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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, March 31, 2019


~~  Gandalf    (THE LORD OF THE RINGS)

~~ Alfred    (BATMAN BEGINS)


Yesterday morning, I was incredibly INSPIRED by a speech given by Joel Osteen.  I must profess I do not watch his show religiously, but as I was switching channels this day, the moment I turned to his program, he was espousing the importance of looking for the blessings that come with most of our daily burdens.  And of course being The New Age Nerd that I AM, I was hooked!  So much of what he was saying resonated at a deeply profound level for me.  Much of it because of how it correlated very closely with the core vibration of this site, that being The Hero's/Heroine's Journey.  And the fact that NO THING that comes into your experience is a coincidence.  Be it illness, loss, betrayal, as well as the many wonderful and amazing things that we co-create each and everyday.  It is all a part of the DIVINE'S way of supporting us on our true path. It does not mean that these experiences and emotions are easy. In fact, some of them can feel downright painful, and cause us to question what the hell is going on in our lives. Some of us get hit so hard, and in so many ways (often all at once), that we start to lose our faith. That is why his message was such a powerful infusion of Re-membrance for me and I am sure many others. 

Mr. Osteen told some powerful and humorous stories about his own life. And the manner in which some quite challenging personal events forced him to face his biggest fears. Many of them becoming the most magnificent BLESSINGS he has yet to experience.  For instance, his father was a pastor who actually started the church with his family.  Joel was much younger then and was quite introverted and shy.  He much preferred to stay behind the scenes and help his family by serving the church away from the pulpit's spotlight. Until his father suddenly passed away.  And in the middle of his heavy grief, he had a huge decision to make.  In order for the church to continue, he knew he would have to take the lead and become the church's head pastor.  Something that scared the ‘HELL’ out of him.   But he decided to put his entire faith in Spirit. And so the following Sunday, he gathered (was given by Spirit) the courage and strength to grab the microphone for the very fist time, and get on the pulpit to carry forth the work that his father had started so many years before.  And as we all now know, Joel is now one of the most beloved spiritual teachers currently on this planet!  He has inspired millions of people to live the Greatest Version of the Grandest Vision ever held of themselves.  Now that is a transcendent example of turing a burden into a blessing.  Not only for himself, but for the world!

It also brought to mind a powerful story from the life of Napoleon Hill, who is one of the founding fathers of modern day self actualization work.  Of all of the magnificent stories he has shared through his many books, none is near as powerful as the story of his second son in his seminal tomb ‘Think And Grow Rich.’  You see, Napoleon Blair Hill was born without any physical signs of ears.  From birth, all his doctors proclaimed that due to his physical deformities, he would live a life being both deaf and mute. A devastating declaration for any parent! However, Napoleon Hill was a true Bringer of the Light.  He made a vow the very day those doctors told them their opinion, that his son would indeed learn to hear and speak!  He has said his steely determination came from a famous quote attributed to transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson, who profoundly stated, “The whole course of things goes to teach us faith. We need only obey.  There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening, we shall hear the right words.”

To help demonstrate the power of DESIRE, in the second chapter of his book, he outlined his plan to assist his son toward his goal:

Napoleon's plan included:
  • renewing his own daily pledge for Blair's wholeness;
  • imparting his burning desire to Blair;
  • not teaching sign language to Blair;
  • mainstreaming Blair's education instead of sending him to a school for the deaf;
  • creating bedtime stories for Blair with themes "designed to develop in him self-reliance, imagination, and a keen desire to hear and to be normal" as well as to establish the belief that"his affliction was not a liability, but an asset of great value"
Through the use of several techniques, Napoleon started gaining some progress, as Blair slowly began to hear vibrations and even music if played loud enough.  Hill was able to incorporate his own famous declaration that “every adversity brings with it the equal seed of opportunity,” through the example of teaching his own son how to hear.  

Blair not only made it through a basic education, but later excelled at the University of West Virginia.  After graduation, he reluctantly traveled to New York to meet with a company who had heard about his story. They had been developing a hearing aid device inspired by Blair's own deep desire to help himself and others with auditory disabilities.  But so many former attempts of introducing such devices into this market had never found their mark.  But little did he know his own Hero's Journey was beginning anew!

This new device actually worked tremendously and allowed Blair to hear clearly for the first time in his life.  So excited and now doggedly determined to use his father's philosophy of  turning burdens into blessings, he asked the company that designed the device if he could work on its marketing plan.  His goal was to “render useful service.... to bring hope and practical relief to thousands of deafened people who, without his help, would have been doomed forever to deaf mutism.”

Blair spent a great portion of the remaining of his life on his mission.  And DID INDEED help millions of hearing impaired individuals all around the world to live new lives through the use of this magical hearing aide device! 

Blair Hill's faith, coupled with the unshakable belief and LOVE of his father, turned misfortunate into a MIRACLE! One that has magically improved the lives of millions of people. It is such an inspirational testament to the power God places within our pain. For while our suffering may at times appear to be arbitrary, this story proves that is far from the truth. Pain is simply a part of the "HEAVENLY HERO MAKING MACHINE" that our Grand Creator has put into place to forge miracles for us and through us. NEVER to us! Please always re-member that distinction. 

And the next time you feel less than, unlovable, unworthy, or simply are lost in you own darkness, re-member that you are a Superhero. Just being here is proof positive of that. Because not everyone who was asked to come here said YES. In fact, the majority said NO
Not because any of them are less than in there own making, but because this earthly experience is very dense for the soul. And at times can be quite painful. Some would even say BRUTAL! Growth and expansion at this speed often requires strokes of pain as the catalyst for the birthing process of miracles to occur within this realm.  So please be super proud of the fact that when confronted with the choice to make a lasting difference in a world that is in desperate need of superheroes, you did not back down from the challenge! And that in itself makes you a Legend in Training!

Through the moon lit night....
A single Path is now shown...
Dare I step onto its glowful glare...
For the destination is unknown...

I ask Spirit for Guidance and Strength...
As I take my first move into the Night...
Heavy are the thoughts of my mind...
An internal struggle to hide my Fright...

It is then that I Re-member...
That when our Journey is at its end....
We all forge a path and must go alone....
To those before me, much Love do I send.....

Night swept Fog now blinds my way....
A silent whisper like none before....
Asks for my utter Belief and Trust...
As I traverse this foreign shore..

My sight still betrays me...
Tho I surrender to this special voice...
And brave this dreamlike vision...
For I've learned the power of choice ...

We have many gifts to light our darkness..
Yet still so many lose their will...
Giving way to all their lifelong pain...
Shouting to heaven a powerful shrill....

Perhaps this night's Journey....
Will show me that our pain is power...
Perhaps forgotten along the way...
Inspiring others with this night's swept shower...

Is this the Purpose for my dreamlike state...
To assist in my Re-membering of why I came...
A Steward of conscious spiritual Light...
Teaching others that our Path we can reframe....

As I start the process of Knowingness...
The path ahead begins to clear....
My Hero's Journey illuminates this path...
And leaves me No Thing to Fear.....

Written by Jeffrey Louis Martinez

May these words offer you solace in the darkest of your nights. So you may re-member that all of your burdens are no thing less than BLESSINGS in disguise!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Accomplish ANYTHING Through The HABIT of FEROCITY...!

Believe it or not, Spring has recently been "Sprung" upon us. And for many of you New Age Nerds, that means another opportunity to mirror nature's magical rebirthing process. With the warming weather and longer days comes more time to manifest your goals! Many of them no doubt being the same ones left unscratched from last year's list. Am I right?! lol

So to assist those of you who are truly willing to commit toward new habits that will empower you toward behaviors that 'get things done,' I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite manifestation tools. It's called the Super Heroic Habit of FEROCITY! And when incorporated into your daily routine, I promise you it will become a powerfully potent agent that will change your life. I know that's quite a huge declaration! And you're right. So buyer beware; like anything else that changes the quality of your life experiences, it must be used with great effort, care and consistency. Capiche?! So absolutely NO refunds on this one....  ;0)

Before I further flesh out the specifics of this Heroic Habit, I would first like to dispel a much misunderstood tenet of spiritual transformation/self actualization work. I often come across patrons in the personal self help world who espouse that you are "out of alignment" and/or in a state of "unease" if you make plans and goals and strive toward them with great fervor. They will say that all one must do is "be in the flow" of life and let the Universe take care of the rest. Simply ask, and you shall receive. As if taking action is actually an insult to the Universe. Yet, more often than not, it is this same group that always seems to be in a constant state of lack. And the closer you investigate, there is usually very little they have actually accomplished in their own life. No judgment, but I believe there is a middle ground here to explore that will bring more sound understanding to the nature of our reality. 

First and foremost, I think it is quite beneficial to create a mindset that does not sit in a state of absolutes. Life is NOT all black and whites. There are a cacophony of colors in the fabric scheme of the illusionary veil we use to manifest our desires.  The richest mindsets are in allowance of incorporating BOTH, not just "either/or" into their personal paradigms. As in, one can be BOTH "at ease" with the natural energetic flow of the Universe, AND at the same time be passionately determined with massive action toward their chosen endeavors/goals/desires! In fact, I would like to take it one step further and state that it is essential for us to engage life with a gregarious gusto. Meaning making plans, routines, action steps, and goals as part of our way of being true co-creators with the Divine Source! Personally, I believe the Universe acknowledges and appreciates the bold, the doers, and the decisive. Plus, as Helen Keller said, "Life is either a great adventure, or nothing at all." Well, how in the hell can one have a great adventure without stepping off of the sidelines and putting yourSELF smack dab in the middle of all the action?! And setting ourSELVES up for success by creating a playbook for our own life and the fulfillment of our own unique CALLINGS!

Plus, our collective mission is to grow, learn, and evolve into the grandest version of ourSELVES. And that type of massive expansion occurs most effectively through "playing in the game." And the bigger we choose to play, the more we explode into bliss filled bursts of energetic potentiality. The very aspect of cosmic causality that the Universe sent us here to manifest for its own ascension into more conscious LOVE

I believe in a form of spirituality that is DEEP, but SIMPLE
And so my own personal paradigm for manifestation consists of just two parts:


The creating aspect is done specifically through the sub-conscious mind. The space within us that houses the divine spark of Universal Source energy that connects us all to the ONE GOD MIND. It creates our reality though the manipulation of energy beyond time and space based on our thoughts (the imagination) and our emotions. Once an idea has been placed within the sub-conscious mind, it instantaneously goes to work to manifest that idea (person, place, idea) into our life as actualized matter. And the stronger our thoughts and emotions become, the faster it will manifest it on our behalf. 

But there is a step two we must adhere to. And I call that "The Collecting" stage. It's all about action. Now sometimes what we desire will appear in pure form. However, most of the time, the manifestation process is a two-step dance of true co-creation with the Universe. As soon as we are finished "creating" what we desire to manifest onto our lives, the Universe will begin to use the sub-conscious mind to deliver us new plans, action steps, and intuitive hunches to assist us in the "collecting" of our precious prize. And its during the collecting stage that the grand adventure truly begins. It's through the daily facing of our challenges, engaging obstacles, and advancing towards adversity that we learn, grow, and gain the universal insight that our soul truly seeks to savor! So be grateful that we must earn and work for what we desire. Without the "Collecting Stage," we would miss out on all the sprinkles of magic that assists in raising our own vibrational level of consciousness. All the really amazing stuff that life dishes out if we are just brave enough to answer the call to our own daily adventures! 

Because please NEVER forget, once on the other side, CONSCIOUSNESS IS YOUR CURRENCY! While it is quite a divine feeling to acquire in physical form our greatest heartfelt desires, it is our expanded soul, filled with new found learned LOVE and wisdom that we will carry within us for eternity! Let that truly sink in for a moment or three!  ;0)

Hopefully you now have a much better understanding as to why being too passive in the manner you engage life is actually counterproductive to your mission. Life is certainly far from an easy experience. And it isn't always meant to be. We learn and grow through pain and adversity. And in time, we realize that every ounce of discord was worth every tear shed in order for the attainment of our new found energetic expansion! 

And that's why my suggestion is to begin to tackle your dreams and goals with absolute FEROCITY! Now I did NOT say attack life! Life is completely rigged in your favor. Always! Never forget to be in total allowance of "the Flow" that creates your connection to SOURCE. The natural, abundant nature that brings the never ending force of LOVE and all its super powers into your existence. But as I stated earlier, you can be in complete  allowance of life's "natural flow" and at the same time tackle your CALLINGS/GOALS with a fervent ferocity. 

And FEROCITY is a tool that can assist you in climbing the toughest of mountains! Here is my definition of this revelatory Super Heroic Habit:

Yearning to Be Great

Being ferocious means being "all in!" It's doing all the things that most others choose not to. It means stepping WAY out of your comfort zone each and every day. It's about taking inspired action. Meaning you are taking cues from the intuitive signs, hunches, and whispers that are constantly being sent to you by the Universe and acting upon them in absolute FAITH! And it's the path of all Superheroes!

Life truly does begin at the end of your own Comfort Zones! Staying comfortable causes your Inner Superhero to become agitated and discontent; like a caged tiger mauling its lockbox so that it can be UNLEASHED out into the world. Your Super Heroic Higher Self came here to be DISRUPTIVE! To blast this world with bliss filled boosts of love, compassion, kindness, creativity, service, inspiration, and joy!

We are all "Legends in the Making." It's our very birthright to be Iconoclastic Innovators! And as Superheroes, we have the super powers to be forcefully disruptive in a world that desires to be awoken from its deep slumber. Showering each day with LOVE BOMBS of spiritual "shock and awe" is our collective purpose on this planet! We knew the nominal norm was no longer serving our highest good. So we are here to LOVE this world back into the LIGHT! BAM! Boom! Ka-pow! 

But we must earn this conscious change. Not because we are in any way not already completely worthy.  Because we are! But the process toward expansive growth, wisdom, learning, and massive shifts in collective change requires massive action. It's the system  the ONE GOD MIND put into place in this dense realm called Earth. As we forge through our own daily challenges, we are forced to stretch our own energetic signatures to blast through any previous notions of what the beauty of our own reality can BE! We begin to learn that the sky is NOT the limit; only the beginning of our own magnificence! And as our own core essence of energy expands, so does the Universe in equal proportions. It's the most magical equation in all the Cosmos. And a true "win, win" across the spiritual spectrum!

So I highly suggest you start to build the Super Heroic Habit of FEROCITY today!
Begin with creating a daily "Morning Mindset." For instance, part of my own morning routine is a mediation followed by repeating my Daily Intentions. Here are my intentions for today:


Filled with Gratitude
Alive with Ferocity in ALL I do
Radiating with Bliss for mySELF and all others
Overflowing with LOVE
Boundless with compassion and kindness
Steadfast in KNOWINGNESS that through my own magic, Extraordinary Things
will be Made Superhero Manifest

Establishing an empowering Morning Mindset places yourSELF in a super space for a day of success and unadorned joy! And creates a habit of centering your mind, and realigning your energy toward your goals, not against them. Re-member, if you want to see great changes in your life, you have to change things in your life in a BIG WAY! As Albert Einstein said, "Problems cannot be solved from the same level of consciousness that created them." AMEN! 

Good thoughts, good words, and good deeds will lead to massive change in you life. But it's up to you to bare the task of creating new, empowering habits to see the change you desire to experience! Your own Inner Superhero is waiting to be set free. So step out of that comfort zone and soar to new, empowering, extraordinary heights and punch a hole in the sky of your greatest desires! And please DO NOT BE AFRAID TO BE FEROCIOUS IN ATTACKING YOUR GOALS!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, March 29, 2019

Stop JUDGING Em....Start to BLESS EM Instead.....!

As we all know, professional football is a modern day gladiator sport. It's as tough a physical pursuit as one can undertake in all of modern athletics in my humble opinion. Although I never played, I was a sports broadcaster/writer/producer for a number of years and was able to watch these behemoths of raw wrath pummel one another one play after another for hours on end. But having an all access pass (thank you NBC Sports) to the players before and after games/practices afforded me a different perspective on many of their mindsets! 

I found most of these "monsters of the gridiron" to have quite humble hearts filled with gratitude and a deep belief in a power greater than themSELVES. Thank goodness.  Because at that time I weighed in at a paltry 165 pounds and could have been used as a doorstop to their locker room quite efficiently! LOL

Hanging around former pros (mostly Washington Redskins) like Art Monk, Darrell Green, John Riggins, Joe Theisman, and coach Joe Gibbs instilled a deep appreciation for the hard work and commitment toward both self and team success that is still as inspirational as anything I have experienced. And the reverence that they carried toward one another was astonishing to witness. They were imbued with a deep rooted respect for everyone. They knew the intestinal fortitude it took to cross between the white lines for those 60 minutes every Sunday. And so that mutual commiseration was extended to every player on the field. Truly something to behold!  Probably one of the reasons I haven't missed a Redskins game since 1981!

There is a show called Hard Knocks on HBO every late summer that chronicles the grueling training camps each NFL team must endure prior to each season. This past season the show focused on the Cleveland Browns. Unfortunately, the Browns have been perennial bottom dwellers for the past two decades. But they finally have gathered a good, young crop of dynamic players.  So I was happy to see them get some long overdue fan fare from the league. 

The standout of the 6 episode season became their newly acquired star wideout, Jarvis Landry. Landry is absolutely electrifying both on and off the field. With a complete skill set of football talents that make him a much watch player every Sunday. 

However, it was not his on the field physical prowess that stirred quite a sensation with both hard core fans and part time armchair QB's.  Time after time, the cameras caught Landry espousing a catch phrase that took the league by storm. For instance, after torching a defensive back for a long touchdown catch, Landry would run up to the player and "Bless Em." Literally, he would say, "Bless you brother!"  And on plays in which the defensive player "got the best of him" with a good, clean hard tackle, Landry's retort never changed. "Bless you. Bless em. Bless em!" 

This was Landry's first year on the team and so his new teammates were at first caught somewhat off guard with this habitual display of reverence. Was it genuine?! Or just for show?! And so us views of the program were given behind the scenes snippets of his teammates approaching him to get more clarification on this unique form of player praise. 

God blesses us by giving us this ability to be a blessing to other people. It’s no different for the defense or a DB [defensive back]. You have to bless ’em. It doesn’t have to be Sunday for them to get this work. Bless ’em,” said Landry. And ya know what? Many of his teammates started taking a copy from this verbal playbook and began "blessing" other players in a two-sided tandem! This catch phrase caught a wind storm that galvanized a team that was in desperate need of a unifying theme. And "BLESS EM" became the team's rallying cry for the entire 2018 season. One in which the Browns won more games than they had in over a decade! 

And I think taking a page from Landry's spiritual playbook is something that we could all benefit deeply from:

Somebody cuts you off in traffic; Bless Em!
You are at the center of hurtful gossip; Bless Em!
Your co-worker gets the promotion you desired; Bless Em!
You feel abandoned or betrayed; Bless Em!
A friend surprises you with something unexpected; Bless Em!
Money appears seemingly out of the sky; Bless Em!
Give someone an unexpected hug; Bless Em!
Tell someone how much they mean to you; Bless Em!
Take your dog for a long walk; Bless Em!
Have a fantastic meal out at a restaurant. Tell the waiter; Bless Em!

After all, the greatest gift we can give is reminding one another how absolutely ADORAMAZING we all truly are!  Wouldn't you agree?! So the next time the opportunity arises, go out and BLESS EM!! Because this practice will instill the powerful attitude of GRATITUDE within your core being. As you re-member that every single thing that enters into your life's experience comes as a beautiful BLESSING!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, March 28, 2019

WHY It Takes COURAGE To Be Truly GREAT...!!

As most of you daily New Age Nerd readers are quite aware, during this past Christmas Eve, I had a transcendent vision that continues to have quite a profound impact on my life. For me, it truly couldn't have come at a more exacting point in this illusionary space of time. Last year was a culmination of over a decade of daily life poundings in every form this earthly realm can dish out. I often remember feeling like I was in the movie An Officer and A Gentleman. In which an officer in training, Zack Mayo, (Richard Gere) keeps taking an extraordinary amount of torturous punishment from his commanding officer, Emil Foley, played by Louis Gosset Jr. All so that he will quit his training and leave the military environment he so desperately desires to be a part of. 

EMIL FOLEY:  You ready to quit now Mayo!!

MAYO: (doing pushups in the mud) No sir!

EMIL FOLEY: Life sure has dealt you some shitty cards, hasn't it Mayo?! 

MAYO: I'm alright sir!

EMIL FOLEY:  Bullshit! I've done some checkin'.  I looked through your files. I know 'bout your momma. Don't you eyeball me boy!  I know your father is an alcoholic and a whore chaser. That's why you don't mesh Mayo! I said don't you eyeball me boy! Because deep down inside you know all these other boys and girls are better than you are! Isn't that right! Isn't that right!!

MAYO: No sir!

EMIL FOLEY: I want your DOR. (Drop on Request- Quit)

MAYO: No sir!

EMIL FOLEY: I want your DOR.

MAYO: I ain't gonna quit!

EMIL FOLEY: Spell it! D... O ...R!!!

MAYO: No, sir! I ain't gonna quit!

EMIL FOLEY: Then you can be free and you and your daddy can get drunk and go whore chashin' together!

MAYO: No sir!!


MAYO: I aint gonna quit!

EMIL FOLEY: Ok, then you can forget it! You're out!

MAYO: (screaming and crying) Don't you do it! Don't you do it!


MAYO: (still crying) Cause, I got no where else to go! I....got know where else to go!! 

Because just like Zach Mayo, I really didn't feel like I fit in, nor had a place I could go to find any permanent sense of peaceful solace. Many years earlier, I had even tried to take my own life. Thinking that would end the pain. And before you judge, let me share with you that being in that sort of emotional state is beyond comprehensible. It's not selfish in any manner. Nor is it a declaration of weakness. If anything, it's a proclamation of extreme strength. Because every single moment spent in that type of tormenting hell seems like an eternity! And simply having the courage to face "another day" is a testament to one's raw inner power.  Trust me!

And that's what makes my "Christmas Vision" that much more validating. For there were so many nights in which I had succumbed to such physical, emotional, and psychic pain that I would stare up to the heavens and whisper, "Is that all you got! Cause I'm gonna keep gettin' back up. So you better start hitting a lot harder than that!"  

But even Jesus the Christ went into the Garden of Gethsemane to pray for strength prior to his capture and crucifixion. He had become deeply afraid of the path before him. And who wouldn't be?! And so he prayed and questioned GOD for another way to fulfill his Mission :

Once Jesus and the disciples arrived, Jesus drew away Peter, James, and John—His core three followers. He asked them to stay with Him. "My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with Me" (Matthew 26:38). He then went a little farther, fell to His face, and, in agony, asked God to find another way. His sweat fell like drops of blood; God sent an angel to comfort Him. We cannot know the depths of Jesus' sorrow at this time. While Jesus wept in anguish, Peter, James, and John fell asleep. 

But deep down within my being, I always knew that everything I was going through was happening FOR ME and not TO ME! But as I am sure you can all attest, that does NOT always make the Journey any easier. Good intentions are only as powerful as our ability to find peace from the manner in which they have been placed within us. And sometimes it feels as though peace has selected another suitor, no matter your deliberate dating tactics.

To suffer without meaning is my only definition of a Sin. Thankfully, I now have a clear understanding of every single moment spent in my own hellish pain. My favorite definition of HOPE is not in the conviction that things will turn out in the way you deemed fitting. But rather they fall into place in a manner that makes sense and offers you insightful meaning for their very reason for being. For that is when we become trusting in allowing the Universe to become our full time orchestrator! And we can RELAX INTO THE FLOW!

Because we are living in times in which everyone is searching for a SUPERHERO. Someone with the willingness and tenacity to step out amongst the masses and stand up for something that will rock this world back toward LOVE! If there is one thing I have learned these past few months, it's that it takes a gi-normous amount of COURAGE to be truly great! We have become a numbed out society that sheepishly walks along a line with very few lions left to shake us out of our slumber. And yet, when one decides to commit to this undertaking, they are often met with a vitriolic vibration. People desire change, yet most have become so attached to their comfort zones, that anything that will nudge them from their zombie like lifestyles causes a conscious chaffing. It makes them uncomfortable. And in the beginning stages, the messenger pays the price for their complacency. 

Since December 25th, as many of you all know, I have shed much of my previous life. This includes, jobs, old routines, mindsets, and even many friends. I was "given notice" that it's finally my time to fully commit, in ways never before attempted, to assist others who are ready to awaken to their Super Heroic Higher Selves. And I can proudly say that I earned every damn piece of thread on my own superhero's cape. The "buffet line of life" I have endured was the perfect proving ground for my Mission! And every single challenge I have faced perfectly prepared me for exactly what I came here to DO and BE! And I could not be more grateful. All the pain and suffering was SO worth it! Yet, I am learning my job isn't about to get easier any time soon!  I have been called crazy, delusional, outta my mind ( my personal favorite) and sometimes all the judgment takes a toll. I've let go of most of my friends and on some days I'm left with only my own conviction to continue being love!

Because, again, it takes great COURAGE to be great! Because the moment you put on that cape, you will be challenged; by family, friends, co-workers, and even acquaintances. Many individuals  are petrified to see others shine their light. Because it becomes a direct reminder that they have yet to turn their own "night light" to the ON position! Misery doesn't just love company my New Age Nerds. IT CRAVES IT! But I've had enough of these numbed out times. I'll take the lead in this charge with a potent message straight to the hearts and souls of the collective ONE MIND

Who else in this world is ready for change...
To stand for something more than just greed...
A planet that will still be standing...
When there are millions of mouths yet to feed...

Can there be more than just a few...
Who will shatter other countries sanctions ....
And keep promises sworn to protect..
Through our Super Heroic interactions...

Show me your hand, raise it strong and proud...
Through our example, so others will see 
For one day many more will be standing..
Where now its just you and me...

It will take more than heart and will to be great...
You must be willing to risk all you knew...
To forge a space for love to briskly shine...
And it will all begin with a precious few....

We've been given powers to move mountains..
To shift an entire planet from fear to love...
Yet it's ant hills on which we focus our time..
So be not afraid when GOD gives you a shove...

To become the HEROES this place now needs..
Will take more than you now know....
Thus look for the angelic helpers...
You'll know them by their heavenly glow...

It takes great COURAGE to be great...
And BELIEF in yourself to see it through..
Can't you hear the clicking of the clock...
One day soon your time here will be due....

So dare to be iconoclastic in nature...
Be a disruptive leader in all that you do...
The opinions of others will never matter...
If to thyne own self you are true....

by Jeffrey Louis Martinez

I have a deep rooted knowingness that there are many members of the New Age Nerd tribe who desire to be great. To leave a lasting legacy built on a foundation of LOVE before your time here ends. If any of you feel as though you don't fit in this world, that simply means you were never meant to. You were made to create a new one! So wake up every morning and ask yourSELF one question. 

"Today, what can I make possible for this new world!!" 

See you in the history books!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, March 27, 2019



If you are anything like me, than you are constantly searching for how new ideas, concepts, paradigms, and thought patterns can be implemented into your daily routine.  All to super enhance your life's daily effort and output to new found heights. Plus, I know that success leaves a trail, and so I try to sniff out the good stuff whenever possible.  

I would like to share a new concept I recently came across while reading a recent edition of Inc. magazine!  It's called  “The Five Hour Rule.”  While I was very much aware of Tim Ferriss' book “The Four Hour Workweek,” the Five Hour Rule was completely foreign to me.  And so of course I dove into the article with a fervent exuberance!  And what I found was both practical and given its use by such luminaries as Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey, something I was eager to start incorporating into my own life PRONTO TONTO!

The most fantastic part of this process is in its complete simplicity. The writer of the article,  Michael Simmons of Impact, like so many of us, desired to understand and uncover some of the key patterns used by the iconoclasts and true luminaries of their fields that have assisted in their phenomenal success.  Like I said earlier, success leads a trail, and those of us smart enough to follow its scent get to reap the rewards. According to Simmons, one trait he could find amongst the greatest leaders in their selective fields was  “Many of these leaders, despite being extremely busy, have set aside at least an hour a day (or five hours a week) over their entire career for activities that could be classified as deliberate practice or learning.”

And for the special and unique individuals he tracked, according to Simmons “the five-hour rule often fell into three buckets: reading, reflection, and experimentation.”

Again, while nothing earth shatteringly new or revolutionary, I've always believed in the power of KISS~ Keep It Spiritually Simple.  Deep, but simple!  It's always worked for me! I would like to quickly break down these three attributes, and in turn flesh them out in their practical application with a little more moxie.  Deal!  Awesome........


I am completely on board with this one.  In fact, I have a personal book collection that tops 400 and am constantly searching for new tomes that I can devour with a connoisseur's consciousness.  Don't get me wrong, I am in NO way a book snob.  But my philosophy is that if a book can introduce me to even ONE concept that I can implement into my life, it was well worth the time and investment!

And, obviously, I am not alone!  LOL  Here are some fascinating facts that Simmons discovered during his uncovering process:

  • Mark Cuban reads more than three hours every day.
  • Arthur Blank, co-founder of Home Depot, reads two hours a day.
  • Billionaire entrepreneur David Rubenstein reads six books a week.
  • Dan Gilbert, self-made billionaire and owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers, reads one to two hours a day.
And by far the most interesting fact Simmons uncovered was that Nike founder Phil Knight so reveres his library that in it you have to take off your shoes and bow.!!  For real!


I think many of us use a plethora of strategies for our own reflection.  Be it through meditation, journaling, or even taking long walks. But read some of the ‘interesting’ ways Simmons found that the great minds amongst us use their personal reflection time:

AOL CEO Tim Armstrong makes his senior team spend four hours per week just thinking. Jack Dorsey is a serial wanderer. LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner schedules two hours of thinking time per day. Brian Scudamore, the founder of the $250 million company O2E Brands, spends 10 hours a week just thinking.
When Reid Hoffman needs help thinking through an idea, he calls one of his pals: Peter Thiel, Max Levchin, or Elon Musk. When billionaire Ray Dalio makes a mistake, he logs it into a system that is public to all employees at his company. Then, he schedules time with his team to find the root cause. Billionaire entrepreneur Sara Blakely is a long-time journaler. In one interview, she shared that she has more than 20 notebooks in which she logged the terrible things that happened to her and the gifts that have unfolded as a result.

3. Experiment

Napoleon Hill discovered that most self made men do not hit their true stride until they are in their mid to late 40's!  He summed up this phenomenon to the fact that these men never accepted the status quo.  They took great risks, and chances with their lives.  Always allowing their business endeavors to push the preverbal envelope to discover the impossible.  

Simmons' investigations found a similar pattern amongst today's greatest luminaries. He writes, “Throughout his life, Ben Franklin set aside time for experimentation, masterminding with like-minded individuals, and tracking his virtues. Google famously allowed employees to experiment with new projects during 20 percent of their work time. Facebook encourages experimentation through Hack-a-Months.”

So what is the great TAKEAWAY from all this information?!  In my opinion, it is we all could carve out more time in our daily routines for learning and personal growth. We spend SO much time taking care of our bodies through exercise, eating right, and reducing stress, yet our minds are left to their own accord for such nourishment.  

Simmons finishes his article by perfectly summing up his point of the importance of taking orderly learning and growth vitamins by saying,  “The long-term effects of not learning are just as insidious as the long-term effects of not having a healthy lifestyle. The CEO of AT&T makes this point loud and clear in an interview with The New York Times; he says that those who don't spend at least five to 10 hours a week learning online "will obsolete themselves with technology."



Jeffrey Louis Martinez