About Me

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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

How To KNOW If A CALLING Is Meant For YOU..?!!?!

Back in the mid 1980's, I worked for a video store my last two years of high school-Yes I am in THAT age range...lol   Every weekend was spent consuming all the newest films that were being released every Thursday evening at our particular store.  I would dream of one day being on the ‘big screen’ and having a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  But as a dear friend once informed me, fame and fortune IS NOT A PROFESSION!!  LOL  

So I took the route most traveled and studied hard, got into a great college and started a “stable” career in sports broadcasting.  Hey, it wasn't Hollywood but it was as close as I could get from the comfy confines of Northern Virginia.  Yet every night I would drive home with a solemn emptiness in my heart.  The dream of moving to Hollywood still tempted my heart and soul oh so badly.  And no matter how much I tried, there was just no thing that could quell that thirst.  

In the first few entries of The New Age Nerd I have fleshed out the story of how I FINALLY ended up in LA LA land, so I will save you the intricacies here.  Needless to say, it appeared my dreams were coming true!  I remember the first time I drove down Sunset Blvd, blaring the radio and singing the Chumbawamba 's “I Get Knocked Down.”  This was living the dream I thought at the time.  It was a dream alright, but after a few years I realized it wasn't a dream MEANT FOR ME!  You see, my desperate desire to be famous was pure EGO!  I didn't feel whole just as I was and I thought that being anointed by the Hollywood Movie Gods would fill my heart with a feeling of worth and value.  When in reality, I already had that worth and value in a manner greater than I could ever have possibly imagined just by BEING...well....ME!!   Just as you have the same worth in you.....In fact there is absolutely nothing about you that isn't already pure perfection.  You may have been conditioned to believe otherwise by friends or family, but that is THEIR story NOT yours.  

After a few years of auditioning for commercials and small parts on tv shows and movies, I decided that this DREAM wasn't all it was cracked up to be.  In fact, it was downright depressing.  Walking into a room and seeing 100 other guys who look very much like you, but taller, and more attractive;  it started to feel like I was selling my soul for something that was just a fleeting feeling.  

But I had a Ginormous problem on my hands.  If the dream of being an actor was not a dream meant for me, than what was my CALLING.  And so I started to pray to Spirit that it would show me the way.  I asked for signs from the Universe to help guide my path.  And ya know what!?  I started getting these signs and magical synchronicities like a waterfall of wisdom.  Everywhere I turned were sometimes subtle and sometimes Gi-normous signs that all my life experiences up to that point were leading me to be a teacher and coach to others.  

Now don't get me wrong..  There were OH SO MANY TIMES when I doubted the whispers from Spirit and walked in another direction.  And all that showed up was pure CHAOS.  NO FUN!!  Yet when I followed the path that the Universe was showing me, magic showed up!  It wasn't always easy, because as they say, nothing in life worth anything is!  

So what about you?!  Are you following a dream that isn't really meant for you?  Do you experience pain, discord and discomfort when you try and take steps in the direction of this dream.  Then chances are it is not the path of your true CALLING! And that is OK.  More than OK.  It means that you can stop wasting time on something  that isn't your true purpose and instead concentrate on your own unique Hero's Journey!   

Believe me, the Universe ALWAYS has your back.  If something is truly meant for you, you will KNOW it.  You won't have to whine, cajole, and beg for what is rightly yours.  And that is a magical Journey where all the gifts and amazing talents you brought here to Earth can be shined and shared with us all!  


A life filled with pure sensationalism has slowly taken a gargantuan grasp upon so many of the "mind's eye" within our collective consciousness. And desiring to have a life filled with abundance is our very birthright! But a life built solely upon materialistic desires is a path that slowly pulls us away from our individual CALLING's toward a never-ending search for  external, short lived accoutrements that will NEVER fill the blank hole you may feel within your heart and soul. For THAT hole can only be eternally filled when we are brave enough to eschew short term blasts of bliss for the long term, joy filled happiness that comes when we decide to commit our lives to our individual soul filled CALLINGS.


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, April 24, 2017

The Journey Ain't Always Easy...........


A few months ago, when I was going through a particular difficult time dealing with some past TRAUMA, I was desperately seeking solace anywhere I could find it.  And I often find it challenging to reach out to my Tribe for help because I know they look up to me as someone who has spent the past 20 years on self realization work and can deal with what much of life throws at me.  I know this is TOTALLY a limiting belief but one that I need to work on with love and light!  
 Wayne Dyer.  I have always found such tenderness, grace, and solace in his words and wisdom.  So on this particular day I decided to search to see if his blog was still up and running since his passing.  And ya know what, it was!!I scrolled through several of his entries and suddenly stopped on one just by happenstance.  And as Spirit often has such a sneaky way of bringing us Re-membrance, this entry had to do with his battle with a deep and dark depression after he and his wife separated.  He was in his 60's at the time and the break up of his marriage absolutely devastated him as one can fully understand.  During a near two year period, he barely left his house, and lost a massive amount of weight.  

Believe me, in my world, misery DOES NOT like company, but I did find a sense of commiseration with what he had gone through.  I remember first starting this blog and it causing me a TON of discord because my inner dialogue was something akin to “who the hell are you to think you have figured this thing called life out.  Much less that anyone would care to listen to what you have to say about it.”  And believe me, that same inner monologue sometimes still pops up its dastardly head to challenge my purpose!!  

So as I read Wayne's prose that day, I realized that we ALL go through our pain and suffering.  NOBODY escapes its at times soul crushing grip!!  And even more importantly, THAT IS OK! It's all part of the process.  And I am hoping that by sharing my own struggles, it will assist you in yours!

Which brings me to the past two weeks.  During that time I found myself really grappling with some past hurt and trauma that cut me to the core.  Real deep, twisted stuff that can make one think they are losing their sensibilities.  Now when we are faced with this predicament we basically have two choices.  We can face our pain head on, or resist it!  Here is something I have learned on my own Hero's Journey.  What you choose NOT to deal with will continue to haunt you by resurfacing time and time again in your life.  And that goes for us all.  No getting around this nasty stuff!  

But as a past mentor once shared with me, when this type of pain, depression, anxiety, and suffering surfaces, it is a MAGICAL GIFT!  Because it is showing you where there is room for LOVE and Light to be applied to places deep within your heart and soul.  It's not that you are broken or beaten down.  That's just thinking that you are anything but a perfect emanation of God.  And that is what you are!! Doesn't that feel good.......   No, this is simply a wonderful opportunity to Re-member who you really are and bathe in that GRACE and JOY.  Now listen to me straight up....   THIS PROCESS IS NOT EASY.   In fact there are times when I have felt like throwing in the spiritual growth towel and head for another distant shore!   Exit, stage left....   LOL   

This process is very similar to being birthed again as a bigger, brighter, shinier, new you!!  And as we are all aware, the birthing process is beyond arduous.  We must be stretched in places we never knew were there!  But the aftermath is the MIRACLE OF BIRTH!!  And there is nothing more magical than that. 

And guess what?!?   This process NEVER ends.  We are constantly stripping off what no longer serves us to reveal what is dying to shine through underneath all of our pain and suffering.  But if we are to become the Greatest Version of the Greatest Vision we have ever heard of ourselves, there is no other path to take my friends.  It is our only Yellow Brick Road!  But we all know how that story ends...  AND ya know what?!!?  There by following your own Journey, no matter how challenging or painful it may be, there is a fairy tale ending just waiting to embrace you if you just have the COURGE to live fearlessly with the belief that Spirit is with you EVERY STEP OF THE WAY........


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Did You KNOW You Actually Have SUPER POWERS!!!



David Dunn: I wanted to ask you a question. It's gonna sound a little strange, just think about it for a second, okay? 
Audrey Dunn: Okay. 
David Dunn: When's the last time I was sick? Do you remember? 
Audrey Dunn: Um, I don't know. It's been a while. 
David Dunn: I haven't been sick this year, I know that. 
Audrey Dunn: Okay. 
David Dunn: Do you remember me getting sick? 
Audrey Dunn: Um... not a specific day. What - what's this about? 
David Dunn: Audrey, do you remember me ever getting sick? In the three years we lived in this house? In the old apartment? Before Joseph was born? Before we ever got married? 
Audrey Dunn: I - I can't remember. 
David Dunn: Don't you think that's kind of weird, not remembering one cold or a fever or a sore throat? What do you think it means?
~~  From the film UNBREAKABLE

Back in the year 2000,  director M. Night Shyamalan followed up his massively popular first foray into filmmaking, ‘The Sixth Sense’, with another movie that continues to gain its well earned fanatical fans.  This second film is called ‘Unbreakable’ and it may have been a little too ahead of its time during its initial release over 15 years ago.  But in our current pop culture fascination with the mythology surrounding superheroes and their arch villains, it's easy to understand why a film that was often subtly dismissed as ‘Sixth Sense-Part Two’ continues to build its rabid fan base.

For the uninitiated, ‘Unbreakable’ stars Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis and weaves a slow burning, yet riveting tale of a real life superhero whose powers are unearthed by the horrific tragedies  spun by the mind of a sociopathic madman.  Director and writer Shyamalan infuses the script with several opportunities to explore some hefty spiritual themes, such as broken love, the bonds between fathers and sons, and the tragedy of an unexamined life.  

And of course since I am a New Age Nerd, I am incredibly drawn to the manner in which the film portray's its central character's Hero's Journey.  It takes us on a man's path toward REBIRTH, and understanding the unequalled power in finding your purpose.   “Do you know what the scariest thing is?  To not know your place in this world, to not know why you are here. That's...that's just an awful feeling,” says Samuel L Jackson's character
Mr. Glass.  In this rare twist in the genre, the villain actually supports the hero in finding out who he really is as displayed when he espouses, “It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others.  I hope you can keep an open mind.”

I was powerfully reminded of this film during a recent coaching session with a client.  She was facing a serious dilemma that stemmed from her deep fear of flying.  Her husband was heading to Italy for a huge business affair and desperately wanted her to join him for the occasion.  Plus, how can you pass up an all expenses paid trip to ITALY?!  Right?!  

During our session, I found out she was a trained yoga instructor who was obviously incredibly passionate and proud of her profession.  And it became the perfect way for me to assist her in tapping into her own SUPERPOWERS to over come her phobia of flying.   As she was explaining to me how terrific and powerful she felt when standing in front of her students, teaching them the yoga principles   that meant so much to her, keeping them calm and focused, I knew it was the perfect time to jump in with a suggestion!  

“What would it look like, if you reframed this flight to Italy as a yoga job assignment.  What if you pretended that the airline was hiring you to be the superhero called YOGA WOMAN.  And it was your job to hold a space of peace and serenity for ALL the people on board the plane, ” I asked.

After several seconds of silence, she spoke up.  “Oh my gosh, Jeff.  That shifted everything for me.  I really think I could do that.  And I am even going to make a YOGA WOMAN costume with a big Y on my chest and everything.”

It may seem too easy (and trust me, not all coaching sessions flow like this) but that subtle shift in her own perspective flipped a mental switch that gave her the courage to take that flight and share a once in a lifetime experience!  It's a bird, it's a plane......no it's YOGA WOMAN keepin everyone sane!  LOL

Just as one of the messages in ‘UNBREAKABLE’, we all have a unique set of gifts and talents.  Many of which lie dormant for the majority, if not ALL of our lives.  And it's a damn shame!  It's our duty to share our SUPER POWERS with the world. That's why we are here!!

So I ask you, how much time have you spent trying to uncover the amazing parts of your rare talents and gifts?!  They are there.  WITHIN YOU.  Do you have the courage to search for them?!  Although none of us are Unbreakable, we are all blessed with special abilities worthy of any superhero!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, April 17, 2017

You CAN'T Give Up NOW... READ THIS To Find Out WHY..!!



Back during the Gold Rush (1848-1855) on the Western Coast of the United States, there are plenty of well worn tales of individuals who sold the majority of their belongings to buy just enough food and equipment to make the LONG trek by horse across the hardened terrain of the country in the hope of finding their personal fortune.  A few actually had the perseverance, courage, strength and determination to make dreams a realty!  Unfortunately, the majority of them eventually ran out of money, food, supplies , or a combination of the three and said goodbye to the Left Coast to go back to the lives of poverty that awaited them.  

However, the lessons those fervent few left behind them have become things of LEGENDS.  Those who read The New Age Nerd frequently know I have a big 'ole man crush on Napoleon Hill.  And in his quote filled book, ‘Three Feet From Gold,’ he actually tells the true story of a man named  R.U Harby who lived during that time.

Harby’s uncle had gold fever, so he staked his claim and started digging.  After a lot of hard work, the uncle found a vein of ore, so he covered up his find and returned home to raise the money for the machinery that he would need to bring the ore to the surface.
They raised the money and Darby travelled with his uncle back to the site to make their fortune.
Things started well and before long, they had enough to clear their debts.  They were excited, everything from here on would be profit and things were looking good.
Then the supply of gold stopped.  The vein of ore had disappeared.
They kept on digging, but found nothing.
After a while, they quit in frustration and sold their machinery to a junk man for a few hundred dollars.
After they went home in disappointment, the astute junk man called in a mining engineer who checked the mine and calculated that there was a vein of gold just three feet from where Darby and his uncle had stopped digging.
The junk man went on to make millions from the mine.
Darby returned home, paid back everyone who had lent him money and was determined to learn from his mistake in giving up too soon.
He went on to become a phenomenally successful insurance salesman, more than recouping what he would have made from the gold mine.
He learned the lesson that you need to persevere through difficulties and stay focused if you are to become successful.
Whenever you feel like giving up on your dream, remember that you may be just three feet from gold!
~~  Napoleon Hill    (Three Feet From Gold)
I first read that story over 20 years ago and it continues to have a Gi-normous impact on my life.  In fact it is a MANTRA that I live by.  My inner monologue often saying, “Come on Jeff, don't quit!   Can't give up now!   We are just THREE FEET FROM GOLD!"  Of course the gold I am referring to could be a job, a weight lifting goal, or the starting of a new business.   Sometimes, IT IS even about money!!  
But it is that particular story that still informs my own beliefs, values, and sensibilities about the fine line between success and failure in life as much as any other I have ever heard.  It's infused in my favorite stories of amazing Hero's Journey's such as RockyRudy, even The Lord of the Rings.  NEVER GIVE UP.    NEVER.  As they say, the night is ALWAYS darkest just before the dawn.  
Hill's book is so full of piercing life NUGGET'S, I have pulled several  of my favorite in the hope that they leave an indelible mark on your will power during adversity too!

Three C’s:
Congruency:  Be authentic in your words and actions.  In other words, do as you say, and say as you do.  Others are watching, and even more importantly, this is what makes up your character.
Clarity:  Have a crystal clear vision of what you desire.
Certainty:  Know within your heart and soul that what you are doing has purposes. 
Sometimes the worst situations turn out to be the best opportunities. 
When you call upon your subconscious mind you must conduct yourself just as you would if you were already in possession of the material thing that you are demanding. 
Never let mistakes define who you are. 
Collaboration is essential to creat miracles. 
The knowing – there is a big diference between believing in something and knowing it. 
Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it. 
Stop overplanning. 
Dream big, and never stop short of reacing the top. 
There is a difference in being interested and being committed. 
Whether the glass is half full or half empty depends on where it began. 
~~  quotes from Napoleon Hill    (Three Feet From Gold)
At one time or another in each of our lives, we are going to be met with adversity and temporary defeat.  But 90% of how the experience turns out is in HOW YOU SHOW UP TO MEET IT!    So never quit, you never know, you may be ‘ JUST THREE FEET FROM GOLD!’
Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!!




Please have a WONDERFUL EASTER!!!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, April 15, 2017



~~    Kirk:   “What are we going to do?  We are outmatched on every level.”
        Spock:  “We will do what we always do, Captain.  Find HOPE in the impossible.”


Now that Oprah Winfrey no longer has her daily TV show, there is ONE man who has picked up her mantle and actually produces some very valuable and incredibly INSPIRATIONAL programming.  Many of you know him because of his recent MISSTEP on the Miss Universe pageant.  But for those who never DVR his show, it might be a great time to start.   His name of course is Steve Harvey and is a powerhouse of positive POWER.  And he knows that of which he speaks.  He came from absolutely nothing, and was actually homeless for a period of his life.  But he did something that many of us DREAM about doing, yet a very precious few ever attempt.  He TOOK THE JUMP!!

Yesterday's repeat episode was incredible emotional as he consoled a guest whose life long dream was to open her own beauty shop, but like many of us, lacked the intestinal fortitude to leave her comfortable job and TAKE THE JUMP! He began the segment by espousing, “I meet so many people with big professional dreams, but something always holds them back. If you NEVER take the leap of faith or what I now call THE JUMP, you will never know if you can SOAR!”

I found out that he actually motivates his own crowd before every show.  One such motivational speech in front of his Family Feud audience went viral and they played it on yesterday's show.

Standing like a preacher of passion in front of this live studio audience, Steve began to preach by eloquently espousing, “I'm going to tell you something that EVERY single successful person has to do.  Including you.  EVERY SUCCESSFUL PERSON IN THIS WORLD HAS TAKEN THE JUMP.  You have to take that gift, which comes packed away on your back, you have to jump off that cliff and pull that chord.  That gift opens up and provides the SOAR.  And if you don't use it, you are going to continue to get up everyday and just go to work.   And if you continue getting up every day going to a job that you hate,  THATS NOT LIVING.”   Preach Steve, PREACH!  

Steve has of course done this himself, and understands the challenges that are a natural part of the process.   His point especially fleshed out when he says, “If you want to live your life in a comfort zone, it will become your FAILURE ZONE. In order to become successful, you are going to have to become uncomfortable.  Do not sit here in fear, and let fear control your fate.  Because you won't go ANYWHERE.  I'm going to tell you something about the JUMP you need to know.  Jumping is scary.  When you first jump, your parachute is NOT going to open up right away.  I would love to tell you that it would. That when you leave your job, the parashute is not going to open right away.  It's not going to happen that way.  You are going to get some skin torn off you on the rocks during the way down.  At times it is going to feel like an uncontrollable tumble.  But let me tell you this, if you NEVER jump, your parachute will never open.  YOU WILL NEVER SOAR.  You will be safe, with your parachute still on your back.  All your skills and talents still packed away and you will never get cut up.  But if you NEVER take that jump, YOU WILL NEVER SOAR.  If you don't jump, I am going to tell you something.  You will never know. You may be the best at what you do, but you will NEVER know.  You have to jump, everybody has to take the jump.”  And I could't agree more.  One of my definitions of a SIN, is unfulfilled potential.

Steve began to cry as he spoke, the obvious experience of his own pain and challenges, and the courage it took for him to take that jump , and the sense of fulfilled purpose it brought  him was so evident without him saying a single word. Simply crying on stage said it all.  

This segment resonated with me on SO many levels that I started to tear up myself.  It has taken me over 40 years to take the jump. And I have NEVER been happier, or more fulfilled than I currently do at this moment in my life.  I have no regrets, as each and every experience I was collecting along my Hero's Journey was preparing me for this moment!  

With the precarious state of the world, with mass shootings and acts of random violence and terrorism filling our airwaves on a nearly daily basis, I have a theory.    And it is why I am so PASSIONATE about what I do as a coach and inspirational thought leader.  I truly believe, the quickest way to change the world is to help people Re-member why they are here.  As a collective consciousness WE HAVE LOST OUR PURPOSE.  And to fill the void of not taking the jump to fulfill the DESTINY that is part of our essence, we are chasing false idols, and quite frankly, have become truly lost.  From my own experience, I have learned that the ONLY thing that will permanently fulfill the longing in our hearts and souls, the void of disconnection from Spirit, is following our Divine Purpose.  That is what this blog is all about.  Inspiring all New Age Nerds to awaken and truly live their LEGACY.  Doing so is a spiritual balm that helps heal the deepest wounds and fractures in our own BEING and amongst one another.  

I know only too intimately how much a comfortable life may seem appealing.  But after a while, it leaves you with a deep feeling of unfulfilled potential. And that is when depression, anxiety, drugs, alcohol, and other self sabotaging behavior slowly start to creep into our experience.  AND it can sneak up on you if you aren't careful.  Trust me!!!

Please do not misunderstand me.  I am NOT saying everyone should up and leave their current jobs to pursue their dreams and follow their PURPOSE.  It takes vision, and a sound plan put in place first.  But at some point, it will be so critical to step up to the Edge of Life and TAKE THE JUMP toward the very reason you came here to BE!  And that, my friends, is when MIRACLES become commonplace and LOVE abounds!!    And more importantly, the moment you truly commit to your purpose, the Universe will rush in and flood your experience with anything and everything you need to survive!   Now doesn't that sound like a life truly worth living?!?


Jeffrey Louis Martinez  

Friday, April 14, 2017


“See this guy here staring back at you?  THAT's the toughest opponent you are ever going to have to face.  I believe that's true in the ring, and I think that's true in life. ”
Rocky Balboa from CREED

A few years ago, while taking some classes toward a leadership coaching certification, I had quite an impactful experience that I still use to help me re-frame my own ‘inner critic’.   Who needs enemies when our own MONKEY MIND insists on taunting us with thoughts of blame, guilt, regret, and self-hatred,  often with a big, heaping side order of worthlessness.  And as that day's class was soon to me show, we are truly all ONE in this experience that causes so much anxiety, depression,  and pain.  Not to mention how it blocks us from the healing LOVE we need to move forward in our lives..................

After our mid-day lunch break, our class of roughly 30 seated students were each given a stack of cards with various short phrases written on the back of each one.  We were instructed to pick the ONE card that best exemplified the way we felt about ourselves most of the time.  You have to remember this was an extrapolation of people who were all on an active path toward self growth, many of us having spent years, if not DECADES, on a quest for the specialized knowledge that would allow us to coach and train others on becoming the ‘greatest version’ of themselves.

The phrases on the cards ran the emotional scale from ‘I Am Love’ to ‘Work in Progress’.  Once we all had our card picked, we were told to stand up, and with its message facing forward, held in front of our chest, start mingling with one another.   One by one, we stood up.  Suddenly, a raucous set of laughs started erupting from one side of the room to the other.  With over 20 different messages that each member in the group was free to choose from, ALL but five of us picked the EXACT SAME CARD.  That card read......   NOT GOOD ENOUGH !!

I will NEVER forget the divine feeling of oneness I felt in that moment.  Oh, I laughed my ass off like the rest, but my soul was shedding tears of joyful connection.  Up until that moment, I had often been afraid to admit the intensity of my own MONKEY MIND.  How controlling, suffocating,  and idea crushing it could be.   But as I looked around that room, and saw nearly everyone holding up that  card, with its illusionary message, all I could see was beings of perfection.  Even if THEY could not see it in themselves.  How could they not see that in themselves?!  Why could I often not see it in myself?!

Since then, I have come to understand that radical self compassion is like most everything else of   great value, a PROCESS.  Our capacity for self compassion is not unlike a muscle.  It must be trained, honed, and cared for with patience and love.  Here are 4 TIPS for practicing self compassion that have made an enormous change in helping me keep my inner critic just the way I like him,  Supah Silent :

1.  Feel your feelings, then let them GO.
When you suppress your feelings, in reality you are quelling a spiritual lesson that is trying to emerge for your highest good.  Your inner critic is going to get on stage and grab the mic(he/she LOVES attention) when something triggers you no mater how much work you've done on yourself. By allowing yourself to fully FEEL the emotions this brings up, you may just find that there is some light being shown on issues where attentive love still needs to be applied.  The key is to make sure you DO NOT make a 'broadway show' out of your feelings.  Nobody wants to buy a ticket to feelings you are holding onto that no longer serve you anymore!

2.   Meditate
When my Monkey Mind is causing me all kinds of chaos, the most powerful tool I know for calming the noise is through meditation.  If you don't currently practice meditation, NOW may be a great time to start.  There are some fantastic programs that are free online (Oprah and Deepak Chopra offer one a couple of times per year) if you don't know where to start.  By simply going within during meditation, you can reconnect with Spirit and re-member that you are a unique emanation of God, perfect and whole in every way.  As you get better at meditative practice, you will begin to carry that FEELING of being whole and worthy out of your meditation, and INTO the rest of your day.  Just be patient with the process, my meditations are STILL a work in progress.  ;0)

3.  Realize that you are NOT your thoughts
The arch enemy of your 'inner critic' just may be the watchful observer.
When those thoughts  of worthlessness and doubt arise, try this little trick.  Close your eyes, and visualize yourself in a room, alone with JUST THE THOUGHTS that are causing you trouble.  See how you are completely SEPARATE from them in the room.  Do not judge the thoughts, or allow yourself to become anxious around them.  You are simply an OBSERVER. It may take some time to achieve this space.  Thats OK.  Simply breathe   ...one ...breath... at a... time.
Once you are in a place of calm, address the thought/thoughts.  
“Thank you for coming.  I appreciate you shedding light on the places I still need work. But now, please GO!  You are NOT a part of me.  And I am NOT a part of you."

You can repeat a mantra that works for you(feel free to experiment until you find something that really resonates) again and again.  Visualize these thoughts slowly evaporating back into the ether from which they came.  You may be laughing, but TRY it!  By seeing yourself as separate from the thoughts through the power of your watchful observer, their grip on your psyche is truly lessened.

4.  Choose your TRIBE carefully
The number one thing I hear from people is how they have no control over their lives.  For the most part, that is true.  We do not live in a vacuum, and many facets of our experiences are completely beyond our control.  HoweverONE thing we do have complete control over is also one of the most important aspects in determining our overall joy and success in life.  
That being WHO we choose to let into our lives.  
There has been scientific evidence that proves we become the average of the five people we choose to spend the most time with on a daily basis.  We spend SO much time dealing with our own inner critic, don't ya think it would be a great idea to make sure the people we invite into our TRIBE shower us with inspiration, support, kindness, and growth filled experiences.  So when it comes to picking new TRIBE members in 2016, CHOOSE WISELY!!
I hope this helps you quiet your ‘inner critic’ and ALLOWS IN the healing love and light that is all around you..................


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, April 13, 2017


Do you have any idea how uniquely magnificent YOU TRULY ARE...?
How much this World currently DESIRES the Super Powers bestowed upon only you..?
The lives that will NEVER be the same, simply because they were touched by your LOVE....?

As GOD created this magnificent Matrix of Energetic Bliss, he went to the edge of Heaven, sliced a tiny piece off and then He gently blew.  And that precious piece,  so softly fell from its adorned place, and as it reached Earth, it transformed ever so perfectly as the Miracle that is YOU!!

Time for all of us to Re-member we share the same PURPOSE! To LOVE one another as we would choose to LOVE ourSELVES!! 

Oh what a World this can still BE!! IF we all shared our Super Powers unconditionally!!

Why is it we all strive for something we weren't meant to BE...
Slaving through work that has no real meaning ...
Yet day after day, we act like obedient slaves...
Hoping one day our slog will reveal our reason for Being.... 

So often the path seems so tough to navigate......

Not knowing if we are on our True Path....
But are we asking questions leading to our Fate..
Or are we afraid the answers will fill us with wrath....

Confusion sets in as the clock continues to move...

Time races by oh so fast in this illusion...
Yet we ignore its constant beating....
Afraid testing our mettle will cause us much confusion...

Depression, anxiety, and suffering for some ensues...

As we think of the many days now gone by...
New directions never taken, afraid we may always lose...
But the yearning deep inside causes our SOUL to cry....

Magnificent beings... we came here to shine...

To spread magic upon this world for all to see...
Yet we hide our wings and live life as if by crime..
Fearful of the opinions of others who judge us sans decree........

We see the world as a concert with no refrain....

But rather as Who we truly are deep within....
So unless we carve away our pain...
This experience will appear only as a whimsical sin...

Fractured relationships fill our lives....

When both sides seek only pure LOVE and affection ....
So why do we turn a compassion eye...
And suffer needlessly,  rather than spread a loving confection

For our experience here is a fleeting cosmic ride....

A place to Re-member we are not living a Test...
And by gently offering the gifts that lie deep inside...
We can reclaim our birth right and give our mind a rest...

The truth of the matter is that we are all enough...

No need to BE something you are truly not..
For Spirit granted you to BE everything at once...
So be brave enough to give it all a proper shot....

For this illusion of separation DOES NOT exist...

You and I are but FOREVER ONE...
So let competition completely fall away...
Because just by coming we Both have already WON.....

Be never afraid to extend a loving, helping hand...

To your brothers and sisters in need..
Too many lives and an hourglass losing all its sand..
So many SOULS who lives we need to feed...

For this world is at a desperate peril...

One that cannot be ignored...
But there is ALWAYS enough time..
For each and every valley to be restored.....

So make a declaration to share your gifts of loving service...
For it's the smallest of gestures that keep the darkness at bay....
Throw away your self doubt, fear and any facet of being nervous...
Because our benevolent Universe will ALWAYS light your way...

written by Jeffrey Louis Martinez



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

It's Never Too Late To Become The HERO You WERE MEANT To Be....!!



A friend I met in Los Angles and now an UBER successful life coach named Christine Hassler has carved out quite a niche for herself as the ‘Expectation Hangover’ expert!  What is an expectation hangover you ask?!?   I thought you might!  LOL   Have you ever woken up in the morning, and once the dream webs from your current night's slumber start to release their hold from your consciousness, you feel a sudden anxious, almost dreadful feeling of the day to come?  And as you begin your daily routine of getting ready for work, your inner monologue bellows with thoughts something akin to :  “This is NOT the life I had envisioned for myself!”   THAT, my dear friends is an EXPECTATION HANGOVER!  For those of you so called to do so, please check out Christine and her podcast (I highly suggest buying her books as well!)

What I would like to focus on is the fact that no matter what our current life situation may look like, it is NEVER TOO LATE TO BECOME WHO YOU WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO BE!  We each signed a Universal contract upon declaring ourselves ready to enter this dense realm of pure illusion!  This contract was a promise written in the stars that we would use this Earthly experience to   bring forth kindness, compassion, and joy through an eternal LOVE LIGHT that shines through our darkest nights!  And as far as our calling is concerned please Re-memeber these holy words:

Please be patient with me....
As my CALLING has been patient...

And your calling with each of you...
Always and in all ways...

Eternally obedient...
A contract written with remnant tears...
From the times they were first imagined then birthed...

Through JOY'S LOVE and Laughter...

They are pure INTUITION made your tangible guide...

Sealed with God's Knowing Nod...

And so it is.....

by Jeffrey Louis Martinez

To help further clarify the fact that many of our greatest Hero's and Heroine's have created their greatest earthly success in the ‘Golden Years’, how many of you know the story of the chicken king himself, Colonel Sanders?!?!  At age 5 his father died. At age 16 he quit school. At age 17 he had already lost four jobs. At age 18 he got married. He joined the army and after a few short years knew that the military life wasn't meant for him and left. At age 20 his wife left him and took their baby. He became a cook in a small cafe and convinced his wife to return home. At age 65 he retired. He felt like a failure & decided to commit suicide. He sat writing his will, but instead, he wrote what he would have accomplished with his life & thought about how good of a cook he was. So he borrowed $87, fried up some chicken using his recipe, and went door to door to sell. At age 88 Colonel Sanders, founder of the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Empire was a billionaire!!!

And one of my all-time personal Hero's, Abraham Lincoln faced a similar life's path.  He fought severe boughts of depression his entire existence.  And this, mind you, was way before we had the mental health compassion and tools that we do now. (Although we still have a ways to go in the compassion department!)  At age 9 he lost his mother to a horrible illness called milk sickness.  He later lost his beloved sister during childbirth.  Mostly self educated, Lincoln was often labeled as lazy and disillusioned because of his tendency to spend hours at a time scribbling thoughts and ideas in an old torn notebook.  

Lincoln was even tested several times by life through his dating life. In fact, his first true love passed away at age 23 from typhoid fever leaving him completely distraught.  While he did eventually marry a woman named Mary Todd, two of their four children passed away before the age of ten!  Lincoln and his wife were both so soulfully crushed from cumulative losses, that they both entered a long period of severe clinical depression, from which Mary was at one point institutionalized from.  

Even Abraham Lincoln's political career was far from an easy path.  He actually left politics for a period of 12 years to pursue a law career.  But Lincoln was finally persuaded by his fellow colleagues to re-enter the political fray and of course, as they say, ‘the rest is now grand history.’

I look at my own Hero's Journey as I am about to turn 47 in October and feel as though I am just now firmly stepping into my true Path!  And ya know what?!  I wouldn't have it any other way!!  I promise you that!  I needed to go through much of the suffering, pain, loss, trials and tribulations to access the abilities I use in my daily coaching practice and as well as  with The New Age Nerd!  

So while reading these words today, PLEASE do not be concerned with where you currently find yourself to be on your own Hero's/Heroine's Journey!  The SOUL has NO WRINKLES.....   And IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO BECOME WHO YOU WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO BE!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez