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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Is Your SOUL TRIBE Still Waiting For YOU ?!


During my time orchestrating various stints in Corporate America, I was fortunate enough to have a handful of ‘Business Buddhas’ show up along the way, usually when I started to get LOST in the accoutrements that accompany making lots of money.  Purpose, and callings, and journeys...‘Oh, My’!  More like Elton John singing...  “I've finally decided my future lies.... beyond the Yellow Brick Road!”  

One such spirited Soul and her wise ways appeared on my path just as I was truly starting to make real progress in TV advertising sales.  A potential vortex for sidestepping one's good intentions, all in the name of making your quarterly fiscal goal. In that world, “Coffee is truly for closers, baby!” and Gordon Gecko's run supreme.  I actually had a boss, when passing out our bi-monthly paychecks by hand, would start his cocky jaunt around the office by saying, "The goal of life, gentleman, is to have so many zeroes at the end of your paycheck, that the bank teller NEVER forgets to call you SIR!"  Not exactly an incubator for action and intention in the name of spiritual growth!  

Upon first encountering this bringer of the light, there was no mistaking that she walked to the beat of Spirit.  Even her last name, ‘Good’, imbued her sweet, soft nature and authentic demeanor.  The first time I walked into her office, I could feel an instant energy shift that was completely antithetical to the rest of the building.  Calm, caring, and centered, with whispers of service minded moxie.  Experiencing how she maintained her core vibration, no matter the level of corporate chaos outside her door, helped me truly put into perspective the power of practicing the notion to ‘BE THE SOURCE’.   Rather than complaining about what was lacking in spiritual based energy, she engaged her day as though one of her core job components was to BRING that type of feeling to all of us in the company!  

Over several years, we had numerous talks about Soul centered living, our spiritual passions and goals, and future plans for our Superhero's Journey.  Hers was an elixir of daily remembrance, and one that helped soften the daily blows that a career lived in the shadows of my True Path endured.  Like a daily slog of choosing the path most taken, over and over again. But it would actually take an impromptu chat, co-created long after our office visits ended, that forged a lasting imprint on my life.

In a previous post, I described my ‘Dark Knight of the Soul’, and it was during this period that I happened to be perusing Facebook one afternoon, trying to keep my mind off my current slate of life dilemmas.  I had never been a huge user of FB at that point, but was happily surprised to see her online and available for a live chat.  And boy oh boy did it feel ‘GOOD’ to connect.  LOL

As was usually the case, she kept the focus of our conversation on me, as we caught up on over four years of LIFE.  I told her of my continued plans to be a coach, writer, and inspirational speaker. All with the true desire to assist others in service.  Of course, it was basically a variation on the same speech I had perfected and practiced so many years earlier, in the comforting confines of her office.  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again expecting a different result.  So to her, I must have seemed like a patient straight out of One Flew Over The Cookoo's Nest.  But thankfully, Nurse Hatchet she was not.

After letting my current ‘story’ come to its fitful end, she took a deep breathe.  And what came next was a TRUTH BOMB that stirred my Soul and bristled my heart with a new found knowingness.  

“Jeffrey”, she uttered, “you need to know something.  All the Souls you promised to help before your Spirit took human form are still waiting for you.”  Tears.....  more tears....  until.....  tears galore.  

Then, she continued.  “Anytime you feel stuck, or fearful, or filled with self doubt, remember, your SOUL TRIBE is still waiting for you to come and help them.  That alone will be enough to assist and motivate you on your path. Especially when your debts are high and your bank account continues to keep you tied to a career than was never meant for you. At least not permanently. Your Universal bank account is truly something special. It will continue to rise in conjunction with the people you are able to lovingly guide with the God given gifts specifically conjured in your divine name. ”

And you know what, those words stay with me daily, and really have helped me move past the immense loss, and pain, and self doubt that has occurred on my own Superhero's Journey.  In fact, in my darkest and loneliest moments, it is those words that continue to fuel and guide me towards my mission.  Please don't misconstrue my musings. Since ditching my own corporate career to pursue my CALLING, it has NOT always been easy. And there have been times in which debts have outnumbered the zeroes in my bank account. But, in those moments, WITHOUT FAIL, whenever I truly needed financial (or any form of support for that matter) it has shown up, usually in the most unimaginable ways. And now, after many years spent perfecting my spiritual based crafts, the Universe has put me in the perfect position to truly level up! I have all the financial means to finally start a podcast, finish writing my books, and begin the journey as an inspirational speaker.  

So today, I offer Mary Good's message to you. It doesn't matter what your own Superhero's or Heroine's Journey may currently look like, or eventually turn out to be. Please simply remember, especially when all seems LOST,  that those Souls you promised to serve with your PURPOSE are still waiting for you..............



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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