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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

ODE To The SILENT WHISPER...........

Resistance has made a best friend with my Egoic Self....
A Partnership that threatens by Purpose for Being....
A Fight for the Cosmos thus begins ....
One that ages this body you are seeing....

Relax, slow down and take a deep breathe....
As this clash will not soon be over...
The shards of my Soul must stay in their place....
And any sense of SELF must not be lowered ...

My mind is the referee as this melee begins ...
Offering thoughts that mean nothing at all...
So I listen to simply to my Heart....
And the right to Justice that it calls...

Then a silent whisper enters just in time...
That leaves me a message in the middle of a scene...
One that carries with it the Truth of the matter...
And what this battle actually means.....

I realize it has No thing to do with me....
Or the Purpose I came here to deliver.....
But simply learning to believe.....
In the power I have to bring others shivers.....

Not the type from the damp and cold.....
But The ones of a mercurial type.....
To help others out of their slumber....
And Re-member they are NOT here to fight...

But rather.....they've come for the same reason as I...
To shower love over the entire land...
With their gifts and talents in tow..
And with the help of my own loving hands.....

by Jeffrey Louis Martinez


Monday, February 19, 2018



As a transformational coach, I am often confronted with clients who are seeking a silver bullet to the secrets of life.  They are often incredibly frustrated with the state of their lives(that's why they are obviously seeking out coaching lol) and feel that they have tried anything and everything, yet are still not experiencing the results they so DESIRE.  And if I had the exact answer to that question, well, I would be beyond a Billionaire and received as a Luminary of such rarity that my life would probably become unmanagable!  Wouldn't ya think?!?  

But I do have a Hero's Tip that has passed the test of time and been used by pretty much anyone who has achieved phenomenal success in their life and chosen endeavors.  And it is something so basic in nature, yet, not often easy to put into practice.  And it's called PERSEVERANCE!!  Think about it for a moment.  And be compassionately honest with yourself.  How many times have you started a project and not completed it?  Or begun a diet or new workout regime and never stuck with it?  Or even started to write or read a book and NEVER finished?  I'm guessing a lot of you can relate!  And I am by no means excluding myself in this paradigm of behavior.  Lord knows I'm not!!  In fact, did you know that 90% of people don't stick with their New Year's resolutions.  

And so what tends to end up being the aftermath of failed attempts at some form of manifesting our heartfelt DESIRES is regret, self judgement, loathing, and even developing a pattern of self sabotage through eventually quitting more times than not!  Yet it is a long held truth that the insidious outcome of FAILURE CANNOT SURVIVE PERSEVERANCE!  And it never will.  PERIOD!!

I love this quote by John D. Rockefeller, one of the most successful men who ever lived.  "I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of PERSEVERANCE.  It overcomes almost everything, even nature."  Pretty powerful declaration.  After all, I am a firm believer that success leaves a trail and there is no better path than his!

But is there a tried and trusted recipe for carrying out our goals and manifesting our desires through the Power of Perseverance?!?  I happen to know of one that I have tested time and time again throughout my life and it has created MIRACLES!  And I'm sure it will come to absolutely NO surprise to regular readers of The New Age Nerd that it comes from one of my personal Hero's Napoleon Hill......

So I thought I would lay out the exact steps for anyone who would care to put them into action:


1.  You must have a BURNING DESIRE that you wish to manifest into your life's experience.  It must be such an obsession that it can withstand any form of struggle or perceived failure that may try to extinguish it from you ever receiving it in tangible form.

2. You must have a developed plan to see it through to its completion.   And then begin immediately with action steps.  Don't wait for everything to line up perfectly before you begin the Journey.  This is crucial!   The Hero's Tip here is to be flexible with the possibility of having to pivot your plans in a different direction.  The more committed you are to obtaining your desire, the more Infinite Intelligence will step in to give you bursts of inspiration and intuitive nudges that may not be completely aligned with your original plans.  STAY OPEN TO SPIRIT!!

3.  Having a mind that is tempered against ANY outside force that may try to sabotage your endeavors.  Many people would rather see you fail so that they don't feel they are playing small themselves.  And your success may very well do that.  You may even have to go so far as to let go of the individuals in your life who are trying to douse your flames of perseverance!  You can still LOVE them, but you may have to do it from 'the other side of the room.'

4. Creating a Mastermind of like minded individuals who will encourage one another to keep pushing through and following their plans with inspiration and motivation!!

Like anything in life, this is a process.  But I PROMISE YOU that if you follow this formula, in time, it will reap you whatever you DESIRE in life!!

Because at the end of the day, PATIENCE and PERSEVERANCE have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish!!  

So the next time you hit a roadblock toward a burning desire, wield the Power of Perseverance and watch your life become a BLISS filled Journey.  Just as it was always meant to be....


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Why Our Missteps Are MIRACLES in Disguise...!!

I received a call from a friend of nearly two decades one night this week.  From the energy in her voice I could instantly tell she was filled with fraught and anxiety.  We actually had not spoken in a few weeks so I thought I would get her caught up in some of the life activities that had come my way during that time until she was ready to divulge the true intention of her call.  Well, in certainly did not take very long for her to begin to flesh out the confusion that had befallen on her the previous evening.  As so many of my single friend's challenges still stem from the 'dating scene', this call was no different.  She had gone out on a date with a gentleman a few nights earlier and felt like she had made many MISSTEPS during the evening.  Without going into great detail, she then informed me that she had sent this lad a text that day apologizing for her behavior.  However, these MISSTEPS were still causing her a great deal of distraught and self judgment.  As a coach and spiritual teacher, I am very aware that the only person who holds the answers to their problems are themselves.  It's my job to gently guide them back to the Light that shines on their own solutions and Truth.  And so I asked her what transpired during the evening and then let her tell me about the contents of the text she had sent that day.  I usually make it a tenet to NEVER give unsolicited advice unless it is specifically asked for, and in this instance it was.  My intuitive feeling was that her MISSTEP was actually an AMAZING BLESSON(Blessing and Lesson).  For one attribute that she has been challenged with is Vulnerability.  A very important part of not only being in relation-ship with another, but also in life at large.  And I felt that her text oozed of supreme Vulnerability!!  And that it did not mater the manner in which he would or would not respond back to it.  Because the gift of that painful evening and MISSTEP had caused her to stretch her comfort zone.  And allow her to practice being more vulnerable with herself and another!  And it is when as Pastor T.D. Jakes says, "Know when your space is too small for you. And you must be birthed to the next level," my New Age Nerd compadres that MIRACLES occur!  Yuperoo!!

As I have fleshed outing previous posts, the HERO'S TIP here is to Re-member that YOU CANNOT MAKE A MISTAKE!!  I understand that that may be a challenging concept for many of you only because we have been SO conditioned by society that we must be perfect.  Have the perfect body, job, family, house, car...yada...yada...yada.    I call BULLSHIT!  Because we are already absolutely perfect without any of those things!  Just the fact that we are here and were created by a God who wields SOURCE energy and created each and every one of us in pure perfection!  And we are all in a life long process of awakening and while NONE of us will forgo many MISSTEPS along the way, please accept that they are NEVER MISTAKES!  Whether you can comprehend this long misunderstood concept at this moment in your own evolutionary process does NOT change the fact that we are all doing the very best we know how in any given moment.  And as soon as we can learn to use the transformative power of ACCEPTANCE as a tool of self forgiveness and Re-membrance that even our MISSTEPS are nothing more than opportunities for our own growth.  In fact, I will go so far as to declare that the greatest teacher that you will ever have is your last MISSTEP!!  And that's some powerful declaration huh............   ;0)

As Henry Ford said, "Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though it is sometimes hard to realize this.  For the world was built to develop character , and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward."

So I ask that you all give yourselves some much needed slack when you do happen to make a MISSTEP in your own life.  In fact, that's one of the most important times to ALLOW yourself to be bathed in Love and Self Compassion.  Instead of replaying the action over and over again in your mind.  Which let's be honest is the very thing that so many of us do.  Because by being caught up in such an insidious act of self sabotage, our MISSTEP causes us to MISS OUT on the opportunity that is hidden within our perceived misgiving!  And that will only force the same situation to repeat itself over and over again in your experience.  I know almost everyone reading today's post has gone through this absolutely frustrating turn of events.  When it seems like our lives are stuck on the repeat button of the Universe.  We keep meeting the same archetypes of people, and end up in similar jobs with similar bosses...the list goes on and on doesn't it....?!?!?

But when we Re-member that we cannot make a mistake and stay conscious with self love and compassion that we did the very best we were capable of given our level of conscious understanding in any given moment, we become into alignment with GRATITUDE!!  And I promise you that by using the dynamic duo of ACCEPTANCE AND GRATITUDE, the MIRACLES that the MISSTEP came to bring you will slowly start to divulge themselves like presents from a Santa of Compassion and Spirit!!  And then we can move on to the next chapter of our life, only now saddled with a higher level of consciousness and understanding the next time a similar situation arises..........


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, February 17, 2018


Like many of you I am quite sure, I am still trying to fully process the horrific tragedy that occurred this week in Florida.  I just cannot fathom the pain, grief, and suffering that the family and friends of all those SPIRITS who lost their lives way too soon.     It is so easy to simply judge others at a time like this.  Many are judging the President and his administration.  While others judge the NRA.  And then of course, there are some who judge people with mental health issues.  And I can understand those feelings of wanting to blame someone or something for all the atrocities that have befallen us in recent times.  And I also would NEVER wish to interrupt the dignity of anyone's process of dealing with their emotions.  That just isn't fair........

However, I know that what we judge draws more of that same energy into our experience.  We don't attract what we desire into our lives.  No, please understand that we attract into our lives more of WHAT WE ARE!!  And that is in no way shape or form trying to say that WE created the tragedy in Florida.  What I am declaring is that there is a way in which we can ALL share in the process of creating a higher vibration filled with LOVE AND COMPASSION that I know has the power to bring more Light into the World!  For as Martin Luther King said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate: only LOVE can do that."

From many conversations, I know most of us are not happy with the world in its current condition.  Myself included.  But as the saying goes, you can either be part of the problem, or part of the solution.  So as you go about your own personal process of dealing with your current emotions, please do not forget the power of ACCEPTANCE!  I know it it a process in and of itself to find acceptance in many parts of our lives and in the world at large.  But once we can truly ACCEPT that which is, we can use that same energy we were using as resistance, and put it into actionable steps.  Steps filled with compassionate listening and understanding.   Filled with LOVE AND COMPASSION!  And to start acknowledging one another by holding out a helping hand.  In a manner that suits you best.  And the time to start is NOW......!!!!

                                                         ONE by India Arie...........

Billions live their lives
Now Muhammad, Krisha, or the Buddha are the way.
Still some believe it's right to say
In the name of Jesus when you pray.

We are a human kind of 7 billion
So many different races and religions
And it all comes down to one

Some say God's a him
Still many believe that He is a Her
Does God Live in our hearts?
Or is She somewhere out there in the universe.


How far will have to go before we learn the lesson?
Gandhi, was a Hindu
Martin Luther King, a Christian
Regardless of religion, they knew love was the mission
And it all comes down to one.

Is there no God at all?
Or a pantheon of gods up in the sky
We can heal our broken hearts
If we give up the desire to be right.

We are a human kind of seven billion
So many different races and religions
And we all want the same things
Health, Love, Prosperity and Peace
Tolerance is the seed
And the gift of pure acceptance is the tree


Whether you are red, brown, yellow, black, or white
Man with a husband, or a woman with a wife
We can debate until the end of time who is wrong or right
Or we can see ourselves as one
Cause it all comes down to love.


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, February 16, 2018

Read Why To REMOVE The Word IMPOSSIBLE From Your Vocabulary..!

Do you ever find yourself refraining from tackling a project, or joining a new group, or shying away from putting yourself out there beyond your comfort zone??   Or perhaps you are afraid to go back to school, or take on new responsibilities at your job.  I know I have definitely had many moments where I held myself back in moving forward in an endeavor that was completely new to me!  And there were even a couple of times that the moment for me to do so passed leaving me with a hot plate of REGRET!  And that simply doesn't feel good, am I right?!?

And I believe we all have more than an inkling of what is at the root of our hesitation toward trying something brand new and truly leaving all aspects of our comfort zone.  Of course the answer is plain old FEAR!  But I think that fear has a deep rooted cause that I would like to discuss in today's post.  And it's something that has been conditioned within us by a myriad of sources; including family, friends, business associates, partners, and society at large.  So what is this cause I'm speaking of today?  It is the insidious word IMPOSSIBLE!!!  

I know we are all born with a childlike nature and curiosity, not to mention a deep rooted knowingness that ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE!  And the reason being is that as we first manifest into the human condition, we still are laced with the power of the SOURCE energy that created us.  And as we are still bathing within its true nature, we are infused with the knowingness that we came into this realm BECAUSE anything is POSSIBLE!  And we wanted to experience all the very possibilities that exist within our God given capabilities.  Yet, as we move through our Journey, we slowly come face to face with other Spirits who have been told that life is hard.  And that NOT ALL DREAMS COME TRUE!  That abundance doesn't grow on trees.  And perhaps worst of all, we should come to just accept our lot in life because the rich will always keep getting richer and poor, poorer!!  Does any of that sound familiar?!?  I'm always 100% sure at least some of those declarations have been tossed about in your presence on many occasions.  And that is absolutely antithetical to the TRUTH of how ABUNDANT the Universe is and wants to BE in all of our lives!  Really!!!

Instead, how amazing would it be if we shifted our energy to ourselves and one another that this world is rooted in THE POWER OF POSSIBLE!?  I shiver just thinking about how different things would become with such a raising in consciousness.  Mind Blown......    :0)

In fact, in order to Evolve in this realm, it is quite necessary to consistently pick more and more challenging situations which will force you to rise beyond what has already been established as a false ceiling of what is POSSIBLE!  Nobody thought is what possible to run a four minute mile.  Until Roger Bannister did it in 1954!  The Wright Brothers proved a cacophony of the population that man made flight was IMPOSSIBLE.  Until they accomplished it in 1903.  My point is that if most of the greatest pioneers, visionaries, and luminaries that have stepped foot in this world would have believed in the world IMPOSSIBLE, think about different life would be.  

That's why I advocate to my friends, family member, co-workers, and clients how important it is to NEVER lose their childlike nature.  And I mean N E V E R!!  Because childlike energy is infused with TRUTH.  It is injected with pure LOVE and WONDER!  And most importantly, it still Re-members that anything is POSSIBLE!  And when we allow ourselves to be aligned with Truth and Trust, you are activating the God within you!  And with the power of the Holy Spirit within you, even the though of IMPOSSIBILITY DOES NOT EXIST!

I'd like to leave you with a wonderful poem from the book Journey To The Impossible, by Scott Jeffrey.

To stand directly in the face of fear..
To look fear square in the eyes with an 
attitude that says "Bring It On!"
To smirk at fear, actually intimidating it, if only for a moment..
That is what one must do to create the possible...

To burn all bridges of retreat..
To be so crystal clear on what you want, that you ache inside..
To have an unconquerable burning desire to build your empire...
That is what one must do to create the impossible...


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Today the Super Hero film THE BLACK PANTHER opens around multiplexes everywhere.  And it is getting reviews that is putting it into a stratosphere that trumps most Hollywood Blockbusters. (within the SuperHero vein or or not) Internet trolls keep buzzing about that the fantasy genre including all of our favorite caped crusaders is quickly coming to an end as a result of audience burnout.  Yet, both box office receipts and top notch national reviewers are singing quite a different tune.  And I have much more than a sneaking suspicion as to why this genre just seems to roll on to rollicking results year after year. After all, it's been almost 20 years since the first X-men movie rolled out that was the impetus for the popularity of this form of entertainment!  And as you New Age Nerds have probably surmised, it has a great deal to do with The Hero's Journey and the unmatched power of STORY!! 

We currently live in the time of confusion and many of us feel truly lost in our own lives.  Technology has made intimate connection a relic for so many of us.  We see horrific acts of violence on our tv screens on a nightly basis.  Yesterday was the perfect example of what I am trying to convey.  As most of you may have heard by now, a shooter in Florida opened up with gunfire that killed 18 people and injured many more.  On Valentine's Day no less.  And believe it or not, that was the 18TH SHOOTING at a school already in 2018!!  Just crushing to even ponder.....

The majority of us obviously sense that something in this World just isn't right, and we understand that something needs to drastically change!  Too many of us are refusing to heed the call to our life's true CALLING by following our Hero's Journey.  And so we absolutely crave the stories of HEROES using their super powers to bring some sense of justice, safety, and peace to the world!  

Jonathan Gotschall, the author of ‘The Storytelling Animal.’  explains our thirst for STORY this way, “ What fascinates me about story is that we do it at all.  It's spectacularly improbable that humans would be this species that spends so much of our time on Earth in fabrication realities.  When I talk to my students, I ask them why do they spend so much time wrapped up in various forms of fiction?  Why do we like fiction so much?  They tell me it is because stories give us an escape.  That life is hard and it is an opportunity to go on a short vacation from the stress and problems of everyday life.  We can leave it unscathed and unchanged.  But, that is EXACTLY what the research is NOT showing.  The research is showing that the time we immerse ourselves in various forms of our favorite WONDERLANDS actually creates profound change in us.  This change comes on an emotional, and behavioral, and psychological level.  AND this can all be measured in a lab!

See, this movement within our zeitgeist can actually be measured in a lab!!  We all imagine what we could do to help raise the consciousness of the world if we JUST HAD SUPER POWERS!  Well, I'm here to tell you that we actually do have them......   That's right!  But I actually call them SOURCEFUL POWERS!  Because they come straight from Source Energy.  and in many ways, they are actually more potent in nature than straight up Super Powers!   Because there is no greater power in the Universe than the Source energy that created everything.  Wouldn't you agree?!?!

But in order to obtain these SOURCEFUL POWERS, we MUST have the courage to accept and follow our Life's Calling.  For as soon as we commit to this Journey that Source energy swoops in to give us the internal strength, compassion, courage, wisdom, understanding, and the ability to spread LOVE in a manner you never thought possible and might make Superman wince in envy!!

That's why I love this quote by David Taylor from his book ‘Tell Me a Story’.
He espouses, “ I think the greatmess of seeing life through the lens of story is that I have the freedom to make real choices, I'm not determined by my biology, my gender, my history, or genes.  Those are all part of the story but at the end of the day, I have a choice to make and this is the most encouraging possibility of all.  You can be something other than you are if you wish to be.  You can be the GREATEST VERSION of who you are.”  Couldn't have said it better myself...so I won't!   :0)

At the end of the day, we are all seeking ways to move through this life with GRACE, HOPE, Peace, and Joy.   Us New Age Nerds get much of our inspiration and strength from the stories all around us.  But there are SO many paths back to the LIGHT!  Thankfully, we have been left a powerful ally and blueprint to create such a world for ourselves and others through obtaining our SOURCEFUL POWERS through having the COURAGE to follow our Hero's/Heroine's Journey......


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


As all you fellow New Age Nerds are fully well aware, my entire paradigm is built around Joseph Campbell's and his life's work of studying over 2,000 years of Mythology that resulted in his realization that we are ALL on our own Hero's/Heroine's Journey.  We all share a collective story that comprises the collective consciousness on the planet.  And as part of our individual Hero's Journey, we each get to share a vibrant verse to THE STORY OF US!  And that is one of the greatest aspects to this adventure called life.  We are active participants in creation of this tale and each of our UNIQUE story's matter!   A TON!!

I have a dear friend who has at times been somewhat challenged by my slavish passion and perpetual use of using the Hero's Journey as a framing device for life.  He and I even had a little tiff over it several moths ago.  He told me that he felt emotionally challenged whenever I told him he was a HERO.  In fact to me, he is more like a Super Hero!  After caring for two sick parents and watching them both pass away from their maladies early in my friend's life, he actually decided to use his pain,  and suffering and channel it into becoming a doctor.  And this was when he was almost 30!!  Given his age and undergrad grades that were less than stellar, he had to overcome a myriad of challenges just to be accepted into any medical school.  Not to mention that during this entire process, he got married and had two children with no immediate familial support....   Even though this is truly just a SNIPPET of all my friend had to overcome during his Journey toward becoming a husband, father, and doctor he can now look back on his past accomplishments and those yet to come with true PRIDE!!  

Yet, my friend has had emotional discord with thinking of himself as a Hero on a Journey.  In fact, it actually brings him to a place of jarring unrest to do so!  He thinks of Hero's as individuals like police officer's and fireman.  His paradigm of what it means to be a Hero is layered with the idea of men and women who carry out the derring do acts that most of us would be too afraid or unwilling to perform if put to the test.  

One weekend afternoon he really got upset when I told him that he was one of my personal Heroes and that I felt like the life Journey he had been on was truly remarkable and a magnificent verse added to the collective STORY OF US!  I was somewhat taken aback by his reaction.  He told me that it was terribly difficult for him to see himself in this type of light.  He did not feel completely worthy of being thought of as a Hero and told me every time I engaged him with the Hero moniker it plain out made him feel uncomfortable inside.   And at first, I will admit that My EGO took over for a  while as I decided to try and BE RIGHT rather than BE LOVING!  A practice I try to avoid at all costs, but obviously still have not perfected.  I began to hastily explain to him that all I was trying to do was to acknowledge him and his life's accomplishments.  

Thankfully, right before our conversation had a chance to escalate into something truly caustic, it FINALLY hit me!!  The real issue at hand was that his own EGO was taking charge and trying to keep him playing small as it tends to do with most of us!  And because I had felt truly hurt when he deflected the Hero's praise I was sending his way, my EGO jumped into the ring and clouded my vision.  And blessed be that I was able to shift my anger back toward love and realize that he didn't understand the true essence of The Hero's Journey.  I don't believe his EGO was allowing it because it feeds off of Fear and us feeling LESS THAN WE TRULY ARE!  And everything started to make complete and total sense.  

And so in that moment, I asked him if I could give him a better understanding of what The Hero's Journey is about at its pure core and essence to see if that might help him come to a new sense of enlightenment regarding its meaning and paradigm perspective.  He graciously agreed and we spent the next part of our conversation with me fleshing out the fact that not ALL Hero's are police officers, teachers, soldiers, and firemen.  Not to say that individuals such as these should not be often acknowledged for what they do on a daily basis.  

What I did help him understand is that being a Hero within the construct of The Hero's Journey is having the COURAGE to answer the calling of your Soul's mission on Earth.  And then having the FORTITUDE to take the actual action steps to follow this CALLING even if it means cutting through fear, trials, and tribulations of all forces, shapes, and sizes!   And then have the humility to bring back all the growth, wisdom, strength, and consciousness gained during this Journey to share it with your TRIBE!!  THAT IS WHAT BEING A HERO IS ALL ABOUT!!

And ya know what, after our discussion, my friend had a much more insightful understanding of  The Hero's Journey and why I often referred to him as a HERO!!  Just as everything in life is a process, my friend now refers to himself as THE RELUCTANT HERO!  And I think that's a beautiful start toward full ACCEPTANCE of the hero moniker!  



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, February 11, 2018

DO You KNOW What The Most DANGEROUS THIEF In This World Is..!!!

In my years traversing this planet, NEVER have I witnessed such disconnection, discord and dissonance amongst one another.  It's become an absolute epidemic.  Our current PARADIGM seems to be one that espouses an insidious vibration.  One that resonates with a deep rooted declaration that -IF I WIN THAN YOU LOSE!!  And it is ripping at the very fabric of our consciousness.  And its core is perhaps the mot DANGEROUS THIEF you will ever encounter during the course of your life!  This thief is beyond cunning.  It is a trickster that will rob you of your sense of peace, joy, laughter, compassion, self love, and wisdom.......   And it is called the EGO!!!

The EGO comes alive at its highest vibration when it is allowed to feast on FEAR!  And right now FEAR is running rampant in this world.  And in many ways it is easy to uncover the reasons why.  We have an unpredictable Presidential administration, climate disruption is causing unstable weather patterns around the world, our fiscal situation on Wall Street, that houses many of our retirement accounts is an absolute daily roller coaster....I could go on and on.....BUT, I refuse to because the purpose of this post is to aide in STOPPING the FEAR that is at the root of the current feeding frenzy that is adding fire to the flames of the EGO!!  And as the old adage goes, you are either part of the problem or part of solution, and I resounding choose the latter. It is my deep desire that you feel similar.

The ironic aspect to this situation is that we created the EGO ourselves when we created this energetic MATRIX that is the experimental playground that we call Earth.  That's right, you heard me!  You see the only way for us to have the many juicy experiences we all deeply craved when we chose to manifest here was for there to be a functional system of illusionary separation.  Hopefully you caught on to the last sentence at its importance notion of understanding.  The key word was ILLUSIONARY!!  As in NOT REAL!  But the EGO was created for us to dip our toe into its energy just enough so that we could use this illusion to create the individual experiences we chose to bathe ourselves in to receive the growth of consciousness that is one of the actual reason we are all here!!  But so sadly it has become the baseline of our behavior toward ourselves and others.  We have stopped sharing LOVE and instead are spreading our Egoic Fear!

But over time, this ILLUSION of the EGO has started to become our TRUTH!!  And it is not only destroying the communal fellowship that is our natural state of BEING, it is also causing us to become utterly lost and confused.  And this is causing way too many of us to start chasing externally based FALSE IDOLS such as fortune and fame, drugs, alcohol, greed and a myriad of other things to long to even begin to list here......

One of my favorite saying is "Fear knocked at the door and when I went to answer it, NOBODY was there!!"  And another quote that has served in times when I sense this EGOIC THIEF start its gripping hold on me is from Marriane Williamson from A Course in Miracles whose many catchphrases is "A MIRACLE is simply a shift in perspective from FEAR(EGO) to LOVE!"  And it would be my biggest hope and deepest desire that all the individuals on this planet begins to shift their own perspective to live these quotes.  I know everything is a process and it won't happen overnight, but I think the majority of us who feel there is a real problem occurring on this planet and it is beyond time for us to start become a part of the solution and not continuing to be a part of the problem!!  Who else truly agrees with me?!!?  

And for anyone who feels we are past the tipping point of this insidious issue, please shift your understanding that IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING!!  


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Our BIGGEST Break Opens Happen JUST Before Our BLISSFUL BOOSTS!!

Throughout the past 20 years I have had my fair share of opportunities for a Breakdown!!    As most of you who follow my blog no all to well.   So please know that this post will in NO way be another play by play of the Greatest Hits of my life!!   LOL

One Gi-normous reason for that is because I have come to learn that there really is no such thing as a Breakdown......   Instead, I have come to realize that there are only Break Opens!!  And they occur when our lives hit absolute ROCK BOTTOM!!    Which I have hit on more than one occasion..   ;0)
But hitting ROCK BOTTOM is one of the greatest opportunities for Spiritual Awakening that we can experience in this dense realm called life on Earth!!   

Unfortunately I have seen WAY too many family members, friends, and clients hit this illusionary pit of despair, disconnection, and loss of all HOPE, FAITH, and LOVE!!!  And I am in NO way judging them for the manner or outlook on life that these temporary circumstances in our life bring into their experience.  There is no denying that they can be wrought with such pain, suffering, and terror that unfortunately for all too many, their answer is SUICIDE......

And this is coming straight from the hands and mind of someone who suffers from DEPRESSION that has at times caused me to think about ending my own psychic pain through voluntarily going back to SOURCE!  I have come to understand that this is in no way a topic that many choose to engage.  And that is an absolute SHAME!  And please forgive me if anyone feels I am in any way, shape, or form coming across as judgemental...  For that is NOT the message that I would like this post to carry!

In fact, it is quite contrary to that vibration!  My message this evening  is from personal experience!!
As they say the TRUTH is in the pudding and I have personally witnessed the power of SPIRIT that floods into our existence when we suffer what I now deem a Break Open!  When we hit a period of absolute ROCK BOTTOM, which if truth be told, more of us experience than we are willing to admit!

And if this is the direction in which our life has taken us through a myriad of possible outcomes and experiences, oh too many of us surrender to our Ego and look for a way out of our PAIN!
Yet, if we just have the COURAGE to SURRENDER to our authentic self in the form of our Divine connection to SOURCE energy, we can begin to rebuild our lives with PURPOSE, and begin the process of finding our true CALLING!!  For while I DO NOT believe in ABSOLUTES, through over 20 years of personal self actualization, and over 10 years of working with coaching clients, we often hit a time period of ROCK BOTTOM that coincides with our unique Break Open!

To quote Gabrielle Bernstein from her transformative memoir SPIRIT JUNKIE, "Hitting bottom and surrendering was the best thing that ever happened to me.  It cracked me open and led me to hear the voice of my ~ing again.  The willingness to hear this voice was all I needed to receive the guidance .  The Course(in Miracles) teaches that with the slightest willingness you will receive guidance from you inner guide.  Our relationship with our~ing is like having a mentor or teacher.  The ~ing's sole purpose is to guide us back to love." 

And THAT my fellow NEW AGE NERDS is what this post is really ALL ABOUT!!!  LOVE!!!!

For when you truly are in a vibration of ALLOWANCE when life's torrential down pours have brought you down to your nightly knees, it is actually the greatest opportunity for you to have the Courage and Faith to Break Open!!  And TRUST me when I tell you I speak from personal experience!!  The process of surrounding to Spirit and allowing yourself to completely Break Open is perhaps the most transcendent experiences that the Universe provides us in this dense realm!!  For when we lean into this experience with all our heart and soul, the only thing that pours out of us is the willingness to love ourselves and others!!  I'm not saying it's a painless experience, but nothing worth while ever is on this side of SOURCE!!

And through this process of Breaking Open, we find that on the other side is full of what I call Blissful Boosts!!   Now it doesn't happen overnight, but trust me when I say that IT DOES INDEED OCCUR!!  For as soon as you make that shift from Fear (EGO) to LOVE, MIRACLES begin to flood into our daily existence.  And life begins to take on a feeling of MAGIC!!  People who are in a similar vibrational energetic pattern begin to seemingly appear out of thin air!  New business opportunities show up as we take daily action steps toward what we desire.  And this experience we call LIFE no longer feels like a daily slog!!
rather, it becomes a daily opportunity to experience pure BLISS!!!   And after all, isn't that what we are all seeking...?!?!?


Jeffrey Louis Martinez


Friday, February 9, 2018


From the time we are born until the time we make our transition back into pure SOURCE, we each have a once in a lifetime opportunity to find our CALLING, find and use our UNIQUE talents and gifts to change the very vibration on this planet!!   Please understand that the particular energetic pattern that dominates the MATRIX of experiences on this planet is a once in a lifetime ticket to ride!
If you were born and awoken to be a part of this communal experiment, it is because YOU decided that slowing down your own vibration to a paradigm of dense BEINGNESS so that you could  completely forget Who You Are and Why You Came here with the trust that it would be brought back into your consciousness it is because you were ready to be an explorer of TIME AND SPACE!!

For this planet offers an experience that is absolutely UNIQUE in that there is no other opportunity amongst the entire COSMOS that allows for one individual SOUL to forget that they are an emanation of pure Spirit, and Infinite Intelligence! So many of you may be asking why on Earth would any conscious SOUL decide to enter into this vibration when there is sooooo much that could interfere with the Re-membrance of Who They Are!  

And that is a question that only YOU can determine through prayer, and communion with SPIRIT!!
That is a declaration that I can only be of assurance that you came here with a clear sense of the Purpose and Calling that resonated DEEPLY within your SOUL!!!  Depending on your level of Re-memberance, you may or may not yet recall the exact set of life circumstances that you and your Spirit Guides designed for yourselves as EXACTLY what you needed to experience before coming into the dense world of planet EARTH!   And BLESSED be that we each are given the same opportunity to design the exact set of circumstances,  so that we can UNLEASH the set of PARADIGM shifting gifts that will play a part in the grandest collective set of energetic vibrational shifts to raise the collective consciousness on this planet!!  

And with that context now in place, I would like to get back to the title and purpose of this post.  Which is WHAT ARE THE FIVE MOST POWERFUL WORDS IN THE UNIVERSE?!?
Does anyone know the answer to this posing question?!?   No cheating with GOOGLE!?!?  LOL

The answer is not as magical as you may think!  However it is a time tested litmus test that has not changed in over the last three thousand years........    So without further adieu.............
The answer is LET ME TELL YOU A STORY!!!!  And for those of you who will call me out with, 'I call Bullshit', I understand.   However, I have the scientific proof behind my answer that hasn't changed during the last 3 thousand years.  That's right non believers!  For even during the time of our fellow ancestors, the caveman, they used the power of the nightly fire and the primitive drawings that we have unearthed on the caves that prove our ancestors very existence and the proof of the very stories that they used on a daily basis to assist in drawing PURPOSE for their very reason of BEING!!!  Even three thousand years ago, the POWER OF "LET ME TELL YOU A STORY" was used as a way to help the communal TRIBE to make sense of the beyond challenging daily tasks that were absolutely essential for basic survival!!  And even more importantly, the PURPOSE behind these menial daily assignments, because of the STORY that was emotionally engrained in their consciousness, were the engine of motivation that kept them dedicated toward keeping their TRIBE thriving!!   Not just surviving!!

For just as the author and spiritual LUMINARY Victor Frankel so prominently declared, our life only starts to make sense, when we understand the meaning for our SUFFERING!!  And the manner that our primitive ancestors discovered to help create meaning for our suffering on this planet was through the Power of Story!!   

The most effective way of INSPIRING, influencing, and educating others focused attention has never really changed in over a Milllenium!! And that is through the POWER OF STORY!!

Even the contemporary master's of INFLUENCE continue to espouse that there is No Thing that comes even a close second to the Power of STORY!!    The Power of Story has created the most lasting paradigm shifts of how the vibrational energy on this planet creates an understanding of universal consciousness that has ever existed!!

Perhaps the most effective manner in which this truth can be communicated is through the power of MODERN MYTH!!    

 We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, "O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?" Answer. That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play *goes on* and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?”
~~  John Keating           (THE DEAD POETS SOCIETY)

So this evening as I write this post, I ask you......     What is the verse that you would like your life's Story to contribute to the collective consciousness of this WORLD?!??   As Albert Einstein so eloquently professed, there is but one question that we all must decide for ourselves.  And that question is simply, "Is the UNIVERSE a compassionate entity or 

My answer is a resounding YES!! The UNIVERSE in which we all contribute a verse of Love, compassion, and understanding is beyond pure perfection!!  It is filled with wonder, miracles, and unexpected surprises!!  And it is my heartfelt wish that in time, you BELIEVE in the same VISION...........Our individual STORIES matter.  They contribute to the collective conscious fabric of the story that shares the secrets of the UNIVERSE that is a unique emanation of each and every SOUL who had the COURAGE to share a verse of the collective whole of our BEING within this vibrational consciousness!!!  And to Each and Everyone of those Courageous and Precious Souls I salute you with a a resounding THANK YOU!!!!

Now life in this realm is NOT a process that is as easy as I am professing!! Not even close.....It is a pure PROCESS of Allowance  and even more importantly ACCEPTANCE!!     Not living through the paradigm of ACCEPTANCE is living through EGO!!  As if YOU KNOW WHAT BEST SERVES You!!  The EGO always DESIRES you playing SMALL by keeping your vibration of separation.....rather than being in connection to SOURCE....

If you are having a problem with accepting something....think back to a time when something occurred that you were unable to Accept .... and it ended up turning into a BLESSON (a Lesson that was also a Blessing).....and use THAT as a place of Vibrational Resonance to assist you in Re-membering tht everything happens Through you and For You....NOT to You...

And then Ask Yourself.....     what is it costing me...  to refuse ACCEPTANCE regarding this or any other moment that has manifested in my experience....?!?!?!??


If you are STILL having trouble with ACCEPTANCE in any area of your life...In what ways can you allow these events to reside within you in a more PEACEFUL manner until they can be healed with the support of you TRIBE.......?!?!?


Jeffrey Louis Martinez
The Hero's Coach