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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Here Is The PATH Toward Living a Life of BLISS!!


Colossus:  Four or five moments - that's all it takes to become a hero. Everyone thinks it's a full-time job. Wake up a hero. Brush your teeth a hero. Go to work a hero. Not true. Over a lifetime there are only four or five moments that really matter. Moments when you're offered a choice to make a sacrifice, conquer a flaw, save a friend - spare an enemy. In these moments everything else falls away...

We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.......

Joseph Campbell

I know I have shared my understanding of the great Joseph Campbell's life work and his paradigm of The Hero's Journey as a core tenet of this blog the past three years.  And there is a deep reason for this Re-minder, for his teachings share the truth that WE ARE ALL HEROES!!  Our personal stories share the same tenets of transformation of the mythological figures that have inspired the world for eons,  such as Frodo from LORD OF THE RINGS, Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz, to the travels of Luke Skywalker as he left the comfortable combines of his home planet of Tatoine to destroy the Galactic Empire in Star Wars!  

And I could mention at least a  hundred more examples of The Hero's Journey with the exact same patterns of the arduous paths of trails and tribulations that ignite the spiritual transformation that is at the HEART of our individual Journey's toward self actualization!   

Starting off with the very basics, every HERO possesses a set of SUPERPOWERS or SUPER TALENTS if you prefer, bestown upon them and laced with Inspiration, Compassion, Kindness, Understanding, Non Judgement, and Unconditional LOVE for ALL!!   But that is just the Beginning.  In fact, Declaring One's Superpowers is a vital step in the Hero's  Journey.   Yours may include a wicked sense of Humor, the power to wield captivating stories, extreme emotional Intelligence, being a good listener, or having a creative prowess in a myriad of arenas!! 

 The Hero/Heroine's are the courageous souls who hear the soulful whispers from the UNIVERSE and have the understanding that by answering this Call To Adventure, they must begin the process of stepping out of their "ordinary world",  filled with security and familiarity and commit to following their unique Journey which contains the condiments of their life's CALLING!!  Yet by answering this call they know not what they may face on the Path that lies before them. As Will Craig writes in his book 'Living The Hero's Journey', "The leap of faith is where most people chicken out on the Hero's Journey.  The leap requires resolute courage and lands those who attempt it squarely outside their comfort zone.  Resistance to change runs high.  Refusing the call is easy.  That is, it was easy until you became aware.  The awareness stage of the journey has a way of shedding light on the immutable truth.  You come to a point in your inner life where what you thought was of prime importance (your looks, your career, your possessions) somehow slip down the rankings.  Letting it go means losing a significant part of your identity.  Keeping it stunts your growth. Life might be better. Or not. Finding out requires a LEAP OF FAITH."  

Once you awaken from your slumber, there is absolutely NO going back!   The lure of your Soul calling you to transform into the Greatest Version of yourself is just to enticing to ignore any longer!  Embarking on your Hero's Journey is no longer fraught with the same sense of Fear.   As soon as you take the first step forward into the unknown,  you are instantly introduced to your Inner Hero.  And your prior state of stagnation and despondence becomes transformed into feelings of vitality and the Knowingness that your life is infinite with a potent potential; even disruptive in nature.  You realize you have the ability to Change the World!!  A thrilling prospect that trumps the security and comfort of a life once lived in quiet desperation!  And as Helen Keller said, "Life is either a grand adventure or nothing at all."   And now you are signed up for the Adventure of a Lifetime! In fact, the very idea of returning to your old way of living, literally 'punching in and out' day in and day out seems absolutely HORRIFYING!!    For you are now on a Journey of Spiritual Transformation that will make you more powerful than you could have ever Imagined.......  And right NOW this World is desperately awaiting for all of us to BECOME THE HEROES WE WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO BE!!!  Wouldn't you agree?!?  

Much too often these very CONSCIOUS Souls make a commitment to be of Loving Service to the World and are confronted with a myriad of confrontations in the forms of torture, spite, loathing, betrayal, and soul breaking rebuttal of their teachings.  But they have the internal fortitude to go through pure HELL and bend , but NEVER BREAK!  Think about Nelson Mendela, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa, not to mention the disciples of Jesus The Christ.  Most of whom were all met with hatred, fear and pain beyond most of our comprehension because of their beliefs that tempted to disrupt the zeitgeist of a world that wished to stay in a vibration of control and hatred.   Yet through Faith alone they refused to allow their life's calling to be compromised.  And in doing so left a template for all the Hero's yet to arrive.  

My point is that most Hero's are the authentic and brave souls who are willing to be broken into pieces so that they have the opportunity to use their connection to SOURCE energy to learn how to be brought BACK TO THE LIGHT! And by doing so, they are able to bring back the understanding to assist others who are still stuck in their own DARKNESS!  For that is the true Circle of Life!  True Hero's know that very often it takes small whispers of kindness and compassion to make a real difference in the world in which they reside.  And that these tiny gestures of good will are what keep the world's darkness at bay.  Yet they are also cunningly aware and willing to offer the ultimate sacrifices if need be to make sure that those who are unable to protect themselves from ill will have protectors in their greatest times of need.  And in doing so help show the world a greater path.  One that embodies a goodwill that serves all of humanity with the LOVE that it needs and deserves now more than ever!  

Please understand me that their derring do's are NEVER in vain!  Quite the opposite in fact!  For those special Soul's who have the Courage to go down their individual path's are met with Miracles and Magic!  A communal conciousness that creates the Greatest Version of The Greatest Version ever held of themselves.  In return for their heroic actions, they are given gifts, such as new found wisdom, the ability to teach others how to heal themselves, or the ability to spread a form of Inspiration that galvanizes their Tribe!  And they freely share these gifts with the Collective Whole!  

Becoming the Hero of your own story involves letting go of any victim mentality!  Heroes understand that No Thing is ever wasted.  Everything that occurs on their daily path, no matter how painful, can eventually be used on their own Journey and actually is a precious gift.  And if you think that I do not know that of which I speak, PLEASE think again.

I have been through the abandonment of my own father(I never met him), five major surgeries from severe Crohn's disease (including wearing a colostomy bag), sexual and physical abuse, ankylosing spondylitis(the most serious form of arthritis), triple hernia surgery,  as well as debilitating depression. And ya know what my fellow New Age Nerds, I am in full GRATITUDE for every single one of those experiences.   For they carved within me the ability to be a Wounded Healer and Spiritual teacher!  And many Heroes share a similar path leading them to their Calling.  As the saying goes, in order to Heal It, you must first Feel It!!   And I have been through the Buffet Line of Life and had a taste of its full bounty!   LOL  But therein lies my true POWER!  Turning our Wounds into Wisdom is one manner toward uncovering where your Calling resides.....  


According to the Gallup Health-ways Global Well Being Index, there are only 9% of the global population that feel they are thriving in their lives.  Just 9%!!!  My friends, the Hero's Journey is LIFE ITSELF!!! We all decided to manifest into the human condition as spiritual beings to Follow and Live our BLISS!!  I ardently believe that the current Collective Consciousness of this planet is withering.     We are Grand Creators given the opportunity to create Magic and Miracles. To expand and transform into our Higher Selves.  Yet so may of us have bought into the Illusion that we are separate from SOURCE/SPIRIT!  But we have a revolutionary Opportunity before us!  As the saying goes, it is always darkest right before the Dawn.  And the Dawn is upon us.  I Believe we are ready to ring in a new day by piling back the Veil to reveal our TRUE SELVES and honor our Earthly contract to UNLEASH OUR SUPERPOWERS to share with World!   

The Universe has absolutely No Boundaries.  And NEITHER DO WE!!  The clock is ticking away precious moments that you can never get back.  I urge you all in the New Age Nerd community to life a rapturous life!  It is way past time for us all to Awaken Our Inner Super Hero!!

You are more than you think you are. There are dimensions of your being and a potential for realization and consciousness that are not included in your concept of yourself. Your life is much deeper and broader than you conceive it to be here. What you are living is but a fractional inkling of what is really within you, what gives you life, breadth, and depth.

Joseph Campbell



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The CARDS Life Has DEALT You Are Absolutely PERFECT...!!


I have never been the best player of card games.  I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve, which means my ‘Poker Face’ is less mercurial and more merciful.  Thankfully, through tons of missteps and rebirths, I have learned to be a much better player with the cards I am dealt by life! THANK  YOU SPIRIT!

However, not everyone wakes up on a daily basis and looks at the cards that were dealt into their experience and thinks, “Heck yeah!  I can win with this hand!  Damn straight!”  More often their inner monologue sounds more like, “Oh boy!  Why me?  What the heck am I supposed to do with this pile of crap I've been dealt?!”  Sound familiar?  I know I've felt that way more than a few times.

I believe one of the biggest differences between success and failure is how you choose to play the hand of cards/experiences you have been dealt.  It's important to understand during our own Hero's/Heroine's Journey that we succeed because of our challenges NOT despite them.  As Napoleon Hill famously stated, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache brings with it an equal seed of benefit and opportunity.”

In fact, Joseph Campbell shared in his infinite wisdom, “Nietzsche was the one who did the job for me.  At a certain moment in his life, the idea came to him of what he called "the love of your fate."  Whatever your fate is, whatever the hell happens, you say, "This is what I need." It may look like a wreck, but go at it as through it were an opportunity, a challenge.  If you bring love to that moment-not discouragement-you will find the strength is there.  Any disaster you can survive is an improvement in your character, your stature, and your life.  What a privilege! This is when the spontaneity of your own nature will have a chance to flow.  He taught the importance of seeing your EXACT set of circumstances as being the most precious gift ever given to each and every one of us.  Because in the history of this world, NOBODY has been besought with the same set of challenges as you have been given.  And guess what, your exact set of challenges will never be the same for ANYONE else ever again.  That is how absolutely and completely UNIQUE you were created to BE.  Kinda helps shift your perspective on your life's ‘opportunities for growth’ doesn't it!  

One of my favorite stories from Mr. Campbell has to do with the Knights of the Round Table.  Before this group of Medieval Superheroes awaited their next quest, they would surround a table full of food and drink and wait for a sign of where they were to go next.  One particular such evening, the Holy Grail appeared above the table before them, burning with its light of majestic glory.  And then, without warning, its image vanished.  Each Knight stood up, ready to search for this relic of such grandeur!  They grabbed their shields and swords and headed outside the castle and ran toward the massive forest surrounding them.  The most fascinating aspect of their quest was that they each tried to enter the forest at its most DENSE space.  In fact, the competition to find the space that was the most challenging to enter was fierce and combative.  For these Knights knew that every great quest begins with the greatest of difficulty.  They actually CHOSE to take on the toughest hand of cards that could be dealt to them.  For they were aware of the great wisdom and knowingness that comes from pain and strife.  That's why my definition of SUFFER is :

Summoning our

Fears &

I was watching a story about the Saint Benedict's Preparatory School for boys last week in Newark, NJ.  The school has recently become a sanctuary for the lost and wayward.  The area surrounding this  citadel has a high school graduation rate of less than 30%.  Yet the graduation rate at St. Benedict's is 98%.  Even though the majority of the students are underprivileged, the tuition rate is $10K a year.  The majority of the students do not have the funds to cover their schooling costs, yet this spiritual institution somehow covers every students tuition in someway.  Where there is a will there is truly a way!

There was a portion of the story that touched me so deeply that I have to share it.  There was a 16 year old young man whose parents were both drug addicts and horribly abusive to him in their household.  It was tumultuous enough that he decided to leave his house, and live on the street.  A tough hand of cards for most of us to even fathom.  Yet this purposeful young man had BIG plans for his life.  Despite his numerous challenges, he decided he was going to play the cards he was dealt with a passion for success and a fervor for service and potential.  So he started sneaking into the water polo after school practices at the school.  For several weeks, nobody noticed that he wasn't a member of this prestigious academy.  However, one day, a coach approached him and asked him why he was sneaking into the school's sporting practices.  The young man said his parents were drug addicts and he had been living on the street for over three months.  He knew he didn't have the tuition money to attend the school, so he decided the best he could do was take advantage of the extracurricular activities.   When the young man asked the coach if he should leave, do you know what his response was to this brave individual.  “BE HERE MONDAY!”  And I thought, what a perfect mantra for our lives.  No matter what challenges we face, or what fear and pain stand in our way, the most courageous way to turn our pain into PURPOSE, is simply to commit to BE HERE MONDAY.  

What are the ways you can reframe the cards you have currently been dealt in life and turn them into a winning hand?  Because, you were dealt these cards for a reason.  And it is your job to figure out where there are opportunities for a deeper KNOWINGNESS through your challenges to assist you on your Hero's/Heroine's Journey!  And in turn eventually share this knowledge for all of us to benefit from!  Now that's a hand worth playing in anyone's poker table!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, October 28, 2018



LOST BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN..........   May You All Rest in JOYFUL PEACE......

The streets are filled and lined each day....
So many SOULS experiencing life...
How often do we stop and truly listen...
To their stories of struggle and strife....

For each person carries within them....

STORY so special and unique..
Something that is stored within their heart...
With lessons that their PAIN came to teach...

So why is loneliness consuming this world...

When there are so many to engage...
Simply by reaching out to lend a hand...
Just a matter of choosing in so many ways...

Too worried and consumed with there not being enough..

We look the other way and pretend not to see...
That while our DOINGNESS is important....
It's only pure LOVE, that we came here to BE....

We've forgotten the Truth of our Journey...

For there is truly but ONE...
To be of service to each other..
Shining our LIGHT as bright as the sun.....

To awaken to our PURPOSE....

Yet something has gone amiss..
For how many of us can truly say..
Each day we FOLLOW OUR BLISS...

For on that path our gifts are still waiting..

The ones that belong only to us...
That were promised for our Journey...
Meant to be shared with our gentle touch....

Close your eyes and vision a planet...

In which our collective consciousness rose to the occasion..
Threw our fear and caution to the wind 
And by following our Path, bought UNITY to each Nation...

This isn't a fantasy, nor a lucid dream...

Spirit surrounds us still
Waiting for us to change....
With a shift in our will..

Thank God He is patient..

For it has been more than a while...
Since his gift of life in these bodies ..
Made his most precious angels truly smile....

Tipping points be damned...

Yet we have not one more moment to waste..
Bringing Heaven to Earth...
The Universe still is making its case...

Each day is a bright new beginning...

A chance to shift our FEAR to LOVE and compassion...
And truly be of service to the needs of others ...

In  an authentic kind of joyful fashion.....

Jeffrey Louis Martinez

If there is at least one thing we can learn from this weekends horrifying travesty in PITTSBURGH, it is the Re-membrance that the only way to combat Hate is with LOVE.   If you would truly like to honor the memory of our Blessed Fallen Brethren, commit to doing what they no longer can. Share your Light anywhere DARKNESS has become a DISEASE.  Spread the Truth.  WE ARE ALL ONE!!  You, me, him, her, them, us.  ALL ONE! Black, latin, asian, white.  ONE!!  Gay, straight, lesbian, transgender.  STILL ALL ONE!   The world needs us to become Bringers of the Light, Wounded Healers, and share the gifts of acceptance, gratitude, and LOVE now more than ever! We have been asleep for far too long.  The illusion has become our reality. WE ARE THE HEROES THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR!!

Too many of us live in a bubble.  Our inner monologue being “What can I do to change things?” and then simply go on with our day.  Well, NOW is your chance for your beautiful Heart Song to be heard.  So stand United and sing loud enough for the world to hear and VOTE on November 5th!!  Complacency is a form of Consciousness that we can No Longer Afford!  So use your Voice and Sing a song of HOPE, PEACE,UNITY, LOVE, AND JOY until others are brave enough to stand with you!!  THAT is the greatest VOTE you can cast to make a Universal declaration of who you are and what you choose to experience on this planet!!  The disenfranchised of this world are worthy of our time and effort.  So that they can be seen, heard, and know they truly MATTER...................

I LOVE YOU ALL MORE THAN YOU KNOW..............................

Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, October 27, 2018

ABUNDANCE Grows as Your GRATITUDE Goes..!!



With The Holidays just around the corner, I feel it is the perfect time to reflect on how truly fortunate we are in this country.  Things aren't perfect, and we have a LONG way to go toward coming together in UNITY.  But there have been a number of individuals who have crossed my path lately, including a few clients, who are not originally from the United States.  I have been blessed to hear their personal stories of the strife, struggle, loss, and unfathomable challenges they have overcome to transition their lives to this country.  It really puts things into perspective of how lucky we are to live here.

The ONE thing I have observed that each and EVERY one of these survivors shares is an ATTITUDE  FILLED WITH GRATITUDE.  Most of them were forced to leave their families behind, many of them do not own cars, and work multiple jobs just to survive.  Yet, they share a common sense of kindness and appreciation for the smallest of things.  Their smiles are expressions of Soulful Bliss and they expend their energy not on complaining, but in reverence for the opportunity they feel this country has afforded them.  They carry the three attributes of a master; a kind heart, words filled with compassion, and a willingness to be of service. 

I once watched an interview with Oprah Winfrey in which she explained the massive transformation that started in her life 16 years ago when she started a daily ‘Gratitude Journal.’  Every night without fail, she would write down at least 5 things that she was grateful for that had occurred during the day.

When you allow yourself to feel gratitude in the present moment, in the NOW, what I promise you is that the spiritual dimension of your life begins to change.  It opens up and expands and you start to grow with it.  That is the truth, if I have ever spoken the truth in my entire life.  If you want to change your entire state of being, start to be grateful. ” Oprah has spread this message in many of her speeches across the globe.

The very act of gratitude opens up a channel for Joy to shine through.  It might start off as a small pinhole, but with practice and focused intention, it will grow into a window wide as you ALLOW it to be!  Admittedly, it is so easy to get fixated on everything that isn't going well in our lives.  Jobs we dislike, money problems, and toxic relationships.  Remember, Energy Flows Where Your Attention Goes!

And life has a way of surrounding us with tangible examples to shake us out of our lethargy and back into a state of appreciation and gratitude.  My mom and I have been caring for a delightful woman who lives down the street from us.  She has no family to speak of, suffers from multiple sclerosis, sever diabetes and has no left arm.  Three days ago,  her best friend, a cat named Logan, passed away.  And yet, she may be one of the most grateful Souls I have ever encountered.  Never ONCE have I heard her complain.  She surrounds her house with mementos and joyful memories that are imbued with the passion, and joy of a life well lived.  And it is absolutely humbling to be in her presence.  It has a way of snapping my own problems into things of fodder. 

Iyanla Vanzant has described the word PAIN to mean Pay Attention Inward Now.  She believes that the path toward enlightenment is to pay attention to each stop along the way of your Journey.  One stop may be an illness, another a job loss, another an amazing new relationship.  And she believes that within each and every one of these stops, is a lesson for us to express Gratitude!

One of my favorite spiritual teachers, Tony Robbins explains Gratitude this way, “It is the reset button and the cleanser of the soul. When you are in a state of gratitude it is no longer about ME.  It becomes about giving thanks.  And when you are giving thanks you disappear.  And when you disappear, I believe you reconnect to the Divine.”  Amen! 

Hopefully, you are understanding the Re-membrance that Gratitude is is the most direct line of connection back to SOURCE.  Back to the Divine from which we came and which surrounds us always to be in service to our desires.  As Bishop T.D. Jakes says , “Appreciation leads to duplication.”  When we focus our energy and attention on what we are in appreciation of in our lives, it activates a system that brings even more of that very thing into our experience!  Yet, most of us spend out time focused on all the things that we don't like in our lives and experience....well....even more of THAT!  And I don't know about you, but I think we could all use more experiences that bring us love and inner joy!  And evaporates feelings of depression and anxiety and transforms them into lasting inner PEACE.

So what would it look like, if we all started to incorporate the practice of GRATITUDE  in our lies starting today.  Keeping our attention on the things we are truly grateful for and perhaps even starting our own Gratitude Journal to write down at least 5 things we have appreciation for from the current day's experiences?!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, October 26, 2018



Time is but an ILLUSION
Yet the days do quickly pass by
And years slip through my grasp
Yet why I am here, I still don't know WHY.....

It's not that my experience thus far
Has been without its merits or meaning 
But the longing in my SOUL remains 
My Heart has still years to be singing....

Lord knows I have tried
Searching within all my inner BEING
For an answer that rings true
Perhaps there is something I'm just not seeing..

And to THEE I give my sincere THANKS
For the talents and gifts I've been blessed
Pairing them with my CALLING
Has been by far my greatest TEST........

Mid-life is now upon me
And still the search for my Being remains
Fear has set in its nasty claws
Yes to others my feelings are often feigned

GOD then spoke from high above
His words pierced through my soul
With the RE-MEMBRANCE I'd left behind
And this misstep had taken its toll....

Your PURPOSE my dear friend
Is to Love others as you would yourself
The way in which you proceed
Is not an answer to be left for somebody else...

Then gently he whispered,  yet said not a word
FEELINGS are how thoughts are spread in HIS special place
My son you've forgotten these three special words...
FOLLOW YOUR BLISS ..  As he gently held my face

The next morning I awoke
And the Clouds were all but gone
And my heart was FINALLY singing
The Hero's Journey magnificent song......


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Even HEROES Require Our HELP!!!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”


I started my career working in the local TV news industry.  While this was MANY moons ago, the same principle tenet still applies.  That being ‘if it bleeds it leads’.  After a while, you become somewhat numb to the daily deluge of death, destruction, and general mayhem that constantly bombards the satelitte feeds that you are in charge of managing for nighty content.   And one would be horrified if they saw the downloaded feeds that were WAY too horrifying to even go near the nightly airwaves!  Not that I am advocating being ignorant to the happenings of the world we live in, especially in our own community, I just tend to gravitate toward the stories where people are making a positive difference, or influencing the community in which they reside.  

Last week, such a story caught my attention on the local 6'clock news.  I was actually deep in the middle of a writing assignment, when my subconscious was shaken back to the present when I heard a local newscaster mention something about a missing firefighter.  My eyes left the glare of the computer screen to look upon the image projected on the large TV screen in our living room.  My jaw dropped the second my brain processed the ethereal beauty that appeared in high definition before my very eyes.  Tall, blond, with a smile that was meant to offer solace through others sufferings, she was absolutely radiant.  I actually had to rewind the segment to digest the story behind this beauty.  She was a 31 year old local firefighter in Virginia who had been missing for two weeks.  My heart sank as I am fully aware of the statistics of persons who go missing for that period of time.  I prayed for her and her family that evening.  That they would receive some closure to her whereabouts, and soon.

The next morning, it was reported that her body was found, nearly a mile from her abandoned car, as an apparent suicide.  Tears streamed down my face as I heard the known information surrounding this horrendous tragedy.  Apparently, she had been badly bullied, much of it from the cyber sphere.  She called in sick to work one day and was never seen again until her body was found weeks later.  

I sat for about an hour, thinking about the potential life of this woman who had dedicated her life to one of ultimate service.  And the family she left behind, offering them LOVE and LIGHT with my deepest prayers.  May her SOUL know the eternal Joy and ONENESS of an eternal PEACE that this world did not obviously provide.  

Later that night on the same station that originally broke the news of her passing, they hosted a 15 minute special segment on Mental Health.  This is in no way an indictment of this young lady's state of mental well being.  Regardless of the triggers, the tragic fact was that she took her own life.  And the statistics behind suicide in this country are absolutely staggering.  Did you know that suicide is the 7th leading cause of death in the US.   AND, of the top ten leading causes, it is THE ONLY ONE that is rising.  According to this segment, it rose over 24% in the last decade.  STAGGERING!  

Mental health has had a taboo like stigma attached to it for decades, and although its judgement has lessened over time, there is STILL way too much shame, fear, and alienation that needs our collective consciousness to awaken to allow those suffering to ask for and receive the help they need and DESERVE.  It's interesting that our society is typically accepting of a myriad of physical ailments that befall most of us at one time or another.  Cancer, diabetes, liver disease, heart problems, or in my case Crohn's disease being viable examples.  We blink not an eye when we hear of others suffering from these various maladies.   YET, too many of us still treat those with issues from chemicals in our brain as a modern day leper colony.  AND IT HAS GOT TO STOP!  

And I do know that of what I speak!  I have suffered from depression during my life and on two occasions it has become nearly debilitating.  And I am being VULNERABLE enough to share this fact with my fellow New Age Nerds because I hope that it inspires you to ask for help if you ever  find yourself in a position of feeling incredibly BLUE, hopeless, filled with unbearable anxiety, or just plain not feeling like life is worth living anymore.  In fact, it's the people who shared with me their COURAGE to ask for help with their mental pain that will always stand as my greatest and most inspirational HEROES.   Before hearing their stories, I always felt ashamed to admit to anyone that I was suffering from a form of mental malady.  Especially since I have been on a 20 year journey of self realization and many of my friends and family looked to me for sage advice and ‘magical’ musings to help calm their own stormy days and nights.  Often, I felt like a fraud, as if my own battles with something I had ABSOLUTELY NO control over, made my sincere LOVE, care, and suggestive advice seem hypocritical in some way.  But ya know what?  The EXACT opposite has actually occurred.  The more I have shared with others my pain, wounds, weaknesses, and sufferings, the more respect, admiration, and INSPIRATION has been born!!  I am not saying it's always been easy, but I can say IT HAS BEEN WORTH IT!  

To further prove my point do you know what ONE of the five characteristics of being a HERO actually is?!?  Being WOUNDED.......Mythic scribe Antonio Del Drago says, “Every Hero has a wound.  Like their villainous counterparts, all heroes are scarred in some significant way, either physically or emotionally."  Perhaps the greatest way for us to truly complete our Hero's/Heroine's Journey is to face that wound, overcome it, and then share how we did it with others who are suffering in a similar manner!    Whaddya think?!?!  

So anybody who is reading this, and feels like they need help with their mental and emotional pain, please know that by having the COURAGE to reach out and ask for help, you will become a HERO to yourself and so many others who value you and all you have to offer the world.   Please don't make a permanent decision on a situation that is temporary.   YOU are truly ONE IN A MILLION.....     You are here because the world needs you......    So please DO NOT be afraid to ask for help if you feel you are in a desperate situation and your own well being is at risk.  You will be surprised how many people will be willing to shower you with unadorned support.......        


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Time To BE Your OWN BOSS!!

If your first inclination upon reading the title of today's post is that you are not “The Boss’ of your company, that is COMPLETELY OK!  Because I have thrown a little twist into the meaning for the propose of today's message.  By BOSS, I am referring to:



And the great news is that given this acronym, EVERYONE can be not only their OWN BOSS, but a BOSS for the whole WORLD!!  How does that sound?!?  Pretty damn sweet to me!!

I recently learned of a group of High School students who live in various terribly impoverished and toughest areas of the upper North East and Midwest of the US.  The crime rates are through the roof, and the drop out rates of the students are nearly as high.  But through a program called BUILD ON, which celebrates its 25th anniversary today, students are learning the power of PURPOSE through service!  And the aspect that I love about the program is that the students themselves, many of whom are currently living in severe poverty have the opportunity to pick the type of service that interests them the most!  The program's goal; to show how being of service actually has just a big of an impact on the person BEING of service as it does the people they are assisting.  Now THAT is a slogan I can get behind(HINT HINT politicians!)

The Build ON teens have spread their individual passions and talents across a cacophony of areas including the elderly, Aids patients, and working with the homeless veterans.  In fact, the teens have spread their hard work and dedication overseas, helping build schools in poor areas and developing countries.  Listen to this.  In the past 25 years they have built over 1,000 schools for the poor and impoverished Souls that now service over 2 million students who would otherwise have absolutely no outlet for the education that has the opportunity to change and enrich their lives!  

This statistic is absolutely astounding.  In most of the cities where there are BUILD ON programs, the rate of students who graduate and go on to college is less than 35%.  For a nation trying to rebuild its sense of stature to compete with the global economy this statistic is HORRIFYING.   YET, students who participate in the program have a 97% rate of college attendance!  If proof is the in the pudding, YES PLEASE!!  LOL

While this program points a True North star towards the POWER OF PURPOSE, it also exemplifies the importance and impact we can ALL have through becoming a BOSS- BEING OF SPIRITUAL SERVICE)!  And it doesn't take as much effort or time as you may think.  Here are some ways I have gathered that anyone can be a BOSS during this Holiday Season:

1.  Volunteer at a food bank

2.  Give old clothes to Good Will
3.  Visit the elderly who have no family at nursing homes.
4.  Volunteer one day a week at animal shelters.
5.  Give your time at clothing shelters who give out much needed clothes and toys to families in need.
6. Invite friends who have no family in the area over for Holiday meals and get togethers.

These are just a very few of the ways that anyone can be of PURPOSE and be of spiritual service in their own community this Holiday Season.  But even an act as simple as calling a friend you know is hurting or suffering and letting them know you are thinking about them is a marvelous way of being a BOSS that anyone would want in their corner of consciousness. And for those of you with children, be not only a BOSS but a shining LIGHT and example for them during their two week recess from school.  Show them how valuable it is to be of service to others and watch their inner Heart Song sing songs they never knew the words too!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez