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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, May 15, 2016

TIPS To Develop YOUR Own Set Of SUPER POWERS.......

~~  Clarence      (IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE)


For the second weekend in a row, ‘Spiderman : Now Way Home’ has dominated the box office turnstiles.  And it deserves to, as it is one of the best pure cinematic experiences of the comic book genre!  And that is indeed quite impressive considering some of the recent films in the genre that have filled our multiplexes over the past few years.  Personally, I don't believe this  explosion in the cultural zeitgeist toward the ‘SUPER’ popularity of these films is any coincidence.  Think about it, comic book characters have been around since the 1940's, yet with a few rare exceptions (Batman, 1989) this trend of such a deep desire to see our favorite heroes and heroines on the big screen has been a much more recent phenomenon.  

I believe that our collective consciousness has come to a TIPPING POINT.  In which we are slowly shifting away from a paradigm of chasing false idols such as materialism -  that we thought would fill the longing in our hearts and souls.  Tired of the “quick hits” we receive from buying things we don't need, abusing drugs and alcohol, and looking for others to complete us, so many are searching for something that supersedes the hollow life they have created for themselves. A life filled with a deeper meaning. Something that gives them the experiences that their life matters.  A way to feel more at peace, and to connect with others in a more purpose filled manner.  To be better versions of who they currently are.  And to make a difference in the world that has gone awry in all the wrong places.  We are longing for real life SUPERHEROES. Both around us and within us.  

And while the pastiche of Superhero based films and TV shows can be a wonder filled inspirational vehicle, they hold little long lasting value until we soak up that movie magic and use it as fuel in our own lives.  

Now we know that we are not going to be able to transcend our current human capabilities and learn to fly like Superman, or wield a magic hammer like Thor.  However, there lies within each and every one of us true ‘SUPER POWERS’ that can support us in transcending our current level and state of our lives in Amazing ways just as worthy as Spider Man.  There is a transcendent force that surrounds us all that may be called by many names ; Source, Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, God and Goddess.  And when we learn to put into practice tapping into this magnificent, loving, and ultra supportive form of ‘magical guidance’, we too can learn to control our fear and live LARGE.  And create real change for ourselves and others.  Just like our favorite heroes!!

The late Wayne Dyer was on a 40 year mission to learn from the many masters on this planet of just how we can all learn to tap into this Source of Spirit and transform our vibrations to transcend any limiting beliefs and co-create a life of MIRACLES.  In his book ‘Co-Creating at Its Best: A Conversation Between Master Teachers,’ he had an enlightening conversation with Abraham. (A collection of master energy channeled by Esther Hicks.  Regardless of your belief in such manifestation, so many of the messages from Abraham ring so true for me! )  In one passage, Abraham explains, “And when you get control of your own vibration, the first thing that happens is your sense of self-worth comes into place—because the entire Universe is assisting you. You feel clarity, and everything works out. It’s like a concierge leading you everywhere that you want to go. There are no missteps. Things no longer feel difficult. In fact, things that at one time felt difficult often feel humorous to you.”

The message here is to learn to trust more in the LOVE SOURCE that surrounds you always and worry less. As Gabby Bernstein says, “Worry is a constant prayer for CHAOS!”  And I think we can all agree we are looking to kick ass, and not create chaos in our lives!  Feel me?!?  :0)  The problem is that very often we feel all alone in the world.  Disconnected from Spirit, and the guidance and assistance that it is there to provide,  always and in all ways!  It is our SOURCE of the courage, strength, intuition, and inner knowingness that is available for us to access whenever we desire to.  Even Superman has his Fortress of Solitude to visit when he has lost his way.

One suggestion I have for starting the process and practice of developing your own Super Powers is by writing down the attributes that you have to share with the world.  If you have challenges thinking of what they might be, ask members of your tribe.  You will be amazed by how others see you and the gifts that you have given to them during your times together and apart.   Write these talents and gifts down on a notecard and keep it with you.  Keep it somewhere close by and turn to it often to help remind yourself of ALL the amazing gifts and ‘SUPER TALENTS’  you have to share with the world!   There is a study that actually proves that people who do this are three times more likely to give their time and money to charitable efforts.  Why?  Because this practice creates an ‘I'm able’ energy deep within them!

Check out this passage by Catherine Calarco a contributor for HEARTMATCH LLC when she writes about everyday champions,  These heroes’ superpowers are really expressions of heart values and true compassion. These values are embedded in each of us and lie dormant waiting to be cultivated. They are super because they can help rewrite a moment, heal emotional wounds, erase negative self-talk, improve relationships, nurture beauty, and grow happiness. They can change the perception and change outcomes — and ultimately, each and every time they are used, they help to create a better world. 

There’s an uptick of everyday heroes unleashing a whole lot of kindness and love on our planet. It’s felt through their acts of care, compassion, tolerance and gratitude. Science is researching how these qualities of the heart can affect many things. They can change your life and the life of others; they can add light to darkness and hope to despair. Research shows that positive heart qualities can affect many living things on this planet — from plants, to animals, and even our own bodies.”

Another great tip is creating a powerful vision of yourself.  Pick a particular Hero in the world of fantasy and think about some of the fear and limiting beliefs and self doubt that are holding you back in your life.  Now sit down and close your eyes.  Imagine the ways that this ‘Hero/Heroine’ would deal with these issues.   Now imagine actually being them for a few minutes.    Keep doing this until you can actually feel some of their heroic attributes being transferred into you own BEING.  Laugh if you must, but I have been doing this for years pulling from the powerful myth of my chosen hero BATMAN.  And how he transformed his anger over his losses into helping others and inspiring the citizens of Gotham to do the same.  And believe it or not, this practice has transformed my life in many ways!  

I hope some of the words from above will INSPIRE each of you to think about what things about how cultivating our own SUPER POWERS can literally change your world and the world around you.  Even if it is just ONE PERSON AT A TIME!


Jeffery Louis Martinez

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