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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Even SUPERHEROES Need To ASK For Help...!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”


I started my career working in the local TV news industry.  While this was MANY moons ago, the same principle tenet still applies.  That being ‘if it bleeds it leads’.  After a while, you become somewhat numb to the daily deluge of death, destruction, and general mayhem that constantly bombards the satelitte feeds that you are in charge of managing for nighty content.   And one would be horrified if they saw the downloaded feeds that were WAY too horrifying to even go near the nightly airwaves!  Not that I am advocating being ignorant to the happenings of the world we live in, especially in our own community, I just tend to gravitate toward the stories where people are making a positive difference, or influencing the community in which they reside.  

Last week, such a story caught my attention on the local 6'clock news.  I was actually deep in the middle of a writing assignment, when my subconscious was shaken back to the present when I heard a local newscaster mention something about a missing firefighter.  My eyes left the glare of the computer screen to look upon the image projected on the large TV screen in our living room.  My jaw dropped the second my brain processed the ethereal beauty that appeared in high definition before my very eyes.  Tall, blond, with a smile that was meant to offer solace through others sufferings, she was absolutely radiant.  I actually had to rewind the segment to digest the story behind this beauty.  She was a 31 year old local firefighter in Virginia who had been missing for two weeks.  My heart sank as I am fully aware of the statistics of persons who go missing for that period of time.  I prayed for her and her family that evening.  That they would receive some closure to her whereabouts, and soon.

The next morning, it was reported that her body was found, nearly a mile from her abandoned car, as an apparent suicide.  Tears streamed down my face as I heard the known information surrounding this horrendous tragedy.  Apparently, she had been badly bullied, much of it from the cyber sphere.  She called in sick to work one day and was never seen again until her body was found weeks later.  

I sat for about an hour, thinking about the potential life of this woman who had dedicated her life to one of ultimate service.  And the family she left behind, offering them LOVE and LIGHT with my deepest prayers.  May her SOUL know the eternal Joy and ONENESS of an eternal PEACE that this world did not obviously provide.  

Later that night on the same station that originally broke the news of her passing, they hosted a 15 minute special segment on Mental Health.  This is in no way an indictment of this young lady's state of mental well being.  Regardless of the triggers, the tragic fact was that she took her own life.  And the statistics behind suicide in this country are absolutely staggering.  Did you know that suicide is the 7th leading cause of death in the US.   AND, of the top ten leading causes, it is THE ONLY ONE that is rising.  According to this segment, it rose over 24% in the last decade.  STAGGERING!  

Mental health has had a taboo like stigma attached to it for decades, and although its judgement has lessened over time, there is STILL way too much shame, fear, and alienation that needs our collective consciousness to awaken to allow those suffering to ask for and receive the help they need and DESERVE.  It's interesting that our society is typically accepting of a myriad of physical ailments that befall most of us at one time or another.  Cancer, diabetes, liver disease, heart problems, or in my case Crohn's disease being viable examples.  We blink not an eye when we hear of others suffering from these various maladies.   YET, too many of us still treat those with issues from chemicals in our brain as a modern day leper colony.  AND IT HAS GOT TO STOP!  

And I do know that of what I speak!  I have suffered from depression during my life and on two occasions it has become nearly debilitating.  And I am being VULNERABLE enough to share this fact with my fellow New Age Nerds because I hope that it inspires you to ask for help if you ever  find yourself in a position of feeling incredibly BLUE, hopeless, filled with unbearable anxiety, or just plain not feeling like life is worth living anymore.  In fact, it's the people who shared with me their COURAGE to ask for help with their mental pain that will always stand as my greatest and most inspirational HEROES.   Before hearing their stories, I always felt ashamed to admit to anyone that I was suffering from a form of mental malady.  Especially since I have been on a 20 year journey of self realization and many of my friends and family looked to me for sage advice and ‘magical’ musings to help calm their own stormy days and nights.  Often, I felt like a fraud, as if my own battles with something I had ABSOLUTELY NO control over, made my sincere LOVE, care, and suggestive advice seem hypocritical in some way.  But ya know what?  The EXACT opposite has actually occurred.  The more I have shared with others my pain, wounds, weaknesses, and sufferings, the more respect, admiration, and INSPIRATION has been born!!  I am not saying it's always been easy, but I can say IT HAS BEEN WORTH IT!  

To further prove my point do you know what ONE of the five characteristics of being a HERO actually is?!?  Being WOUNDED.......Mythic scribe Antonio Del Drago says, “Every Hero has a wound.  Like their villainous counterparts, all heroes are scarred in some significant way, either physically or emotionally."  Perhaps the greatest way for us to truly complete our Hero's/Heroine's Journey is to face that wound, overcome it, and then share how we did it with others who are suffering in a similar manner!    Whaddya think?!?!  

So anybody who is reading this, and feels like they need help with their mental and emotional pain, please know that by having the COURAGE to reach out and ask for help, you will become a HERO to yourself and so many others who value you and all you have to offer the world.   Please don't make a permanent decision on a situation that is temporary.   YOU are truly ONE IN A MILLION.....     You are here because the world needs you......    So please DO NOT be afraid to ask for help if you feel you are in a desperate situation and your own well being is at risk.  You will be surprised how many people will be willing to shower you with unadorned support.......        



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, October 28, 2019

How To ADD 10 Years To Your LIFE...!!

Whenever a particular topic or issue continues to show up in my life through the variant magical manners in which the Universe communicates with us, it often becomes the basis for one of my new posts.  And the last few weeks, Spirit has doused me with an overabundance of silent whispers regarding an issue that like so many others is often overlooked and or simply ignored.  Unfortunately, our current level of global consciousness is still at a level that...... could greatly benefit from a good kick in the tush of TRUTH!!  Not because we are LESS THAN in any way, because I know my Tribe is well aware that that is simply not the case.  But the illusionary pull of our current existence tends to sway toward EGOIC habits and patterns that simply DO NOT serve us any longer if we are to continue to use them to avoid the real 'TOUGH STUFF' facing a planet full of a population of almost 8 Billion strong!!

As I consider myself to be both a STUDENT and a TEACHER, like a spiritual special ops on steroids, I am constantly searching, reading, and exploring the greatest messages this planet's minds currently have to offer!  After over 20 years of self actualization work, I have a wonderful BS detector that protects me from the various charlatans who appear from time to time, simply to prey on those who are in desperate need of a quick fix to their life's hardships.  Fool me once, shame on you!  Fool me twice, shame on ME!!  Or at least that is what my therapist tells me.....    ;0)

Hopefully, over the past two and a half years of posting,  I have built up enough trust that I no longer need to profess my personal passions when it concerns the LIGHT that I feel should be shone upon a situation that is becoming an epidemic upon our common shores.  And one such issue that continues to be brought to my attention is the SINGLE GREATEST PROBLEM  facing our planet.  I'm sure many of you prescient New Age Nerds are thinking you are one step ahead of me.  Climate change, water and food droughts, over population; while they are certainly issues that need to be addressed and PRONTO, the global malady I am discussing in this post is....  LONELINESS ...!!!!  For according to many of this world's leading doctors, researchers, and scientists, LONELINESS will be the leading cause of new health issues, not to mention a level of spiritual, mental and physical pain and suffering unlike anything our planet has ever seen!!  HAVE I GOT YOUR ATTENTION NOW?!??!  ;0)   Stupendous!!

One of my favorite spiritual teachers is Dr. Lissa Rankin.  I have been following her blogs, books, and TEDX speeches for nearly a decade.  She is truly a Goodness Goddess and has a special message that usually completely captivates those who encounter her precious prose!  Amongst her many crusades, LONELINESS continues to be a topic she uses her hard fought platform to confront with the ferocity of a true Wounded Healer.  

"Loneliness predisposes us, not just to disconnection, depression, anxiety, and addiction, but also to chronic disease and early death. We are tribal beings... and when we feel lonely, our nervous systems sense a threat and activate a stress response that increases the likelihood of illness. When we come together in authentic, loving "soul tribe" community, our nervous systems relax and we connect to the life force — activating the body's self-healing mechanisms and allowing us to heal, body, mind, and soul."

Lissa Rankin, MD

In fact,  do you know what the top 2 determining factors of a life of longevity have proven to be by most of the top doctors and health professionals around the globe.  Alcohol and smoking....NOPE!

Lack of good health care...GOOD GUESS!  Regular exercise and eating healthy...   Sorry..Try Again!   

The answer is having both a strong love/life partner, and a social community that you engage with on a regular basis!!!  Those two factors can lengthen your life a good 10 years longer than ANYTHING ELSE ON EARTH!!  Mind Blown...   Gotcha!  But isn't something to truly ponder about your own social circle... ?!??

In one of Miss Rankin's blog posts, she further fleshes out the rationale for the importance of living a life of CONNECTION!!

The Effects of Loneliness On The Body

What his researchers found is that the tight knit community living in multi-generational homes and enjoying communal dinners and frequent festivities provided solace from the loneliness so many people feel. The love and support of others in the close knit community alleviated the stress and overwhelm many lonely people feel. Researchers posit that the stress lonely people feel, which increases cortisol levels and activates the sympathetic nervous system, raising heart rate, elevating blood pressure, incapacitating the immune system, and increasing the risk of heart disease, is responsible for much of the illness lonely people experience.
Because the people of Roseto never felt alone, they rarely died of heart disease – most died of “old age”- even though they smoked, ate poorly, and drank.  As it turns out, alleviation of loneliness is preventative medicine, and the scientific data suggests that loneliness is a stronger risk factor for illness than smoking or failure to exercise.

So after processing the information presented in today's post, I am really curious!  In what ways do you feel it might benefit you to become less entangled in the web of life's way of tempting us to KEEP BUSY, and look for more ways to SOULFULLY connect with the world around us?!?  
Because I see a truly symbiotic relationship with healing the WORLD through healing the myriad of intimate ways in which we are currently connecting with and through it..........  Make sense...?!?

What would it look like to have Boys, Girl's and or Nerd's nights off from engaging with ANY technology?!?  And instead use the time to call, or even better, make plans to actually have face to face engagements with our TRIBE of true friends and family members!!  Call me old fashioned, but some of my favorite memories were the times when me and my old gang of geeky buddies would get together on a Saturday night and play board games until the sun came up!  OK, that's how I used to roll...LOL   But I'm more than willing to bet that many of you reading this have similar special memories!!

And if you are currently feeling yourself in a state of unbearable LONELINESS  is there anyone that you would feel comfortable reaching out to?!?  You may be surprised by how many others have felt the very same thing you are currently suffering through!  And even more importantly, are much more compassionate than you may be giving them credit for and would be MORE than happy to simply sit and share more than a smidgeon of their time with you!!  

After all, your very LIFE'S  longevity may depend on your willingness to become more connected to the world around you....   And even more importantly, PLEASE do not forget the gifts of understanding, strength, and wisdom that you still have within you to share with those who have yet to HEAR YOUR STORY!!!



Jeffery Louis Martinez

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Are You Simply DRIFTING Through Life...? Here's How to STOP!!



Over 70 years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote a book called “Outwitting the Devil”, yet it wasn't actually published until quite recently.  At the time of its crafting, he had already made quite a name for himself in the business world, especially from the success of his seminal tomb “Think and Grow Rich.” (If you have not read it, I suggest typing in Amazon.com in your web browser as soon as you are done reading this post!)  So why exactly did this particular vision from his inner mind lay hidden from public consumption for decades?!?  After all, Hill was the author of numerous books that transformed the cultural zeitgeist of a society that had been been fiscally stripped and spiritually annihilated by the horrors of the Great Depression.  He had made it is life's purpose to take on the near Herculean task of setting aside over 25 years of his life to uncover the underpinnings of life success and what nuances existed that separates those of us who merely survive from those of us who actually eat PASSION FLAKES for breakfast and thrive the rest of each and every day of their brief time here on the planet, fulfilling their Hero's/Heroine's journey along the way. He went so far as to partner with the iconoclast Dale Carnegie who assisted him as a mentor on this mission of a Lord of the Rings worthy proportion!  Frodo who?!?  :0)

If you undertake this job, you should interview not only the few who have succeeded, but the many who have failed. You should carefully analyze many thousands of people who have been classified as failures, and I mean by the term failures, men who come to the closing chapters of their lives disappointed because they DID NOT achieve the goal for which they had set aside their hearts toward achieving.   As it is inconsistent as it may seem, you will learn more about how to succeed from the failures as you will from the so-called successes.  They will teach you what NOT to do.  Among toward the end of your labor, if you carry it through successfully, you will make a discovery which may be a great surprise to you. You will find that the cause of success is not separate and apart from the man/woman.  That is is a force so intangible in nature that the majority of men never recognize it. ; a force which may be called ‘the other SELF.’  Noteworthy is the fact that this OTHER SELF seldom exerts its influence or makes itself known excepting at times of immediate emergency, when men are forced, through adversity and temporary defeat, to change their habits and THINK their way out of temporary defeat."

~~ Dale Carnegie  (OUTWITTING THE DEVIL)

In fact, this New Age Nerd credits a portion of his found commitment to life purpose on the profound Re-membrance that was gifted through Hill's luminous prose that contains a radical template for the law of attraction that FAR pre-dates this generation's proclamation that “The Secret” is the cure to our feelings of lack of abundance, inadequacy, and disconnection from our authentic SOURCE.   The only real secret he could find for manifesting extraordinary success in one's lifetime came from finding and following your purpose and desire for being here, and doggedly pursuing it with a concrete plan that is backed by daily ACTION STEPS.  Basically, know where you are going, and bust your butt with no complaining or explaining to get there!  Funny that the real ‘secret’ to, well, ‘The Secret’ is that THERE IS NO SECRET!  Perhaps Sean Connery summed it up best in “The Untouchables” with his wicked quip to Kevin Costner's lawman tasked with capturing Chicago's shiftiest crime lord, “Yes, but what are you PREPARED TO DO to get Capone!”  That line can be applied to all of our goals and desired manifestations.  Because you will most often find that those that simply DO, practice the ART OF ACTION.  As my my pop used to implore to his students, in life there are only two distinct camps.  You are either ‘working hard’ or ‘HARDLY WORKING.’  Nuff said! 

Conspiracy theories aside, I believe the reason the Napoleon Hill estate was reluctant to release the contents within “Outwitting the Devil” is due to its narrative premise.  For it is written from the understanding that Hill had an actual dialogue with SATAN himself.  A sit-down for the ages to say the least!  And what exactly would one even dare to wear for such an occasion!  LOL  Even in our contemporary exploitive and sensationalistic media landscape, the announcement of such a journalistic coup would cause quite a furor of frantic frenzy.  So can you you even attempt to ponder the marketing of such a seemingly preposterous declaration back in the days before Marty McFly innocently donned his Calvin Kleins before their time?!?  Although, ironically enough, it does feel like we are having continued dialogue with the DEVIL himself with each and every Donald Trump media debacle!  Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...  ;0)

So while reading the book, I took a page out of the Michael Beckwith (The founder of Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles) self actualization playbook, and substituted the ideation of the Devil, into THE EGO.  During many of his fiery Sunday  soliloquies, he would often refer to the Devil as being No Thing less than our own EGO, and it's attempt to keep us feeling separate from our authentic selves.(More on this masterful application in a future post!)

And just as in my beloved “Conversation with God” series, I implore my fellow truth seekers to try and set aside their contemplations on where the information is coming from, and instead intently focus on WHAT in the narrative actually RESONATES with their intuitive feelings.  CAPICHE?!?!

What did I find from this Devil's philosophical musings and declarations from the ‘Dark Side of the Force’.  While nothing revelatory in nature, it can be summed up within the context of one potentially destructive paradigm:  DRIFTING!  Napoleon Hill fastidiously used a simple, yet nearly flawless indicator of a person's current probability of achieving stupendous life happiness and success.  Before beginning work with a new group of corporate students, he would line them up and one by one, ask them just two basic questions.  The first being “What is your life purpose?”, and the second being “What is your plan for achieving it?”  After working with tens of thousands of well intended, highly educated individuals, he found that LESS than 10 percent could answer the questions he posed to them.  Many of them staying in jobs they detest, and in relationships that have long passed their intended expiration date!  And this, my fellow New Age Nerds, is the epitome of DRIFTING!

The Devil (EGO) said that this pattern of living energy is his greatest ally toward keeping people from a life filled with soulful expansion, peaceful platitude, and the ability to complete their Hero's/Heroine's Journey.  I can tell you from first hand experience that DRIFTING can become a horrible hindrance to any semblance of lasting happiness.  It's like ‘punching in and punching out’ of the time clock in life.  Living a surface existence instead of a deep, authentic, mindful co-creative process with life.  And it can touch upon and eventually erode what I call the PILLARS of LIFE.  Similar to the load baring posts that hold up any structural foundation, these pillars consist of personal support structures of our existence.  Relationships, jobs, health, fiscal abundance, spiritual practice; these are all the pillars that inform and maintain our sense of well being. 

When we drift in one or all of these areas, we are aimlessly sleepwalking through the precious moments of our days.  In the book, the Devil(EGO) specifically says, “A drifter is one who permits himself to be influenced and controlled by circumstances beyond his control.  He would rather have me occupy his mind and do his thinking rather than go to the trouble of thinking himself.   A drifter is one who accepts whatever life throws his way without putting up a protest.  He doesn't know what he wants from life and spends all of his time getting just that.  A drifter has lots of opinions, but none are his own......   I would advise him to WAKE UP AND GIVE.  Give some form of service to as many people as possible.  He must learn to give before he gets.”

So what can be done if you have found yourself in an habitual pattern of aimlessly DRIFTING through life?  I invite you to contemplate incorporating the following suggestions that can support you away from your EGO and it's treacherous temptations to keep you in a zombie like state of disillusionment, and bring back that ‘authentic swing’ that brings back the PASSIONJOY, and ZEST that makes life such a MIRACULOUS and Majestic experience!! 

1.  Decide what you want from life and what your God given talents might be.  The things that make time seem to FLY while you are participating in them is a great guidance system toward what those talents and passions truly are!

2. Create a plan for how to go about attaining your goal/purpose/mission.  Hiring a life coach is a wonderful way to start building a support team to assist you in this Journey in a compassionate, loving, and even fun manner!

3.  Analyze your past and present defeats or seeming failures.  (They are really not failures, just ways you now know something does NOT serve you.)  Again The New Age Nerd's definition of sin is to SUFFER without meaning.  Allow yourself to truly FEEL your feelings about the state of affairs in your life and ask Spirit for the guidance to help you understand the seed of equivalence in the form of an opportunity that is waiting to be discovered. 

4.  Become hyper aware of your daily habits and actions.  How much time are you spending surfing the internet, daydreaming, writing scripts in your minds for movies that will NEVER get made.  Anything that is actually keeping you away from tangible action steps toward your purpose. 

5.  Understand that FEAR is simply FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.  It is the EGO's way of keeping you small, and is the biggest ally to the nasty nature of DRIFTING

You are a SuperheroNOT a victim. You came here to "Happen to life!" Not to have life "Happen to you!" There is absolutely no thing to fear! I have a question to ask all of you New Age Nerds. Who is your best friend? I'll give you some time to think about it while I go re-watch Dr. Strange for the 26th time. lol

Ok, WOWSA, still as good as the very first time I watched it! So, what's your answer; Irene, Danny, Brooke, Michelle?! NOPE! Your best friend is a guy named FRANKIE! Frankie Fear! That's right. Frankie Fear. Now Frankie is always by your side. He NEVER leaves you. He is one loyal SOB. Yes, sometimes he can be a complete pain in your rumpus! But, he shows you all the places within you that still need to be cultivated and improved upon. He keeps you alert and on your transcendent toes. He is definitely a "backseat driver" too! Always telling ya' which turn to take. Because he KNOWS something really Gi-normous!  He KNOWS all the experiences, all the places and people you need to face in order to transform the space of being a victim to your life circumstances. Listen to Frankie and he will show you the Yellow Brick Road to your own salvation!  From victim to being VICTORIOUSLY HEROIC

And he is actually "the best" at taking directions. His bark is definitely much worse than his bite! Trust me! So don't be afraid to remind him that you're the boss. He'll invariable try and take the wheel if you let him. That's just how he rolls. Frankie is all crusty outer shell, but filled with an ooey gooey center of love filled intentions! Frankie's job is not to scare you. NO! It's to guide you to the precise experiences that will offer you the constructive FEEDBACK you require to learn, grow, and expand into your Super Heroic Higher Self! Re-member, FAILURE IS AN ILLUSION. It does not exist! Period. Take 1,006 and scene! lol How can The One God Mind fail at anything. Preposterous to even entertain the thought. So, I highly suggest you stop thinking about it right now! Just sayin'. :0)

For more information on my 1 on 1 Signature Coaching Programs
please email me: jeffmartinez@thesuperheroscoach.com
And if all else fails, seek out your SEARCH and RESCUE TEAM.  Let them shower you with the Love and respect you deserve.  And don't be afraid to ASK FOR HELP.  Sometimes just breaking up our larger purpose into bite size chunks can help maintain the courage to step forward and simply BEGIN!  And a warm, trusting support team can be your own ‘Gateway to Narnia’ that initiates the start of a great big JUICY exciting chapter in your amazing new life!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

For more information on my 1 on 1 Signature Coaching Programs

please email me: jeffmartinez@thesuperheroscoach.com

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Become the SUPERHERO You Were Always Meant To BE...!!


Colossus:  Four or five moments - that's all it takes to become a hero. Everyone thinks it's a full-time job. Wake up a hero. Brush your teeth a hero. Go to work a hero. Not true. Over a lifetime there are only four or five moments that really matter. Moments when you're offered a choice to make a sacrifice, conquer a flaw, save a friend - spare an enemy. In these moments everything else falls away...

We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.......

Joseph Campbell

I know I have shared my understanding of the great Joseph Campbell's life work and his paradigm of The Hero's Journey as a core tenet of this blog the past three years.  And there is a deep reason for this Re-minder, for his teachings share the truth that WE ARE ALL HEROES!!  Our personal stories share the same tenets of transformation of the mythological figures that have inspired the world for eons,  such as Frodo from LORD OF THE RINGS, Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz, to the travels of Luke Skywalker as he left the comfortable combines of his home planet of Tatoine to destroy the Galactic Empire in Star Wars!  

And I could mention at least a  hundred more examples of The Hero's Journey with the exact same patterns of the arduous paths of trails and tribulations that ignite the spiritual transformation that is at the HEART of our individual Journey's toward self actualization!   

Starting off with the very basics, every HERO possesses a set of SUPERPOWERS or SUPER TALENTS if you prefer, bestown upon them and laced with Inspiration, Compassion, Kindness, Understanding, Non Judgement, and Unconditional LOVE for ALL!!   But that is just the Beginning.  In fact, Declaring One's Superpowers is a vital step in the Hero's  Journey.   Yours may include a wicked sense of Humor, the power to wield captivating stories, extreme emotional Intelligence, being a good listener, or having a creative prowess in a myriad of arenas!! 

 The Hero/Heroine's are the courageous souls who hear the soulful whispers from the UNIVERSE and have the understanding that by answering this Call To Adventure, they must begin the process of stepping out of their "ordinary world",  filled with security and familiarity and commit to following their unique Journey which contains the condiments of their life's CALLING!!  Yet by answering this call they know not what they may face on the Path that lies before them. As Will Craig writes in his book 'Living The Hero's Journey', "The leap of faith is where most people chicken out on the Hero's Journey.  The leap requires resolute courage and lands those who attempt it squarely outside their comfort zone.  Resistance to change runs high.  Refusing the call is easy.  That is, it was easy until you became aware.  The awareness stage of the journey has a way of shedding light on the immutable truth.  You come to a point in your inner life where what you thought was of prime importance (your looks, your career, your possessions) somehow slip down the rankings.  Letting it go means losing a significant part of your identity.  Keeping it stunts your growth. Life might be better. Or not. Finding out requires a LEAP OF FAITH."  

Once you awaken from your slumber, there is absolutely NO going back!   The lure of your Soul calling you to transform into the Greatest Version of yourself is just to enticing to ignore any longer!  Embarking on your Hero's Journey is no longer fraught with the same sense of Fear.   As soon as you take the first step forward into the unknown,  you are instantly introduced to your Inner Hero.  And your prior state of stagnation and despondence becomes transformed into feelings of vitality and the Knowingness that your life is infinite with a potent potential; even disruptive in nature.  You realize you have the ability to Change the World!!  A thrilling prospect that trumps the security and comfort of a life once lived in quiet desperation!  And as Helen Keller said, "Life is either a grand adventure or nothing at all."   And now you are signed up for the Adventure of a Lifetime! In fact, the very idea of returning to your old way of living, literally 'punching in and out' day in and day out seems absolutely HORRIFYING!!    For you are now on a Journey of Spiritual Transformation that will make you more powerful than you could have ever Imagined.......  And right NOW this World is desperately awaiting for all of us to BECOME THE HEROES WE WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO BE!!!  Wouldn't you agree?!?  

Much too often these very CONSCIOUS Souls make a commitment to be of Loving Service to the World and are confronted with a myriad of confrontations in the forms of torture, spite, loathing, betrayal, and soul breaking rebuttal of their teachings.  But they have the internal fortitude to go through pure HELL and bend , but NEVER BREAK!  Think about Nelson Mendela, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa, not to mention the disciples of Jesus The Christ.  Most of whom were all met with hatred, fear and pain beyond most of our comprehension because of their beliefs that tempted to disrupt the zeitgeist of a world that wished to stay in a vibration of control and hatred.   Yet through Faith alone they refused to allow their life's calling to be compromised.  And in doing so left a template for all the Hero's yet to arrive.  

My point is that most Hero's are the authentic and brave souls who are willing to be broken into pieces so that they have the opportunity to use their connection to SOURCE energy to learn how to be brought BACK TO THE LIGHT! And by doing so, they are able to bring back the understanding to assist others who are still stuck in their own DARKNESS!  For that is the true Circle of Life!  True Hero's know that very often it takes small whispers of kindness and compassion to make a real difference in the world in which they reside.  And that these tiny gestures of good will are what keep the world's darkness at bay.  Yet they are also cunningly aware and willing to offer the ultimate sacrifices if need be to make sure that those who are unable to protect themselves from ill will have protectors in their greatest times of need.  And in doing so help show the world a greater path.  One that embodies a goodwill that serves all of humanity with the LOVE that it needs and deserves now more than ever!  

Please understand me that their derring do's are NEVER in vain!  Quite the opposite in fact!  For those special Soul's who have the Courage to go down their individual path's are met with Miracles and Magic!  A communal conciousness that creates the Greatest Version of The Greatest Version ever held of themselves.  In return for their heroic actions, they are given gifts, such as new found wisdom, the ability to teach others how to heal themselves, or the ability to spread a form of Inspiration that galvanizes their Tribe!  And they freely share these gifts with the Collective Whole!  

Becoming the Hero of your own story involves letting go of any victim mentality!  Heroes understand that No Thing is ever wasted.  Everything that occurs on their daily path, no matter how painful, can eventually be used on their own Journey and actually is a precious gift.  And if you think that I do not know that of which I speak, PLEASE think again.

I have been through the abandonment of my own father(I never met him), five major surgeries from severe Crohn's disease (including wearing a colostomy bag), sexual and physical abuse, ankylosing spondylitis(the most serious form of arthritis), triple hernia surgery,  as well as debilitating depression. And ya know what my fellow New Age Nerds, I am in full GRATITUDE for every single one of those experiences.   For they carved within me the ability to be a Wounded Healer and Spiritual teacher!  And many Heroes share a similar path leading them to their Calling.  As the saying goes, in order to Heal It, you must first Feel It!!   And I have been through the Buffet Line of Life and had a taste of its full bounty!   LOL  But therein lies my true POWER!  Turning our Wounds into Wisdom is one manner toward uncovering where your Calling resides.....  


According to the Gallup Health-ways Global Well Being Index, there are only 9% of the global population that feel they are thriving in their lives.  Just 9%!!!  My friends, the Hero's Journey is LIFE ITSELF!!! We all decided to manifest into the human condition as spiritual beings to Follow and Live our BLISS!!  I ardently believe that the current Collective Consciousness of this planet is withering.     We are Grand Creators given the opportunity to create Magic and Miracles. To expand and transform into our Higher Selves.  Yet so may of us have bought into the Illusion that we are separate from SOURCE/SPIRIT!  But we have a revolutionary Opportunity before us!  As the saying goes, it is always darkest right before the Dawn.  And the Dawn is upon us.  I Believe we are ready to ring in a new day by piling back the Veil to reveal our TRUE SELVES and honor our Earthly contract to UNLEASH OUR SUPERPOWERS to share with World!   

The Universe has absolutely No Boundaries.  And NEITHER DO WE!!  The clock is ticking away precious moments that you can never get back.  I urge you all in the New Age Nerd community to life a rapturous life!  It is way past time for us all to Awaken Our Inner Super Hero!!

You are more than you think you are. There are dimensions of your being and a potential for realization and consciousness that are not included in your concept of yourself. Your life is much deeper and broader than you conceive it to be here. What you are living is but a fractional inkling of what is really within you; what gives you life, breadth, and depth.

Joseph Campbell



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, October 19, 2019


One my own Super Hero Journey's toward self actualization first started coming off the heels of an 18 month recovery from SEVERE CROHN's disease.  I actually had the hospital priest tell my friends and family to say their good byes to me as I was oh so very close to passing away on more than one occasion.  Pretty serious stuff for a 27 year old to confront.  I have fleshed out that Journey in the very beginning posts of THE NEW AGE NERD BLOG, for those who care to learn more about that ordeal and how it shaped me and my life's CALLING!

When I was finally released from the hospital, there was no going back.  I simply could not live a 'surface' filled life any longer.  I mean, how in the hell could I.  I had just looked at my own mortality straight in the fucking eye and stared him down like the Wounded Warrior I later realized my trials and tribulations had transformed me into!  Because as I have stated time and time again, No Thing in life is ever wasted!!  Everything that you experience in this realm must be accepted as a precious gift.  And please do not think that I would immediately solicit that suggestion to someone who had just lost a loved one, or been the victim of a horrific tragedy such seems to be way to commonplace in our given times!  But after the process of accepting the pained suffering that has befallen them, take a close look at ALL the examples of people who have used their pain to fuel their passion and purpose!   Like a family I know in Austin , TX whose young son drowned in a local pool!  Absolutely as horrific and trying event as one can possibly perceive.  I prayed for them every day for a year.  But after they gave themselves the dignity of their own process, they started a foundation that educates parents on that friends and family members can incorporate a myriad of different types of precautionary examples to avoid such tragedies from happening to them.  And shifts in consciousness that turn 'pain into your passion and purpose' is perhaps the most INSPIRING way to shed a light on others who are still trying to find their way after experiencing a gut wrenching event and/or loss.............

So why am I starting today's post with all this seemingly disperate information.  Because life can be BRUTAL!  Even a spiritual teacher like myself cannot escape that truth!  That's why the self help industry is a MULTIBILLION dollar industry.  Because we are ALL trying to find a way to navigate this experience not denying our pain and missteps, but after learning from them, putting their BLESSONS(Lesson plus Blesson) into productive ways to make this life EVERYTHING it was always mean to be!  

Coming back to my first ignitions into this world of self realization, I Re-member thinking to myself, "Success must leave a trail, and I am going to dedicate myself to find out and follow that trail to see if it leads me to my own WIZARD OF OZ!! And ya know what, it has not only led me to him/her, it has assisted me in blowing past any form of limited belief or self sabotaging long term thoughts and actions that would deter me from fulfilling my own CALLING and MISSION that I was sent here to complete!!

And along my own 25 year Journey, I have had more than my own set of setbacks, heartbreaks, loss, pain, and suffering!  Because, hopefully you have come to understand that all of that is a necessary part of our own growth.   And without it, there is absolutely NO WAY we could complete our own individual CALLING!  I hope you are feeling me on this!!  Because in the some  3,500 pages I have written over the past four years, there is nothing I have ever written that is more aligned with Universal TRUTH than what I have just espoused!!  

So for those of you fellow NewAge Nerds who are still reading because you would like to know what the 5 Things All Super SUCCESSFUL people do, you are in luck, because here they are:

1:  All successful people understand the difference between wishful Thinking and using their Super Powers of putting their plans into ACTION!!  

Have you ever come across someone who is always espousing some deep rooted experience they so desperately desire to manifest into their life.  Yet year after year, nothing changes.  They still have these incredible sounding plans for making their dreams reality.  I know I have MANY people I know fall into this category.  And it can at times be rather gut wrenching to witness.  Because for a myriad of reasons, their dreams end up in the graveyard of misfit manifestations that will NEVER EVER come to fruition!  Action favors the BOLD and those who COMMIT to bringing their DREAMS into reality!   

2.  Successful people realize the importance of investing in themselves.  

They KNOW that investing time, energy, and money into their own growth will reward them ten fold!!  Unsuccessful people will come up with a hundred different excuses why investing in themselves is a bad bet!  Yet, eventually, they will only experience the exact opposite.  Because super successful people NEVER stop learning.  They never stop reading, taking classes, and surrounding themselves with others who can only enhance the skill sets they have already built!

3.  Successful people realize that there is no such thing as a free handout.  

They know that there is a fair payment that much be exchanged in this earthly realm with others in order to get what you desire.  

Instead, they: 1) understand that they have something important and valuable to offer in any situation, 2) are willing and happy to share something helpful in return for what they want, and 3) if they can't return the favor, they offer to pay it forward in meaningful ways to other individuals who are in need in the future. In short, they treat others exactly as they would hope to be treated. 
Successful people are respectful, resourceful, curious, competent, tenacious, and they figure out how to get the help they need without asking for handouts. That doesn’t mean they don’t seek assistance when and where they need it , or make use of the many free resources available to them (like Score.org, etc.). It means that they don’t expect something for nothing. They recognize their own value. They treat others equitably and fairly and know they deserve the same. 
Courtesy of Kathy Caprino....

4.  Successful individuals realize that there ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS MISTAKES!!!  

They refuse to live in victim consciousness and truly believe things happen FOR them rather than TO THEM!  BIG DIFFERENCE!!  They aren't afraid to play BIG and know that every misstep they make in life is their greatest teacher! In fact, they embrace their daily missteps because they know that without them, they are not growing.  And even more importantly, they know that it is through their missteps that they gain the exact gifts, talents and skill sets that are absolutely needed to complete their life's CALLING!  So everyday they make sure to FACE THEIR FEARS!!  Because they know without hesitation that everything they desire in this life IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THEIR GREATEST FEARS!!

5.  The super successful understand the power of having healthy boundaries.  

To quote another on of Kathy Caprino's lovely quotes, "Successful people know what matters most to them – their priorities, values, concerns, and their mission and purpose."  
They develop a skill set that allows them to discern between what thoughts, beliefs, and actions are in alignment with what their CALLING on Earth is and never sway from those vibrational offerings!!  Because they are consciously aware that their root Purpose is BEING OF SERVICE!!

I'm sure my beloved group of New Age Nerds have many more attributes that lend a Light to what makes the Super Successful, well, forces to be reckoned with!  
But I truly believe this is a wonderful start to add to your daily arsenal toward becoming someone who both INSPIRES and reaches the heights of leaving a LASTING LEGACY for all of us to share......

Jeffery Louis Martinez
For more information on coaching with me 1 on 1
please email :  jeffmartinez@thesuperheroscoach.com