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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, October 22, 2023

TIPS For FORGING Thru A Spiritual Awakening ..!


We are in the midst of one of the greatest spiritual opportunities/awakenings within the entire history of this planet. Our moral integrity and character are being shown that the ‘system’ we have created the past few thousand  years no longer serves us. The brick wall we have been heading towards for centuries is now upon us. And we now have a God given choice to make a change that has the ability to completely eradicate the hate, narcissism, greed, apathy, disrespect, fear, and selfishness that has been built into the very fabric of our society. Just as the Blizzard of 2016 caused us to forge together as one and ‘DIG ’ ourselves out of the snow and ice that pelted half of our country, immobilizing millions of us for days if not weeks, it is now time for us to use that same gusto and fortitude to dig out the empty and shallow energy from the fabric of our INNER BEING. But here is the catch;  IT WON'T BE EASY! Change never is. And that is why most of us would rather live the same day 10,000 times in a row than face the unknown of what a new day of truth in perception and action may bring. It can be frightening stuff indeed. BUT WE CAN DO IT! We have too! The cost of being complacent is just to great. 


How many daily storms consisting of war, mass shootings, torrential weather wiping entire cities off the map, family and friends creating walls of separation against one another, and collective 'blind eyes' towards our fellow brothers and sisters who are in obvious emotional strife and mental pain must we endure? All before we finally turn our fear and frustration into ACTION! And have the courage and fortitude towards a rebirthing process of our body, mind, and spirit. For the highest good of all concerned. 

And ironically enough, our programmed biologic center actually transforms and rebirths our cells on a molecular level every seven years. In effect, you are NOT the same person on a cellular level that you were five to ten years ago. Old cells that no longer served you were let go so that a new version, filled with the new information to create an anabolic energy within your system would be kept in tact.  It is time for us to take a page from our biological programming and start to strip away the old patterns, thoughts, beliefs, and actions that no longer serve us.  Racism, lack, fear, complacency, disrespect, and shallowness must become relics of the past.  Replaced with the LOVE, compassion, joy, wisdom, and kindness that was built into our true spiritual DNA!!  We must be brave and courageous enough to be REBIRTHED into the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision ever held of ourselves. And there is NO TIME TO WAIT!

But be forewarned. The birthing process is an arduous one! We must be willing to let go of who we thought we were, so that we can become all that we were meant to BE.  And that means there will be a period of time during the transition in which our new identity will feel new and awkward. You may feel depressed or filled with anxiety as the old you(ego) is shed. This process will no doubt be uncomfortable and even painful at times. Excruciatingly so for some!  During this birthing process, we must be squeezed through pressure to get to the other side of our salvation. And many will want to turn around and go back. The devil we know is often more comforting than the devil we don't.  But the time for excuses died long ago my New Age Nerds! 

For those of you currently completely disillusioned with your life, I want you to understand and know that you are NOT A MISTAKE!  This is not the 'Truman Show' and your life is not for the folly of the rest of us world wide viewers. You are an integral and important part of the process of soulful unfoldment on this planet. You matter.  MORE THAN YOU COULD POSSIBLE FATHOM!! 

Despite the social imprinting that has clouded and covered up the magnificent wings that you carry at your side, whether it be from abuse, poverty, shaming, or any other form of pain and suffering, this does not eradicate the fact that you are one of Spirit’s most precious angels! And the unique emination you came here to be is still awaiting the moment in which you put on your earthly wings and fly!  To shed the dirt and grime from a lifetime of illusion so that you can remember who you truly are and share that KNOWINGNESS with the world.

So I invite you to be brave enough to stand right where you are and shout to the world that you are a miracle makin' machine! And that you came here to spread your GLORY in all its forms; always and in all ways and will not stand for anything less than pure glory! As the luminary spiritual philosopher Victor Frankel said, "There are two times we are born in this life.  And the second time is the moment we understand the meaning of our suffering and the purpose it brings to complete our mission here on earth."

And for any of you New Age Nerds who find great inner discord within this grand growth process of the soul, remember, you are never alone! In fact, if you could allow yourself to reconnect (through meditation, prayer, communion with your tribe members, self growth media) with all the angels and your own spirit guides that are always at your side, you may never feel alone ever again! 


We are currently living in very precarious times. People are living in FEAR, unsure of what their future may hold.  Our TV screens filled daily with images of senseless violence, separation, vitriol, and anger. A cacophony of never-ending  'Cosmic Chaos'.  Yet, in many ways, I am more hopeful than ever before! Why, you ask? Because I am experiencing an enormous amount of individuals who are beyond sick and tired of 'being sick and tired.' And are choosing to use this time to try and learn, grow, and change - despite the plethora of pain from nearly every corner of our collective lives. I get SO many personal messages from readers of The New Age Nerd sharing their personal stories of struggle and survival with me.   And I feel incredibly honored and privileged they entrust me with their deep, heartfelt longing and pain. Not to mention their sincere desire to experience a more spiritually awakened life. One that encompasses the reason why we are ALL here. A extraordinary life filled with purpose and deeper meaning that juxtaposes materialistic binges filled with 'quick hits' of happiness for more long lasting inner BLISS! And that is simply to give and receive MORE LOVE......... 

And for the majority of us, this shift in perspective and clarity occurs through spiritual awakenings.

Typically, the first sign of a Spiritual Awakening is having what I call a ‘BREAK OPEN.’ This occurs when we are at our own razor's edge. And life seems to be slowly breaking us down in every way imaginable. Many people call it hitting ‘rock bottom.’  And it's more than just emotionally painful. It causes us to question the very fabric of our foundational beliefs. And for those of you currently reading this who are in such a state, I want to say CONGRATULATIONS! Because this is a sign you may be at the precipice of having your first or one of many Spiritual Awakenings. You are being broken down so that you can ‘Break Open.’ And in doing so, unleash the gifts and talents you were blessed with for the purpose of sharing them with the world!

I am NOT implying that this stage is easy. FOR IT IS NOT! I know from a cacophony of my own spiritual awakenings (most of us will have several versions of spiritual awakenings within our lifetime) experience how scary, painful, and absolutely terrifying it can be. This stage often includes the letting go of things that no longer serve us; lovers, friends, jobs, even family members. As Marianne Williamson calls it ‘The Day of The Wrecking Ball.’  Because our very foundation must be pulled up and out to allow the space for the new one to be built in its place. And that my friends, is NO FUN!  Yet it is also a crucial part of the process. Just like any building, it is ONLY as strong as its foundation, right? Many of the elements born from our past foundations were manifested into our experience when we were not yet ready to Break Open. And match an antiquated energetic essence that no longer serves us! And now that we more of a match with that which we desire, some things are going to have to change. And for a while all the loss, change, and pain may cause us the desire to run back to our old, past surroundings and emotional programming. As the old saying goes, 'Better the Devil you know than the Devil you don't."

SUPERHERO'S TRAINING TIP:  Please do not do that.....You are preparing to soar with the Eagles rather than continue to cuss out life with the Crows....    ;0)

One of my own personal heroes, the late Wayne Dyer, explained this crucial life stage, “The experience of a crisis immobilizes us for a long period of time. Our mind is focused on the disaster aspects of the situation, and we are unable to function effectively. We are unable to sleep or eat, and do not know how we are going to get past the terrible set of circumstances. We use our minds to focus on what is wrong, how painful it is, and how terrible it is going to be in the future. Advice from friends and relatives seems unrelated to our problem and usually results in anger and frustration. We cannot see any way out of our misery.

This is a typical response for all of us who are traveling our life paths in the belief that the external signposts are all there is to our reality. We cannot imagine that there is a valuable lesson in the trauma. We reject any suggestions that someday we will recall this experience as a necessary step in our development. We simply want to wallow in our hurt, believing that someone or something outside of us is creating this pain, and wishing that those externals would change.”

This stage often includes a short period of malaise and anxiety, or both. Please know that you are NOT broken- even though it will often feel that way! What you are doing is getting prepared to birth miracles. And the birthing process (as you ladies know) is an arduous one. Not for the faint of heart. Part of the sadness/anxiety stems from the longing of the things we are letting go of.  Some of it stems from the experience of having a keen awareness that we are not currently following our Superhero's Journey, the very purpose of our life  And leaving our old life behind so that we can accept the life that has been patiently awaiting us can be one of the most daunting endeavors we will ever undertake!  

Stage TWO of a Spiritual Awakening is where we begin the slow process of having complete gratitude for our sufferings. Because we start feeling that our pain and suffering is not in vein. We begin to have connection with and for our pain because we sense there is an important reason behind it. Things that once seemed chaotic start making sense. Wayne Dyer explains it like this, “This is an important step in the enlightenment process, and helps us to see how synchronized the one song really is. Certainly we still experience the pain and suffering, but we simultaneously know that there is something magnificent in this as well. We are able to be gentle and accepting with ourselves, and to honor and love even the part that is creating the crisis. We probably will not cognitively understand why this pain is occurring right now, but we will have an underlying knowingness and belief in the value of it.”

Stage THREE of this awakening is ALL ABOUT SYNCHRONICITY.  There comes a moment in which the pain of NOT committing to our awakening and purpose becomes more painful that the thought of taking that leap of faith.  So through pure force of will, we 'TAKE THE JUMP.' Having faith that Spirit will provide and protect us on this Journey. And guess what, Spirit  does.  Always and in all ways. It is a Universal Law  (A promise from SOURCE-THE ONE GOD MIND if you will) that once you truly commit to this Divine Awakening, Spirit will flood your experience with everything you need to fulfill your destiny. It may not happen all at once. So please, be patient during this stage. 

Miracles often take time in this dimension. But by staying in this new state of allowance, you will begin to experience synchronicity almost daily. People start showing up out of the blue to offer guidance. Financial opportunities present themselves to help support your vision. You begin to attract a new TRIBE of like minded friends and a support team. And let me tell you, it's when many first start experiencing the sensation of creating Heaven on Earth! And it is blissful, and magical.  You cannot imagine living in any other way, ever again!  

For those of you who may be skeptical of this process, I can understand.  ESPECIALLY if you are currently in the middle of Stage ONE.  I know, because I've been there.  BOY have I been there! There were many days in which after making it from my bed to the downstairs sofa I would softly declare, "Watch out world, there is NO stopping me now!!"  LOL

Even if it doesn't feel like it right now, LIFE IS A BLESSING! And please do not beat yourself up for whatever state you currently find yourself in.  You are EXACTLY where you need to be on your Superhero's Journey. Nothing you have experienced will be wasted. For the Universe wastes absolutely nothing!  And once you reach the place where you are in complete alignment of allowance, and living your PURPOSE, fully awakened to your calling, LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!

And to assist every New Age Nerd in creating an ever growing sense of internal INSPIRATION, I'd like to leave you with the following transcendent musical lyrics:

ONE by India Arie...........

Billions live their lives
Now Muhammad, Krisha, or the Buddha are the way.
Still some believe it's right to say
In the name of Jesus when you pray.

We are a human kind of 7 billion
So many different races and religions
And it all comes down to one

Some say God's a him
Still many believe that He is a Her
Does God Live in our hearts?
Or is She somewhere out there in the universe.


How far will have to go before we learn the lesson?
Gandhi, was a Hindu
Martin Luther King, a Christian
Regardless of religion, they knew love was the mission
And it all comes down to one.

Is there no God at all?
Or a pantheon of gods up in the sky
We can heal our broken hearts
If we give up the desire to be right.

We are a human kind of seven billion
So many different races and religions
And we all want the same things
Health, Love, Prosperity and Peace
Tolerance is the seed
And the gift of pure acceptance is the tree


Whether you are red, brown, yellow, black, or white
Man with a husband, or a woman with a wife
We can debate until the end of time who is wrong or right
Or we can see ourselves as one
Cause it all comes down to love.




Jeffrey Louis Martinez

1 comment:

  1. This is such an inspiring blog. I learned form every line.
    "Give and receive more LOVE"
    It is that simple.
