and vigor about my situation.  I became ANGRY.   Not in a malicious or destructive manner, but in a way of INSPIRATION.  That's why I use Batman as my individual totem.  He too uses his anger as INSPIRATION.  He doesn't want others to feel his pain and that fuels all that he does.  And that same sort of energetic foundation filled me this morning as I drove to pick up a cup of warm coffee to start the day.  

I decided right then and there that I was sick and tired of the struggles I had been facing the last 10 years of my life.  I  have fleshed a great majority of them out in various posts throughout the last year so I will spare you the chaos here.  Let's just say it has at times felt like I was the Universe's punching bag.  It's own personal Rocky for the ages in a knockdown, drag out fight that wouldn't end.  Well, it ends NOW!!!   And that doesn't mean I am not going to continue to have my trials and tribulations.  In fact, I expect them.  It's just that I am going to not allow myself get caught up in the Ego game of life.  Where things happen TO YOU not FOR YOU.  It's easy to do, as I am sure many of you know firsthand. AND it all happens to be a tenet of the Hero's Journey.  Which if I were to narrow down into its most basic form would be that NOTHING IN YOUR LIFE IS EVER WASTED!  EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.  That job you lost.  It's because you weren't supposed to be there long term.  Your destiny lied elsewhere.  That relationship that lit up and then burnt down just as fast;  it wasn't meant to last forever.  Both sides received what they needed for their own Journey and purpose.  Let it go and move on.  That illness that suddenly showed up and knocked you to the bathroom floor (perhaps many times).  Embrace it!!  You heard me,  Embrace it because whether it came for a reason or a season, the fact that it showed up means it has real value in your purpose!!  Trust!!  

If this all sounds a little harsh, it is NOT meant to be.  Stern perhaps, but NOT harsh.  In fact, the second  side of this tail is to give yourself compassion for what you are going through.  Whatever that THING happens to BE.  You are a precious piece of God's plan and He needs you.  In fact,  the Universe wouldn't be the same without you.  So don't EVER THINK SPIRIT DOESN'T SEE YOUR PAIN.   In fact, in your darkest hours, there are ONE THOUSAND ANGELS AT YOUR SIDE.  Did you know that??!  Because it is true!

As I got home this morning and walked in to turn the tv on, I saw that Joel Osteen was on the boob tube.  Given his often touching and profound messages that have so frequently resonated with me in exactly the manner I needed at the time, I decided to sit down and listen to his homily.  And BOY did it strike a nerve!  He fleshed out the story of Mike Llitch.  Unfortunately he just passed away in February at age 87.  But before he made his transition, he made more than an indelible mark on this planet.  You see, as a young boy, Mike dreamed of playing for the Detroit Tigers professional baseball team.  But a traumatic injury forced him to retire from the game he loved so passionately.  So his father, who had opened a small, humble pizza parlor asked if he would like to work with him at the pizza joint.  Mike begrudgingly accepted and in time, learned to absolutely love the pizza business.  So much intact, that he went on to found Little Caesar's pizza and became a billionaire.  He eventually used the money to purchase the Detroit tigers, the very team he once dreamed of playing for!!  Talk about a true Hero's Journey.  

This story caused a burning sensation of fervent determination deep within me.  I have found FAITH hard to come by these past few weeks and this story reenergized my fervent HOPE in Spirit.  In its ability to create magic and miracles seemingly before our very eyes, IF YOU ONLY BELIEVE and put that belief into persistent action!!

Whatever you may be currently going through, please know YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  There are many of us who are praying for Faith, Hope, and just one break to keep us going in the direction of our Purpose and Destiny!  If there is ONE THING I have learned it is life can literally change in an instant.  Hopes and dreams can manifest seemingly overnight!  And I promise to hold a space for all my fellow New Age Nerds as they follow their Hero's Journey that all their deepest heartfelt desires come to fruition in ways before unimaginable.......


Jeffrey Louis Martinez


  1. Thank you I really needed to be reminded that things don't happen to me, they happen for me.

  2. Thank so reading Karmen. It is so easy to play victim to our life circumstances. But NOTHING is ever wasted. Whatever you are going through....I PROMISE you....it is leading you somewhere or teaching you something you will need for your life's purpose!! Nerdmaste!!! Jeff
