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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, March 31, 2022




David Dunn: I wanted to ask you a question. It's gonna sound a little strange, just think about it for a second, okay? 
Audrey Dunn: Okay. 
David Dunn: When's the last time I was sick? Do you remember? 
Audrey Dunn: Um, I don't know. It's been a while. 
David Dunn: I haven't been sick this year, I know that. 
Audrey Dunn: Okay. 
David Dunn: Do you remember me getting sick? 
Audrey Dunn: Um... not a specific day. What - what's this about? 
David Dunn: Audrey, do you remember me ever getting sick? In the three years we lived in this house? In the old apartment? Before Joseph was born? Before we ever got married? 
Audrey Dunn: I - I can't remember. 
David Dunn: Don't you think that's kind of weird, not remembering one cold or a fever or a sore throat? What do you think it means?


Back in the year 2000,  director M. Night Shyamalan followed up his massively popular first foray into filmmaking, ‘The Sixth Sense’, with another movie that continues to gain its well earned fanatical fans.  This second film is called ‘Unbreakable’ and it may have been a little too ahead of its time during its initial release over 20 years ago.  But in our current pop culture fascination with the mythology surrounding superheroes and their arch villains, it's easy to understand why a film that was often subtly dismissed as ‘Sixth Sense-Part Two’ continues to build its rabid fan base.

For the uninitiated, ‘Unbreakable’ stars Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis and weaves a slow burning, yet riveting tale of a real life superhero whose powers are unearthed by the horrific tragedies spun by the mind of a sociopathic madman.  Director and writer Shyamalan infuses the script with several opportunities to explore some hefty spiritual themes, such as broken love, the bonds between fathers and sons, and the tragedy of an unexamined life.  

Both Willis and Samuel L. Jackson turn in some of their finest work to support a film that requires small, subtle and intimate emotional pacing. All to keep us viewers utterly enthralled in the attempt to uncover a narrative that takes its time to unfold. Languid, yet impossible to look away!

And of course since I am a New Age Nerd, I am incredibly drawn to the manner in which the film portrays its central character's Superhero's Journey.  It takes us all on a path towards REBIRTH, and understanding the unequalled power in finding your purpose/mission.   “Do you know what the scariest thing is?  To not know your place in this world, to not know why you are here. That's...that's just an awful feeling,” says Samuel L Jackson's character
Mr. Glass.  In this rare twist in the genre, the villain actually supports the hero in finding out who he really is as displayed when he espouses, “It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others.  I hope you can keep an open mind.”

The grandiose antagonist, Mr. Glass, was born with a rare disease, TYPE One osteogenesis imperfecta. In pure layman's terms, his brittle bones are so fragile, even the smallest of  unintended jolts can shatter one, if not several of his limbs. Throughout his life, he has deperately tried to find a meaning for his jarring and beyond painful medical condition. And, he finally finds the answers he seeks within the well worn pages of comic books. 

In stark contrast, Bruce Willis's David is our emotional gateway into the film's narrative. He spends the majority of his days as a security guard at a local college after being the sole survivor of a horrendous train crash years earlier. And make NO mistake. His namesake is a metaphor for the fearless King David, who took down the mighty Goliath in the Old Testament chapters of the bible. In fact, nearly half of all Psalms are directly attributed to him. And only Jesus the Christ is mentioned more frequently in the bible. 

And although he has no desire to topple the legacy built from a man who lived overly 2,000 years ago, he does eventually gain the moxie to 'look under the hood' of his latent talents. And we, the audience, are suddenly jolted by what he discovers!

Remembering that this film was released back in 2000, way before comic books and their titular character's captured the world's imagination and began to rewrite the cultural zeitgeist and what is possible for the human condition, commands a certain amount of prescient power!  

I was reminded of this film during a recent coaching session with a client.  She was facing a serious dilemma that stemmed from her deep fear of flying.  Her husband was heading to Italy for a huge business affair and desperately wanted her to join him for the occasion.  Plus, how can you pass up an all expenses paid trip to ITALY?!  Right?!  

During our session, I found out she was a trained yoga instructor who was obviously incredibly passionate and proud of her profession.  And it became the perfect way for me to assist her in tapping into her own SUPERPOWERS to overcome her phobia of flying.  As she was explaining to me how terrific and powerful she felt when standing in front of her students, teaching them the yoga principles that were seemingly a part of DNA!  I knew it was the perfect time to jump in with a super heroic suggestion!  

“What would it look like, if you reframed this flight to Italy as a yoga job assignment.  What if you pretended that the airline was hiring you to be the superhero called YOGA WOMAN.  And it was your job to hold a space of peace and serenity for ALL the people on board the plane, ” I asked.

After several seconds of silence, she spoke up.  “Oh my gosh, Jeff.  That shifted everything for me.  I really think I could do that.  And I am even going to make a YOGA WOMAN costume with a big Y on my chest and everything.”

It may seem too easy (and trust me, not all coaching sessions flow like this) but that subtle shift in her own perspective flipped a mental switch that gave her the courage to take that flight and share a once in a lifetime experience!  It's a bird, it's a plane......no it's YOGA WOMAN keeping everyone safe and sane!  LOL

Just as one of the core messages in ‘UNBREAKABLE’, we all have a unique set of gifts and talents.  Many of which lie dormant for the majority, if not ALL of our lives.  And it's a damn shame!  It's our duty to share our SUPER POWERS with the world, through the paradigm of unconditional LOVE.  After all, that's why we are here!

So I ask you, how much time have you spent trying to uncover the amazing parts of your rare talents and gifts?  They are there.  WITHIN YOU.  Patiently awaiting your call and connection. So the most audacious question you will ever be asked is "Do you have the courage to search for them?"  Although none of us are utterly Unbreakable, we are all blessed with special abilities worthy of any superhero!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, March 18, 2022



The year is 1966. For the first time in its illustrious history, the Ford Motor Company is experiencing a deep decline in its automobile sales. Despite its previous firm hold on the entire car market, the current consumer has changed their ideal buying habits. All to coincide with a growing mass market that tinkers away from pragmatic idealism; shifting towards a lifestyle of sexy status that first ignited the 'keeping up with the joneses' mentality in our country. 

This zeitgeist shift is led by the fiery flames shed behind the exhaust of famed Italian car maker Ferrari. Now completely dominating the international racing car circuit, they feel little threat when Ford Motor decides to shed its old weary ways by pouring millions into forming a race car team from scratch. All to compete with this 'outside the box thinking,' wanna be goliath looking to crush any competition standing in the way of its deep desire of being the leader in a new, burgeoning automobile marketplace.

Ford decides to kick off its new international race car team with a huge event that coincides with the release of its sizzling 1966 Mustang. Despite several behind the scene fisticuff's among its many corporate suits, Ford decides to make famed car designer and former Le Mans champion Carroll Shelby the lead architect towards its new ambition. 

Shelby approaches the grandstand to speak to the huge crowd of race car enthusiasts.

Carroll Shelby: (to the crowd) Thank you! If my daddy was here today, he would tell me to sit on down and leave the yackin' to the college boys. So, just like my cars, I'll make this fast. (perusing the growing crowd)

When I was ten years old, pop said to me, 'Son, it's a truly lucky man who knows what he wants to do in this world. Cause that man will never work a day in his life.'

But there are a few. A precious few. And hell, I don't know if they are lucky or not. But there are a few people who find something they have to do! Something that obsesses them. Something that, if they can't do it- it will drive them clean outta' their mind. 

I'm that guy. And I know another man who feels exactly the same. His name...(beat)..  is Henry Ford!  And together, we are gonna build the fastest automobiles in the world! And we are gonna make history too; at Le Mans. 

My name is Carroll Shelby, and I build race cars................

From 20th Century Fox:  FORD V FERRARI 

Once life jolts you awake from a many years (or decades long) conscious slumber, often through one (or a series) of traumatic events, we are often left with a 'what now?' internal dialogue. Our only certainty is the entrenched feeling that going back into a world devoid of a true path of purpose is no longer an option.  Chasing false idols of short term materialistic pleasure seems redundant and meaningless. Cravings of a soul filled path to quench the thirst of a CALLING still looking to express itself as and through you, becomes top of mind. 


At this juncture on your Superhero's Journey of spiritual awakening, you may find yourself slowly circling back toward your precious CALLING through re-visiting many of your pre-awakened passions. For some the list will be small but intense. Yet others may find they have collected a mountain of interests that will now serve as a blueprint toward uncovering the once in a delicious 'Cosmic Cornucopia of Calling's' only they have the ability to fulfill!  Yep! That's how important you are. Yes....   YOU!! 

Your unique mission on blue 'planet possible' is as divine as anything you may have previously allowed yourself to believe. Or admit. After all, being blown from the earthly womb of creation, to once again accept your earthly CALLING can initially be unfathomably uncomfortable. Let's keep it real for a just a moment; most have been living a life utterly entrenched under the illusion of  SEPARATION. Feeling as though you are doing it all alone. An existence that has left you weak and tired. Simply going through the motions, punching in and out on the time card of life. With little to no motivation in self improvement. The unexamined life Socrates called "not worth living." Ultimately, leaving you feeling as a victim to your life's circumstances. Would'a, could'a, should'a becomes the calling cards used to begin your verbal tantrums. Both internal and external monologues of pleasure-less diatribes. Pushing you further and further away from the TRUTH! The remembrance that you are a tried and true SUPERHERO! A unique emanation of GOD! A heavenly slice of Universal mojo with access to super powers that would make Superman himself jealous; in complete AWE and wonderment of your strength, tenacity, and most importantly, your ability to LOVE!

This years long constant struggle of trying to 'arm wrestle God' has undoubtedly left you bereft of strength. And yet, now, you feel reenergized. All the veils of illusion have finally been brushed away from your no longer barren brows. And chances are you have been blessed with a new, innate sense of synchronicity wrapped within the super sense of intuition. As the saying goes, 'when the student is ready, the teacher shall appear.' And suddenly each movie, book, and song you come across seems to hum a similar tune. Containing the eact wisdom the current challenge is seeking. Not to mention the new found burst of opportunities that suddenly arise from folks who desire to teach, mentor, and/or coach you - wink. Your once Yoda-less life becomes inundated with like minded friends and cohorts who desire no thing less than to assist you on your Superhero's Journey. 

And the life you have now left behind, in retrospect, becomes a 'scratch and sniff' outline toward the path that now stands before you. You come to understand that every single thing you have experienced happened FOR YOU AND NOT TO YOU! Please read that last sentence again. For its understanding will unlock within you a supremely powerful sense of connection towards your inner truth. Slowly, you will begin to connect the dots of divinity engulfing your daily experiences. And that frown will start to turn upside down. (lol) As you realize that nothing in your previous unconsciously lived life was pure happenstance. No! In fact, it was there all along, providing the wisdom, and spiritual based skill sets that shall assist you in finding and fulfilling this mystifying CALLING you are still trying to uncover. 

You were never flailing about or drifting through this earthly experience after all. You were just CIRCLING YOUR CALLING. No harm, no foul! That divorce taught you how to stand up for yourself! And understand that by loving YOU first and foremost will always serve everyone else in the picture, just as it served you. And that illness, that brought you to your knees, taught you how to lean into your faith, until you were comfortable and trusting enough to allow your beliefs to belie any previous fear of falling- or failing ever again. (Failure is simply an illusion. Once again, you are a divine spark of energy cut from the same spread of the One God Mind. And would you not agree, that God cannot fail. And so neither can you! Failure is simply Universal feedback. Instructive in its nature. So you can begin again; this time with much more knowledge and wisdom than before.  Hoo-hah!!  We do not succeed in spite of our greatest challenges, but rather because of them...........

Just as Mr. Glen Holland reminds us in the phenomenal film Mr. Holland's Opus: 

Glenn Holland[playing Beethoven's Seventh Symphony for his class] He couldn't hear. Of all people. Not a thing. And because Beethoven couldn't hear, the thought of him conducting, let alone composing, was pathetic to most people. And so to answer them, he composed and conducted the seventh symphony. Just try to imagine; Beethoven standing on that podium, holding his baton, his hands waving gracefully through the air. The orchestra in his mind is playing perfectly, and the orchestra in front of him, trying desperately just to keep up. There is a story, that in order to write his music, Beethoven literally sawed the legs off of his piano, so that the body would lay flat on the floor. And he would lie down next the piano with his ear pressed to the floor, and he would hit the keys with his fingers in order to hear his music through the vibrations of the floor.

That's right! One of the greatest musical minds of all time was DEAF! And yet, what he lacked in auditory precision, he more than made up for in his stubborn perseverance and the KNOWINGNESS the Universe always purrs the same message.......
Relax, for all is well...... Know I bring you nothing but angels!  


When working with coaching clients, my favorite teaching module has to do with assisting them in both finding and fulfilling their personal CALLING/MISSION! After all, upon close to 30 years of reading, studying, and coaching mentorship, if there is but one thing I know, it's the following:

The most precious path toward a life of eternal JOY is finding and fulfilling your personal CALLING. It's the very reason that you decided to incarnate into the human condition. And in a world currently on the precipice of pure chaos, I know that just as Luke Skywalker had but one shot at destroying the Death Star, we have but this one shot at saving our planet from Universal destruction! All the ills (Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, the deep disparity between the have and have-nots, social injustice, and now an unprovoked war from Russia) of this world already have the answers meant to solve them. AND THEY RESIDE WITHIN EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US! 

No pressure, but this is not a dress rehearsal. We can no longer afford to sleep our lives 
away through unconsciousness. We are much too precious and powerful to do so, as are our collective CALLINGS! If you are currently reading this, chances are you have already awoken from the Matrix-like illusions that first envelops each of our conscious minds upon entry into this earthly playground now under attack on so many fronts!

So as a suggestion, if you are still trying to decipher what your own 'once in an eternity' CALLING happens to be, start with your passions. List them out on a piece of paper. You may be surprised with how long the list may be. And the longer that list, the more you've been blissed (blessed actually, but bliss just sounds so much better, right! lol) 

After some serious reflection on your earthly passions, circle back and put a star before any of them that have become an obsession. If you are still in the process of discovering those truths, fear not! It's one of the most juicy experiences life throws our way. For passion is truly God's way of saying Hi!) And by obsession, I mean which of your passions would make life unlivable if taken away from you? Once again, to quote Carroll Shelby in Ford V Ferrari, 

"It's a truly lucky man who knows what he wants to do in this world. 'Cause that man will never work a day in his life.

But there are a few. A precious few. And hell, I don't know if they are lucky or not. But there are a few people who find something they have to do! Something that obsesses them. Something that, if they can't do it- it will drive them clean outta their mind."  

Once you have your own list culled, try and connect the dots. Which of them fit together to form some aspect of a whole? For instance, perhaps writing and music are your personal jams! (my top two are spiritual philosophy and modern myth/story) And if so, what problems (or what I call pain points) could you potentially solve through these obsessions. 

For when you can find a common pain point to solve for others, I promise that you will never go a day without a client or money in your pocket. And the byproduct to finding and fulfilling your CALLING will be unleashing the answers to solve all the 'Pain Points' now facing the entire world! Cause at the end of the day, even Superman ain't got nothin' on any of you!

And with this knowledge, I am asking all of my fellow New Age Nerds to keep your hearts and minds open to the possibility towards a NEW EARTH! A space that breeds kindness and compassion; where unity reigns supreme. Our planet is shouting out to be loved back into the healing light that was always its birthright. Now dependent upon unleashing our collective super powers with the understanding that we are all one!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, March 17, 2022



Once you make a firm declaration to the Universe of  'Who You Now Choose To Be'....  lest you not be surprised if many of those special spirits in your life start to transcend back into their own darkness (Egoic-self); away from the bright, blinding, beautiful light emanating from your personal love light! The loss of friends and family members who are chosen to be loved from the 'other side of the room' can be an incredibly painful process. I promise it has nothing to do with YOU~ And by that I mean the sacred shard of your soul that is a part of The One God MindNO! They are simply not in the same space within their own spiritual process to receive YOU exactly as you are currently choosing to show up. 

And that is A-OK! (Why do you think Jesus the Christ taught his shrewdly chosen disciples the practice of communion?! It was all about the practice of receiving your fellow brethren EXACTY AS THEY ARE! Not to receive just HIM, but rather all those who carry the Christ Consciousness! Black, white, brown, and mixed. Catholic, protestant, Baptist, Jewish, and Hindu. Gay, straight, lesbian and transgender. Democrat, republican, independent, socialist, or libertarians. If I forgot anybody, hit me up on Instagram; under Fellow Brothers from any other Mothers!  lol  

For one of the basic tenets to spiritual growth is the following:

Everyone deserves the dignity of their own spiritual process........
(Followed closely by the commitment of NEVER giving others unsolicited spiritual advice. Oh, don't even get me started on that one...Lordy, lord! Thank you God that you never gave me a spiritual sword!  LOL)

Know that this 'Spiritual Scrubbing' is a painful and immensely challenging part of the process of your own SOUL ascending back toward the space of all encompassing LOVE
For you have overcome the dense experience of partial spiritual 'AMNESIA' that once served you well. The space in which your EGO eternally resides. The temporal and illusionary feeling that you, and everything apart from you are separate from each other. The greatest Con-Job ever created. And the most effective! For consciously choosing to forgo an eternity of joyful cosmic frolicking to enter a realm that temporarily denies you from your own birthright is downright disorienting; harrowing, and scary as well...  HELL! ( So much as Hell even exists. Again, another story for another post, keeping you from worry!)

Which brings us to another basic spiritual tenet: 
Remember everything occurring on this heavenly plane of Earthy existence is happening For You.  Not TO YOU!  Big difference.......

And boy does the Good Lord, informed through the Christ Consciousness, know I am well aware of this transition. At times over the past decade, I've felt like I've been in the middle of a vicious, turbulent storm being thrown around like a flimsy rag doll! And no doubt......   IT HAS BEEN BEYOND PAINFUL! New friends can often be made quickly, history cannot..........

And so too many of my days were spent asking the following non-fruitful questions: 

I wonder what people are thinking about me now?!
Is it all me?! 

What did I do?!
It must be all my fault!
Maybe I really am crazy! (Still up for discussion!  lol)
Rinse and Repeat!     lol

But then, I came to KNOW, through deep prayer and mediation, that I had been asking the wrong questions. It had nothing to do with what I was doing. And everything to do with what I was NOT doing! 

For instance, I was no longer allowing others to take my friendship for granted. 

I was NOT being a by standard towards any form of judgment or prejudice towards me or my fellow brethren.

I refused to condone any belief system that held me hostage from any physical, mental, or spiritual malady that had become a part of my Earthy being! For I remembered that my greatest Superpowers drew their strength from the most fervent pain points I had been courageous enough to battle through! 

I was no longer participating in what I now call a '90-10' relationship! Meaning I showed up 90 percent of the time, and 'The Other' 10 percent or even less. (Not a judgment, but a declaration for sure, of how I now value my own sense of SELF!)

The Universe had always been in charge! Guiding me through these many Earthly challenges, as well as the enormous amount of pain and suffering these experiences brought into my life. All to serve my greatest good! And as a byproduct, the highest good of all earthly beings! For the true definition of a SUPERHERO is to be of service. 

The word itself was born from the greek HEROS. Meaning Two! 
That which I do for YOU, I do for mySELF! And that which I do for mySELF, I do for you. ALWAYS! It was later shortened to the singular, HEROTO BE OF SERVICE! PERIOD! The lexicon now borrowed from the world's greatest thinkers alike. 

Such as one of my own personal Superheroes, Martin Luther King, Jr.  who wrote, in my opinion, one of the greatest speeches of all time, called 'The Drum Major Instinct.'  As we all know, the God given talent he had for using parables as a way of teaching his message were unmatched and very evident in this speech that still sends chills up my spine every time I hear or read it!  It truly speaks to the topic of living a life of SIGNIFICANCE and LOVE.....  Here is just a tiny excerpt that I hope INSPIRES all who read it......

But now the problem is, it is the drum major instinct. And you know, you see people over and over again with the drum major instinct taking them over. And they just live their lives trying to outdo the Joneses. (Amen) They got to get this coat because this particular coat is a little better and a little better-looking than Mary’s coat. And I got to drive this car because it’s something about this car that makes my car a little better than my neighbor’s car. (Amen) I know a man who used to live in a thirty-five-thousand-dollar house. And other people started building thirty-five-thousand-dollar houses, so he built a seventy-five-thousand-dollar house. And then somebody else built a seventy-five-thousand-dollar house, and he built a hundred-thousand-dollar house. And I don’t know where he’s going to end up if he’s going to live his life trying to keep up with the Joneses. LOL

There comes a time that the drum major instinct can become destructive. (Make it plain) And that’s where I want to move now. I want to move to the point of saying that if this instinct is not harnessed, it becomes a very dangerous, pernicious instinct. For instance, if it isn’t harnessed, it causes one’s personality to become distorted. I guess that’s the most damaging aspect of it: what it does to the personality. If it isn’t harnessed, you will end up day in and day out trying to deal with your ego problem by boasting. Have you ever heard people that—you know, and I’m sure you’ve met them—that really become sickening because they just sit up all the time talking about themselves. (Amen) And they just boast and boast and boast, and that’s the person who has not harnessed the drum major instinct.
And then it does other things to the personality. It causes you to lie about who you know sometimes. (Amen, Make it plain) There are some people who are influence peddlers. And in their attempt to deal with the drum major instinct, they have to try to identify with the so-called big-name people. (Yeah, Make it plain) And if you’re not careful, they will make you think they know somebody that they don’t really know. (Amen) They know them well, they sip tea with them, and they this-and-that. That happens to people.
And the other thing is that it causes one to engage ultimately in activities that are merely used to get attention. Criminologists tell us that some people are driven to crime because of this drum major instinct. They don’t feel that they are getting enough attention through the normal channels of social behavior, and so they turn to anti-social behavior in order to get attention, in order to feel important. (Yeah) And so they get that gun, and before they know it they robbed a bank in a quest for recognition, in a quest for importance.
And then the final great tragedy of the distorted personality is the fact that when one fails to harness this instinct, (Glory to God) he ends up trying to push others down in order to push himself up. (Amen) And whenever you do that, you engage in some of the most vicious activities. You will spread evil, vicious, lying gossip on people, because you are trying to pull them down in order to push yourself up. (Make it plain) And the great issue of life is to harness the drum major instinct.
But let me rush on to my conclusion, because I want you to see what Jesus was really saying. What was the answer that Jesus gave these men? It’s very interesting. One would have thought that Jesus would have condemned them. One would have thought that Jesus would have said, “You are out of your place. You are selfish. Why would you raise such a question?”
But that isn’t what Jesus did; he did something altogether different. He said in substance, “Oh, I see, you want to be first. You want to be great. You want to be important. You want to be significant. Well, you ought to be. If you’re going to be my disciple, you must be.” But he reordered priorities. And he said, “Yes, don’t give up this instinct. It’s a good instinct if you use it right. (Yes) It’s a good instinct if you don’t distort it and pervert it. Don’t give it up. Keep feeling the need for being important. Keep feeling the need for being first. But I want you to be first in love. (Amen) I want you to be first in moral excellence. I want you to be first in generosity. That is what I want you to do.”
And he transformed the situation by giving a new definition of greatness. And you know how he said it? He said, “Now brethren, I can’t give you greatness. And really, I can’t make you first.” This is what Jesus said to James and John. “You must earn it. True greatness comes not by favoritism, but by fitness. And the right hand and the left are not mine to give, they belong to those who are prepared.” (Amen)
And so Jesus gave us a new norm of greatness. If you want to be important—wonderful. If you want to be recognized—wonderful. If you want to be great—wonderful. But recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. (Amen) That’s a new definition of greatness.
And this morning, the thing that I like about it: by giving that definition of greatness, it means that everybody can be great, (Everybody) because everybody can serve. (Amen) You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. (All right) You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You don’t have to know Einstein’s theory of relativity to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. (Amen) You only need a heart full of grace, (Yes, sir, Amen) a soul generated by love. (Yes) And you can be that servant............

Martin Luther King, Jr.

And a precious two days later, Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered in cold blood.  Yet I truly believe he had lived his CALLING and spread the Gospel he came here to deliver!!

But if like me, you came down to Earth at this particular point of spacetime, then it is because you are a SUPERHERO and have a grounded knowingness that your task would be, like Martin Luther King's, far from easy! And yet, you still agreed to this 'Mission Possible.' All for the grand experience of love filled understanding that shall birth us into the next expanded state of Collective Consciousness

Over the past 5 and 1/2 years, I have been writing about many of these topics within several posts on my spiritual, transformational blog, The New Age Nerd. (For anyone reading this who has not yet visited my site, please go to www.TheNewAgeNerd.com)

Through decades of intense metaphysical studying with mentors, reading the words of spiritual masters, and securing my own individual certifications in Spiritual Leadership, I know beyond any shadow of a still darkened face that all of your collective pain in shared Consciousness is now ready to be displayed on the WORLD's STAGE! To be seen, understood, and healed! 

So stay strong and resolute my fellow New Age Nerds! For the opposition of misguided fellow space travelers are filled with their own darkened agendas. As they always have been throughout the very etches of creative freedom this realm affords us all.  And this World of polarized and very disparate SPIRITS can only permanently succumb to the tyranny of needless pain and suffering once we refuse to take up a sharpened blade! Not for the idealization of blood thirsty desires, but rather the courage to defend all those who have neither the voice nor necessity to do it for themselves! For that is the true calling of a Cosmic Superhero! And one that needs our firm commitment RIGHT NOW! No more 'One day'er' mentality! The time is upon us, the only question being asked: "Will you declare yourself to be a part of the continued problem, or part of the eternal solution?"

First we were attacked by an insidious pandemic that has killed millions of people around the planet. Followed closely by the biggest social justice upheaval in 60 years. Then we were pounded into submission by ravenous storms that continue to tear through our country. (amongst so many others) Leaving millions without not only a home, but an entire town to return to! Yet another dire warning, directly from this planet and its furry inhabitants, that being here is a privilege, NOT a right. Climate disruption is REAL, and turning a cheek just won't cut it anymore! (Animal justice is yet another crucial, much less compassionate topic for another post)

And now, less than two weeks ago, Russia began an entirely unprovoked WAR against the always docile country of Ukraine! The horrifying nightly pictures running roughshod across tv screens, displaying the blasts of bloodshed and loss of life, is often way too much to emotionally rationalize. And downright devilish in nature! All led by a despot who is starting to remind us of another devilish figure, Adolf Hitler!  And we all know the everlasting physical, emotional, and spiritual damage which was caused by allowing him to much wiggle room before stepping up to the plate to displace his power and pain, with a loving might and resolute determination to MOVE TOWARDS MASSIVE ACTION!  

For even Jesus the Christ was never considered a Boy Scout. NO!! He was feared as a rabble rouser in his land. Often the first to raise a Heavenly hand to overturn the tables of corruption that dared to singe a stranglehold over those who had no real voice! 

So in these uneasy times, please hold those truths in your own heart! Jesus taught us that it is not only your God given right, but your purpose to stand up against any form of unconsciousness. (in the form of hate, prejudice, disenfranchisement, inequality, or misogyny) As Albert Einstein said, "The World is a dangerous place not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look and do nothing." And let us be honest, who wants to argue with AB, (Albert Einstein) emma right?!  ;0)

So when you decide to draw that line; the one that is born from the darkened blood of your own right to live a life free from any form of indignation, KNOW WITHIN YOUR HEART THAT AS MANY MAY FREE THEMSELVES FROM YOUR OWN LIFE........    THAT I (Amongst so many others) WILL FILL THAT INTERNAL VOID WITH A LOVE THAT WILL TAKE A BILLION LIFETIMES TO BURN THROUGH..........   For the entire Cosmos truly 'Sees You!' They adore you, and are beyond thankful that you had the courage to come here during this true tipping point! All towards a World that will continue to breathe life for the billions of SOULS who have yet to experience its beauty, brawn, and miraculous connection for Eons to come.........!

For although we have come so far....  OUR SUPER HEROIC JOURNEY is still just beginning! So I ask you, are you prepared to give up the pain from the myriad of your own personal losses, and channel it into acts of service? The planet is wilting from pain. (Remember, Earth is a sentient being. It is a living system and uses nearly the same mechanisms all living creatures use to survive) Just look around. I mean TRULY look around your daily environment. I believe you will see a plethora of ways to be of service! After all, in the end, we all become nothing but stories. So......what story will you write through super heroic acts of LOVE!




Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, March 11, 2022



Over 70 years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote a book called “Outwitting the Devil”, yet it wasn't actually published until quite recently.  At the time of its crafting, he had already made quite a name for himself in the business world, especially from the success of his seminal tomb “Think and Grow Rich.” (If you have not read it, I suggest typing in Amazon.com in your web browser as soon as you are done reading this post!)  So why exactly did this particular vision from his inner mind lay hidden from public consumption for decades?  After all, Hill was the author of numerous books that transformed the cultural zeitgeist of a society that had been been fiscally stripped and spiritually annihilated by the horrors of the Great Depression.  He had made it his life's purpose to take on the near herculean task of setting aside over 25 years of his precious time to discern the underpinnings of those who create stupendous life success for them selves and their families. His mission: what heroic habits existed that separates those of us who merely survive from those of us who actually eat PASSION FLAKES for breakfast and thrive the rest of each and every day.  Eventually building an earthly legacy of treasures, including, but not limited to, an abundance of health, love, friendships, philanthropy, and of course monetary wealth.  All during their brief stint here on the planet, fulfilling their Superhero's Journey along the way. He went so far as to partner with the iconoclast Dale Carnegie who assisted him as a mentor on this mission of a Lord of the Rings worthy proportion!  Frodo who?!  :0)

If you undertake this job, you should interview not only the few who have succeeded, but the many who have failed. You should carefully analyze many thousands of people who have been classified as failures, and I mean by the term failures, men who come to the closing chapters of their lives disappointed because they DID NOT achieve the goal for which they had set aside their hearts toward achieving.   As it is inconsistent as it may seem, you will learn more about how to succeed from the failures as you will from the so-called successes.  They will teach you what NOT to do.  Among toward the end of your labor, if you carry it through successfully, you will make a discovery which may be a great surprise to you. You will find that the cause of success is not separate and apart from the man/woman.  That is is a force so intangible in nature that the majority of men never recognize it. ; a force which may be called ‘the other SELF.’  Noteworthy is the fact that this OTHER SELF seldom exerts its influence or makes itself known excepting at times of immediate emergency, when men are forced, through adversity and temporary defeat, to change their habits and THINK their way out of temporary defeat."

~~ Dale Carnegie  (OUTWITTING THE DEVIL)

In fact, this New Age Nerd credits a portion of the grand uncovering of his life's calling to the profound remembrance that was gifted through Hill's luminous prose. Which at that time  contained a radical template for the law of attraction that FAR pre-dates this generation's proclamation that “The Secret” is the cure to our feelings of lack of abundance, inadequacy, and disconnection from our authentic SOURCE.   The only real secret he could find for manifesting extraordinary success in one's lifetime came from finding and following your unique, one of a kind earthly purpose and desire for being here, and doggedly pursuing it with a concrete plan that is backed by daily ACTION STEPS.  The closest thing to a 'secret' he uncovered, is that your purpose/desire MUST BE A FIRE WHICH IS FILLED WITH PASSION!  
For if your calling/desire/purpose is not strong enough, you will never gather the gumption to battle through all of the challenges the Universe will put in your way! So many of us start to succumb to victim consciousness when it feels as though we simply cannot 'catch a break' in our daily endeavors.  We may even begin to emotionally back away from our previous steadfast faith! This inevatably happens when our calling/purpose/desire is not strong enough. Rather than looking at our daily grand challenges as opportunities, we begin to sulk. And rather than the inauspicious letter 'A' worn by Hester Prynne in Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'The Scarlet Letter,' we begin to unwittingly wear the letter 'V' for victim consciousness, which is just as insidious

But now back to the basics; know where you are going (your calling/desire), develop a doable action plan, and bust your butt with no complaining or explaining until you get there!  Funny that the real ‘secret’ to, well, ‘The Secret’ is that THERE IS NO SECRET!  Perhaps Sean Connery summed it up best in “The Untouchables” with his wicked quip to Kevin Costner's lawman tasked with capturing Chicago's shiftiest crime lord, “Yes, but what are you PREPARED TO DO to get Capone!”  That line can be applied to all of our goals and desired manifestations.  Because you will most often find that those that simply DO, practice the ART OF ACTION.  As my my pop used to implore to his students, in life there are only two distinct camps.  You are either ‘working hard’ or ‘HARDLY WORKING.’  Nuff said! 

Conspiracy theories aside, I believe the reason why the  Napoleon Hill estate was reluctant to release the contents within “Outwitting the Devil” is due to its narrative premise.  For it is written from the understanding that Hill had an actual dialogue with SATAN himself.  A sit-down for the ages to say the least!  And what exactly would one even dare to wear for such an occasion!  LOL  Even in our contemporary exploitive and sensationalistic media landscape, the announcement of such a journalistic coup would cause quite a furor of frantic frenzy.  So can you you even attempt to ponder the marketing of such a seemingly preposterous declaration back in the days before Marty McFly innocently donned his Calvin Kleins before their time?  Although, ironically enough, it does feel like we are having continued dialogue with the DEVIL himself with each and every Donald Trump media debacle!  Which has now led to the sickening Russian invasion of The Ukraine, a country which has never fired even ONE BULLET towards its European neighbors!  (Political discords aside, this post will continue to be about Outwitting the Devil)

So while reading the book, I took a page out of the Michael Beckwith (The founder of Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles) self actualization playbook, and substituted the ideation of the Devil, into THE EGO.  During many of his fiery Sunday soliloquies, he would often refer to the Devil as being No Thing less than our own EGO, and it's attempt to keep us feeling separate from our authentic selves.(More on this masterful application in a future post!)

And just as in my beloved “Conversation with God” series, I implore my fellow truth seekers to try and set aside their contemplations on where the information is coming from, and instead intently focus on WHAT in the narrative actually RESONATES with their intuitive feelings. CAPEESH?! 

So exactly what did I find from this Devil's philosophical musings and declarations from the ‘Dark Side of the Force’.  While nothing revelatory in nature, it can be summed up within the context of one potentially destructive paradigm:  DRIFTING!  Napoleon Hill fastidiously used a simple, yet nearly flawless indicator of a person's current probability of achieving stupendous life happiness and success.  Before beginning work with a new group of corporate students, he would line them up, and one by one, ask them just two basic questions.  The first being “What is your life purpose?”, and the second being “What is your plan for achieving it?”  After working with tens of thousands of well intended, highly educated individuals, he found that LESS than 10 percent could answer the questions he posed to them.  Many of them staying in jobs they detest, and in relationships that have long passed their intended expiration date!  And this, my fellow New Age Nerds, is the epitome of DRIFTING!

The Devil (EGO) declared with great contempt, this pattern of (not truly) living energy is his greatest ally toward keeping people from a life filled with soulful expansion, peaceful platitude, and the ability to complete their Superhero's Journey.  I can tell you from first hand experience that DRIFTING can become a horrible hindrance to any semblance of lasting happiness.  It's like ‘punching in and punching out’ of the time clock in life.  Living a surface existence instead of a deep, authentic, mindful co-creative process with life.  And it can touch upon and eventually erode what I call the PILLARS of LIFE.  Similar to the load baring posts that hold up any structural foundation, these pillars consist of personal support structures of our existence. Relationships, jobs, health, fiscal abundance, spiritual practice; these are all the pillars that inform and maintain our sense of well being. 

When we drift in one or all of these areas, we are aimlessly sleepwalking through the precious moments of our days.  In the book, the Devil (EGO) specifically says, “A drifter is one who permits himself (herself) to be influenced and controlled by circumstances beyond his/her control.  He would rather have me occupy his mind and do his thinking rather than go to the trouble of thinking for himself.  A drifter is one who accepts whatever life throws his/her way without putting up a protest.  He doesn't know what he wants from life and spends all of his time getting just that.  A drifter has lots of opinions, but none are his own......   I would advise him to WAKE UP AND GIVE.  Give some form of service to as many people as possible.  He must learn to give before he gets.” 

My stupendous tribe of New Age Nerds, please re-read that last paragraph one more time. For even the Devil himself said the secret to life is SERVICE!!  Which is the basic paradigm of being SUPER HEROIC in our daily lives! And a tenet of all New Age Nerds:

So what can be done if you have found yourself in an habitual pattern of aimlessly DRIFTING through life?  I invite you to contemplate incorporating the following suggestions that can support you away from your EGO and it's treacherous temptations that keep you in a zombie like state of disillusionment. All to bring back that ‘authentic swing’ that once again infuses the PASSIONJOY, and ZEST that makes life such a MIRACULOUS and MAJESTIC experience! 

1.  Decide what you want from life and what your God given talents might be.  The things that make time seem to FLY BY while you are participating in them is a great guidance system toward what those talents and passions truly are!

2. Create a plan for how to go about attaining your goal/purpose/mission.  Hiring a life coach is a wonderful way to start building a support team to assist you in this Journey in a compassionate, loving, and even fun manner!

3.  Analyze your past and present defeats or seeming failures.  (They are really not failures, just ways you now know something does NOT serve you.)  Again The New Age Nerd's definition of sin is to SUFFER without meaning.  Allow yourself to truly FEEL your emotions about the state of affairs in your life and ask SPIRIT for the guidance to help you understand the seed of equivalence in the form of an opportunity that is waiting to be discovered. 

4.  Become hyper aware of your daily habits and actions.  How much time are you spending surfing the internet, daydreaming, writing scripts in your minds for movies that will NEVER get made.  Anything that is actually keeping you away from tangible action steps toward your purpose. 

5.  Understand that FEAR is simply FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.  It is the EGO's way of keeping you small, and is the biggest ally to the nasty nature of DRIFTING

And if all else fails, seek out your SEARCH and RESCUE TEAM.  Let them shower you with the Love and respect you deserve.  And don't be afraid to ASK FOR HELP.  Sometimes just breaking up our larger purpose into bite size chunks can help maintain the courage to step forward and simply BEGIN!  And a warm, trusting support team can be your own ‘Gateway to Narnia’ that initiates the start of a great big JUICY exciting chapter in your amazing new life!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, March 8, 2022



WHAT IF..........
What if you made different choices?
You said YES instead of NO?
You got a second chance?

Jack Campbell made a choice. To leave the love of his life after college for a financial banking  internship in London. After meeting an angel on Christmas Eve, he is gifted the opportunity to go back and visit his alternate life in which he decided to forgo the internship and build a life with his then girlfriend!

Jack is sitting in a chair of the humble house he shares with his wife and two small children.

JACK: (Opening up an old envelope with torn, one way return airline tickets from London to New York) From London to New York.  I came back.

KATE: (entering the room with Jack) When you got on that plane, I was sure it was over. I left the airport afraid I would never see you again. And then you showed up the very next day. (softly) That was a good surprise. Ya know, I think about the decision you made. Maybe I was being naive, but I thought we would grow old together in this house. That we would spend holidays here and have our grandchildren come visit us here. I have this image of us all grey and wrinkly. And me working in the garden and you repainting the deck. (brushing away tears) But things change. 

If you need this Jack.  If you really need this. I will take these kids from a life they love, and I will take myself from the only home we've ever shared together, and I'll move wherever you need to go. I'll do that because I love you. I love you and that's more important to me than our address. I choose US!


Choices! We all truly get to create our own reality in every moment of NOW. Through our thoughts, emotions, and actions; our choices. For they are a part of the very fabric that weaves, with utter energetic wonder, everything we will experience and grow to become as a byproduct.  Every choice you make creates a "ripple effect" throughout the Universe. Because you are the Universe! And so it is very crucial to live with purposeful intention! Behind every choice you make are the INTENTIONS of what and WHO you choose to BE! You can only have the life of your greatest desires if you first "intentionally organize it through the choices you make."  

As the late, great Wayne Dyer taught, "You create your thoughts. Your thoughts create your intentions. And your intentions create your reality." And So It Is Mr. Dyer! 

In the extraordinarily magical film The Family Man, Jack Campbell goes through a Hero's Journey of massive SELF discovery. He is given the penultimate gift of "seeing" a glimpse of a life he could have created for himSELF. The one he realizes was completely aligned with his Super Heroic Higher Self. Through this vision of spiritual sliding doors, he is humbled and grows into the man who is able to receive the LOVE the life he now so longs for would have given to him.  

This gifted "vision" forges a deep KNOWINGNESS within his personal paradigm. And like Jack, once we no longer believe, but actually KNOW who we are and what we truly desire, life becomes a thing of daily magic; and MIRACLES! And there is absolutely NO going back to the way things "used to BE."

Once this "quick glimpse" of a much more formative life ends, Jack has one last shot at creating the vision of his new INTENDED DREAMS! And so like all Super Heroes, he takes massive action! And rushes to the airport to speak from his heart to the love of his life, Kate. Who is about to leave for Paris, permanently!

JACK: (shouting to capture Kate's attention before boarding her plane for Paris) We have a house in Jersey! We have two kids. Annie and Josh! Annie's not much of a violin player, but she tries real hard. She's a little precocious, but that's only because she says what is on her mind. (tearing up) And when she smiles. (holding back more tears-beat) And Josh, he has your eyes. He doesn't say much. But we know he's smart. He's always got his eyes open. He's always watching us. Sometimes you can look at him and you just KNOW. He's learning something new. It's like witnessing a miracle. 

The house is a mess. But it's ours! After 122 more payments, it's gonna be ours! And you, you're a non-profit lawyer. That's right. You're completely non-profit. But that doesn't seem to bother you. And we're in love. After 13 years of marriage, we are still unbelievably in love. You won't even let me touch you until I've said it. I sing to you. Not all the time, but definitely on special occasions. And we've dealt with our share of surprises and made a lot of sacrifices but we've stayed together. 

You see, you're a better person than I am. And it made me a better person to be around you. I dunno! Maybe it was all just a dream. Maybe I went to bed one lonely night in December and I imagined it all. But, I swear, nothing has ever felt....so real.  And if you get on that plane right now, it will all disappear forever. I know we could both go on with our lives and we would both be fine. But I've seen what we can be like together. And I choose US!

Not all of us will be granted the "Christmas Wish" of a second chance to change things in our lives like Jack Campbell. (of course many of us will, so never stop knowing what you desire to BE and DO)  All by making different, more empowering choices. So I highly suggest you take heed of the script making magic from this illuminating film. And begin to put intentional energy behind everything you think, say and do! The very state of your life in all its abundant forms is depending on it! 



Jeffrey Louis Martinez