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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, December 30, 2021

How To USE The POWER of FEROCITY To Manifest All Your 2022 Goals....!


Believe it or not, we are only 2 days away from New Year's 2022!  And for many of you New Age Nerds, that means another opportunity to mirror nature's magical rebirthing process. With the New Year now firmly upon us, it is time to create some new, magic filled Super Heroic Mindsets to assist us in re-designing the life of our dreams! A life reborn from the hard fought and not so easily earned lessons the previous year blessed us with! 

So to assist those of you who are truly willing to commit toward new habits that will empower you toward behaviors that 'get things done,' I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite manifestation tools. It's called the Super Heroic Habit of FEROCITY! And when incorporated into your daily routine, I promise you it will become a powerfully potent agent that will change your life. I know that's quite a huge declaration! And you're right. So buyer beware; like anything else that changes the quality of your life experiences, it must be used with great effort, care and consistency. Capiche?! So absolutely NO refunds on this one....  ;0)

Before I further flesh out the specifics of this Heroic Habit, I would first like to dispel a much misunderstood tenet of spiritual transformation/self actualization work. I often come across patrons in the personal self help world who espouse that you are "out of alignment" and/or in a state of "unease" if you make plans and goals and strive toward them with great fervor. They will say that all one must do is "be in the flow" of life and let the Universe take care of the rest. Simply ask, and you shall receive. As if taking action is actually an insult to the Universe. Yet, more often than not, it is this same group that always seems to be in a constant state of lack. And the closer you investigate, there is usually very little they have actually accomplished in their own life. No judgment, but I believe there is a middle ground here to explore that will bring more sound understanding to the nature of our reality. 

First and foremost, I think it is quite beneficial to create a mindset that does not sit in a state of absolutes. Life is NOT all black and whites. There are a cacophony of colors in the fabric scheme of the illusionary veil we use to manifest our desires.  The richest mindsets are in allowance of incorporating BOTH, not just "either/or" into their personal paradigms. As in, one can be BOTH "at ease" with the natural energetic flow of the Universe, AND at the same time be passionately determined with massive action toward their chosen endeavors/goals/desires! In fact, I would like to take it one step further and state that it is essential for us to engage life with a gregarious gusto. Meaning making plans, routines, action steps, and goals as part of our way of being true co-creators with the Divine Source! Personally, I believe the Universe acknowledges and appreciates the bold, the doers, and the decisive. Plus, as Helen Keller said, "Life is either a great adventure, or nothing at all." Well, how in the hell can one have a great adventure without stepping off of the sidelines and putting yourSELF smack dab in the middle of all the action?! And setting ourSELVES up for success by creating a playbook for our own life and the fulfillment of our own unique CALLINGS!

Plus, our collective mission is to grow, learn, and evolve into the grandest version of ourSELVES. And that type of massive expansion occurs most effectively through "playing in the game." And the bigger we choose to play, the more we explode into bliss filled bursts of energetic potentiality. The very aspect of cosmic causality that the Universe sent us here to manifest for its own ascension into more conscious LOVE

I believe in a form of spirituality that is DEEP, but SIMPLE
And so my own personal paradigm for manifestation consists of just two parts:


The creating aspect is done specifically through the sub-conscious mind. The space within us that houses the divine spark of Universal Source energy that connects us all to the ONE GOD MIND. It creates our reality though the manipulation of energy beyond time and space based on our thoughts (the imagination) and our emotions. Once an idea has been placed within the sub-conscious mind, it instantaneously goes to work to manifest that idea (person, place, idea) into our life as actualized matter. And the stronger our thoughts and emotions become, the faster it will manifest it on our behalf. 

But there is a step two we must adhere to. And I call that "The Collecting" stage. It's all about action. Now sometimes what we desire will appear in pure form. However, most of the time, the manifestation process is a two-step dance of true co-creation with the Universe. As soon as we are finished "creating" what we desire to manifest onto our lives, the Universe will begin to use the sub-conscious mind to deliver us new plans, action steps, and intuitive hunches to assist us in the "collecting" of our precious prize. And its during the collecting stage that the grand adventure truly begins. It's through the daily facing of our challenges, engaging obstacles, and advancing towards adversity that we learn, grow, and gain the universal insight that our soul truly seeks to savor! So be grateful that we must earn and work for what we desire. Without the "Collecting Stage," we would miss out on all the sprinkles of magic that assists in raising our own vibrational level of consciousness. All the really amazing stuff that life dishes out if we are just brave enough to answer the call to our own daily adventures! 

Because please NEVER forget, once on the other side, CONSCIOUSNESS IS YOUR CURRENCY! While it is quite a divine feeling to acquire in physical form our greatest heartfelt desires, it is our expanded soul, filled with new found learned LOVE and wisdom that we will carry within us for eternity! Let that truly sink in for a moment or three!  ;0)

Hopefully you now have a much better understanding as to why being too passive in the manner you engage life is actually counterproductive to your mission. Life is certainly far from an easy experience. And it isn't always meant to be. We learn and grow through pain and adversity. And in time, we realize that every ounce of discord was worth every tear shed in order for the attainment of our new found energetic expansion! 

And that's why my suggestion is to begin to tackle your dreams and goals with absolute FEROCITY! Now I did NOT say attack life! Life is completely rigged in your favor. Always! Never forget to be in total allowance of "the Flow" that creates your connection to SOURCE. The natural, abundant nature that brings the never ending force of LOVE and all its super powers into your existence. But as I stated earlier, you can be in complete  allowance of life's "natural flow" and at the same time tackle your CALLINGS/GOALS with a fervent ferocity. 

And FEROCITY is a tool that can assist you in climbing the toughest of mountains! Here is my definition of this revelatory Super Heroic Habit:

Yearning to Be Great

Being ferocious means being "all in!" It's doing all the things that most others choose not to. It means stepping WAY out of your comfort zone each and every day. It's about taking inspired action. Meaning you are taking cues from the intuitive signs, hunches, and whispers that are constantly being sent to you by the Universe and acting upon them in absolute FAITH! And it's the path of all Superheroes!

Life truly does begin at the end of you comfort zones!  Staying comfortable causes your Inner Superhero to become agitated and discontent; like a caged tiger mauling its lockbox so that it can be UNLEASHED out into the world. Your Super Heroic Higher Self came here to be DISRUPTIVE! To blast this world with bliss filled boosts of love, compassion, kindness, creativity, service, inspiration, and joy!

We are all "Legends in the Making." It's our very birthright to be Iconoclastic Innovators! And as Superheroes, we have the super powers to be forcefully disruptive in a world that desires to be awoken from its deep slumber. Showering each day with LOVE BOMBS of spiritual "shock and awe" is our collective purpose on this planet! We knew the nominal norm was no longer serving our highest good. So we are here to LOVE this world back into the LIGHT! BAM! Boom! Ka-pow! 

But we must earn this conscious change. Not because we are in any way not already completely worthy.  Because we are! But the process toward expansive growth, wisdom, learning, and massive shifts in collective change requires massive action. It's the system  the ONE GOD MIND put into place in this dense realm called Earth. As we forge through our own daily challenges, we are forced to stretch our own energetic signatures to blast through any previous notions of what the beauty of our own reality can BE! We begin to learn that the sky is NOT the limit; only the beginning of our own magnificence! And as our own core essence of energy expands, so does the Universe in equal proportions. It's the most magical equation in all the Cosmos. And a true "win, win" across the spiritual spectrum!

So I highly suggest you start to build the Super Heroic Habit of FEROCITY today!
Begin with creating a daily "Morning Mindset." For instance, part of my own morning routine is a mediation followed by repeating my Daily Intentions. Here are my intentions for today:


Filled with Gratitude
Alive with Ferocity in ALL I do
Radiating with Bliss for mySELF and all others
Overflowing with LOVE
Boundless with compassion and kindness
Steadfast in KNOWINGNESS that through my own magic, Extraordinary Things
will be Made Manifest

Establishing an empowering Morning Mindset places yourSELF in a super space for a day of success and unadorned joy! And creates a habit of centering your mind, and realigning your energy toward your goals, not against them. Re-member, if you want to see great changes in your life, you have to change things in your life in a BIG WAY! As Albert Einstein said, "Problems cannot be solved from the same level of consciousness that created them." Preach Albert!

Good thoughts, good words, and good deeds will lead to massive change in you life. But it's up to you to bare the task of creating new, empowering habits to see the change you desire to experience! Your own Inner Superhero is waiting to be set free. So step out of that comfort zone and soar to new, empowering, extraordinary heights and punch a hole in the sky of your greatest desires! And please DO NOT BE AFRAID TO BE FEROCIOUS IN ATTACKING YOUR GOALS!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, December 27, 2021



In 2002, Anita Moorjani, born of Hindu descent was diagnosed with cancer.  For the following 4 years, her body valiantly fought this insidious disease that was slowly shutting down her bodily organs one by one.  Until February 2, 2006, the day “I died.” Although in a coma, I was acutely aware of everything that was happening around me, including the sense of of urgency and emotional frenzy of my family as they rushed me to the hospital.  When we arrived, the moment the oncologist saw me, her face filled with shock.  “Your wife's heart may still be beating,” she told my husband Danny, “but she's not really in there.  It's too late to save her.

By Anita's account in her transcendent personal memoir ‘Dying To Be Me’, although she was in a complete coma, she was able to hear and see everything that was happening around her body.  She was having an NDE. (Near Death Experience)  But unlike many of the other narratives I have consumed on this phenomenon, this one was less grandiose and usurped any sense of the traditional tropes usually found in such accountings. There are no ‘white lights’ or personal meetings with Messianic energies.  In place of these experiences, Moorjani's retelling of her NDE is filled with remembrance and HOPE.  And an incredibly powerful message for those of us still finding our way on this remarkable Journey called life!

Know I have said it before, but it bears repeating: I now live my life from JOY instead of FEAR.  This is the one simple difference between who I was before my NDE and who I am today.    Before, without even realizing it, everything I did was to avoid pain or to please other people.  I was caught up in doing, pursuing,searching, and achieving; and I was the last person I ever took into consideration.  My life was driven by FEAR- of displeasing others, of failing, of being selfish, and of not being good enough.  In my own head, I always fell short,” recalls Moorjani.  

I don't know about you, but I can relate in many ways to her recollection of her life before her NDE.  And I have MORE than a intuitive feeling that many of you reading this even share many of her exact thoughts and feelings right NOW!  And as I have stated oh so often in many of my previous posts, everything that happens in our experience is for our greater good.  And I do mean everything!  Nothing is ever wasted in this Universe.  Because everything is made up of pure and perfect energy and we are all a part of this ONENESS.  As Albert Einstein said, “The only thing you have to decide is whether we live in a compassionate Universe.”  The rest is just pure folly!! As Anita found out during her near death journey!

My heightened awareness in that expanded realm was indescribable, despite my best efforts to explain it.  The clarity was amazing.  The Universe makes sense!  I realized.  I finally understand-I know why I have cancer!  I was too caught up in in the wonder of that moment to dwell on the cause, although I would soon examine it more closely.  I also seemed to comprehend why I'd come into this life in the first place-  I knew my true purpose.  Why do I suddenly understand all this,?  I wanted to know.  Who is giving me this information? is it God? Krishna? Buddha? Jesus? And then I was overwhelmed by the realization that God isn't a BEING, but a state of being....  and I was now that state of being!  Every single encounter was woven together to create the fabric that was the sum of my life up to this point.   I may only have been one thread, yet I was an integral part to the overall finished picture.”

And GUESS WHAT, so are each and every one of you! You are all a perfectly crafted concoction that encompasses all the beauty in the Universe.  And you DESERVE to be loved, cherished and adored beyond any measure previously fathomable simply because you exist.  Because we are all connected at every level, your every action has an effect on both YOU as well as the collective whole.  And it is this very remembrance that Anita Moorjani brought back with her to share with the world during her Heroine's Journey during her NDE!

I became aware that we are all connected.  This was not only every person and living creature, but the interwoven unification felt as though it were expanding outward to include everything in the universe.  I realized that the entire universe is alive and infused with consciousness, encompassing all life and nature.  We're all facets of that UNITY-we're all ONE......” writes Moorjani.  

I also understood that the cancer was not some punishment for anything I had done wrong, nor was I experiencing negative karma as a result of any of my actions, as I'd previously believed.  It was as though every moment held infinite possibilities, and where I was at this point in time was a culmination of every decision, every choice, and every thought of my entire life.  My many fears and great power had manifested as this disease.”

Moorjani's book is so full of such subtle insight and beautiful prose that I won't spoil any more of her Journey for those of you who may be interested in buying a copy for yourself.  I think you will be incredibly glad if you choose to do so!!  

So I ask you- are you living life or slowly ‘Dying to BE.’ Because there is simply no reason to do that.  We must simply BE STILL and search our thoughts and feelings for the answers to our greatest dilemmas and for the reason we came.  Please stop wasting the time of your BEINGNESS.  It is the most precious gift we have and must not be wasted or it will be worn into the shards of time.

As Moorjani espouses, “I believe that the greatest truths of the Universe don't lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets.  They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul.  Until we understand what is within, we can't understand what is without.” 



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Here Is WHY We Are ALL a Version Of THE BATMAN....!

~~  Harold Goddard  (LEGENDS OF THE KNIGHT)

When I first decided to launch The New Age Nerd,  of course I was filled with some amount of trepidency about how it would be embraced.  Would there be other people like me, who have found inspiring strength, motivation, and a sense of ONENESS with the world of Mythology, both old and new, the same way that it has captured and informed my spiritual guidance and passion for life.  From the response the site has received, I believe the answer to my question is a resounding YES!  

But I recently had the privilege to watch a magnificent and quite moving documentary called ‘Legends of the Knight’ that has eternally filled in any gaps in lapsed confidence about my mission.  In a relatively short running time of 1:15 minutes, it deeply and emotionally conveys the power of  not only BATMAN, but many of the stories and modern myths that fill our collective consciousness and have the ability to transform our thoughts and actions toward ourselves and others in compassionate ways.

The documentary begins with a moving story from Michael Uslan, the executive producer of all of the Batman films since Michael Keaton first donned the cowl and cape back in 1988.  Back in 2012 he was asked to give a speech to the graduating class of West Point.  Quite an honor, not to mention quite overwhelming.  He decided to frame his speech around BATMAN as he started, “ Bruce Wayne in committing to become a hero for good after watching his parents brutally murdered before his very eyes, by believing ONE person can make a difference, sacrificed his childhood to train his body and mind in becoming the BATMAN.  He became a Legend, an urban warrior.  Cadets of West Point, YOU ARE BATMAN!”  The graduating class before him jumped out of their chairs in complete unison, high fiving one another for several minutes.  Michael said it was one of the most magnificent moments of his life!  A true testament to the power of modern myth in our lives!

My own childhood was fraught with strife and confusion and that is when I began to find solace in the world of WONDERLANDS from all forms of Myth. TV, movies, comic books.  I couldn't get enough.   They inspired in me a belief life could be SO much than I was experiencing.  Myth became my entry point of self realization and spirituality.  In fact, Lydia Cerpa, a child family counselor was included in the documentary to express, “Stories with heroes help us in finding our true potential.  When a child starts to pretend with heroes they are actually creating new neuro-pathways in the brain that create new behaviors externally and internally as well.  Their brain begins to change .  Hearing a story wakes up something inside of you.  It can allow you to break through to your true potential by seeing alternate possibilities previously unheard of.   And when you see it through a story it becomes tangible because you think that could be me.”  YES!  And who amongst us New Age Nerds still doesn't try and use the Force just for shits and giggles every once and a while!  Be honest! LOL

Later in this fascinating exploration of the power of our modern day Heroes and Heroines there was another important explanation of this phenomenon from Jonathan Gotschall, the author of ‘The Storytelling Animal.’  He explains, “ What fascinates me about story is that we do it at all.  It's spectacularly improbable that humans would be this species that spends so much of our time on Earth in fabrication realities.  When I talk to my students, I ask them why do they spend so much time wrapped up in various forms of fiction?  Why do we like fiction so much?  They tell me it is because stories give us an escape.  That life is hard and it is an opportunity to go on a short vacation from the stress and problems of everyday life.  We can leave it unscathed and unchanged.  But, that is EXACTLY what the research is NOT showing.  The research is showing that the time we immerse ourselves in various forms of our favorite WONDERLANDS actually creates profound change in us.  This change comes on an emotional, and behavioral, and psychological level.  AND this can all be measured in a lab!”

We live in challenging times.  Not to be fear based, but there is NO denying the amount of various forms of carnage that fills our nightly news and daily papers, websites, and blogs.  This is NOT a part of our inherent nature.  We are after all ‘spiritual beings having a human experience.’  I believe we are all seeking a strong paradigm shift back to the attributes we find in many of our pop cultural myths.   Kindness, compassion, heroism, and respect towards all!  Why do you think SUPERHEROES have become a fanatical part of our current zeitgeist after DECADES where no movie studio would touch a comic book story with no matter the price.

In “Hunting the Dark Knight”, Will Brouker writes, “In popular culture there are times when anti-heroes and morally ambiguous heroes seem to be popular.  But I think the pure essence of superheroes, especially BATMAN, and why we constantly come back to them is about becoming someone better.  The strength and heart of BATMAN is about making a positive decision to make positive change in the world.  And I think that is a heroism we can all ASPIRE to!”

The documentary is filled with a myriad of wonderful examples of persons both young and old, who have used the BATMAN myth to help inspire, propel them to unimaginable heights despite enormous physical disabilities, and generally provide them with a Heaven sent HOPE!  Many of the stories brought tears to my eyes and even provided me motivation toward some of my own unfinished goals!  

I appreciated the fact that although the documentary strongly focuses on the undeniable influence of BATMAN on our culture, it also touches on the importance of STORY in general as a stupendous source of collective unity, understanding, and HOPE for so many.  I try and infuse The New Age Nerd with the power of STORY as often as I can as I believe, like Joseph Campbell, that our collective Story through MYTH is one of the most powerful gateways to our spiritual salvation on this planet.  Essentially, we all share the same story, and if we could just learn to acknowledge this on a deeper level, I believe the level of acceptance and unity in this world would be astounding.

That's why I loved this quote in the film by David Taylor from his book ‘Tell Me a Story’.
He espouses, “ I think the greatness of seeing life through the lens of story is that I have the freedom to make real choices, I'm not determined by my biology, my gender, my history, or genes.  Those are all part of the story but at the end of the day, I have a choice to make and this is the most encouraging possibility of all.  You can be something other than you are if you wish to be.  You can be the GREATEST VERSION of who you are.”  Couldn't have said it better myself...so I won't!   :0)

At the end of the day, we are all seeking ways to move through this life with GRACE, HOPE, Peace, and Joy.   Us New Age Nerds get much of our inspiration and strength from the stories all around us.  But there are SO many paths back to the LIGHT!

For me, BATMAN has always held a special place in my heart and soul because he is the only superhero who is actually just a man.  His only real superpower is  his HUMANITY. And that is something we all have access to in becoming the Greatest Versions of the Greatest Visions ever held of ourselves.

Because the truth of the matter is.......    WE ARE ALL BATMAN



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, December 24, 2021

A Magical Special Guest With A Universal Meaning of Christmas.....!

Wow! It has indeed been quite a while since WE have paid a visit to you NEW AGE NERDS!  So for those of you who may have forgotten.....We call ourselves-BLISS (Bringing LOVE in Support of Spirit)- a compendium of Universal Energy traversing the Cosmos always and in ALL WAYS on the look out for planets such as yours. The ones that are on a convergent path with pure CONSCIOUSNESS.  And although it may not always FEEL as though the SOULS on this planet are working their way back toward the TRUTH that YOU ARE ALL ONE.....TRUST us....Outward appearances very often, but DO NOT always reflect INNER REALITY...  :0)

On the EVE of this very special night that celebrates the dawn of the day most of you call Christmas, WE thought it was the perfect time to give you our own GIFT of remembrance! And in doing so, it is our INTENTION that you continue to practice the tenets of your inherent nature.  That of course, being Love, Compassion, Joy, Happiness, Service, and Fearlessness!

And while we acknowledge each and every SOUL'S individual understanding and way of celebrating this most special of Holidays -  there are many paths back to LOVE - we would like to offer you one path that has served oh so many MASTERS that have walked along side of you as guides back to the Love Light that burns brightly for eternity and is forever waiting for your return!

The master you call Jesus the Christ was chosen by GOD amongst BILLIONS OF SOULS to become made in human form for the very first Hero's Journey on your planet! He knew that the majority of SPIRITS who had also taken human form before him were completely out of alignment and had allowed the ILLUSION of this world to become their reality.   This was causing an immense amount of pain, suffering, and chaos on your earthly plane.  Rather than having to search for his earthly CALLING, he was born with an inner awareness that never left his side.  Through the two thousand years since his presence on your planet, the true nature of his CALLING has been twisted and contorted to serve the EGO of many who have wished to control the masses for purposes of GREED and FEAR

So as our Christmas gift to all of you, WE would like to offer up our understanding of the true meaning of this most revered Holiday on your planet so that you may always Re-member its true nature.........

Jesus the Christ was chosen to enter into the dense realm of your planet to leave a path of remembrance back to your true nature.  His teachings and so called miracles all ended with the same declaration, "This and so much more, one day, you too will do!"  A portion of HIS calling was to remind us how utterly unique and special we are; for each and everyone of you are precious beings and unique emanations of GOD.  Made in his image and thus able to accomplish the exact same earthly miracles HE demonstrated during his short time here amongst you! He was also well aware that often the path toward your salvation was through temporary SUFFERING.  And to assist your remembrance of this Universal Truth, he always BROKE BREAD amongst the masses before performing a so called earthly miracle.  A BEING of ultimate intention, his very purpose for this action was so that we understood that in this realm, we must often be broken just before birthing a MIRACLE

Out of FEAR, so many of your so called Teachers have tried their best to turn his preachings into something that they were NEVER meant to BE.  That being a declaration there was ONLY ONE WAY BACK TO GOD.  And that way was to follow HIM!  Yet our gift to you this Christmas is to let you know that THAT WAS NEVER A PART OF HIS TEACHINGS.  In fact, he preached that THERE ARE MANY PATHS BACK TO GOD.  For HIS level of understanding rose way above EGOIC tactics that offered any thought that only through HIM could you commune back with YOUR CREATOR. For he knew as long as you live your life through the constant intention of LOVE, you will always find your way home back to the heavenly kingdom.......

Many of you may question our presentation of the true teachings of Jesus the Christ, and THAT IS A GREAT THING!  For the only way that there are no more Gi-normous misunderstandings of this nature is for you to question EVERYTHING.  Listen to your feelings.   For they are the guideposts to your SOUL.  And when used with reverent intention , will always guide you back to TRUTH! Practice what others teach.  See what serves you.   And let the rest go!! 

As you and your most beloved TRIBE members celebrate this HOLY DAY, we ask that you Re-member that the core CALLING of Jesus the Christ was to show you the power of BELIEF. And that is the exact same purpose for our brief visit with you special SPIRITS on this EVE of CHRIST.

This Holy Day is meant for the purpose of remembering the POWER OF BELIEF. Why else do you think that the magical idea of Santa Clause has engulfed the imagination of billions of children for so many years.  It is so they can practice the power and understanding of what you can accomplish if .....YOU SIMPLY BELIEVE

As much as we would LOVE to stay a little longer.....it is time for US to continue our own JOURNEY to spread the true message of this season.  To all those who have forgotten what this celebration is all about......    For it is THAT AMAZING AND POWERFUL!

Until We meet again...   Please Re-member that we are only one THOUGHT away...........


Bringing Love In Support of Spirit

Thursday, December 23, 2021



Matt Murdock (The Daredevil) is having a heartfelt talk with a nun who he has discovered is his birthmother. They are reminiscing the life of the church's former head Pastor who was slain in cold blood in the basement of an old Catholic Church in Hell's Kitchen.

MATT: I was angry.  I would change that if I could.

SISTER MAGGIE: If God allowed that, there would be no future. Just people endlessly rewriting the past.

MATT: Yeah. I think he was trying to tell me that for a long time. His last words were, "Forgive us."

(forgive them for keeping the secret to who his birthmother really was)

SISTER MAGGIE: Do you think that's possible?

MATT: (Several contemplative beats) He told me something years ago when this happened that I never forgot.  (pointing to the sunglasses he wears to protect his blind eyes) You see I was pretty angry at God and bitter toward his world. How could a loving God blind me. Why?! Anyway, he told me, God's plan is like a beautiful tapestry. And the tragedy of being human is that we only get to see it from the back. With all the ragged threads and the muddy colors. We only get a hint of the true beauty that would be revealed if we could see the whole pattern on the other side. As God does. 

(Looks down at the ground as if to summon his own TRUTH)

MATT: And although people have died on my watch. People who shouldn't have. There are countless others who have lived. So, maybe it is all a part of God's plan. 


Matt Murdock (The Daredevil) is a haunted SOUL. As a young boy, while trying to save a man from being hit by a car, his eyes were exposed to a canister of toxic liquid the causes him to lose his eyesight. Then his father was gunned down for refusing to "take a fall" in a boxing match with tons of hush money on the proverbial line. Matt ended up being raised by a group of caring nuns in a Catholic orphanage in Hell's Kitchen. And it was within those hallowed halls that his own Superhero's Journey began!

His journey reminds us that everything happens "through you and for you.NOT TO YOU! See the big difference. I surely pray so because the shades within that subtle shift in understanding is one of just a handful of the greatest TRUTHS you will re-discover while on your path in this Earthly plane!

And once you re-member how to leverage that know-ledge, your life will suddenly both ascend and then settle into a space of inner peace. For no longer will you wake up daily fretting "what could go wrong today."  In fact, you will re-member that "right and wrong" do not even exist! Only that which does and does not serve you and all others. And you will begin to embrace everything that appears within your daily experiences as no thing less than a SOUL sent blessing from your own personal "Wisdom Waiter!" 

Think of life as a precious, multi layered Jigsaw Puzzle. We often start working on one particular area of the puzzle at any given period in time. Just as we are getting our perfectly imperfect "Jigsaw Jam" on, WHAM, God sends us a piece that is for the complete opposite side of where we were focusing our efforts! And more often than not become stubborn and resolute in the way WE think things in our lives should play out. So staying stuck in our own personal convictions, continuing to build out the puzzle from where we have started it become our nominal norm.

And so we tend to ignore the puzzle piece sent special delivery from The Grand Creator herSELF
"I've been working my tushie off on this puzzle God! I'm confused. Why are you sending me a piece that goes way over on the opposite side of where I'm building all my magical momentum?" So you inner monologue espouses.

But you have to re-member that THE ONE GOD MIND can see "the whole puzzle" already perfectly and pristinely finished in its glorious form! We tend to see things from a more limited perspective as we live out our daily experiences. Hopefully, now you can see the prescient power in learning to take a DEEP breathe and just RELAX! And then take a few steps back from wherever you currently find yourSELF to BE. Each step will allow you to BE in a space of appreciation and GRATITUDE for the "entire picture" that your jigsaw puzzle is slowly becoming! Just as THE GOD VOICE within you has seen it from the very beginning. Pretty rad, huh?! ;0) 

And the next time God throws you a piece of your personalized puzzle from "way over there," you will already BE in a state of pure ACCEPTANCE.  And be in allowance of it to grace your world with a form of loving reverence! For it came from a place of Universal KNOWINGNESS of exactly what you need at that given moment of NOW!


Creating a New Super Heroic Origin Story

One thing I do with all my coaching clients is have them write a new "Super Heroic Origin Story." With the intention of assisting them in transcending their past stories from a state of catabolic, victim consciousness, into an anabolic "VICTORIOUSLY HEROIC" energetic vibrational space! I highly suggest you try this incredibly transformational process too!

Literally start from your earliest memories and begin to write down the 'New Story of Your Life.'  But refrain from seeing these events from your past perspective.  The static stories we tell ourselves about our past become the coming attractions of what is still to come.  And unless you have already done the energetic clearing work on these traumatic pain points, I really don't think you desire THAT!! Am I right?! lol

While writing, concentrate on just how any past painful experiences in your life have actually proven to be blessings rather curses.  Start learning to ACCEPT them rather than reliving them in your mind.  Acceptance frees you to transcend these catabolic and disempowering based thoughts and start seeing them in a fresh state of GRATITUDE! (Just like the Gift and Miraculous Blessing of my own father's abandonment)  In your writing, it is vital to transcend such limiting beliefs in a manner that you can actually begin to see your past challenges as no thing less than "Bliss Filled Gifts." That were soul sent as opportunities for you to heal, grow, and expand into the greatest version of yourSELF. Which benefits not only YOU, but the entire Universe!

Start 'connecting the dots' of your life.  Look for the pain filled patterns that keep showing up in your daily experiences. Continued experiences of lack in any form; yuperoo, there is a great place to start! For that is proof positive of resistance still holding space within you. That's where you are still NOT in alignment with your Super Heroic Higher SelfTRUST! This will shine a light on the areas of trauma that still need healing and tending to!  The blocks and trapped energy that is still awaiting you to release and transform it into your unique Super Powers. Once looked at through the lens of OPPORTUNITY,  the things you once thought as misfortune will be seen as perfectly placed in your path to pull you back and then "Propel You Forward!"  If you are having great challenges doing this, stop and pray. Ask SPIRIT for guidance and wisdom to see the Truth behind your pain! Then quiet your mind and listen. You will be shown the answers.  PROMISE!  

You've suffered enough!  It's time for transcendence and TRANSFORMATION!  By creating a New Super Heroic Origin Story.  Start living from a state of Christ Consciousness and NOT  "Victim Consciousness."  Because the past stories you have been programming your mind to believe, are powerful forms of RESISTANCE!  Resistance is the arch enemy of the Subconscious Mind.  The Powerhouse of our "Abundance Making MIND Machine!" And that is part of what is still blocking you from being able to manifest all your heartfelt desires.......

So look around you often.  Re-member your outer experiences are a direct reflection of your inner reality. So if you find yourSELF in a space of lack; be it financially, health wise, or in any other form, it is "proof in the pudding" that you have some blocks, limiting beliefs, or pain points that still need to be addressed with non judgmental love and compassion.  For there is resistance somewhere within you that requires your immediate attention!  Just sayin'. ;0)

Commit to using the rest of this year to both create and live from your "New State of KNOWINGNESS!" And just like "The Daredevil," begin to see with eyes no longer blind to the TRUTH!

Because if you knew just how POWERFUL you truly are, there is absolutely NOTHING you would be afraid of!!  Even this current, horrific pandemic causing the great majority of us scouring for a single corner of safety! Because we would, in time, re-member that everything happens FOR US, and not TO US! And such truth would shake us to the core! All to assist us in combating the EGOIC nature of individual pleasures that usurp the need and necessities of the greater good!

And dreaming BIG for the highest good of all concerned would be your new mantra.........  And So It Is!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, December 21, 2021



THE WINTER OF DEATH  ---------  That's exactly what our president Joe Biden has just declared upon this country's Holiday Season and the long Winter to follow. Not exactly a soothing message for any of us to digest. Especially since we have already endured almost two years of this seemingly never ending pandemic - and its devastating effects across every aspect of our lives. At this point, I think we are well beyond any positing our current physical, emotional, and spiritual states as simple Pandemic Fatigue. 

And before you decide to discontinue reading any further, please have the solace found in the promise that my discourse today has absolutely nothing to do with political partisanship. For now, I will leave those talking points to the plethora of political pundits that fill our nightly TV screens.

Folks, the core issue that is causing the majority of disconnection, hatred, pain, and suffering in our World is coming from the acceptance of what I deem the  "Illusionary Veil of Separation." Collectively, we have truly forgotten a simple yet necessary aspect toward our collective mission here on Earth.  We Are All Truly One!   Please read that last sentence OUT LOUD once again! Because, my fellow New Age Nerds, the forgetfulness that WE ARE ALL ONE is at the crux of the majority of our World's current dilemmas. Sounds overly simplistic, I know. Yet, I promise you, IT IS THE TRUTH

Like millions of other teachers, coaches, healers, priests, and pastors, I spend the majority of my time trying to assist others to re-member the basic tenets of grounded spirituality; free from barren promises or false truths. Perhaps the most crucial and impactful of which is always being of loving service to everyone!

Life on this planet has "sprung eternal" for thousands of years based on the one unifying truth that we are all one! Unfortunately, this beautiful belief has slowly eroded throughout each and every generation, until it is now, in the mind's eye of the planet's majority, no thing more than a story for the pages of our favorite fairy tales. Which I know causes such pain and sorrow within the constructs of my own soul And I would gather I am by no means alone in this sentiment! 

Without getting overly esoteric, I would love to share, for the purpose of universal remembrance, that we live on this planet composed from a matrix of pure energy. It was actually constructed by and for us!  So that we may bend the very fabric of time and space.  All to experience the greatest heartfelt desires placed within our spiritual DNA. Pretty cool stuff, right?! 

So why was such a place formed for these type of experiences in the first place? Fantastic and prudent question! And what exactly is our collective purpose for not only creating this grand playground, but deciding to come here in the first place? First we must understand each and every one of us ARE MADE FROM LOVING FRAGMENTS OF MAGICAL STAR DUST THAT COMPOSE THE UNIVERSE ITSELF AND ALL ITS GREATEST CREATIVE FORCES!  YES! That is just how special, powerful, and magical you happen to be. The Universe is actually experiencing itSELF as and through us! So should it not follow, given this truth, the following understanding; that which you do for another, you do for yourself. And vice versa! 

For just as Simba learned in The Lion King, there is a 'Circle of Life' that we all share. But have you ever actually stopped to ponder what the title of that prescient song's inner meaning might be? I have many times. (Perhaps that's why I don't get out much!  LOL) Interested in my own answer? Either way, here goes. The 'Circle of Life' refers back to this spiritual core tenet. When we help even ONE person, we are in all actuality, helping everyone; including ourselves.

And if THAT question wasn't enough to shackle you to many nights of mental imagery, here is the grandest question ever pondered by men and women from the beginning of time. WHY ARE WE EVEN HERE?

It's quite a profound question to tackle. And one that has caused more thoughtful pontifications than any other since the dawn of existence.  I would never begin to usher a declaration that could possibly answer the most asked question throughout the entire cosmos.   Saying that I have the BE ALL answer that everyone has been searching for throughout the ages would be sacrosanct. But what this New Age Nerd DOES HAVE is a series of hard fought beliefs that have given much inner infused solace.  So after much study and contemplating with mentors around the United States and through a slew of spiritual programs I have been privileged enough to attend the last 20 odd years, I would like to share my beliefs with all of you. All with the intention that at least parts of it will feel like a sliver of TRUTH within your own inner belief system as well. Fair deal?!  Fantastico!

Of course, by now, hopefully we are all aware that each of us are spiritual beings having a human experience.  But why?  Why would we choose to leave the comforting confines of a Spiritual Realm that surrounds us with the constant feeling that we are LOVE and that eradicates all FEAR and Suffering?!  Some will say it is to manifest our Desires.  Ok, that makes some sense.  BUT, can't we do that instantaneously on the other side?  I believe we can. Still others think our Journey is to feel good and share that feeling with others.  I think nuggets of that rings true.  But it just doesn't feel like a full spiritual meal, does it? And of course there are MANY who ardently think we are here to prove our worthiness so that we can be ALLOWED BACK into God's Heavenly chambers for all eternity.  Yet, according to so many spiritual teachers, Heaven is not a place but a STATE OF BEING! Kinda tough to be forbidden to enter a chamber in which we already own the key, right?  LOL

So what if we allowed ourselves to come at this question from a completely different perspective. One that is very HEART centered and completely LOVE based. What if I told you we are all here for the ‘Unfoldment of Our Soul?’  And by Unfoldment I mean being in alignment with only the LOVE that is the very Heart Song within our SOUL.  And ALLOWING that LOVE to unfold in any and every imaginable way that we can possibly conceive for the further expansion of the Universe!!  Let THAT sink in for a minute or two...........

Universal growth and expansion occurs when the very essence that created it allows itself to be greater today that it was yesterday.  And still greater the day after that. Every time we share an expression of that LOVE within us, the Universe grows exponentially. And that is EXACTLY what the Universe desires.  To expand into the  Grandest Version of itself.  But it can ONLY do that through you, as me, for him, by her. Does that make sense?  That is because, as stated earlier, we are ALL ONE!  One of the greatest masters of all time, Jesus the Christ, espoused that almost daily-  “That which you do to others, you do unto me.” Can't get much clearer than that in my book!

And here is where things get completely and fabulously magical; every time YOUR PURPOSE is to emit and unfold your heart and soul through acts of LOVE and kindness, it has a wondrous effect on everyone!  And I think that's pretty damn cool!  How and why does this happen, you ask?  Because the very SOURCE that we all come from gave us the incredible power of free will.  And it can only channel LOVE through us to the extent that there is ROOM TO DO SO!  And every time you stretch your HEART SONG, you are opening up a larger portal from which SOURCE can work its miracles and magic!  And you thought the magic in Harry Potter was all pomp and circumstance....LOL 

Now just as the scientific principle of cause and effect is a very real phenomenon here on earth, so is the invert action when any of us CONSTRICT our own Heart Song; thus keeping the full unfoldment of our soul from taking place.  And that is EXACTLY what is occurring on our planet as I write this post.  Because the effect of this constricting nature causes Fear and Angst to run supreme.  And SOURCE energy has very little it can do to remedy the situation. As we continue to live from a vibration of greed, fear, jealousy, and disrespect, the very reason for our BEING here is jeopardized.  And guess what, it is currently affecting not only the United States, but all of planet Earth as well. Of course, at the crux of our current climate calamity is the issue of how to deal with the continuation of the COVID PLAGUE! 

So I would like to offer up the following suggestions.  One is to RELAX!  And take a walk, meditate, call a close friend, read a book or write.  Anything that calms your mind and centers you.  And then truly ponder the many ways in which you can begin to assist your soul in its inherent nature of unfoldment.  Especially in regards to the COVID virus. And Re-member, as Gandalf the Great from The Lord Of the Rings says, “It is the little acts of everyday kindness that I have found holds the darkness at bay.” And to never forget the re-membrance that "Separation is an Illusion!"   WE ARE ALL ONE. Black, white, or brown.  Still ALL ONE! Gay, straight, transgender, lesbian, or gay; still ALL ONE! Republican, democratic, or independent;  vaccination getter or protester. ALL ONE MY FRIENDS!!   

Please, I beg all of you. Start using the gift found in the "Illusion of Separation" to be the healing balm it was created to be!  I simply ask that you only "dip your toe" in the illusion of separation. All for the gifts that it can afford. But please, DO NOT jump fully headfirst into it's pond! Where you will forget Who You Really Are! Which is a perfect emanation of Heaven sent LOVE!

So many individuals refrain from doing the small acts of kindness that this world currently seeks. If any one of you are in this camp, please understand, it is these very acts of LOVE that keeps the World from shrinking into a state of permanent Unconsciousness! 

And perhaps the most important LOVE LIGHT question currently staring us all in the face has to do with receiving the different variations of COVID vaccinations. Emma right?! Do, or don't I get it?! Is it safe? How do I know? It's my body and NOBODY can tell me what to put into it! But if I do get the vaccine, aren't I helping keep not only ME, but all my fellow friends and family members around me safe as well? I consider my life too precious to press my luck on NOT getting a vaccine that has helped keep millions around the planet alive! I know too many people who have died because they decided to forgo the vaccine. ALL VALID POINTS! And at the end of the day, the decision on whether to immunize yourself against COVID is as personal decision as any we may ever make! And please let us judge not, lest we become the very thing we are judging..............

Now while holding signs and standing in protest of the vaccine, no matter where your position stands, is a magnificent gesture in conviction toward expressing your ardent beliefs, especially if it enhances our celebration of choice, rather than lowering our vibration from love to hate and fear, perhaps now is a wonderful opportunity for us to reaccess our true motives.  Not only in this moment, but for the blueprint we wish to create for the rest of our lives. 

For as Mother Teresa taught us all; it serves the World only when we stand up in SUPPORT of something, rather than AGAINST something. So simple yet so profound!  Isn't it beyond past time to decide (even beyond COVID) what you are willing to stand in support of, rather than all the things we stand against?!

Because I ardently believe there is something MUCH BIGGER currently transpiring on this planet that COVID is actually bringing into the light! And once again, it strikes to the very center  behind the intention of today's post. Namely, what it means to be a real life SUPERHERO! I know I like to wax poetic about the virtues and excitement that stirs within my soul whenever one of my post's themes veer towards the discussion of my belief that we are all SUPERHEROES! But this is different. There is real meat and potatoes (veggie meat  ;0)in today's post that truly supercedes any post I have written in several years. 

You see, I believe within every once of my heart and soul that this horrendous virus has brought with it a wonderful gift. As one of my personal heroes, Napoleon Hill, used to express, each and every earthly problem we face will bring with it a solution of equal or greater power!! Wowsa! Are you starting to get where I am going here?! For those of you still kinda scratchin' your noggin, (which is totally OKEEDOKEE) let me further flesh out my thoughts. 

The hard core facts are that the 8 billion spirits traversing this planet have been at serious odds with one another WAY before COVID reared its dispicable head. Wouldn't you agree?! From global wars (hello Afghanistan) to every form of injustice; be it racial, animal rights, climate change, political division, sexual identity.  Life on this planet has been a potpourri of upheaval for hundreds if not thousands of years. 

The only thing COVID has really done is shine the brightest of lights on all the variations of earthly separation, including - disconnection, hate, anger, fear, jealousy, greed, and superiority that, unfortunately is no longer an outlier, but rather the main meal being served up all over the planet. Sad, but oh so true!

And yet, despite all the often blood soaked hate and fear we have been spreading across the globe for centuries, the Universe, in all its forgiving glory, continue to afford us opportunities to become and be better versions of ourselves! And personally, boy oh boy am I thankful for the plethora of chances the GodMIND herSELF continues to shine upon us all!

For in this very moment of NOW, I hope most of you can become jostled in your own personal positions on COVID and how to eradicate it from existence on the planet, to beat it back into oblivion through the choices you are currently making affecting both yourselves and all others. First and foremost, it is my wish that this verse from the Bible will start a dialogue between yourself and your friends and family:

Healing and Victory Are Yours 
For In The Mind of The Father
You are a Conqueror
Whoever is born of God
overcomes the World
and its many troubles.
My triumph on the cross
is also your triumph.
M victory over death
is also your victory.
All that I did when
I was on Earth was for you, 
just for you,so you could live
an abundant life NOW, 
dynamic, whole, and undefeated.
Take what's yours today
and LIVE !

ISAIAH 53:5, Romans 8:37, John 10:10

Here's the real deal! The entire planet is currently being given the opportunity to BE A REAL LIFE SUPERHERO! The perfect series of events to express the HERO that has always been within you! 
Am I talking about making the brave decision to go out and get the COVID vaccine? HELL YES! However, for those of you who may never decide to stand in that arm sticking needle line, that's only for you to act upon- or not. Given the fact that I suffer from multiple auto-immune illnesses that would seriously affect my bodies ability to survive a COVID attack, your decision to get vaccinated is STILL not my business. After all, free will is still perhaps the greatest gift God ever afforded us. 

However, like Mother Teresa, what I am achingly trying to SUPPORT is how we can use this tragic pandemic as a way of expressing the real life SUPERHERO within your very fabric of being! Through daily acts of LOVE and kindness. Because this insidious illness has completely decimated so many fragments of our society, there is now absolutely NO EXCUSE to not get involved in random acts of LOVE and kindness! Not to beat a dead horse, but as good ole' Aunt May told her nephew, Peter Parker (AKA Spiderman) in Marvel's newest movie offering Spider man No Way Home, "By helping just ONE person, you are helping the World!"

For those of you who are still in need of tangible examples of random acts of  kindness, here is a small list of actionable steps seeped in LOVE that any of us can partake in:

1.  Go visit a senior assisted living home and spend time with the residents.  You will be AMAZED at the sharing of LOVE you will be engaged with!

2. Volunteer at a food kitchen for the needy.  One out of four people in the US go hungry EVERY day.  What would it feel like to contribute toward that atrocity?!

3.  Go check in on your elderly or disabled neighbors.  Even if it is just to sit with them so they know someone cares.  I am currently assisting a neighbor who has diabetes, no left arm, and MS. And no family to care for her.  Simply bringing her a morning coffee often brings tears to her eyes!

4. Stop and actually acknowledge the next homeless person you encounter.  You don't always need to offer them money.  Simply looking them in the eye and letting them know you see them and that they matter can make the biggest difference to these precious SOULS

5.  Choose one person a day to reach out to with a quick email or even better a PHONE CALL to tell them how much they mean to you.  And how wonderful and valuable they have been in your life.

6.  Visit a dog shelter and sign up to be a dog walker for the poor pups who are stuck in cages all day.  After all DOG spelled backwards is GOD!

7.  Find a local church or community Good Will center and inquire to see if they need volunteers to help in any fashion.  Free help to institutions low on funds is always a Heavenly sent gift!

8.  Sign up to be a mentor for a young boy or girl who is in the foster system.   Teach them through your actions that the world validates their worth and assist them on a path toward a purpose that will give them HOPE and Faith on their Hero's/Heroines's Journey.

I'm sure if you thought about it, you could come up with your own list of things that perfectly fit your own sensibilities of supreme service.  And I hope that starting today, you do just that.  I know we are all busy, and that time is a precious commodity.  But if your intentions are pure, the Universe will create time where there was previous only chaos.  As we New Age Nerds are aware, time is just an illusion.  But the need for our collective consciousness to create long lasting change is NOT!

As Marianne Williamson says, “ A miracle is a shift from fear to LOVE.”  And the fastest and most indelible way to create a Miracle is through the action of LOVE!!!

And share this information (heck share this post with as many people as you know) with others. So we can start a love chain reaction that grows our collective heart songs to unheard levels.  A spiritual American Idol of nothing but LOVE songs!!  And let your soul unfold back into the pureness and delicate nature of LOVE.  That is the answer we are waiting for and the only real call to action that can cause us to eradicate the tipping point that this planet and all the souls on it currently reside in..........



Jeffrey Louis Martinez