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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


For those of us living on the Right Coast of the United States, the last couple of weeks have brought a winter weather deluge of contrasting temperatures from the 50's down to the single digits!  Not to mention the near blizzard of over a foot of snow that hammered much of the North East last weekend!   The actual wind chill temperature in Washington D.C. this past Monday morning was a head shaking and eye rattling -6!  As in BELOW ZERO!!  LOL  Just walking to the car was an exercise in benevolent bravery; or perhaps just foolishness!  ;0)

And it wasn't just the weather that has been in a state of complete flux for our family the last few days.  My blessed mother's birthday is this Saturday, and we thought it would be a wonderful gesture to send her out to Jefferson City, MO to visit with her beloved sister and my Godmother to celebrate.  Unfortunately, three of my mom's sisters have passed away in the last couple of years, and so the only two left are her and my Aunt Jean.  And these two are true SOULMATES on every level. So this was going to be a very special opportunity to spend quality time with one another! However, as they say, it's 10 percent about the idea, and 90 percent about the execution, right?!  While this idea was bathed in pure intention, its execution would soon become out of all of our hands!

My mom was originally scheduled to fly out of Dulles Airport in Northern Virginia this past weekend.  She is admittedly getting up there in age, so traveling takes a little more prep time, on both a physical and emotional level.  But our family is fortunately a tight knit group and we all 'chipped in' to assure that my mom's trip would be EAZY PEAZZY!!  But the Universe had other plans in store...............

More severe wintery weather happened to be hammering the Mid-West this past weekend and so her original flight was canceled.  No problemo, right?!  We just rescheduled her flight for yesterday afternoon.  This would be one of the few times that my mom would be traveling alone, and so she already felt some trepidation about the sudden pivot in plans.  This was after all a 'non refundable' flight booked on relative short notice.  My sister and I both assured her that it was just a delay in her timetable and there was nothing more to concern herself with.  UHEM!!  Not so much..............

My mom spent all Monday night re-packing her belongs and family gifts.  I could sense she was filled with anxiety about the flight.  Repressed emotions deny us of much needed spiritual lessons, so I let her have the 'dignity of her own process.'  While in tandem guiding her back toward her firm FAITH.  

My sister came to pick her up yesterday afternoon, and I thought she was on her way to a trip filled with memory making magical moments!  I went back to my daily coaching practice until my cell phone rang about an hour later.  My mom was on the other end, with a voice shaking in fear.  Her flight was being postponed several hours because of a severe ice storm hitting the Mid-West!  I tried my best to quell her anxiety and told her I would come back to the airport and pick her up immediately.

But as soon as the phone call ended, I'll admit to being quite frustrated and a little angry.  My mom has been through the loss of her husband, three sisters, and several of her best friends in the last few years.  After such an immense greiving period, my sister and I just wanted to give her some time to heal and the opportunity to enjoy making memories with her only remaining sister.  Not so much to ask, right?!?   

I immediately threw on my heavy leather jacket and headed out to the car.  Still with feelings of frustration, I turned on the radio to calm my own inner vibrational state.  And then, a sudden sense of PEACE came through me BEINGNESS!  The 'Silent Whisper' as I like to call it.  A pure understanding of KNOWINGNESS that this trip was NOT MEANT TO BE!  At least NOT right now!  The non refundable plane ticket cost a small bundle of not so cheap change, but I just didn't care.  When Spirit calls, I know its best to pick up the phone.  Lesson already learned, thank you very much!

There were obviously several family members this decision would affect, and my hopes were that I could get everyone on the same page while still 'keeping the peace!'  I was resolute in my feelings about the situation and had the power of KNOWINGNESS on my side!!  Perhaps the best SUPER FRIEND one can have in their corner!  

While still on the way toward the airport to pick up my mother, I called my sister to let her know of my firm thoughts on shutting down the trip, despite all the inconveniences.  Thankfully, she agreed, and what might have turned into a family skirmish was settled in an instance!  WHEW!!!

I then received a call from my mom that her checked in luggage was still on the tarmac and United Airlines said it could take several hours to get it back up to the arrivals station.  She was filled with agitation and angst, understandably so.  All her daily medications were in her luggage, but she was emotionally spent and couldn't deal with waiting for gosh knows how many hours waiting in an airport to retrieve it.  

I chose to stay in alignment with my thoughts of KNOWINGNESS that this was all happening in The Divine's perfect timing.  And prayed that everyone involved in the situation would be guided toward understanding and peace.  Understanding and Peace!  And so it is................

Upon pulling up to Dulles Airport's arrival gate number 7, I saw my mom visibly shaken and more than a little lightly stirred!  With a bad right knee, she had been forced to walk the entire width of the airport and looked emotionally wiped out!  I pulled up next to her and popped open the side car door. Rather than her usual talkative self, she was maudlin and upset.  After settling in for the ride back home, I told her about my decision to shut the trip down.  I even went as far to tell her about my 'Silent Whisper.'  Although understandably frustrated about losing so much money, she agreed with me on all fronts.  

She then began to tell me how she had seen so many federal workers waiting for their delayed flights back at the airport.  Thirty two days into the Federal Government shutdown has left over a million federal works without a paycheck in over a month.  D.C. is one of the most expensive cities to live in the US, so many people are forced to live check to check in order to survive.   My mom began to tell me the story of a young man she met while waiting for her flight who had completely run out of money to eat and was waiting for his plane ride back home to his family.  Always the most charitable of souls, she had pulled out her wallet to give him the money that was in her purse!  

"Jeff," she pursed, "Things have got to change.  People are really hurting!"  
"I know, mom.  I know, " I shot back as visions of all the people now going completely 'without' filled my mind.

Not a moment later, I heard the familiar ring of my mom's cell phone.  The caller on the other end of the line was a member of the United Airlines team.  When my mom pulled out her wallet to give that man her money, she had left it behind on the counter!!  And someone had been nice enough to turn it back in without removing so much as a dime from its contents!!  What could have been a total disaster was eradicated all with a single whisk of wonder from the Universe!  WOW!  In these times, we had just been part of a true MIRACLE!  Wouldn't you agree?!  They said they would hold the wallet in locked storage until we came back the next day to pick it up, along with her luggage.

My mom's next call was to her sister in Jefferson City.  She obviously needed to connect with her regarding our decision to completely cancel the trip, rather than reschedule for later in the week.  And guess what?!?  My Aunt Jean had just gotten back from the emergency room.  It appears she was beginning to come down with a case of bronchitis caught from her husband, whom had just taken the previous two weeks to get over it himself!  My mom had a horrible case of bronchitis in November that took her over a month to get over.  The very last thing she needed was to catch it again, especially so soon after her own nasty bout with that bug!!  

No sooner did we get back home, when her cell phone rang yet again.  This time it was my sister.  With the FANTASTIC news that United Airlines had decided to refund the entire cost of the plane ticket!!  Even though it was non-refundable!  Hot diggity dog!!  That's what I'm talking bout!  PURE MAGIC!  And to top it all off, my sister had the Sixth Sense to remove all of my mom's health meds and put them in her purse!  So she wouldn't have to skip any doses at all!  That's how we roll!!  LOL

And that, is how this story would go......................................   LOL   

You didn't really think that's all I had in store for you in today's post, did ya?!?   ;0)

Well on the ride home last night, my mom saw the oil light to her car fire up.  So this morning, we decided to take it up to our local mechanic's shop to have a quick lube job and oil change.  While waiting in the lobby, a beautiful woman entered and we all struck up a conversation.  My mom told her about her pivoting plans of the last few days, as well as the plight of the poor federal workers in our area.  And with SPIRIT being the perfect spinster that she is we found out this woman had spent a large chunck of her career caring for the less fortunate and was currently looking for opportunities to put this experience to work in our area.  

In a previous post I shared a story about our wonderful local 'Cold Shelter.'  And how it is always in need of more support and generosity.  Especially in this very harsh winter!  It was the perfect information to share with this HEROINE who was looking for new ways to be of service!   Later in the conversation, we discovered she had NEVER been inside this mechanic's shop.  A friend had just told her about it.  Coincidence.....   LOL  I think you KNOW that answer!!!


Perhaps the most powerful tandem in existence is the dynamic duo of ACCEPTANCE AND GRATITUDE!  ACCEPTANCE unlocks the key to the vibrational offering of KNOWINGNESS!  Always and in all ways!  For in every situation that we are able to truly ACCEPT that 'Which Is', we tune into the knowingness that it happened for our Highest Good!  And that moves us ever so gracefully toward GRATITUDE!  And opens our hearts to receive all the blessings that a particular situation came to bring in its wake.  Because the gifts will always be there!  If you simply choose to see!   Just as I described in my personal story today.  Look at all the blessings that came out of our ACCEPTANCE of the situation!  You cannot make this stuff up my New Age Nerds!!  

Please do not fall into the false belief that acceptance is being passive.  For no thing could be farther from the truth!  Acceptance is not always easy.  It can challenge the greatest of  HEROES and be frustrating as hell!  Especially when we try and 'arm wrestle God!'  By thinking you know HOW something should unfold more than the Universe does.


Leave the 'Hows' up to SPIRIT!  Your time is much better spent on action steps toward your desires.  Learn to LEAN INTO YOUR FAITH of the Grand Creator!  TRUST MORE AND WORRY LESS!  Because worry is simply a prayer for CHAOS!

Everything that comes into your life is a GIFT!  And a BLESSING!  So much of our suffering comes from the resistance of an experience, rather than in its acceptance.  As I said before, ACCEPTANCE is a process.  And at times we all need support during our times of suffering and sorrow.  That's why Batman has Robin, Frodo had Bilbo, and Luke Skywalker was blessed with Yoda!  And I suggest you find your own support team, whether it be a family member, friend, or a coach.  

To help in your own process, please think back to some really tough times in your life.   And how 'in the moment' they seemed horribly unfair, painful, and/or depressing.  And yet, given time, the blessings within that experience began to blossom before you!  Please allow these memories to become empowering tools for you to build upon a body of proof that will shift your perspective from fear to LOVE!  From doubt to BELIEF! From thinking to KNOWING!! From resistance and pain to ACCEPTANCE AND GRATITUDE!

I would like leave you with one of my favorite quotes from the late, great teacher Joseph Campbell:  

Whatever your fate is, whatever the hell happens, you say, “This is what I need." It may look like a wreck, but go at it as though it were an opportunity, a challenge. If you bring love to that moment- not discouragement- you will find the strength there. Any disaster you can survive is an improvement in your character, your stature, and your life. What a privilege! This is when the spontaneity of your own nature will have a chance to flow. Then, when looking back at your life, you will see that the moments which seemed to be great failures, followed by wreckage, were the incidents that shaped the life you have now. You’ll see this is really true. Nothing can happen to you that is not positive. Even though it looks and feels at the moment like a negative crisis, it is not. The crisis throws you back, and when you are required to exhibit strength, it comes.



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

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