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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, January 28, 2022

HERE IS How To GAIN A Financial BLUEPRINT Of Abundance..........!



I find it ‘Interesting’ how conflicted so many of us are about the energy surrounding MONEY.  We get uncomfortable talking about it, or mentioning it.  Especially when we are in a group of others we do not know.  Many of us are even in a constant vibrational state of FEAR about not having enough of it, or worrying about losing what we do have.  My own father refused to talk about his personal finances with the family when he knew he was about to pass.  And it caused a great deal of tension and stress for my mother, who had to deal with the financial estate with little information to lean on after he transitioned.  And I'm not judging him for his reticence to discuss his financial matters.  Because it was all a part of his FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT.  We all have one, whether we are aware of it or not.   And NOT coming to terms with what your personal FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT is could be the biggest misstep you make in life.  

So what exactly is a FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT you ask?!?  It is your core vibrational inner belief system about abundance.  And for most of us, it is first conceived in our childhood.   How many of your parents would repeat statements such as “Close the door.  The air is on and money doesn't grow on trees ya know!!”   A great majority of us were brought up with the notion that money was scarce, hard to come by, and even harder to keep.  And we didn't even realize it!!  And there started our own personal energetic relationship with money and abundance.  

In T. Harv Eker's book ‘Secrets of The Millionaire Mind’ he says “It's simple, it's law, and you are NOT going to circumvent it.  It all comes down to this: if your subconscious “Financial Blueprint’  is not set for success, nothing you learn, nothing you know, and nothing you do will make much of a difference.”  He goes on to explain how he learned about his own relationship with money , “I examined my true beliefs and saw that even though I said I wanted to be rich, I had some deep rooted worries about it.  Mostly, I was afraid.  Afraid that I might fail, or worse, succeed and then lose it all.

So Eker spent several years searching and investigating the true MINDSET of the rich.  And not just rich in terms of money, but in abundance in ALL its forms.  Health, love, money, and happiness.  And do you know what he discovered; that THERE IS A SIMILAR ENERGETIC MINDSET THAT IS SHARED BY EVERYONE WHO LIVES A LIFE OF ABUNDANCE!

He eventually opened his own business and challenged his daily thoughts whenever they were not in complete alignment with abundance.  He had learned that it was his mind and the beliefs about abundance that had been his biggest obstacle toward obtaining and experiencing it.  And you know what, if you are not living the life of abundance you desire, than chances are a great deal of if it has to do with the EXACT same thing.  Your FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT isn't set for success.  

So how can you shift your inner beliefs toward and around abundance in all its shapes and forms.  The first thing I would suggest is getting real with your mindset and the thoughts that are currently circulating within your noggin about abundance.   And I mean compassionately honest with yourself. What are your feelings about your own self worth and value.? Do you BELIEVE you are worthy of ‘having it all?’  Do you fear talking about or dealing with bills?!  Are you afraid to ask your job for a salary that you are truly worth?  Is your belief system strong enough to leave your current job from the KNOWINGNESS that there is another opportunity out there that will pay you what you are truly worth and value you the way you deserve ?  

Stuart Wilde had an uber supercharged FINANICAL BLUEPRINT!  As is shown is his famous quote, “The key to success to is to raise your own energy.  ; when you do, people will naturally be attracted to you.  And when they show up, bill em!”  LOL

In fact, it has been scientifically proven that it is actually your ‘inner workings’ about abundance that determines your financial state.  Did you you know, for instance, that study after study has proven that 90% of lottery winners are either broke or dead within five years of winning their lot.  And it is because most of them did not work on their inner beliefs and knowingness about abundance before their winning hand was dealt.  And so they were NOT ready to receive it.  

We all have a built in abundance ‘Thermostat’ that regulates our energetic frequency toward abundance.  And if yours is set to low, there is NO THING you can ever do that will allow you the prosperity you deserve!  And research has shown that over 80% of people will NEVER be financially free in the way they would truly desire, and that same 80% will never truly live a life of JOY.  

One principle I want to share from Eker's book is the ‘Law of Both.’  He explains that poor people always think ‘either/or’ while those who live abundantly ALWAYS think BOTH.  Meaning they find a way to not have to choose just one thing over another.  If they want to start a new business, they don't come at it from just the perspective of having to quit their current place of employment to begin a new adventure.  They find a way to keep money flowing through the door WHILE they build their new business.  They know there is a way to have BOTH in any circumstance!!

I also love and have myself applied  his principle of ‘The Roots Create the Fruits.’

In it he explains, “Imagine a tree.  Let's suppose this tree represents the tree of life.  On this tree there are fruits.  In life our fruits are called our results.  So we look at the fruits (results) and we don't like them.  There aren't enough of them, they are too small, or they don't taste good.  So what do we tend to do.  Most of us put even more attention on the fruits, or our results.  But what is it that actually creates those fruits; it's the SEEDS and the roots that create the fruits.  It's what's under the ground that creates what's above the ground. It's what's invisible, that creates the visible.  So what does that mean?  It means if you want to change the fruits(results) you have to change the roots! If you want to change the visible you must first change the INVISIBLE.”

The roots he is referring to of course is our inner world.  Our beliefs.  Our core energy about abundance and they way we truly FEEL about it.  One powerful suggestion in making a sizable shift in our inner beliefs is through filling our affirmations with declarations.  As us New Age Nerds are aware, an affirmation is a statement that something we desire is actually happening.  And they can be amazing game changers when repeated often with conviction and emotion.  However, if you REALLY want to up your FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT's core vibration, mix your affirmations with the energy of a declaration.  A declaration is a commitment toward ACTION!  As the saying goes, ‘Faith is belief mixed with action!’  And trust me, it is a potent universal combination!!  Give it a try.......

In closing, I want to reiterate that this post is NOT about just financial abundance.  There is enough GREED in this world that it is causing us all some major league problems.  The wonderful thing about your FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT is that it works on ALL forms of abundance.  Health, wealth, knowledge, wisdom, and happiness.  It is the same formula for manifesting more of all of these magnificent and JOYOUS experiences we came here to have!  May at least some of today's words assist you in living a life of true abundance in all its magnificent forms!!!  And even better, the more abundance we have, the more we have TO GIVE!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, January 27, 2022



LUKE: Look, I'm sure its delicious. I just don't understand why we can't see Yoda now!

YODA: Patience! For the Jedi it is time to eat as well! Hmm! Good food! Eat! Eat! Hot! Ha ha ha!!

Luke dishes out a serving of Yoda's stew onto his plate with rancid disgust.

YODA: Good food, huh! Good! Hmm!

LUKE: How far away is Yoda? Will it take us long to get there?

YODA: Not far. Yoda not far. Ha ha! Patience! Soon you will be with him. 

YODA: Why must you become Jedi, hmm?

LUKE: Mostly because of my father I guess. 

YODA: Father, powerful Jedi was he. Ha ha! Powerful Jedi!

LUKE: (impatient) Oh come on. How could you know my father. You don't even know who I am!

YODA: (solemn) I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience.

BEN KENOBI : (Voice Over) He will learn patience. 

YODA: Much anger in him. Like his father.

BEN KENOBI : (Voice Over) Was I any different when you taught me?

YODA: No! He is not ready.

LUKE: (surprised) Yoda?! (soft beat) I am ready! Ben, I can be a Jedi. Ben, tell him .....

YODA: (interrupting) Ready are you?! What you know ready? For 800 years have I trained Jedi! My own council will I keep on who is to be trained! The Jedi must have the deepest commitment. The most serious mind. This one, a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was! On what he was doing! You are reckless!

BEN KENOBI: (Voice Over) So was I if you remember.

YODA: He is too old. Yes, too old to begin the training!

LUKE: But I've learned so much.  

YODA: Will he finish what he begins?

LUKE: I won't fail you. I'm not afraid!

YODA: You will be. You will be!

The Power of NOW! It was what master Yoda was trying to instill in his newest pupil, Luke Skywalker from the start of his training to become a Jedi. And yet so many of us choose to reject this space of being perfectly present in every moment. It can feel overwhelming and uncomfortable to face what currently IS! It's akin to sitting in the fire of our own compassionate truth and allowing the heat to burn off the ashes of everything that is not part of our authentic selves. Especially when this process is most effective when we truly allow ourselves to FEEL that burn; deep down to our own soulful core. Yet anything worth doing, is worth doing with us being ALL IN! Ask Yoda if you don't believe me. Tell you he will the truth! LOL And you wonder why Yoda told Luke he may become fearful. He he!!

Luke was challenged to find acceptance and gratitude with the life he was living on the barren planet of Tatooine. And so his mind was never focused on the LOVE and joy he had been given by his Aunt and Uncle before they were murdered. And he carried that trauma with him and eventually left his Jedi training with Yoda prematurely to rescue his friends who were captured by the evil Galactic Empire. What we do not repair, we are destined to REPEAT!!  Re-read that last sentence again. Please! Luke found that out the hard way. Hopefully, you won't have to......  ;0)

That's why it is so utterly important for us to use the healing and transformative power of ACCEPTANCE as a way to live in pure ALLOWANCE!!  For it is only here that we spend our days living in a Divine Dance with Spirit. And where we can sip from the well of TRUST that defines the Universe itself. And we come into the Universal understanding that No Thing happens To Us; but rather THROUGH us and FOR our Highest Good!  

Later during Luke's training, Yoda teaches him the power of BELIEF! Luke is trying to raise his downed X-Wing fighter out from the swamp i which in crashed and can't quite muster the inner belief of his own Super Powers.

LUKE: We'll never get it out now. 

YODA: (disappointed in Luke) So certain are you. Always with you what cannot be done. Hear you nothing of I say?

LUKE: Master, moving stones around is one thing. This...this is totally different!

YODA: No! No different! Only different in your mind. You must unlearn what you have learned. 

LUKE: Alright, I'll give it a try.

YODA: No! Try not! Do! Or do not. There is no try!

Luke attempts to use the Force to lift his spaceship from its watery grave. But to no avail.

LUKE: (breathing heavy) I can't. It's too big.

YODA: Size maters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you. Hmmm. And where you should not!

LUKE: You want the impossible. 

Despite his diminutive size, Yoda summons the Force to lift the ship up and out of the swamp to dry land! Luke is in a complete state of astonishment.

LUKE: I...I don't believe it!

YODA:  That....is why you fail!

SUPERHERO'S IN TRAINING TAKEAWAY.  Everything in life is a PROCESS!  Including acceptance of our life exactly the way it is!  And when we do experience pain, discord, angst, anxiety, or suffering in any form from an experience that has manifested into our experience, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for us to allow these emotions time to resonate within us. For repressed emotions are unactualized spiritual lessons. Just don't allow yourself to permanently move into these houses of perpetual pain and suffering. Instead, compassionately give yourself the gift of allowing the emotion to flow through you. Just long enough for the lesson it was meant to bring forth into your life to be fully actualized. And then LET IT GO

Yoda taught Luke that fear leads to anger, and anger to hate. In the very same manner, Belief leads to Faith, Faith leads to Knowingness, Knowingness leads to Gratitude, and Gratitude leads to Bliss! BUT IT ALL STARTS WITH ACCEPTANCE OF THAT WHICH CURRENTLY IS! 

As the great German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche discerned for himself, "I want to learn more and more to see what is necessary in things as well as what is beautiful in them - thus I shall be one who makes things beautiful. AMOR FATI ( the love of FATE) : let that be my love from now on. I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse the accusers. Let looking away be my only negation. And all in all on the whole : some day I want to be a YES SAYER!"

For Nietzsche, this meant fully accepting any and everything that came into his life. Including our capacity to overcome individual pain and suffering! And perhaps more importantly, to respect our suffering enough to discern the meaning within it! Strip away these fancy musings, and once again we find ourselves looking at life through the lens of LOVE

So never be ashamed to flood this World with all the varied ways in which LOVE can be unleashed.  Manners never yet witnessed by all the special spirits who are here, now - as well as the billions of angels throughout the Cosmos who check up on us all from time to time! After all, there has never been 'another you.'  Despite the billions of special spirits who have graced our planet, not one of them has your toothy grin; creating that dazzling smile that illuminates every room fortunate enough to have shared space with you!  Not to mention the memories now forever etched in oh so many who still bask in glorious glee because of how deeply you made them laugh! Or the shallowed moments in which your gentle touch eased the pain of a pet about to make their earthly transition. Or the amazement of your Spirit Guides, who have witnessed, time after time, the precarious precipice in which you had the courage to choose LOVE over FEAR in times of suffering from abandonment or painful judgment from those you still consider friends. And the open, forgiving heart you carry as majestically as Wonder Woman carries her 'Lasso of Truth.'

You are a unique emanation of a GOD who is limitless in all ways. And thus only YOU have been bestowed with the creativity to expand the LOVE within your heart to create miracles of all shapes and sizes. All within a framework for many - or perhaps just a single soul- to grasp as a pathway for all the prayers that many always thought went unheard. So never underestimate the power you wield to change the trajectory of another's path from pain to power. Often, simply through utterances filled with compliments and declarations of how you see them in their full grace and glory! Especially when they have fully forgotten how spectacularly special they are and the reverence with which they are being held within the arms of a million angels always standing by their side......

Do in these first precious moments of 2022, please commit to being a Disruptive Force. Be Disruptive in the way you LOVE yourself and others! Be Disruptive in extending random acts of kindness and compassion! Be Disruptive in showing others the light from your Inner Superhero, thus giving them permission to shine THEIRS!  And be Disruptive in showing this world a form of Loving Service to all; the likes of which it has never witnessed before  ....

The followers of my blog know I truly believe that we are all SUPERHEROES. Yet I am often challenged with this declaration which actually energizes me. Because it allows me to fully flesh out and clarify my musings on what I declare as TRUTH....
The origin term HEROES comes from the Greek. HEROES meaning many. As in, that which I do for you, I do for mySELF. Inversely, that which I do for mySELF, I do for all others. 

It was later changed to the singular HERO in Latin. Simply put: TO BE OF SERVICE
And as far as I'm concerned ...As simple as it may appear......  THAT IS THE SECRET TO LIFE....
And to those of you who choose to challenge such a short rumination on the answer to the 'Meaning of Life," I understand. All that I ask of you, is to put that declaration into your daily routine. And then step back and watch the MIRACLES begin to flood your very existence. 
Because as long as your thoughts, words, and deeds are in congruence with this singular intention of being of service, filled with LOVE, I have complete FAITH in the experiences I KNOW will flood into your life. 
Furthermore, learning the power that comes from living in the NOW is crucial. This is the mystical path towards living life in "the flow."  It is the way of the Force. And the Force is alive and well; an all empowering SOURCE of all the Infinite Intelligence that powers and sustains all of the cosmos. 

As Yoda would say, "Use the Force always. For a powerful ally it is. Powerful ally indeed.  Yes! Yes!" And so it is!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, January 24, 2022

The UNIVERSAL Answers You SEEK Are ALL around YOU..... Are YOU LISTENING....?


In the Summer of 2005, the real estate market in this country was on FIRE.  Individuals were leaving their "day jobs" to become buy and -quick flip- house hunters.  Especially in the "City of Angels."  And I wanted in on all the action.  As did one of my best buds.  When the student is ready, the teacher will appear!  And our real estate instructors were coming into Long Beach, CA for a two day seminar on the art of buying, fixing, and flipping houses for a ton of dough.  Heidi ho, "heidi dough!"   LOL!

My partner in crime and I made the hour long trek down to Long Beach one early Saturday morning. We had already digested a handful of books on the subject like two, true New Age Nerds. We were waiting and ready to RECEIVE whatever SPIRIT had in store for us that weekend.  

The first day's seminar was broken up into two parts.  Both four hours in length.  The two of us were so busy jostling down notes in our real estate journals that we barely thought about food.  But suddenly, a co-failitator of the event walked on stage and announced it was time for our one hour lunch break.  The event planners broke the audience of hundreds up into groups of four.  They desired each group to act as a mini-mastermind. To spend the hour not only eating, but "dreaming and scheming" with one another.  For where there are many, acting as ONE, the fruits will always be multiplied!  

Our fearsome foursome consisted of me and my buddy, as well as a dashing gentleman in his late 40's and an enigmatic woman of Middle Eastern descent approaching 60. (my guess) Small chat amongst us began in earnest as we walked across the street toward the culinary delight filled TGIF restaurant. ;0)  

Given the crowd soon to come, we were fortunate enough to be seated quite quickly.  Our preferred choices daringly decided, small talk resumed as we awaited our food.  I chimed in to ask if everyone was open to sharing a quick story about themselves.  A great ice breaker I thought!  And the team was more than obliged to take part.  

My friend and the gent now seated to his right, told stories about their family.  Both obviously married with kids.  And then, our Middle Eastern friend slowly began to spin her tale. Through a thick accent, and a powerful essence, she had us hooked with the first word "well."  What followed was a story for "All Ages!"  MIND BLOWING in substance and nature!

Her story began nearly 40 years prior.  When, as a 19 year old, she began to have fainting spells.  Apparently, she had fainted over a dozen separate times. Down the stairs, and even once while behind the wheel of her SUV.  Her doctors were completely flummoxed!  They couldn't find one single thing wrong with her.  Specialist after specialist, and she received nothing more than head scratching. 

Until one morning, when she fainted while walking down her home's tall staircase and tumbled straight down into the basement!  Thankfully, her father happened to be home from work at the time and urgently rushed to her side.  She explained to us in great detail what occurred next.

She could feel her SOUL leave her body and watch from above as her father tried his very best to arouse her!  She saw him crying with desperate tears.  "It's OK dad," she attempted to shout.  "I'm alright.  I'm right here!"  Before she could muster the strength to utter another "word," (on the 'other side', we speak through our emotions, but THAT is for another day)  she was suddenly whisked through time and space! She described it in great detail.  It reminded me of the scene in the Jodie Foster film Contact. (If you have yet to see this movie, place it high on your Netflix binge list) When Foster's character is placed in a pod built from extra terrestrial intelligence and sent cruising through the Cosmos.  A vortex of vibrant lights bending into a matrix of delusionary images.  Spinning tunnels of SPIRIT filled abundance, wrapped in clouds of pure consciousness!  

And then, she said, everything came to a jarring stop!  What she uttered next still resides deep within my own KNOWINGNESS.  An energetic form, too beautiful to accurately describe, slowly approached her.  And although the face of this sentient being never fully actualized, she fervently believes it was the essence of Jesus the Christ!  The closer in proximity this 'being' became, the more she described being bathed in LOVE.  A warm glow of "UNADULTERATED JOY" came over her own energetic vibration, she gushed.

Communication between the two then began.  Resolute with each and every word, she said, "I was told that I would be returning, healthy and whole, to my human body.  And now had a MISSION to be fulfilled.  I would be given an ability.  A special gift.  The power to KNOW when someone was NOT following their own personal CALLING.  And it would be up to me to help them Re-member."  We were all quickly jolted from our trancelike sensation, woven by this glorious gal, by the waiter delivering our tasty treats.  

Looking at the clock, we noticed our one hour lunch break was quickly coming to a close.  She we scarfed down our food and began to divvy up the check.  My buddy had to use the rest room, so he shot off away from the table.  And then, just as I was turning to walk toward the establishments door, this "Wisdom Warrior" softly tugged on my shirt.  In her thick Middle Eastern accent, she softly uttered, "Jeff, will you stay back with me for a bit?"  "Absolutely," I said.  And the next five minutes changed the course of my life FOREVER!

She moved in very close to my "personal space."  And looked me dead in the eyes before  explaining, "Jeff, you KNOW why you are here, don't you?"   "Of course I do!  To learn to buy some real estate," I chuckled.  She remained super stoic.  "No.  You know why you are here on Earth?" she questioned.  "Jeff, you are here to be a great spiritual teacher.  To help change the world.  And I know you understand this.  But why do you not do, what you came here to do?" she said with great intent.  Tears began to flow down my cheeks.  It was hard for me to maintain eye contact. She was telling the truth!  And I did know it.  I had since I was 17 years young.  Yet, 20 years later, I was still dabbling and circling my CALLING.  Never committing to it.  "I still don't feel ready," I told her.  "You are more ready than you allow yourself to believe," was her sage advice.  

She grabbed both of my hands with a soft caress.  Touched my chin, and gently lifted up my face so that our eyes could connect.  "There are not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of people that you are here to assist.  You must follow this path.  The world is waiting for you.  I am here to share this re-membrance with you. But it is you who must keep your promise."

My tears became something more akin to leaky faucets.  It struck me as so truthful.  I felt this prickly feeling that grew into BLISS.  It felt as though my own SOUL was "Jumping for JOY."  "Right on, Jeff!  I'm here, for you, and as you, for us all!" is what I garnered from this otherworldly sensation!  

I hugged her tight and she wouldn't let me go.  At least not before whispering into my ear, "Keep your promise."  Our embrace came to its close, and I spent a few minutes trying to compose myself.  Looking at the clock, I was already five minutes late to the second half of that day's seminar.  I dashed back across the street and took my seat alongside my good friend.  At the close of that day's event, I searched and searched, but could not find this "Super Soul Saver," anywhere.  In fact, I NEVER SAW HER AGAIN!


I wish I had a dollar for every time I have heard the utterance, "I wish life came with a guidebook!"   Well, it actually does!  We are often just to distracted to actually RECEIVE it. 

The Universe is constantly communicating directly with you.  Sometimes it is quite subtle in nature.  It may whisper its messages through the next song on your Alexa playlist.  Or the children's television show you have watched for the 100th time.  Yet during the 101st replay,  you are relaxed and fully present.  And, BOOM, it jumps out at you.  Just what you needed to hear!  It was always there! (slap to the forehead)  

Re-member Dorthy, from the Wizard of Oz.   Her lesson is OURS!   That's why that film will continue to transcend its place in time FOREVER!  Her "super powers," along with all the answers she was searching for were right there with her; the entire time.  She just needed to be re-membered of them.  That's what we are all doing here my dearly beloved New Age Nerds!  Assisting one another in Re-embering "Who WE Really Are."  

Haven't you ever wondered why this extraordinary planet is filled with so many amazing creatures?!  Yes, its partly because all of Nature is where the garden of "Awe and Astonishment" is nurtured.  But it is also because it gives the Universe the most unimaginably wondrous ways through which to communicate with us!  As when a recent passed member of your tribe promises to communicate with you once "on the other side."

And the love of birds or butterflies that you both shared is the very sign that begins to show up on a daily basis!  

As for me personally, I wouldn't have it any other way!  Forget the guidebooks.  Give me the serenity of seasons change.  The sense of emotionally charged power and ONENESS that imbues my heart and soul when synchronicity graces me with its magic! The wonder of NOT KNOWING, until suddenly, YOU DO!  All because someone carried a seed meant to be ever so caringly planted within your ONE MIND.  

Once the few begin to commit to awakening the many, our current opioid epidemic will be vanquished back to the land of the lost.  Because once you taste the sweet nectar from the chalice of your Super Heroic Higher Self, the high from any foreign substance will feel emotionally barren.  I promise!  ;0)

So I think it's time for all of us to make a commitment to ourselves and others.  I pledge allegiance, to the flag......ummm  no no no.  Wrong pledge!  LOL!

Seriously, what would it feel like to commit to becoming a fully self actualized Soul on this planet.  Declaring to the Universe that you are ready, willing, and waiting!  You won't even have to do all the heavy lifting.  Because in leaving all the "HOW's" to the Universe, you will be free to see with fresh eyes;  listen with eager ears.  For all the magical manners in which the Grand Creator herself will impress upon you the soft signs, intuitive hunches, and in your face "wallops of wisdom" a dozen or more times a day!   Leading you to all your own answers.  And blessing you with the directions and plans to fulfill your personal CALLING.  And never ending abundance in all its forms then floods your daily experience; all for you to share in loving service with the world.  Sound groovy?!  It sure does to me!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, January 21, 2022

NEVER Force Your FAITH......HERE'S Why....!


Belief leads to FAITH.....and FAITH leads to Knowingness...
Knowingness leads to Gratitude....and Gratitude graces us with BLISS!!
Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Ronnie Coleman is a true bodybuilding Legend!  He holds the record with a total of 8 Mr. Olympia titles! Yes, even surpassing the 'Austrian Oak' himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who racked up a total of 7 bodybuilding world championships.  But Coleman's own Hero's Journey is just as legendary as his stack of awards.  

Born on May 13th, 1964 in Monroe, Louisiana, like so many other self made men/women, he wasn't privileged with any 'silver spoon' near his food deprived mouth.  Humble beginnings often lead to super heroic leanings, and Coleman is the perfect poster child for such transformations. After graduating from college on a football scholarship and unable to find gainful employment, he was forced to take a job at Domino's Pizza. Too broke to buy quality nutrition, Coleman relied on left over pizza each evening after work for mere survival. Eventually, he followed his instinctual inclination toward being a HERO by enrolling in the police academy of Arlington, Texas. He lived the life to 'Serve and Protect' from 1989 until 2003.  

Already possessing the natural genetic composition of a Super Hero physique, Coleman's fellow officer, Gustavo Arlotta, suggested that he join the local Metroflex Gym. It was there he met fellow bodybuilder Brian Dobson, also the owner/operator of the fitness facility. Dobson allowed Coleman to workout everyday for free, as long as he could train him for the upcoming Mr. Texas bodybuilding championship. Coleman won first place, which spurred his burning desire to be a Mr. Olympia champion.  

Coleman split his time between working days as a police officer and nights pounding out weights for hours on end.  Although standing an average height of just 5'10, he slowly built his physique into a mass filled monster of meat weighing over 300 pounds! His hard core training sessions became stories of mythic proportions. Lifting weights that blasted by the iron sized barbells of his fellow competitors. Coleman was a man on a mission and like all of his other life endeavors, anything he did was with the commitment and determination of a Titan!  Second place was NEVER an option!

However, despite his doggedly determined efforts, for several years, Coleman never finished near the top of the Mr. Olympia pack.  Utterly frustrated and on the cusp of giving up on his dreams, he went to seek guidance from fellow contestant Kevin Levrone on the eve of the 1998 Mr. Olympia.  Levrone's sage advice started with "Listen, man. You've been carrying your food around.  You're so serious. You're measuring out your food.  You gotta just relax Ronnie!  I said, Why don't you just have a seat and have a shot of vodka with me."  

Levrone preceded to go to his coffee maker and pour Coleman a cup of java mixed with vodka. He approached him with the cup of bodybuilding elixir and said, "Here! Drink that!" Coleman was totally reticent toward the idea of putting any alcohol in his system. After all, he had maintained a strict diet for months on end with NO cheat days.  So the very notion of ingesting alcohol was a completely foreign concept.  But Levrone was persistent, urging him on to drink the liquid he held in his enormous hands.  "Listen up big dog!  Just take a shot.  You'll be alright!  Chill man, just take it easy," Levrone insisted.  Coleman's desperation outweighed his reluctance and he started to drink the coffee/vodka mixture before him.  One sip turned into the next.  Until, he had downed the entire cup!

Levrone persisted that he drink another one.  Coleman had always believed that success leaves a trail. And since Levrone had better success in the previous Mr. Olympia's, he must know something that Coleman didn't.  Five shots of vodka later, he felt relaxed and calm.  Completely secure within his own skin for the first time leading up to the 'Big Show."  

The next morning Coleman awoke a new man. The vodka had not only provided a much needed boost of relaxation, but also dehydrated him just enough for the real ridges of his perfectly sculpted physique to peak through his now tightened skin!  He got on stage that day and transformed the art of bodybuilding to a heightened level no other previous contestant had ever produced!  He was 300 pounds of totally shredded muscle in perfect proportions.  A God like statue come to life in front of his fellow competitors and a stunned audience!  Having never even placed in the last few years, Coleman took first place and thus started to cement himself as the greatest bodybuilder that ever lived!!   

After the show, Coleman realized that while the vodka certainly did its job in helping him to expose the nuanced bulges in his chiseled physique, it more importantly caused him to stop FORCING HIS FAITH!  And to put his trust in the Universe.  To Let Go and Let GOD! Instead of thinking he could win the title, he now KNEW he could!  Coleman's burning desire to win his first Mr. Olympia championship had caused him to enter into a vibrational state of lack, want, and need.  He was pressing his emotions toward frustration and disillusionment.  His energetic offering to the Universe had become one of RESISTANCE!  The arch enemy of abundance.  As is any form of self doubt, worry, or fear!  For any RESISTANT vibrational thoughts will block the flow of SOURCE energy into anyone's life!     

And the rest of his story, as they say, is one for the record books!  Rather than resisting his bounty of blessings, he learned to LEAN INTO HIS FAITH through authentic BELIEF rather than self doubt and worry.   Through that shift in perspective, Coleman created a lasting Legacy and is a true LEGEND in the world of bodybuilding!!


While committing to any burning desire, it is crucial that you stay in vibrational alignment toward its fulfillment.  What does that mean?!  It's an inner shift from WANT or NEED to one of DECLARATION and KNOWINGNESS!!  Start with monitoring your own language.  How many times, for instance, have you experienced someone in your life always stating what 'they want?!'   Perhaps it is a boyfriend/girlfriend, a new job, more money, better health, or even a change in living geography....I.E. moving to a new location.  And month after month, year after year, their utterances remain the same, and so does their life!!  The moment you utter the word 'want', you are sending a vibrational offering of NOT HAVING out to the Universe!  Instead, start replacing that word with declare, call forth, or commit.  I CALL FORTH a new job opportunity is a much more powerful declaration than I WANT a new job.   Does that distinction make sense to you?!    

FAITH is GRATITUDE in action!  It is the deep Knowingness that as you ask, so it shall be given!  ALWAYS!  Forced Faith is filled with doubt, worry, and fear.  Just as Ronnie Coleman forced his faith into self doubt and the results were filled with deep disappointment!  But once he started to go with the flow of life, relax, and LEAN INTO HIS FAITH, his results were legendary! As Morpheus told Neo in the film 'The Matrix', "There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."  In the same manner, Knowingness is FAITH in action!!  So always feed your FAITH and your self doubt and fears will starve to death!


Please remember that self control comes from a place of knowingness that you have the power to bring the object of your burning desire into your reality.  The Universe is your personal Doctor of Destiny. When you find yourself in any emotional state of lack, simply ask the Universe for a prescription of a Higher Dose of FAITH!  And BELIEVE that you will receive it! Understand you are constantly creating your own experiences. Every thought and feeling you generate has an energetic vibration attached to it that extends out to the Universe.  Those vibrations become attached to energy of the same resonance, and that creates the reality you experience!  The Universe is obliged to serve up on a platter a reflection of what your core thought and belief systems are based upon. Your outer experience is in direct correlation to your inner reality. What you BELIEVE is what you will RECEIVE!  That's the precise framework of a Self Fulfilling Prophecy!

But you are infinitely more powerful than you realize!  You have the ability to move mountains.  Yes, I said mountains!  There is no need to believe in Magic.  Simply believe in yourself; for you are fully comprised of magic! You are a Magical Miracle Makin' Machine! Deep within you is a Super Heroic Higher Self !!  But to fully activate it you must be willing to summon the courage to shed the flesh of your former self and assume a new identity. One that is unlimited in potential and power! In fact, once you step into this new YOU, there is absolutely NOTHING that cannot be created as a new reality in your life!  

No longer a victim of your circumstances, you will become the HERO of a new life filled with unadorned BLISS.   And the path toward the grand adventure that has been awaiting you will be lit with a light filled with pure LOVE........................

Serve with Love...
Fulfill Your Calling/Mission
Inspire Others
Share Your Bliss


Jeffrey Louis Martinez



"When I say it's you I like, I'm talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see, hear or touch."

Fred Rogers

 I was fortunate enough to accompany my mother to a screening of the documentary Won't You Be My Neighbor?  It was an especially special treat for me given the fact, like so millions of other parents in the early 70's, my mother first introduced me to the absolutely MAGICAL experience of Mr. Rogers. A man who embodies every single aspect of living out The Hero's Journey!  According to her, Mr. Rogers was a staple of my daily experience for several years. And she credits him for helping to assist and inform my own early Hero's Journey. All with a sense of calm and peace. Not to mention planting the seeds of ACCEPTANCE an Unconditional Love of yourSELF and all others.  Which eventually laid the concrete foundation for my current life's CALLING!

Like so many others, my early child hood was fraught with anxiety, fear, and a lack of inner stability. This is in no way a proclamation of judgement toward anyone in my family. Life can be messy, complex, and full of trails and tribulations.  Even for a certain five year old, who at the time was desperately seeking a source and sense of PEACE, kindness, and security.  Experiencing divorce at such an early age, if not handled with a sense of strident explanation and care, can create a foundation of massive unease.  The type of dis-ease that can truly last a lifetime.  

However, every so often, a SOUL of great divinity steps out of the shadows and illuminates the darkness with the pureness of his LIGHT!!    Such was the case with one of the true luminaries of our time.  Namely, Mr. Fred Rogers and his revelatory show, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.  For the uninitiated, Mr. Rogers (as he is still so remembered in complete REVERENCE) and his show, which produced over two thousand hours of children's programming from the early 70's through the early 2000's is still considered a "SAINTLY PIONEER."  He remains one of the most beloved figures for millions of children and adults around the world!

But I have a sneaking suspicion there are many among the collective masses that are still unaware of the spiritual impact his simple message of Unconditional Love, ACCEPTANCE, and Kindness continue to have on the world.  So as the lights softly dimmed in the theatre, I was completely mesmerized by the "Saintly" nature of this man. And the majestic manner in which he fully accepted and fully realized his own life's Calling.  The template his life has left for the rest of us to follow is the stuff of Legends.  It is a treasure trove to be Re-membered and shared for many generations!

We are currently living in such divided times.  In my lifetime, I have never witnessed such confusion, disconnection, fear, anxiety, and a complete sense of hopelessness than what so many of us are facing each and every day.  And this documentary is an experience that will transport you back to the simplicity of BEING a child once again.  When we are still connected to our own sense of wonder and hopefulness abounds!  And Mr. Fred Rogers was a guiding LIGHT back to simplistic tenets that re-minded us of our true nature.  All summed up in his daily offering that "I like you JUST the way you are."  

Mr. Rogers actually graduated Cum Laude from his undergraduate studies in music. He decided his next step was to become an ordained minister.  But after just one year, the invention and power of the mass media vessel called television completely captured his imagination.  He sprouted a grand vision of spreading his messages to a massive audience that a church congregation could simply not provide.  

And so he dropped out of his School of Ministry and got a job as a TV producer in a small Pittsburgh station. He slowly worked his way up until obtaining the cache to pitch his own idea of a new kind of children's programming.  He envisioned this still burgeoning delivery system as the perfect way for him to spread his messages of Acceptance, Love, and Kindness to millions of children around the world!  

His fervent belief in this life's Calling actually had him testify in front of Congress.  He had to conjure the 20 million dollars the newly formed broadcasting system still known today as PBS required as the funding for him to carry on with his life's mission of teaching his special brand of unbridled LOVE!  His testimony won over the hearts of the money maestros that were then part of Washington, DC's elite.  And the rest, as they say, became the things that deep dreams are made of!

So what exactly made his TV show such a beacon of programming that was able to have such a deeply embedded impact on hundreds of millions children's psyche.  Not to mention the imprint on their parents that still stands the test of our ever changing and ADHD riddled times.   I don't believe there is a magic bullet to that answer.  What I do know and learned on a much deeper level during the two hours of devouring the documentary on his Hero's Journey is this: he had a spiritual philosophy that still resonates 50 years later.  He deeply believed that the most powerful way to benefit from our own sense of BEING and spirituality was to address life DEEPLY but with Simplicity.  He felt that life is currently being addressed by the masses with Complexity and Shallowness.  And that chasm is one important division that still creates the division we are experiencing in our current political and social economic climate!  

That resonated with my core because I teach a simple paradigm that life's most complex issues can be simply addressed by Acceptance and Gratitude.  It's all about keeping our thoughts, words, and actions in an energetic alignment of vibrational Acceptance that holds the present moment with NO resistance.  Now please understand that true ACCEPTANCE is much more than allowance and non-resistance of the present moment.  It means accepting one another "JUST THE WAY WE ARE!"  And the Divine work of KNOWINGNESS that every single moment is supporting  that which we strive TO BE!   We work within the present moment.  And after giving ourSELVES the dignity of our own process of accepting what life has dealt us, we move into the Miracle Realm of Gratitude.  Where our Faith is received with a sense of unadulterated MAGNIFICENCE.  And we see that The Universe is actually stacked in our favor; always and in All WAYS!!!   For we see that God sends us no thing but ANGELS!

Mr. Rogers felt that the demeaning of one another was an abhorrent act.  So he taught that we are absolutely perfect "EXACTLY" as we are!   He had been severely ridiculed as a child based on obesity.  And never felt he had an outlet to expresses his feelings of hurt and anger.  And these painful experiences informed all his adult teachings that "we are perfect just as we currently are in this moment of NOW!"  

What a juxtaposition to our current Tiger Mom mentality that we must prove ourSELVES worth!  While I see certain merits in this form of parental upbringing, I wonder how different a child's life experience might be if ensconced in a different environment.   One in  which a Spirit's sense of worth would be held by the manner in which they treated themselves and others.  

There is one interview in the documentary that is especially precient given our current state of human intolerance and lack of basic decency.  Mr. Rogers espouses that if we could simply see one another for the perfectly loving beings that we truly are there would be "NO NEED FOR CONCENTRATION CAMPS THAT SEPARATE ONE ANOTHER."  That our shared VISION of LOVE would supersede any form of human mistreatment. For our unified truth would resonate from the knowingness that "WE'RE ALL ONE!" And tears streamed down from my face as I thought of the borders and children being stripped away from their parents down at the Texas baseline.  Yet Mr. Rogers spun tales of this type of human indignity 40 years before what we are currently experiencing on so many levels!  He was indeed a "God Given Gift" on so many levels!

After the attacks on the NY Twin Towers he was asked to speak to the now adults that used to spend every morning in his television presence oh so many years ago.  At first request, he was reticent to accept the invitation.  But his INNER HERO stepped up and he addressed a nation wide audience.  And true to his pure essence, he spoke in a calm and very relaxing nature.  With the exact same messages of "Hope and Faith" that had become the cornerstone of his brand for over four decades.  And his message still resonates as a balm we can use for the current state of unrest and anxiety that is increasingly becoming a part of the very woven fabric of our collective consciousness.  He simply said, "When we are afraid, and things seem to be going completely array, LOOK FOR THE HELPERS!"  AMEN TO THAT!

Mr. Rogers felt we are here to "LOVE ONE ANOTHER INTO BEING!"  And I couldn't agree more. But what EXACTLY does that mean?!  

It means LOVING one another into BEING Kind, Present, Thoughtful, Grateful, and of Service to yourSELF and your neighbor. And to assist one another into activating and UNLEASHING the Unique Person of Perfection that is your TRUE Essence.........

Many of Mr. Rogers contemporaries believed that there was absolutely NO WAY that the natural essence he brought to the millions of kids on TV for over four decades was the true nature of his Spirit.  Yet, Mr. Rogers proved time and time again that the person he presented every day on PBS was EXACTLY who he was at the very deepest part of his SOUL!

"It's not the honors and the prizes and the fancy outsides of life that ultimately nourish our souls.  It's knowing that the bedrock of our being is the good stuff."

Fred Rogers

To end today's post, I wanted to share my feelings about my own recent life experiences.  Because I truly feel in the deepest regions of my own SOUL that they would resonate with one of my greatest HEROES, Mr. Fred Rogers!!!

What I learned is that Belief leads to Faith. And Faith leads to Knowingness. And Knowingness leads to Gratitude and Gratitude leads to Blissful Joy. So for all of you New Age Nerds currently in a predicament in which Faith is hard to muster; please KNOW that you are not alone. And that one day, your pain will be unmasked.  With a wonder filled KNOWINGNESS that, "You are absolute perfect just the way you are. ALWAYS!!"

Remember, YOU matter more than you will ever know! TRUST!

Mr. Rogers often asked people to think about someone who had helped them in a time of need during their life for thirty seconds...  So I invite you to do the same right now...I'll keep time....

But before I end today's post.  I desire you to know something.  I LOVE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez