For those who don't know her story, she was a single mom, completely out of money and close to losing her home. One day, sitting in a cafe and in a state of utter desperation, she wrote down the basic outline for Harry Potter on a napkin. Even though she had never written a novel in her entire life. (and she was in her late 30's) As we all now know, she has become one of the richest people in the world! And her story is FAR from unique. There are countless stories of individuals who have hit rock bottom only to scale the heights of abundance through blood, sweat, perseverance and plain old determination.
Before fingers start being pointed in my direction, regular readers of The New Age Nerd know a great deal about the times I have hit my own version of Rock Bottom. And I must admit, when you are in the middle of the storm, it can feel downright awful. As if life's oceans are bombarding you with spiritual shards of painful pieces of a life that now seems shattered beyond repair. And your FAITH seems to be no where in sight. For rather than dipping our toe into the illusionary pond of illusion, we JUMP RIGHT IN, sans any bathing/birthing suit. For when life brings us to our knees in this fashion, it usually means that we area about to birth a MIRACLE! And the birthing process is an arduous one. As any mother of such daunting deeds will fully attest to. ;0)
But as part of the process, you go through a period that I like to call a BREAK OPEN. Others call it a BREAK DOWN, but I prefer to transcend that limiting energetic offering by deeming it a BREAK OPEN. Because I have come to the realization that your own heart uses this period to completely shatter itself into something that can later be rebuilt! Into a perfect painting worthy of any artist's awe and inspiration! And when this transformation occurs, the only thing that pours out is complete LOVE! It is very much like the process that a caterpillar goes through during its transformation into a butterfly; for once that miraculous process occurs, THERE IS NO GOING BACK! And the collective whole of each precious soul sharing expanded loving energy will eventually reconnect with the Grand Creator herSELF! All to assist in the grand expansion that this Universe is currently desiring! How frickin' cool is that! We are all Superheroes collecting shards of expansive love in a 'Billion' different forms. All so that this Universe and the Grand Creator who gave it birth, can experience the passion, joy, kindness, peace, wisdom, and blasts of bliss filled LOVE that will forevermore expand the energetic force of creation to newly filled heavenly heights! NO PRESSURE MY TEAM OF SUPERHEROES!
But as part of the process, you go through a period that I like to call a BREAK OPEN. Others call it a BREAK DOWN, but I prefer to transcend that limiting energetic offering by deeming it a BREAK OPEN. Because I have come to the realization that your own heart uses this period to completely shatter itself into something that can later be rebuilt! Into a perfect painting worthy of any artist's awe and inspiration! And when this transformation occurs, the only thing that pours out is complete LOVE! It is very much like the process that a caterpillar goes through during its transformation into a butterfly; for once that miraculous process occurs, THERE IS NO GOING BACK! And the collective whole of each precious soul sharing expanded loving energy will eventually reconnect with the Grand Creator herSELF! All to assist in the grand expansion that this Universe is currently desiring! How frickin' cool is that! We are all Superheroes collecting shards of expansive love in a 'Billion' different forms. All so that this Universe and the Grand Creator who gave it birth, can experience the passion, joy, kindness, peace, wisdom, and blasts of bliss filled LOVE that will forevermore expand the energetic force of creation to newly filled heavenly heights! NO PRESSURE MY TEAM OF SUPERHEROES!
It is usually during this time that we begin the process of understanding our purpose. Because as I have repeatedly stated in this blog, we all have the exact same purpose. Which is to flood this world with a 'Billion Buckets of Love," all through being of service toward ourSELVES and all of mankind! And so once our heart breaks open, the Love that gushes out can be channeled toward the manner in which you choose to share it! It's all part of the Superhero's Journey..........
However, this period of our collective Journey will at times be filled with gut wrenching pain and soul crushing loneliness! And we will feel periods of angst imbued with the loss of everything that has come to define the existence of anything we once believed defined our individual reason for BEING. And during this Earthly period of transformation, we let go of those things that no longer serve us. This can be in the form of friends, relatives, jobs, and lovers. Not to mention old belief patterns and paradigms that formed the old foundational systems of our life "pre-Break Open!" And that is not an easy process! It's also why so few divine earthly SPIRITS hear the call of their own Soul and pick up the phone to answer the voice on the other side. That soothing voice that will guide your individualized Spirit back toward its earthly mission!
In my experience, and those of so many I have coached, heard and read about, the gifts that come from the courage to hit 'Rock Bottom' and never give up are almost too many to list. Here is the short one: compassion, wisdom, empathy, patience, strength, perseverance, and remembrance of their earthly MISSION! Pretty groovy stuff if you ask me. :0)
Even the Bible has its allegory for the magic of being broken open! Jesus the Christ would often BREAK bread before performing a miracle. And that is when the bread would multiply to feed thousands! I believe this is because it was his way of showing us that we must first be broken wide open before our own miracles can be birthed into the earthly experience. After every single time he conjured a so called Miracle, he finished his Earthly deed with the following magical mantra. "One day, this, and SO MUCH MORE, one day, you too shall do!" Please think about that for just a moment! Still doubt in your ability to move any and every mountain that stands before you...?!
As we grace this experience of having our own 'Break Open,' it is absolutely crucial to have a good support system in place. For there are times in which you are going to want to give up and throw in the preverbal towel. This is when it is so important to have a group of fellow spirits who will step into the darkness and pull you back into the light after the pain you feel has finished teaching you the lessons it came to bring! If you are struggling to find a fellow friend to assist you......please write my own name down! My Super Heroic beacon call for all fellow Spiritual Gangsters is Just sayin'....I answer EVERY single email I receive...... ;0)
One Gi-normous reason for that is because I have come to learn that there really is no such thing as a Breakdown...... Instead, I have come to realize that there are only Break Opens! And they occur when our lives hit absolute ROCK BOTTOM! Which I have hit on more than one occasion. But, once again, hitting ROCK BOTTOM is one of the greatest opportunities for Spiritual Awakening that we can experience in this three dimensional earthly realm!
As they say the TRUTH (proof lol) is in the pudding and I have personally witnessed the power of spirit that floods into our existence when we suffer what I now deem a Break Open! When we hit a period of absolute ROCK BOTTOM, which if truth be told, more of us experience than we are willing to admit!
And if this is the direction in which our life has taken us, all through a myriad of possible outcomes and experiences, oh too many of us surrender to our Ego and look for a way out of our PAIN! Yet, if we just have the courage to SURRENDER to our authentic self in the form of our Divine connection to source energy, we can begin to rebuild our lives with PURPOSE, and begin the process of finding our life MISSION! For while I DO NOT believe in ABSOLUTES, through over 20 years of personal self actualization acumen, and over 10 years of working with coaching clients, we often hit a time period of ROCK BOTTOM that coincides with our spirits readiness to Break Open!
To quote Gabrielle Bernstein from her transformative memoir SPIRIT JUNKIE, "Hitting bottom and surrendering was the best thing that ever happened to me. It cracked me open and led me to hear the voice of my ~ing again. The willingness to hear this voice was all I needed to receive the guidance . The Course(in Miracles) teaches that with the slightest willingness you will receive guidance from you inner guide. Our relationship with our~ing is like having a mentor or teacher. The ~ing's sole purpose is to guide us back to love."
And THAT my fellow NEW AGE NERDS is what this post is really all about!
For when you are truly in a vibration of ACCEPTANCE of life's torrential down pours which have brought you down to your nightly knees, it is actually the greatest opportunity for you to have the Courage and Faith to Break Open! And trust me when I tell you I speak from personal experience! The process of surrendering to Spirit and allowing yourself to completely Break Open is perhaps the most transcendental experience that the Universe provides us in this dense realm! For when we lean into this experience with all our heart and soul, the only thing that pours out of us is the willingness to love ourselves and others! I'm not saying it's a painless experience, but nothing worth while ever is on this side of SOURCE! Life is NOT meant to be easy. But rather meaningful and imbued with LOVE filled purpose...............
And through this process of Breaking Open, we find that the other side is full of what I call Blissful Boosts! Now it doesn't happen overnight, but trust me when I say that IT DOES INDEED OCCUR! For as soon as you make that shift from Fear (EGO) to LOVE, miracles begin to flood into your daily experiences. And life begins to take on a feeling of MAGICAL PROPORTIONS! People who are in a similar vibrational energetic pattern begin to seemingly appear out of thin air! Special spirits who want nothing more than to support you and hold you in a space of love and light! I call them your 'Soul Pod!' New business opportunities show up as we take daily action steps towards the life we truly desire. Our health begins to burgeon with healing hands. And this experience we call LIFE no longer feels like a daily slog!
Rather, it becomes a daily opportunity to experience pure BLISS! And after all, isn't that what we are all seeking...?
Jeffrey Louis Martinez
Jeffrey Louis Martinez
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