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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Let The Power of Love Trump the Love of Power..!

The path toward the realization of Actualized Self; the understanding that we are all a unique emanation of a FORCE that has always been and forever will BE is part of the authentic Superhero's Journey. Cosmic forces way beyond even the heightened of human senses cannot begin to capture the glorious rapture of the true SOURCE of our collective consciousness.  And anything of a collective nature shares a core semblance of TRUTH.  Of unity and commiseration. Of understanding and core strength that is impenetrable toward outside forces threatening any insidious actions threatening its very existence. 

The team of cosmic Superhero's I deem as  "The Legion of Love" (yes, that means all you New Age Nerds) are far more vital and needed NOW more than you may imagine. There is a scene in the film Rambo: First Blood Part 2 in which John Rambo believes he is no thing less than a pawn in the US military's machination for power and greed. And yet, through the soft, caring utterings of a Vietnamese refuge, he is reminded of how much his personal mission on this Earth matters:

Co Bao: Why did they pick you? Because you like to fight?
Rambo: I'm expendable.
Co Bao: What mean expendable?
Rambo: It's like someone invites you to a party and you don't show up. It doesn't really matter. 
Co Bao: Rambo, you not expendable!

And like John Rambo, "YOU ARE NOT EXPENDABLE EITHER!" In fact, you are without measure. You matter so much more than you could possibly imagine. And spiritual soldier, "DON'T YOU EVER FRICKIN FORGET THAT!" But there is a question that must be pondered with undying certainty by each and every one of us as we rise from our night's slumber.  And it's exactly the way I prefer things to BE. Simple but oh so DEEP!  And I pray the answer has already been imprinted within the divinity of your SOUL

WHY ARE YOU HERE?! Seriously? Why do YOU feel you are walking along with this rest of us in this illusionary experience?!

Mock me if you like, but more importantly, answer the question with sincere authority for yourSELF!  I don't believe in absolutes, nor do I adhere to saintly musings that do not convey inner truths. Neither of which serve anyone's "greater good."  Wouldn't you agree?! 

But given the precious clicks on a clock that continues to move with our own time in its precarious grasp in this Earthly experience, continuing to run without any hesitation, do you not agree that it's a question worth pondering?! 

Before you succumb to any anxiety over your answer please understand that I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT LIFE IS A TEST.  There is no Pass/Fail final examination. I only ask that you search for the musings within your own SOUL. The part of you that is a spark of pure divinity. Obscured from EGO. Reticent toward the accumulation of short term contentment. Resolute in its absolve to attain happiness from that which is oh so short lived.
For within THAT space has been placed the answers that you truly seek! The solutions to the unadorned peace and joy that has escaped the ravenous hunger of the most rapturous galactic soul seekers of this spiritual realm.

For those who wish to gleem into my own lifetime ponderings of this proclamation, my answer may seem all too simple. I believe we are all here for only ONE REASON

TO BE LOVE.....................

Everything comes back to this simple epithet, no matter how much deep pondering my own mind grinds its muscles. I come back to the exact same template of resolute belief. And as simple a task as this may sound written down and/or even spoken aloud, putting it into practical measures is something we still have much to learn, understand, and re-member!

Just today alone, can you think back to something you could have done, delivered, professed, or emotionalized with more LOVE than what you actually did?! Again, sans any judgment. THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS POST IS ABOUT! It's about raising our own collective consciousness back toward the vibration of deep resonating connection to the understanding that WE ARE ALL ONE! Separation is an illusion my New Age Nerds. May I please ask that we finally start treating this earthly experience in that manner. Too much of a good thing is starting to become our very own undoing. The sweet nectar of believing in our own separate GREATNESS is causing a dilemma of delusion that is threatening our combined efforts of gracefully saving this planet from its very demise. 

One of my own Superhero's for the ages is the great Albert Einstein. Before his passing, he wrote his only daughter a little known, but quite prescient letter, that has become a daily beacon that far surpasses any of his scientific pontifications on the reality of the Universe:

When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.
I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below.
There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us.
This universal force is LOVE.
When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force.
Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it.
Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others.
Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals.
For love we live and die.
Love is God and God is Love.
This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.
To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation.
If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.
After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, it is urgent that we nourish ourselves with another kind of energy…
If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.
Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastate the planet.
However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released.
When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life."
From Albert Einstein.........................

In all that we do, if it is served with a helping dose of lavish LOVE, the end result would be spellbinding. Ethereal!  Grace filled! The exact same frequency that have propelled to historic highest,  the words of Jesus the Christ, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr, Socrates, Thomas Jefferson, William Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Joseph Campbell.

LOVE is the most ferocious force in all the Universe. It absolves all ill-wills.  It is the unifying strength that fortifies us all. It pacifies all of our needs. It supersedes our greatest dreams. And under its forgiving grace, it has the ability to transcend the the most formidable blocks to the greatest miracles that heaven has placed within our most treasured dreams. 

Please never underestimate the CALLINGS of another's soul. We can only unify as the collective ONE if we have belief that every prayer under our unified vision is held as sacred. 




Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Myth MAGIC Blissful Boost: Wonder Woman!

"I use to want to save the World. To end war and bring Peace to mankind. But then, I glimpsed the darkness that lives within their light. I learned that inside every one of them, there will always be both. I’ve touched the darkness that lives in between the light. Seen the worst of this world, and the best. Seen the terrible things men do to each other in the name of hatred, and the lengths they’ll go for love. Now I know. Only LOVE ❤️ can save this world. So I stay.  I fight, and I give... For the World I know can be This is my mission now. Forever."

With the current events of the last few weeks, I think we can all agree that there is a HUGE shift toward LOVE that must take place in our society and within our collective consciousness.  But do we TRULY understand what that means?!?  The word LOVE itself has lost much of its meaning and in turn its potency for lasting change.  Remember this quote from the film “GHOST” starring Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze.  


Swayze's character refused to repeat the words “I love you” back to Demi Moore when she uttered the sentiment to him.  He didn't want the word to lose its power and meaning by using it too much.  So instead he would simply return the gesture by saying “DITTO.”

I bring this up because I sense a very similar vibration surrounding the word in our current culture.  While it is heartwarming to see hundreds of people at the peaceful protests and memorial services for the recent shooting victims holding signs of ‘LOVE NOT HATE’ and other various messages using this expression, I think it is critical for us to RE-member what LOVE truly means and stands for.  After all, it is the most POWERFUL vibration in the Universe and is the cause of most miracles in our experience.  

I believe one issue is that our culture is so mesmerized by the notion of ‘Being in LOVE’, that we confuse this feeling for the usage of this vibration of its highest good.  You see, LOVE is a VERB, and NOT a NOUN.  It is a choice and it is an action.  And before you claim me a cynic, I'll have you know, I am a hopeless romantic.  Profoundly so in fact.  I have a list of numerous young ladies you can call for verification!  I will even admit to having been "Crazy in Love" on more than one occasion.   The KING of grand romanic gestures!  Oh the stories I could tell!  And my therapist will be back me up to any naysayers.  LOL

Author Stephen Covey sites an encounter with a client in his book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The client asks him what he should do about his marriage. He says that he’s tried everything and that there’s no love left between him and his wife. The client asked Covey what he should do about his wife and kids. “Have you tried loving her?” asks Covey. “I’ve told you, there’s no love anymore,” says the client. Covey reiterates, “But have you tried loving her?” The client begins to get mad before Covey explains. “Love is a verb, it is an action. You must do things for her, listen to her, be there for her. It’s not about what happens in return but what you do to love her.”

He tells his client that during the next three months, he is to LOVE his wife with the fervent ACTIONS and gestures like when he first fell ‘In LOVE’ with her.   And then he makes his client a deal.  If after three months of dedicated loving action towards her he still wants a divorce, he will coach him through it!  And you know what, the client returned exactly three months later with a renewed sense of passion for his relationship.  And thoughts of any separation faded back into the ether from which they came!  

Now obviously there are some relationships that have reached the end of their service toward both parties, and NO amount of actionable loving gestures will change that.  And that is OK.  As the saying goes, some people come into our life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.  There is no shame in making a decision on what is best for the highest good of all concerned!

But for the point of this post, I would like to help us all Re-member that the LOVE our world requires right NOW is in terms of its true meaning: ACTION!  And one of the most basic rituals we can put into place as a starting point is fairly straight forward.  I constantly tell my clients that they can choose to be RIGHT, or they can choose to be LOVING in any relationship, argument, disagreement, or confrontation.  But, they cannot choose to BE both.  So I urge them to choose LOVE. And it is my wish that from this point forward, so do you!  

While holding signs and standing in protest is a magnificent gesture in conviction toward the change we seek to experience, one that changes our vibration from hate and fear to love, it takes more than that to truly cause a rift in our behavioral patterns back toward our true essence of pure awakened consciousness.  For you who are still racking your noggins on what I mean, here is a small list of actionable steps seeped in LOVE that any of us can partake in:

1.  Go visit a senior assisted living home and spend time with the residents.  You will be AMAZED at the sharing of LOVE you will be engaged with!

2. Volunteer at a food kitchen for the needy.  One out of four people in the US go hungry EVERY day.  What would it feel like to contribute toward that atrocity?!

3.  Go check in on your elderly or disabled neighbors.  Even if it is just to sit with them so they know someone cares.  I am currently assisting a neighbor who has diabetes, no left arm, and MS. And no family to care for her.  Simply bringing her a morning coffee often brings tears to her eyes!

4. Stop and actually acknowledge the next homeless person you encounter.  You don't always need to offer them money.  Simply looking them in the eye and letting them know you see them and that they matter can make the biggest difference to these precious SOULS

5.  Choose one person a day to reach out to with a quick email or even better a PHONE CALL to tell them how much they mean to you.  And how wonderful and valuable they have been in your life.

6.  Visit a dog shelter and sign up to be a dog walker for the poor pups who are stuck in cages all day.  After all DOG spelled backwards is GOD!

7.  Find a local church or community Good Will center and inquire to see if they need volunteers to help in any fashion.  Free help to institutions low on funds is always a Heavenly sent gift!

8.  Sign up to be a mentor for a young boy or girl who is in the foster system.   Teach them through your actions that the world validates their worth and assist them on a path toward a purpose that will give them HOPE and Faith on their Hero's/Heroines's Journey.

I'm sure if you thought about it, you could come up with your own list of things that perfectly fit your own sensibilities of supreme service.  And I hope that starting today, you do just that.  I know we are all busy, and that time is a precious commodity.  But if your intentions are pure, the Universe will create time where there was previous only chaos.  As we New Age Nerds are aware, time is just an illusion.  But the need for our collective consciousness to create long lasting change is NOT!

As Marianne Williamson says, “ A miracle is a shift from fear to LOVE.”  And the fastest and most indelible way to create a Miracle is through the action of LOVE!!!


Nerdmaste ðŸ¤“

Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, April 1, 2019

Allow The EAGLE To Teach You About SELF TRANSFORMATION..!!

Megan: I think you’re ready now to hear a little story about a girl…girl named Megan. Girl named Megan that didn’t have a very good time in high school. I’m referring to myself. When I say Megan, it’s me Megan.
Annie: Yeah, I got it.
Megan: I know you look at me now and think, boy she must have breezed through high school. Not the case, Annie.
[pointing to herself]
Megan: No, this was not easy going up and down the halls. Okay? They used to try to blow me up. They threw fire crackers at my head. Fire crackers. I mean literally. I’m not saying that figuratively. I got fire crackers thrown at my head. They called me a freak. Do you think I let that break me? Think I went home to my mommy crying; ‘Oh, I don’t have any friends. Oh, Megan doesn’t have any friends.’ No, I did not. You know what I did? I pulled myself up. I studied really hard. I read every book in the library and now I work for the government. I have the highest possible security clearance. Don’t repeat that!
Megan: You lost Lillian. You got another best friend sittin’ right in front of you, if you’d notice! Huh? You can stop feeling sorry for yourself, okay? Cause I do not associate with people that blame the world for their problems. Cause you’re your problem, Annie. And you’re also your solution. Right? I mean that’s…you get that?


A long time friend and former boss of mine recently sent me a story about the life of an EAGLE.  At first glance, I thought to engage the information later, thinking perhaps its content was of a National Geographic Nature.  For those of you living in the greater DC area, you will recall the ‘Eagle Cam’ that ran non-stop on our local airwaves just a few weeks ago.  A camera was fixated (as were thousands of us) on an Eagle who was nesting waiting for her two eggs to hatch.  This did NOT always make for reviting TV viewing, but once the baby birds finally hatched, it was quite magical to get a secret peek into the inner lives of these majestic animals!

But I got another one of those ‘Silent Whispers’ from Spirit to watch the video she sent, right then and  there.  And so I pushed the play button and became completely transfixed on what this five minute feature shared about our National bird symbol.  In fact, I actually teared up watching and listening to how this proud and courageous animal must painfully transform itself in order to survive!

An Eagle lives on average of  70 years.  But during its 40th year, it is faced with a decision that will determine its ultimate fate.    After 40 years of using its powerful beak, strong talons, and majestic wings for its survival, they all start to wear down.  In fact, all three begin to break down to a level in which they are no longer of use to the bird to capture its prey to eat, nor fly in a proficient enough manner to survive the harsh elements in which it lives.  It is at this time the Eagle knows it has but two decision to choose from.  It can either fly to the top of a rocky mountaintop and bang its beak and talons across the sharp and rugged rock terrain long and hard enough until they break off.  The bird is internally aware that its beak and talons will grow back much stronger, but the process involved in tearing off parts of its own body is a horrifyingly painful experience.  And if that isn't enough to cause you to pause and think about this bird's courage, once its beak grows back, it must pluck out its worn out feathers so that new, stronger ones can take their place.  If the Eagle makes the decision to put itself through this jarring and excruciating experience, it will typically live for another 30 years!   It is literally REBIRTHED into a greater version of itself!  If it chooses NOT to go through this challenging transformation, it will soon die.

I thought about how an Eagle's life is such a perfect metaphor for human existence and survival.  How often we are given an opportunity to either change our mindset, belief system, or completely let go of someone we love, all for our better good.  And with it comes the transformation we so often desperately seek.  

And more importantly, how Nature gives us signs, and PROFOUND examples of how to live our lives.   I often hear from friends and my clients that they wish that they were given a guidebook on how to live a prosperous life.  And see how much fear they face, all understandable, when facing the painful choice of change.  Not to mention how challenging it can be to remain FAITHFUL when we are in the middle of a Life Storm.  And sometimes cannot fathom why they/we need to experience such pain and suffering, both physically and emotionally.  That's why I say SUFFERING is really Summoning our Ultimate Fear & Frailty Encouraging Rebirth!  Just like we are taught by the miraculous story of the EAGLE!

It is my hope and intention in sharing this story, that it will bring you a sense of inspiration and KNOWINGNESS that at the other end of whatever level of trials and tribulations, pain and suffering you may be going through, that it is because a miracle is looking to be birthed through you!  The Universe needs you to transform and let go of toxic energy and mindsets and belief systems that no longer serve you.  All so that you, like the EAGLE can be resurrected and reconnect to your Purpose as you travel along your Hero's/Heroine's Journey!!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez