It's hard to imagine that my 49th BIRTHDAY is one week from today.... Just one more year to get in Picture Perfect shape for that AARP card shortly coming' my way...Booooooo!!! ;0) I wonder how much I could get for one of those on EBAY... Father Time will tell I guess! Thank GOODNESS that my mind is still sharp as a fritter on a fryin' pan! Nothing wrong with this Noggin.....No senior moments for me! HOLD ON..............................................!!
Ok...what was I just writing about..?!? Ummmmmmmmm..... Oh yeah..... How could I forget.... A steel trap of pure mind muscle above these pair of shoulders I tell ya!! I'm like an In and Out Burger; nothing gets In or Out without my knowing about it..... NOW~~ if I could just remember where I put my wallet.... LOL
Sound familiar to any of you?!? I bet it does! And I'm not referring to Senior Moments, because, well, they are for Seniors and luckily 50 IS the new 40. At least, that is what my therapist keeps telling me! ;0)
No, what I would like to address is the massive amount of daily information all of us are being bombarded with from too many sources to name! It's literally causing a pandemic of info overload that is MIND MADDENING! HONEY DO LISTS are now the very least of our concerns. I sometimes find it awe inducing to even ponder how we are all able to prioritize and compartmentalize the staggering amount of daily tasks that confront us, while concurrently consuming and processing the insane amount of information that is life in the Technology Age!!
My biggest concern has to do with the affect this is having on our most Powerful Ally; OUR MIND!! Our minds are the direct link to the creative life force within us. Call it SOURCE, Infinite Intelligence, Spirit, GOD. Whatever you feel most comfortable with. The point is that our minds are the birthing mechanism for every idea and burning desire you wish to manifest into your earthly experience. That's right, they are that MAGNIFICENT , Mind You.... :0)
And keeping what Albert Einstein referred to as a 'Clean Mind' is so instrumental to our own creative process. In fact, he claimed that one of his 'secrets' was keeping his mind as free and open as possible from unnecessary information and usage. Einstein said that this practice allowed for what he deemed his INTUITIVE MIND to always be available for the Universe to download its miracles in the form of new ideas, plans, hunches, and desires. In fact, one of his most famous quotes is "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a Miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." I don't know about you, but if it worked for him, then Deal Me the Hell In!!
And I love this quote from 'A Course In Miracles' that further instructs us about just how Mighty our Mind truly is, "Few appreciate the real power of the mind, and no one remains fully aware of it all the time. However, if you hope to spare yourself from fear, there are some things you must realize, and realize fully. The mind is very powerful, and it NEVER LOSES ITS CREATIVE FORCE. It never sleeps. Every instant it is creating. It is hard to recognize that thought and belief combine into a power surge that can literally move mountains." Mountains Mind You ~~ Ok, I'll stop... LOL
Yet, here are some sobering statistics from the book 'The Organized Mind' by Daniel Levitin.
"Today, we are confronted with an unprecedented amount of information, and each of us generates more information than ever before in human history. ... Information scientists have quantified all this: In 2011, Americans took in five times as much information every day as they did in 1986 -- the equivalent of 175 newspapers. During our leisure time, not counting work, each of us processes 34 gigabytes or 100,000 words every day. The world's 21,274 television stations produce 85,000 hours of original programming every day as we watch an average of 5 hours of television each day, the equivalent of 20 gigabytes of audio-video images. That's not counting YouTube, which uploads 6,000 hours of video every hour. And computer gaming? It consumes more bytes than all other media put together, including DVDs, TV, books, magazines, and the Internet.
"Just trying to keep our own media and electronic files organized can be overwhelming. Each of us has the equivalent of over half a million books stored on our computers, not to mention all the information stored in our cell phones or in the magnetic stripe on the back of our credit cards. We have created a world with 300 exabytes (300,000,000,000,000,000,000 pieces) of human-made information. If each of those pieces of information were written on a 3 x 5 index card and then spread out side by side, just one person's share -- your share of this information -- would cover every square inch of Massachusetts and Connecticut combined." WOWSA!!!
Let's keep it real, the Information/Technology Age isn't going anywhere anytime soon. So it is up to us to, as Albert Einstein said, "KEEP A CLEAN MIND!" Soooooo much of creating a life filled with BLISS has to do with our MINDSET. Or what I like to call a MIND-set... The key to a MIND-set for ABUNDANCE is one in which YOU are in the driver's seat controlling what goes In and Out! For it is what our Minds are both SET to submit and receive that determines the creative frequency of our inner Thermostat. The higher the setting (energetic vibration), the greater the potency of our thoughts to match the frequency from SOURCE to deliver the physical equivalent into our experience!! And lest us Not forget the final element of this Magical Manifestation equation.......TAKE ACTION toward your goals and the Universe will do the rest.... Ta Da!!!
Here are some quick Hero's Tips for how to KEEP A CLEAN MIND:
1. Keep some form of a note taking device with you at all times. A good source that I use is the note tab on my smart phone. Anytime I have a thought or new idea I pull out my iPhone faster than Quick Draw McGraw and jot it down in my notes field. That way the idea doesn't get lost and I don't have to use any of my mind space to try and remember it!!
2. Start to Declutter your life. Get rid of things that you no longer use or no longer serve you. People who live within clutter have higher rates of anxiety and depression. And nothing will take up more precious inner energy like those two dreadful maladies! This includes toxic people too! As Gandhi said, "I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet'" It's literally Mind boggling to try and comprehend how much of our brains energy is wasted on our toxic relationships. I've said it before and I'll say it again, It Is Perfectly OK to Love Someone From The Other Side of The Room!!
3. LIVE IN THE NOW! As Master Oogway told the Kung Fu Panda, "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But Today is a gift, that's why it is called the PRESENT!" Stop wasting so much mental energy on things that aren't part of this very moment. Every creative thought can only happen in the NOW! It's the sweet spot of creation Itself.... Keep it a sacred space... Always!
4. Stop Overthinking!! Again, our thoughts ARE an incredibly powerful tool that when we learn to harness with focused intention help to create our reality. BUT, our Inner Critic or EGO, will often fly its freak flag within our minds eye to create constant thoughts to keep us feeling small, worthless, and disconnected from Source. And most of the world's collective suffering stems from our identification with THOSE THOUGHTS! Which aren't even TRUE!! More wasted mental energy...... That's why it is SO important to constantly check in with what you are FEELING. Because if you are feeling self doubt, worry, or worthless, it is our SOUL telling us that its time to change our THOUGHTS. Re-member, WE HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OVER OUR THOUGHTS. Choose ones that make you FEEL GOOD!!!
5. Minimize the usage of multiple information devices at the same time. I know, I know!! This is a tough one. I hear ya!! But I promise you that this is perhaps the most effective manner in which to keep your Mind clean and open to receive the magic of the Universe. Trust me, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram aren't going anywhere! Neither is your I-Pad or smartphone, or your gi-normous flatscreen for that matter! Pick ONE or TWO to use at a time. This will drastically diminish the amount of information overload in your life. And free up more of that Noggin for a Higher purpose! You can thank me later.. ;0)
I hope these suggestions will offer some assistance in helping to keep clean the MINDS of The New Age Nerd community!! And don't wait. Start today... The Universe just may use you as a conduit for the NEXT BIG IDEA that can change the world!!
A MIND is a terrible thing to waste..................
To Living a BLISSED OUT LIFE..!!
Jeffrey Louis Martinez
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