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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, August 31, 2019

TIPS For Letting Go Of TOXIC People In Your LIFE..!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”

“Sometimes the ONLY way to move forward is to revisit the things from your past that are still holding you back. You have to deal with them head on.  No matter how scary they may be.  Because when you do, that's when you will realize you can go further than you ever imagined.”
~~Barry Allen AKA The Flash   (THE FLASH)

~~  Jordan Belfort  (THE WOLF OF WALL STREET)


For those of us on a path of SELF realization, who awake each morning and with great courage and strength, step forth into the daily process of committing to our life's PURPOSE, the villainous forces of unconsciousness we must confront can often be quite overwhelming.  And without some much needed self preservation techniques, the amalgam of such dastardly destructive energy can cloud our TRUTH, and steer us completely off course of our set GPS. (Grand Purpose from Spirit)

The number of recent conversations I have engaged with coaching peers and clients whose lives are being unnecessarily complicated and painfully damaged with TOXIC energy from a cacophony of individuals is off the charts.  And by TOXIC, I am referring to those Souls who vibrate at various caustic levels of jealousy, shame, judgement, and are in turn controlling, manipulative and disrespectful.   It is by far the biggest area for change and ‘renewed opportunity’ I am currently experiencing for those of us attempting to be greater Connoisseurs of Consciousness

And I have not been immune to this infectious epidemic that if left unchecked, often leads to depleted connection to your authentic self.  And can corrode the Re-membrance of the infinite Spiritual Source that is your true essence.  In fact, some familial fractures that occurred during my father's prolonged illness have resurfaced recently, and I will humbly admit, such external resentment, jealousy, and judgement has wrecked some Heavenly Havoc on this New Age Nerd's Confidence of Consciousness.  Isn't it absolutely AMAZING how much work it takes to climb a few steps up the ladder of spiritual awareness, and how quickly we can fall back down through the triggers of toxicity.

While I was studying Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica, our professors were fervent in their declaration that at a CORE spiritual level ‘nobody can DO anything to you.’ (They were referencing your emotional disposition)  If you become triggered by the way someone engages you, they are actually showing you an area in your own heart that still needs to be tended to; an area where LOVE, care, and compassion can be applied to assist in healing a prior wound.  The fact that you were painful triggered is proof positive that there is still work to do around that ‘issue.’  And to a certain extent, I think there is a great deal of value in REFRAMING certain painful engagements using this paradigm.  I am not saying we should budget money from our weekly paychecks for tidy ‘THANK YOU’ cards for these individuals and our engagements with them, but I have learned to be hyper vigilant when being emotionally triggered as a guidepost for my self actualization TO DO list!!

However, since us New Age Nerds practice GROUNDED SPIRITUALITY, one of our tenets is NOT to vibrate in states that are ABSOLUTE.  And so why I accept the understanding that others TOXICITY can often assist us in uncovering areas of growth that still need attention, I also believe that there are times when we must constructively engage this destructive energy and the individuals in our lives who deliver it.  ESPECIALLY for those of us who are teachers, healers, coaches, and artists.  Our greatest strength and gifts come imbued within our extreme sensitivity and we must be especially vigilant in our own well being and self preservation.  

So here are some TIPS for how to handle the TOXIC people in our lives, so that we can continue on our Hero's/Heroine's Journey with more peaceful grace:


Believe it or not, we actually teach people how we want to be treated with each and every interaction with them.  In fairness to them, until we compassionately communicate how their ‘antics’ affect our emotionally well being, they may have NO idea.  So the very FIRST time that someone behaves in a manner that makes you shrink, feel less than, or is hurtful in some way, it is so important to tell them how you feel.  I know, I know!  Easier said than done.  I get it!  But what is the more productive manner.  To have that potentially sticky and awkward conversation, or to say nothing and have to deal with these hurtful behaviors over and over again.  


We often allow certain toxic relationships in our life to continue because we have become conditioned that the dynamic of co-creation with them is commonplace.  The negative space created becomes our ‘NORM.’  This is why it is Gi-normously important to take stock of how we FEEL after spending time with the people in our life.  And I am NOT referring to ONE OFFS.  Life is messy and complex and we all have certain times where, well, shit just happens.   Having a couple of  experiences with someone where we feel emotionally drained or challenged afterwards is natural and organic part of human interaction. .  But, if you discern that most of the time, having a co-creation with someone results in you feeling unheard, less than, manipulated, or just plain tired, it may be time to do something about it.


After taking inventory of the people in our life, we are often left with a SELF empowering decision.  Are there some people who you have compassionately and with great understanding decided should not continue to be in your life.  NOT because we are placing judgement of ANY kind upon them.  But rather because the cumulative affect they are having on our emotional well being is just too TOXIC.  Perhaps they don't hold you in the same reverential light that you hold yourself.  Or they are trying to keep you playing small, so they don't feel as bad about not playing LARGE themselves.  

What would it look like to start loving them ‘from the other side of the room?’  Did you notice I said LOVE them from the other side of the room?!?  That's the secret sauce in this action of self LOVE.

You are not banishing them to the Phantom Zone.  And you are still holding them in a complete space of reverence and care.  You have just decided that having their direct energy in your life is not serving you anymore.  Hopefully, this KNOWINGNESS will help remove any sense of guilt you may have by your decision.  

Loss can be a scary not to mention lonely place to be.  There will be a time when you have left your place among the crows to fly with the eagles.  And during that flight, there will be times in which you can see nothing but the clouds.  Please DO NOT give up faith during this critical time.  Lean on whatever support system you may have.  It can become quite natural to want to turn back and go back to what is familiar.  DO NOT DO THAT!  The Universe abhors a vacuum and it is part of its natural law to eventually flood your existence to FILL IN the space that you created by letting go of the unhealthy people in your life......



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Do you have any idea how uniquely magnificent YOU TRULY ARE...?
How much this World currently DESIRES the Super Powers bestowed upon only you..?
The lives that will NEVER be the same, simply because they were touched by your LOVE....?

As GOD created this magnificent Matrix of Energetic Bliss, he went to the edge of Heaven, sliced a tiny piece off and then He gently blew.  And that precious piece,  so softly fell from its adorned place, and as it reached Earth, it transformed ever so perfectly as the Miracle that is YOU!!

Time for all of us to Re-member we share the same PURPOSE! To LOVE one another as we would choose to LOVE ourSELVES!! 

Oh what a World this can still BE!! IF we all shared our Super Powers unconditionally!!

Why is it we all strive for something we weren't meant to BE...
Slaving through work that has no real meaning ...
Yet day after day, we act like obedient slaves...
Hoping one day our slog will reveal our reason for Being.... 

So often the path seems so tough to navigate......

Not knowing if we are on our True Path....
But are we asking questions leading to our Fate..
Or are we afraid the answers will fill us with wrath....

Confusion sets in as the clock continues to move...

Time races by oh so fast in this illusion...
Yet we ignore its constant beating....
Afraid testing our mettle will cause us much confusion...

Depression, anxiety, and suffering for some ensues...

As we think of the many days now gone by...
New directions never taken, afraid we may always lose...
But the yearning deep inside causes our SOUL to cry....

Magnificent beings... we came here to shine...

To spread magic upon this world for all to see...
Yet we hide our wings and live life as if by crime..
Fearful of the opinions of others who judge us sans decree........

We see the world as a concert with no refrain....

But rather as Who we truly are deep within....
So unless we carve away our pain...
This experience will appear only as a whimsical sin...

Fractured relationships fill our lives....

When both sides seek only pure LOVE and affection ....
So why do we turn a compassionate eye...
And suffer needlessly,  rather than spread a loving confection

For our experience here is a fleeting cosmic ride....

A place to Re-member we are not living a Test...
And by gently offering the gifts that lie deep inside...
We can reclaim our birth right and give our mind a rest...

The truth of the matter is that we are all enough...

No need to BE something you are truly not..
For Spirit granted you to BE everything at once...
So be brave enough to give it all a proper shot....

For this illusion of separation DOES NOT exist...

You and I are but FOREVER ONE...
So let competition completely fall away...
Because just by coming we Both have already WON.....

Be never afraid to extend a loving, helping hand...

To your brothers and sisters in need..
Too many lives and an hourglass losing all its sand..
So many SOULS who lives we need to feed...

For this world is at a desperate peril...

One that cannot be ignored...
But there is ALWAYS enough time..
For each and every valley to be restored.....

So make a declaration to share your gifts of loving service...
For it's the smallest of gestures that keep the darkness at bay....
Throw away your self doubt, fear and any facet of being nervous...
Because our benevolent Universe will ALWAYS light your way...

written by Jeffrey Louis Martinez



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, August 19, 2019




A friend I met in Los Angles and now an UBER successful life coach named Christine Hassler has carved out quite a niche for herself as the ‘Expectation Hangover’ expert!  What is an expectation hangover you ask?!?   I thought you might!  LOL   Have you ever woken up in the morning, and once the dream webs from your current night's slumber start to release their hold from your consciousness, you feel a sudden anxious, almost dreadful feeling of the day to come?  And as you begin your daily routine of getting ready for work, your inner monologue bellows with thoughts something akin to :  “This is NOT the life I had envisioned for myself!”   THAT, my dear friends is an EXPECTATION HANGOVER!  For those of you called to do so, please check out Christine and her podcast (I highly suggest buying her books as well!)

What I would like to focus on today is the fact that no matter what your current life situation may look like, it is NEVER TOO LATE TO BECOME WHO YOU WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO BE!  We each signed a Universal contract upon declaring ourselves ready to enter this dense realm of pure illusion!  This contract was a promise written in the stars that we would use this Earthly experience to bring forth kindness, compassion, and joy through an eternal LOVE LIGHT that shines through our darkest nights!  And as far as our calling is concerned please Re-memeber these holy words:

Please be patient with me....

As my CALLING has been patient...

And your calling with each of you...

Always and in all ways...

Eternally obedient...

A contract written with remnant tears...
From the times they were first imagined then birthed...

Through JOY'S LOVE and Laughter...

They are pure INTUITION made your tangible guide...

Sealed with God's Knowing Nod...

And so it is.....

by Jeffrey Louis Martinez

To help further clarify the fact that many of our greatest Hero's and Heroine's have created their grandest earthly success during their ‘Golden Years’, how many of you know the story of the chicken king himself, Colonel Sanders?  At age 5 his father died. At age 16 he quit school. At age 17 he had already lost four jobs. At age 18 he got married. He joined the army and after a few short years knew that the military life wasn't meant for him and left. At age 20 his wife left him and took their baby. He became a cook in a small cafe and convinced his wife to return home. At age 65 he retired. And felt like an utter failure & decided to commit suicide. 

One desperate night he sat to write out his will; but instead, he envisioned what he would have liked to accomplish with his life and ruminated about his prowess as a cook.  Saved by a stroke of pure providence, he borrowed $87, fried up some chicken using his secret recipe, and went door to door selling his meaty delectable delights. And at age 88, Colonel Sanders, founder of the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Empire was a billionaire!! 

And one of my all-time personal Hero's, Abraham Lincoln, faced a similar life's Journey.  Many of his days were fraught with severe bouts of suicidal depression.  (We now understand he was Bipolar).  And this, mind you, was way before we had the mental health compassion and tools that we do now. (Although we still have a ways to go in the compassion department!)  At age 9 he lost his mother to a horrible illness called milk sickness.  He later lost his beloved sister during childbirth. Mostly self educated, Lincoln was often labeled as lazy and disillusioned because of his tendency to spend hours at a time scribbling thoughts and ideas in an old torn notebook.  

Lincoln was even tortured throughout his dating life. In fact, his first true love passed away at age 23 from typhoid fever, leaving him completely distraught. While he did eventually marry a woman named Mary Todd, two of their four children passed away before the age of ten!  Lincoln and his wife were both so soulfully crushed from cumulative losses, that they both entered a long period of severe clinical depression, from which Mary was at one point institutionalized for many, many years.  

Even Abraham Lincoln's political career was far from an easy path.  He actually left politics for a period of 12 years to pursue a law career. But Lincoln was finally persuaded by his fellow colleagues to re-enter the political fray and of course, as they say, ‘the rest is now grand history.’

I look at my own Hero's Journey as I am about to turn 50 in October and feel as though I am just now firmly stepping into my true Path!  And ya know what?!  I wouldn't have it any other way!!  I promise you that!  I needed to go through much of the suffering, pain, loss, trials and tribulations to access the abilities I use as a coach, spiritual teacher, blogger, and speaker!   

So while reading these words today, PLEASE do not be concerned with where you currently find yourself to be on your own Hero's/Heroine's Journey!  The SOUL has NO WRINKLES.....   And IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO BECOME WHO YOU WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO BE!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, August 17, 2019


From Buena Vista Pictures: MR. HOLLAND'S OPUS

Back in Portland, Oregon circa 1965, the trained and talented music composer, Glenn Holland, decides to temporarily forgo his own artistically merited dreams and aspirations.  All so he can spend more time with his wife and deaf son. He somewhat reluctantly decides to accept a music teaching position at John F. Kennedy High School. All the while, behind many Soulful Scenes, attempting to create a profound orchestrated musical "Opus" that would be left behind as his own lasting legacy.

During the next 30 years as a music instructor and teacher, he unexpectedly unearths his own life's true CALLING!  Not anything he could have ever pre-planned, but something even greater than the life he always longed for.

Now forced into early retirement due to artistic budget cuts, Mr. Holland enters the music auditorium he called home for 30 years, for the very last time. But what he receives on this day is overwhelming and overtly, emotionally stirring, brewing with the TRUTH behind each of our own life's Hero's Journey!

Gertrude Lang: (Mr. Holland's former student, now the Governor of Oregon, takes the stage full of Mr. Holland's former students)  Mr. Holland had a profound influence on my life and a lot of other lives I know. But I have a feeling that he considers a part of his own life misspent. Rumor had it he was always working on this symphony of his. And this was going to make him rich, famous, probably both. But Mr. Holland isn't rich, or famous, at least not outside of our little town. 

So it might be easy for him to think himself a failure. But he would be wrong, because I think he has achieved a success FAR beyond riches and fame. Look around you. There is not a life in this room that you have not touched, and each of us is a better person because of you.
We are your symphony, Mr. Holland. We are the melodies and the notes of your opus. 


Mr. Holland's Orchestral piece, never performed in public, has been tastefully placed upon over a hundred of his former student's musical stands from the past 30 years; who are now willing and ready to perform for their own SUPERHERO up on center stage! Before they begin to play his own piece of orchestrated lifelong LOVE, they invite him up on stage to conduct his very own "Life's Opus!" for an adoring crowd.

All of life itSELF is a grand, orchestrated series of musical notes! Written in the stars by a GOD who never skips a beat! Each and every day, we are creating our own Lasting Legacy through the musicality of our thoughts, words, and deeds. That's precisely why every generation's imprint on the fabric of the Universal tapestry that eventually unfolds the TRUTH of the state of our collective consciousness is so priceless! Please Re-member that you can always hide one's true nature from yourSELF, but NEVER from the One God Mind herSELF! Try as you like, it's pure fodder for those Spirits who still believe spiritual fragmentation serves anyone still dazed and confused by the egoic illusion and allure of separation! 

And the more you ponder this Universal Law, the more your so called "Missteps,"  transform into the much needed back beats that although mostly unheralded, always become the relied upon benchmark that awakens you; actually enlightens you to the understanding that it's the most challenging of your own life's trials and tribulations that offers the greatest opportunity for "Soul Filled" growth! And as Mr. Holland discovered, we must often leave behind the life we planned for, so that we may live the grander life that has always been waiting for us! 

The greatest master's of spirituality have always taught that it is through life's greatest PAIN, that you have the most to GAIN! And everlasting soul filled prosperity can only be gained through the chambers of Collective Consciousness. The realm of eternity, that while never judges another's Journey,  also totes a time travelled wisdom that always offers a perfectly "orchestrated" understanding in course correction toward the Holy Grail of every Hero/Heroine's Journey!

That being the completion of our individual life's CALLING, combined with the re-membrance of the eternal growth and wisdom that always accompanies the core completion of our own " Musical Opus," to be everlastingly heard through the brightest of GOD's Universal Musical Playmakers amongst the stars! 

What would it look like to start living your life in a manner in which you truly believed that your every word, thought, and deed was actually a magnanimous NOTE of your own personal OPUS held in reverent care by the UNIVERSE?! In essence, the very "beats" and "realities" of your life were being created by both the conscious and unconscious choices you make during every moment in this illusion of time and space. Because, I come today as the bearer of great TRUTH! For that is EXACTLY how your own life has and will ALWAYS be played out! I'll give you a few minutes for some much needed deep thought into the understanding I "just dropped" on all my New Age Nerds!

First and foremost, please re-member that I stated your every word, thought, and deed was held in deep care and reverence by the YOU-niverse! Hopefully, that knowingness, in of itself, will help you all to relax from any fear based paradigms deeply planted and rooted in a state of FEAR and LACK.  Any default thought programs that have thwarted prior attempts meant to break you away from the ILLUSIONS of the Egoic Mind keeping you held in a vibration of being a VICTIM of all your prior life's circumstances. 

You are here for a specific reason. And you matter more than you could possibly imagine! And this Universe, in alignment with Albert Einstein's beliefs, is a place of utter compassion and forgiveness! 

Can I get a big 'ole "Hell Yes" from this congregation. Because I know, although I have diligently practiced UNIFICATION  in many of my life's potential choices, I have been FAR from perfect in all of my collective choices! Just sayin' and always praying'.   ;0) 

Luckily, I was a fortunate to have my very own "Mr. Holland" in my life.  My father Roger Lee Poston.

Some believe that angels are ordinary souls who come into your life to help you believe in MIRACLES once again.  If this sentiment bares any truth, than I met my first ANGEL when I was a young lad of just 4 years of age.   My birth father had abandoned our family while we were living out in California, leaving my mom with two small children, little use of her right arm from a horrendous car accident, and absolutely no money.  But as Napoleon Hill always said, “Within every adversity, every failure, and every heartache there lies within it a seed of an equal or greater opportunity.”

Opportunity comes in many forms.  And often NOT wrapped in the way we would have ever imagined them to be.  Such was the case with Roger Lee Poston!  I first met this slice of Heaven's Heartthrobs when my mom moved my sister and I from California to Washington DC shortly after my birth father left our tribe.  He was a young man of 25 and was friends with my mom's sister. They were both teachers just starting out on their career Journeys.  Although we were in many ways an unlikely dynamic duo, it was absolutely ‘Friends at First Sight.’  He was a good ole' country boy from the pan handle of Virginia; think “The Beverly Hillbillies” sans the ‘Beverly’ part.  He had thick, curly hair and despite his very best efforts, a dialect that was laced with the Southern twang garnered from growing up in a little town called Saltville, VA;  known as the ‘salt capital’ of the Confederacy during the Civil War.  His face was quite pale; in fact I always teased him that he had three colors: white, red, and redder!  LOL  Pop was short and stocky with forearms and calves that rivaled those of Popeye.  

His aesthetic contrasted greatly with mine.  I was super skinny with straight, jet black hair and olive skin.  Leaner than a "fritter on a fryin' pan."  I was also painfully shy and introverted. (hard for anyone who knows me now to contemplate)   Due to the harsh traumas from early childhood TRUST was an emotion that felt foreign to my sensibility.  I had been surrounded and raised by women until this extraordinary man appeared in my life.  Suddenly, I was being introduced into the world of ‘guy stuff’ on a daily basis.  From comic books and 7-11 slurpees, to movies and batting cages, putt-putt golf and Spiderman early morning cartoons.  The world suddenly exploded into a cacophony of glorious geekdom!  

And it wasn't just me;  as he showered my sister, mother, and the rest of the Lapham (my mom's maiden name) clan with the same sense of love and reverence.  So when my mom set my sister and I down to let us know he had asked her to marry him, for the first time in my young life, my heart felt a sense of PEACE, and security.  I finally felt......... SAFE!  

I still remember the very first time I was able to garner the courage to call him DAD.   He was getting ready for work, and I paced back and forth just outside his bedroom door.  Practicing all the while, the manner in which I was going to approach him about it.  I placed my ear up to the door and could hear him just about to emerge into our downstairs rec-room.  My palms were sweaty and my heart was literally pounding out from my chest.  Until, the door opened and as he walked out of the bedroom, I tentatively stepped in front of him and looked him square in the eye.   

I have a question for you,” I said in a hushed voice.  It took all the intestinal fortitude I could muster, my bottom lip quivering just a bit, before finally garnering the courage to ask “Is it OK if I call you Dad?

He stayed silent for a few precious moments which seemed like an eternity. He placed his right hand on my shoulder and said “Jeff, I have been waiting for you to ask me that for several years.  And there is nothing in this world that would make me happier!”  He then pulled me in for one of his well known "bear hugs" and then he started to cry.  Soon thereafter, tears started flowing from my own relieved core.

But it is what he said next, that has been permanently imprinted into my reverence and Re-membrance of him.  “Jeff, just promise me one thing,” he said.  “Although I will ALWAYS consider you to be my son, if the day comes where you choose to try and meet Danny (my birthfather) I will always support you.  He was part of the process that brought you to me, and for that I will always hold a space of GRATITUDE for Danny in my heart. And I will until the day I die.”  Now it's one thing to utter such good intentions, but my Dad did something I consider to be one of the most powerful testaments toward unconditional LOVE  I have EVER received. Despite many of the ugly acts that Danny brought about us in the years that followed, Dad NEVER once spoke even ONE word of judgement or ill-will towards him.   I knew it was out of respect and still ponder in a complete vibration of AWE whenever I think about this act of unfathomable reverence for a man who caused my family so much pain.   

I contribute SO MUCH of who I AM to this man of undeniable STRENGTH and authenticity.  He taught me what it means to live life as a Gentle Man.  Here is just a sampling of his teachings to me:

~~  Never be afraid of your emotions Jeff.  One of the greatest signs of inner strength and courage is to never be afraid to cry.  In fact, I think as a whole, we shed more tears at the movies to fill an olympic sized swimming pool!

~~Women are the greatest gift to this world.  And should be treated as such.  If I ever find out you have mistreated  a young lady, I will ‘kick you through the goalposts of life.’   If you want to find out what that looks like, test me!   lol

~~ Don't EVER let anyone confuse your kindness for weakness.  They are NOT the same thing.  Buyer beware!

Looking back, my Dad was the very first Superhero I ever met.  Not only did he work two, sometimes three jobs to put food on the table, but HE NEVER CALLED IN SICK IN 40 YEARS.  He considered his teaching occupation as "JOYOUS PLAYING!"  Not working.  I never ONCE heard him complain, even when I could see the toll of working 80 hour work weeks for over 30 years wearing him down to the bone.  He was a true warrior who lived a life that was completely personified by hard work and being of SERVICE always and in all ways.   

This may be hard to believe, but I never saw him buy ANYTHING for himself.  He was much more concerned with making sure his students had anything they needed. Always quick to think of others during any trip to the mall.  “Hell fire Jeff.  The only thing I truly need is the love of your mother, you and Sandy,” (my sister) was his super heroic catchphrase!   

Always a man of his word, he never let me down ONE time during our 40 year relationship.  And he didn't even need a "Batsignal."  His Spidey-sense was always set to surprise and service.  Back in 1997,  when I spent almost a year in the hospital battling Crohn's disease, he came for a visit EVERY SINGLE DAY.  All while working two jobs.  And I mean it;  Dad never skipped one day, always sneaking in a tasty treat, a comic book or one of my favorite films.  

So in 2013, when he was diagnosed with a rare and devastating form of cancer, I had no problem leaving my job and moving into my parent's basement to help with the massive amount of daily care he required.  Although he fought the dis-ease so valiantly, the cancer eventually spread to his brain.  And he passed away in December of that same year.  

I was fortunate enough to be alongside his bed while he passed away.  In fact, my mom, sister, aunt Rena, and my girlfriend at the time were all there holding vigil over him.  The manner in which he transitioned was as close to a MIRACLE as I have ever witnessed.  With only the use of one eye, he was truly able to connect to everyone there.  He lovingly gazed at each of us as we said our individual goodbyes.  But when he got to my side of the bed, his one eye intently glaring into mine without blinking, I felt .....  HEAVEN itself.  "Heaven on Earth!"  His soul was slowly leaving its body temple, while a precious piece remained so we could say goodbye.  While I leaned in close to him, thanking him for all the LOVE, support, and guidance he poured upon me, something magical happened.  I received a quick glimpse of a future period of NOW.  Without saying a word, he was communicating with me in a manner far more clear than using any type of vernacular.  The best way I can explain it is to think of a portal opening up.  It contained images of what my life was to become.  And the message was crystal clear.  It was time for me to start committing to my own PURPOSE and beginning the next stage of my Hero's Journey.  I felt a sense of peace and KNOWINGNESS in that moment of what I needed to do.  

Dad took three, slow, deep breathes, and then transitioned back into the LOVE of BLISS.  And although I was understandably sad, he had, in those final moments, given me the greatest gift of all! KNOWINGNESS.  It was time for me to use my pain and suffering to become a Wounded Healer.  And for once, I wasn't afraid to take that leap.  My dad showed me a glimpse of the support behind the ‘Curtain of Oz.’  Once taking the smallest sip from SOURCE energy that was available to me in my dad's final breathes, I just KNEW the complete shift I was being asked to take in my life!

I wish that my own Hero's Journey took a turn toward pain free redemption after those experiences. But the Universal Prose of Poetry doesn't always end with such perfect endings.  In fact, I have come to understand that new beginnings often start with the pain of ending old relationships and situations that no longer serve us. But through my own travels, I have learned that letting go of anything that no longer serves us, creates and cleans out the space for the Universe to fill in that hole with All Things that are for our highest good!

So today I ask you; if you now perceived your life as a collaboration with a compassionate Universe that kept the individual notes and "Best of Beats" towards creating your own "Optimum Opus," eventually to be shared with the Collective Whole, how might your thoughts, words, and deeds change?! Towards both yourSELF and all others?! Because, in all reality, that is exactly what we are all co-creating in every moment of NOW, as Mr. Holland was so gracefully taught! A multi-layered and magestic "Magnus Opus" for all ages!!



Jeffery Louis Martinez

Friday, August 16, 2019

Your DESTINY Cannot Be Completed Without YOU..!!

At times LIFE can seem arduous and unfair.  Challenging and incredibly painful.  There are even times when we feel like giving up on our dreams and the way we envisioned our life to BE!  Hell, some days just finding the strength to get out of bed seems like a miracle within itself.  So let me ask you a question?  WHY DO WE DO IT?!?!?  Why do we endure the emotionally, physical, and spiritual pain and continue to move forward in our daily lives?  Do you want to know my answer?  I hoped so!!  LOL

I fervently BELIEVE it all comes down to our DESTINY.  I have a KNOWINGNESS that when each and everyone one of us manifested into the human condition, we were imprinted with a special purpose that ONLY WE CAN ACCOMPLISH.   In our own special, indelible manner!  Thats why frequent readers of The New Age Nerd know I am a GI-normous proponent of The Hero's Journey.  I truly and enthusiastically know that we are all here to follow our TRUE PATH that like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz will lead us to our earthly salvation.  And I know that it is easy for me to sit here in my underwear (did I say that out loud?)and type these musings while there is real suffering out in the streets.  Hell, even in my own circle of friends and family.  I have several members of my TRIBE who are currently in the hospital suffering from a malady of illnesses.  God bless them!  

But our wounds and pain lead us to our power.  And then once we realize just how powerful we truly are we can use that power to fuel our PURPOSE.  That is what the Hero's Journey is all about.  And it isn't until we realize this fact that life takes on whole new meaning.  We no longer look at life as a daily slog through a job we can't stand and relationships that do not serve us.  We start to realize that NOTHING IN OUR LIFE HAS EVER BEEN WASTED!!  All the loss, strife, missteps, and suffering has been to help us Re-member who we are and then transform into the superpowers to assist us on our Hero's Journey!  Pretty rad stuff, huh?!?

One thing that comes up pretty frequently with my clients is the fear that things have passed them by. That they had their chance(or plenty of chances) and blew them all.  THOSE ARE NO THING LESS THAN LIMITED BELIEFS!  TRUST....  ;0)  The Universe is absolutely UNLIMITED in its abundance and life is not a carnival that gives out limited amount of tickets to use along the way.   NO!  In fact, it is quite the opposite.  We have our own personal printing machine that allows us as many chances as we need to finish our quest.  And I LOVE THAT!! Two for the ferris wheel please!  :0)

In fact, here is a little something you may choose to incorporate into your daily morning practice starting tomorrow morning.  As you awake, and slowly shake off the night's cobwebs of consciousness, try sitting up in bed.  Take a few deep breaths and inhale GRATITUDE for being alive.  And then offer a prayer of THANKS for having woke this particular morning.  Why you ask?!?  Because it is a miraculous sign.  It is a tap on the shoulder from your spirit guides that your purpose has not yet been fulfilled.  And the proof in that preverbal pudding is because you came back from your night's slumber.  Your destiny has not yet been completely tended to.  It is a sign written in the sun's bright light that YOU STILL HAVE MUCH TO DO!! And if THAT isn't enough to keep you moving through the individual challenges of your life, I don't know what can!!

And for those in your TRIBE who are having a particular challenging time right now, please help them Re-member the words you read today!  It may just give them enough HOPE to continue on their Hero's/Heroine's Journey and fulfill the wondrous DESTINY and PURPOSE they came here to accomplish!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


As my continued daily thoughts and prayers search out their ways back towards both the victims, friends and family members from this past weekend's shooting massacres, I wanted to shed some light on what I believe to be the core spiritual problematic issue at hand in our world. 

And before you decide to discontinue reading any further, please have the solace found in the knowingness that my discourse today has absolutely nothing to do with bipartisanship. For now, I will leave those talking points to the plethora of political pundits that fill our nightly TV screens.

Folks, the core issue that is causing the majority of hatred, pain, and suffering in our World is coming from the acceptance of the "Illusionary Veil of Separation." Collectively, we have truly forgotten Who We Truly Are and the individual CALLING that we came here to fulfill. Please read that last sentence OUT LOUD once again! Because, my fellow New Age Nerds, the forgetfulness that WE ARE ALL ONE is at the crux of the majority of our World's current dilemmas. Sounds overly simplistic, I know. Yet, I promise you, IT IS THE TRUTH

Like millions of other teachers, coaches, healers, priests, and pastors, I spend the majority of my time trying to assist others to re-member the basic tenets of grounded spirituality; free from barren promises or false truths. Perhaps the most crucial and impactful of which is always being of loving service to everyone!

Life on this planet has "sprung eternal" for thousands of years based on the one unifying truth that we are all ONE!! Unfortunately, this beautiful tenet has slowly eroded throughout each and every generation, until it is now, in the mind's eye of the planet's majority, no thing more than a story for the pages of our favorite fairy tales. Which causes such pain and sorrow within the constructs of my own SOUL. And I would gather I am by no means alone in this sentiment! 

Without getting overly esoteric, I would love to share, for the purpose of universal re-memberance, that we live on this planet which is composed from a matrix of pure energy. It was actually constructed by and for us!  So that we may bend time and space. All to experience the greatest heartfelt desires placed within our spiritual DNA. Pretty cool stuff, right?! 

So why was such a place formed for these type of experiences in the first place?! Fantastic and prudent question! Because each and every one of us ARE MADE FROM LOVING FRAGMENTS THAT COMPOSE THE UNIVERSE IN ALL ITS GREATEST CREATIVE FORCES!  The Universe is actually experiencing itSELF as and through us! 
Just as Simba learned in The Lion King, there is a 'Circle of Life' that we all share. And just as he pondered the true meaning of life, now is a crucial time for all of us to do the very same!

It's quite a profound question to tackle. And one that has caused more thoughtful pondering than any other since the dawn of existence.  I am not saying that I have the BE ALL answer that everyone has been searching for throughout the ages. But what this New Age Nerd DOES HAVE is an answer that after much study and contemplating with mentors around the United States and through a slew of spiritual programs I have been privileged enough to attend the last 20 odd years, resonates most deeply within my Soul.  So I will share it with all of you, with the intention that at least parts of it will feel like a sliver of TRUTH within your inner knowingness as well.  Fair deal?!!  Fantastico!!

Of course, by now, hopefully we are all aware that each of us are spiritual beings having a human experience.  But why?!?  Why would we choose to leave the comforting confines of a Spiritual Realm that surrounds us with the constant knowingness that we are LOVE and that eradicates all FEAR and Suffering?!  Some will say it is to manifest our Desires.  Ok, that makes some sense.  BUT, can't we do that instantaneously on the other side?!  I believe we can.  Still others think our Journey is to feel good and share that feeling with others.  I think nuggets of that rings true.  But it just doesn't feel like a full spiritual meal, does it?!  And of course there are MANY who ardently think we are here to prove our worth so that we can be ALLOWED back into God's Heavenly chambers for all eternity.  Yet, according to so many spiritual teachers, Heaven is not a place but a STATE OF BEING! Kinda tough to be forbidden to enter a chamber in which we already own the key, right?!  LOL

So what if we allowed ourselves to come at this question from a completely different perspective.  One that is very HEART centered and completely LOVE based.  What if I told you that we are all here for the ‘Unfoldment of Our Soul?’  And by Unfoldment I mean being in alignment with only the LOVE that our Heart holds within all its makeup.  And ALLOWING that Love to unfold in any and every imaginable way that we can possibly conceive for the further expansion of the Universe!!  Let THAT sink in for a minute or two...........

Universal growth and expansion occurs when the very essence that created it allows itself to be greater today that it was yesterday.   And still greater the day after that.  Every time we share an expression of that LOVE within us, the Universe grows exponentially.  And that is EXACTLY what the Universe desires.  To become the Grandest Version of itself.  But it can ONLY do that through you, as me, for him, by her.  Does that make sense?!?  That is because, as stated earlier, we are ALL ONE!!  One of the greatest masters of all time, Jesus the Christ, espoused that almost daily-  “That which you do to others, you do unto me.”  Can't get much clearer than that in my book!

And here is where things get completely and fabulously magical; every time YOUR PURPOSE is to emit and unfold your heart and soul through acts of LOVE and kindness, and your Spirit expands as you do so!  And I think that's pretty damn cool!  How and why does this happen, you ask?  Because the very SOURCE that we all come from gave us the incredible power of free will.  And it can only channel LOVE through us to the extent that there is ROOM TO DO SO!  And everytime you stretch your HEART SONG, you are opening up a larger portal from which SOURCE can work its miracles and magic!  And you thought the magic in Harry Potter was all pomp and circumstance....LOL 

Now just as the scientific principle of cause and effect is a very real phenomenon here on earth, so is the invert action when any of us CONSTRICT our own Heart Song; thus keeping the full unfoldment of our soul from taking place.  And that is EXACTLY what is occurring on our planet as I write this post.  Because the effect of this constricting nature causes Fear and Angst to run supreme.  And SOURCE energy has very little it can do to remedy the situation. As we continue to live from a vibration of greed, fear, jealousy, and disrespect, the very reason for our BEING here is jeopardized.  And guess what, it is currently affecting not only the United States, but all of planet Earth as well.

One microcosm of this reality are all the deadly prejudice based massacre's that have been plaguing the United States the last few years. For instance, the shooter who needlessly ended the lives of 22 Mexican Americans in El Paso Texas this weekend; hate fueled actions by an administration that continues to spread white supremacist sentiments. Absolutely sickening! And carried out by someone who had completely lost any form of connection to the fact THAT WE ARE ALL ONE...................

That is why we are seeing climate change start to wreck havoc on every corner of our shores  as well.  It is a real occurrence that threatens to end life as we know it within the next 50 years folks!!  That thought alone should cause us all to think about our real reason for BEING.  Should it not?!!?

So I would like to offer  up the following suggestions.  One is to RELAX!  And take a walk, meditate, call a close friend, read a book or write.  Anything that calms your mind and centers you.  And then truly ponder the many ways in which you can begin to assist your soul in its inherent nature of unfoldment.  And Re-member, as Gandalf the Great from The Lord Of the Rings says, “It is the little acts of everyday kindness that I have found holds the darkness at bay.” And to never forget the re-memberance that "Separation is an Illusion!"   WE ARE ALL ONE. Black, white, or brown.  Still ALL ONE! Gay, straight, transgender, lesbian, or gay; still ALL ONE! Republican, democratic, or independent; ALL ONE MY FRIENDS!!   

Please, I beg all of you. Start using the gift found in the "Illusion of Separation" to be the healing balm it was created to be! For us to experience our most heartfelt desires. Not to become a permanent reality of supremists! I ask that you "dip your toe" in the illusion of separation. All for the gifts that it can afford. But please, DO NOT jump within it's pond! Where you will forget Who You Really Are! Which is a perfect emanation of Heaven sent LOVE!

So many individuals refrain from doing the small acts of kindness that this world currently seeks. If any one of you are in this camp, please understand, it is these very acts of LOVE that keeps the World from shrinking into a state of permanent Unconsciousness! 

While holding signs and standing in protest is a magnificent gesture in conviction toward the change we seek to experience, one that changes our vibration from hate and fear to love, it takes more than that to truly cause a rift in our behavioral patterns back toward our true essence of pure awakened consciousness.  For you who are still racking your noggins on what I mean, here is a small list of actionable steps seeped in LOVE that any of us can partake in:

1.  Go visit a senior assisted living home and spend time with the residents.  You will be AMAZED at the sharing of LOVE you will be engaged with!

2. Volunteer at a food kitchen for the needy.  One out of four people in the US go hungry EVERY day.  What would it feel like to contribute toward that atrocity?!

3.  Go check in on your elderly or disabled neighbors.  Even if it is just to sit with them so they know someone cares.  I am currently assisting a neighbor who has diabetes, no left arm, and MS. And no family to care for her.  Simply bringing her a morning coffee often brings tears to her eyes!

4. Stop and actually acknowledge the next homeless person you encounter.  You don't always need to offer them money.  Simply looking them in the eye and letting them know you see them and that they matter can make the biggest difference to these precious SOULS

5.  Choose one person a day to reach out to with a quick email or even better a PHONE CALL to tell them how much they mean to you.  And how wonderful and valuable they have been in your life.

6.  Visit a dog shelter and sign up to be a dog walker for the poor pups who are stuck in cages all day.  After all DOG spelled backwards is GOD!

7.  Find a local church or community Good Will center and inquire to see if they need volunteers to help in any fashion.  Free help to institutions low on funds is always a Heavenly sent gift!

8.  Sign up to be a mentor for a young boy or girl who is in the foster system.   Teach them through your actions that the world validates their worth and assist them on a path toward a purpose that will give them HOPE and Faith on their Hero's/Heroines's Journey.

I'm sure if you thought about it, you could come up with your own list of things that perfectly fit your own sensibilities of supreme service.  And I hope that starting today, you do just that.  I know we are all busy, and that time is a precious commodity.  But if your intentions are pure, the Universe will create time where there was previous only chaos.  As we New Age Nerds are aware, time is just an illusion.  But the need for our collective consciousness to create long lasting change is NOT!

As Marianne Williamson says, “ A miracle is a shift from fear to LOVE.”  And the fastest and most indelible way to create a Miracle is through the action of LOVE!!!

And share this information (heck share this post with as many people as you know) with others.  So we can start a love chain reaction that grows our collective heart songs to unheard levels.  A spiritual American Idol of nothing but LOVE songs!!  And let your soul unfold back into the pureness and delicate nature of LOVE.  That is the answer we are waiting for and the only real call to action that can cause us to eradicate the tipping point that this planet and all the souls on it currently reside in..........



Jeffrey Louis Martinez