As many of my TRIBE members are fully aware, I try to be completely transparent about my own Hero's Journey. It was a heartfelt promise I made to myself when I started on this PATH and commitment to being a Wounded Healer and a servant of LOVE!
For Wounded Healers/Teachers are not born, nor are they made. They create themselves through conquering their own pain and suffering. The great philosopher Carl Jung said the most effective teachers/healers are those who have overcome the greatest forms of transformation through learning to rise above their own massive adversity and then sharing their knowledge with the World. And so it is always my intention to share my authentic Journey so that it may shed Light for others still stuck in the Darkness!!
Everyone on this planet is so precious and has their own unique and powerful story! I also know all too well that life often leads vapid vapors of vitriolic Pain and Suffering in our path leaving behind a wake of disillusionment and ultimately, our Faith is tested! This process is at the core of our collective Hero's Journey. It is during these troubled times that we learn to make friends with Faith. For Faith sees the invisible, Believes in the Incredible, and receives the Impossible!! Faith is GRATITUDE in action!! And haste not if your Faith is tested many times during your Journey. This simply means you are ready to grow in massive proportions! The pain you feel is your Heart and Soul being stretched to allow more space for Spirit to unfold it's gifts into your earthly experience. And your steadfast Faith will be rewarded from before unimagined MIRACLES that will happen through you and for you!! I'm NOT saying this Source Stretched process is easy.... For it can often require the heart of a Warrior Princess, the courage of a Champion, and the perseverance of a true HERO! In just the past few weeks, my own Faith has been tested to its far reaching limits once again. I was supposed to undergo a second surgery to repair some nerve damage from my hernia surgery of late last year. But I developed some other serious health complications that caused me to postpone my surgery. Thank goodness they are being tended to!! BUT let me tell you, I went into my own secret garden of Gethsemane to shall we say, have a little tete a tete with the Universe...LOL And what I learned is that Belief leads to Faith...and Faith leads to Knowingness...and Knowingness leads to Gratitude and Gratitude leads to Blissful Joy.... So for all of those currently in a predicament in which Faith is hard to muster ...Please KNOW that you are not alone.... and that one day...your pain will be unmasked .... with Understanding and Wonder.......
Remember, YOU matter more than you will ever know!!
Jeffrey Louis Martinez
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