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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, December 31, 2018

How to MANIFEST All Your 2019 GOALS..!!

With only one day left until we enter the New Year of 2019 (Can you Believe It Already?!?) , many of you New Age Nerds are using your free time to make plans for all the GOALS you which to accomplish.  And for those of who have not yet started to flesh out your DREAMS and GOALS for the New Year....What the heck are you waiting for?!?  ;0)

Did you know that by simply writing down your GOALS, you are FIVE times more likely to achieve them!!  Hopefully that statistic in and of itself is enough motivation to THINK about what you desire to manifest into your experience during the next 12 months!!  During the last 20 years of my studying to become a Transformational Life and Leadership Coach and Teacher, I have come across a plethora of information about the “Right and Wrong" way to manifest your DESIRES.  Now everyone who follows the basic tenets of being a NEW AGE NERD understands that Right and Wrong don't actually exist.  Why you ask?  Terrific question.  It is because there would have to be a Universal judge to decide on what actions are in which camp.  And as we all understand, GOD DOES NOT JUDGE!  EVER! Do not misunderstand me; that does NOT mean that there are not repercussions in this Earthly plane for our actions.  Our actions carry with them an energy that vibrates out reverberations that ECHOS out through all SOULS on this planet.  And so they affect everyone as a collective whole.  But I teach a principle that states so long as our DESIRES DO NOT hurt any other Soul, and truly serve our Highest Purpose, they are worthy of our attention.   For energy truly flows where our attention goes.  

Now that we have gotten that discourse out of the way, let's get back to the main course of this post; namely creating our GOALS for 2019!!  And here is THE SECRET SAUCE to creating your most heartfelt DESIRES in the New Year!!  Your subconscious mind CANNOT determine between what is real and what is IMAGINED in your mind's eye.    There is a Universal teaching called THE LAW OF AUTOSUGGESTION that states that THERE ARE NO LIMITATIONS TO THE MIND EXCEPT FOR THOSE WE ACKNOWLEDGE.  Basically, you can 'CONVINCE' the subconscious mind you are already in possession of that which you desire!  How exactly does this Magic Trick of the Cosmos come to its full fruition?!  Well, it isn't nearly as complicated as you may think.  And Re-member that THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS!  PERIOD!!!  Unfortunately, the majority of us turn this truth around and then become completely frustrated with what shows up in our life.  Meaning that most of us concentrate on what is currently going on in our lives (THE THINGS) and with wishful thinking believe that these THINGS will somehow create higher energetic vibrational THOUGHTS if we can somehow change them into being so!   But Things don't become Thoughts.   Thoughts become Things!

Let me give you an example. Let's say you are in a job you cannot stand, and your heartfelt GOAL is to find a new job that will make you happy and fulfilled with a sense of purpose and give you the income your DESIRE.  Most of us will concentrate on our current situation with feelings of lack and want.  And because the Universe, through the power of AUTOSUGGESTION to our subconscious mind, will feed it with our focused energy, namely lack and want, we will continue to experience NO THING different than our current situation.  

HOWEVER, if we feed our subconscious mind, through our IMAGINATION, the NEWLY DESIRED goal we seek, our subconscious mind, unable to determine between what is real and what is IMAGINED will convert that energetic focus into your reality. Sometimes directly!  Other times through giving us intuitive hunches, silent whispers, and plans of guidance toward our desire.

So when writing down your GOALS for 2019, take time out of each and every day(10-15 minutes ) to find a quiet place, close your eyes, and IMAGINE that those GOALS have ALREADY MANIFESTED INTO YOUR LIFE.   In order to convince your subconscious mind you are already in possession of your heartfelt Desired Goal, you MUST mix your thoughts of it already being in your possession with the POWER OF EMOTION, actually feeling the desired goal, through the VISUALIZATION of IMAGINATION .  For instance, if a new job is your GOAL, actually IMAGINE yourself in that new office, with that new boss, and how you want to feel while being in that new position that you so DESIRE.  And do not be afraid to let your Freak Flag fly during this habit.  As you imagine this new reality now in your precious possession, DO NOT be afraid to allow your deepest feelings and emotions shine through.  Pump your fist, jump up and down, as you feel the thrill of actually KNOWING that you have actually created this new reality for yourself!!!  

The last and final step is to take daily ACTION toward your desired GOALS.  That's right, the last part of the magic elixir that will help to manifest your GOALS is through the power of daily action steps.  By taking small steps toward your goal each and every day, eventually, the subconscious mind, having now been convinced through the power of AUTOSUGGESTION that it is already in your possession, will actually deliver into your CONSCIOUS mind the plans of action you should take in order to make your GOALS a reality.   You will actually start to have daily silent whispers and intentions of the actual steps you should take!   How absolutely MAGICAL is that truth?!?   Right?!?

To prove to my Tribe that I DO practice that which I preach, let me share with you my latest Manifestation Miracle.  I will soon be relaunching the New Age Nerd with a focus on being The Hero's Coach!  All of you following this blog the past three years know that one constant tenet that I teach is that of The Hero's Journey.  I believe with every ounce of my heart and soul that EVERYONE is a Hero!!  And the reason that our planet is currently fraught with such levels of unhappiness, disconnection, disillusion, and forgetting that We Are All One is because oh so few of us are truly awake.  We hear the soulful CALLING in our beings but are refusing to pick up the phone when the spiritual ringtone of our lifetime comes a knockin'!'  Did you know in a recent worldwide Gallup Poll that only 9% of the collective population feels happy in what they are doing with their lives!  That's right----   a paltry 9%.  Is it any wonder that anxiety, addiction, and depression is like a bucking bronco leveling the lives of Billions!!

But I digress; back to my Manifestation Miracle :0)   ..........!
So when I turned 49 back in October of this year, I made a declaration to be laser focused on the new Mindset of creating a MUCH BIGGER VISION for my business to assist others in igniting and unleashing their Inner Hero.  And I allowed myself to be absolutely grandiose in what I am determined to accomplish.  I commit to creating a community of fellow Heroes who have had the courage to face their fears, Head On Baby!  No complaining, no explaining.  I saw myself getting my Brand out to the major masses of this blue spinning ball in the Magical Cosmos.  And in doing so, being a DISRUPTIVE force to the nominal norm.  Disruptive in service to others.  Disruptive in Love, kindness, compassion, and creativity!!
No guts, no glory, NO LEGEND, No story.............

And just as I described above, every morning and night, I did a visioning process until I literally created an actual KNOWINGNESS that I was already living that life.  And I am most grateful that there were no hidden video cameras on me.  Seriously!  ;0)  Because I felt this vision so deeply, that my emotional threshold was stretched beyond anything resembling the word reasonable!  I was literally 'Walkin on Sunshine!"  Shaking my booty, high fivin', well, the astral plane before me.  Bringing out all my old school dance moves.  ( I can still cut a rug thank you very much!)  In fact, I highly suggest you do the same.  BE RELENTLESSLY UNREASONABLE in what you desire.  The Universe has absolutely NO limits; and neither do you!!  Let that Freak Flag Fly............

And guess what, one of my favorite Hollywood Sites for movie interviews and reviews is called HEROIC HOLLYWOOD.  It gets over a million visitors a day!!  Well, I applied to be a writer for the still burgeoning site even though I have no experience as an entertainment reporter.  But I started including it in my daily visioning process.  Seeing myself interviewing the leading artisans in Heroic Hollywood, and in the process growing my own brand........

Well, last Friday, I got a call from them with a job offer to be one of their new reporters!!!!
Ask (with unwavering belief) and it will always be delivered!!  

So I hope incorporating these suggestions into your Goal Making for 2019 will leave you BLESSED with all your heartfelt DESIRES manifesting into your life..................

For those in my TRIBE who had a challenging 2018, I am holding a space of renewed faith  that the Universe reveals the Wisdom in your wounds so that you may carry a newfound sense of Supreme confidence that IGNITES a blazing path of BLISS into the New Year!!

2019 is the year of The New Age Nerd....    !!!   ;0)

The Happiest and Healthiest of New Years to you all...  I love you!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, December 27, 2018

How to TRANSFORM Your STRESS into Being BLESSED....!

Especially here in the United States, for the majority of us, our lives have become so blurred with being busy that we have forgotten how to stop and 'smell the roses'.  Heck, we are fortunate if we remember our relatives names, birthdays, anniversaries, or the ability to stop long enough to make the true memories that are so vital to giving meaning and Purpose to this thing called Life!  One of my own New Year Resolutions last year was to stop so much texting and actually have at least ONE phone call or face to face meeting with my close relatives and friends once a week.  A quarter through the year, wanna ask me how that went ......   ?!?!  Take a frickin guess?!?!   LOL

And even worse, we are modeling this behavior for our own children, who are already being programmed to live in a world built upon technological advances so that there is no need for actual meaningful face to face connection.  Is this the world that we are now choosing to accept as the nominal norm?!?   

Before I continue, please know that I am in NO way immune to the delicacy of quick shots of communication through my own fancy dancy technological devices.  I love sending and receiving  texts full of nuanced retorts and FULL of emojis!! Call me old school, HOWEVER I still find the time to send out actual letters with full addresses and stamps and cards that contain written notes curtailed to the individual recipient.   Cards, stamps, and written notes, OH MY!!  :0)

Here is a Superhero's Tip!   You will be completely AMAZED how much this relic version of communication truly touches the Heart of the person who receives it!! I have several relatives currently fighting for their very own lives and whenever they receive either an actual phone call, personal visit, or the courtesy of a hand sent card, they let me know how much it truly touches their SOUL and showers them with the strength to continue fighting their individual maladies!!  And my fellow New Age Nerds, that is EXACTLY why we are here!  To paraphrase the prayer of St. Francis, "Lord, make me an instrument of your PEACE.  Where there is Hatred, let me SOW Love.  Where there is injury, Pardon.  Where there is Doubt, Faith. Where there is Despair,  HOPE.  Where there is Darkness,  Light.  And where there is sadness,  JOY."

Yet, tell me, "How can we allow ourselves to be these instruments intended to ease the suffering of those who may have lost their way.  Or are ensconced with the Dis-ease of loneliness and have no other SOURCE to remind and comfort them with the Re-membrance that even in their Darkest Hours, they can still be a powerful beacon of Light for so many others of their fellow brothers and sisters if we never stop our near addiction to stress and in turn constantly whispering to our egoic mind that,  'I'll get to that next week'?"  For we are TRULY our brothers Keepers and here to be of service to those who may have forgotten their Calling or need our assistance to share their individual stories with the Collective Whole so that we ALL may benefit from the hard fought Wisdom ensconced within their tales of overcoming the trials and tribulations encountered along the yellow brick road of their own Hero's Journey!  And in doing so ensuring that NOT ONE PERSON'S Story shall ever be ignored, forgotten, or unrecognized for the power it has flowing through its owner's personal pages!!  My suggestion is to Re-member and apply the following words in the way that you see fit with the intention of making sure that anyone's path you touch is filled with the loving acknowledgement of how bravely they have been worthy of their many Earthly sufferings......

"When you find yourself in the position to help someone, feel Happy and Blessed because God is answering that person's prayer through you.  REMEMBER:  Our purpose on Earth is NOT to get lost in the Dark, but to be a LIGHT to others, so that they might find a way through us! " 

Fellow Nerds, I don't have to share with you the fact that every incarnation we embellish upon is just a quick blink in the eyes of God's Source Energy!  And from that understanding, we must acknowledge the fact that each and every moment that we experience is not only PRECIOUS, but will NEVER be replicated in such pure form ever again!  And that's why every opportunity we have is called a MIRACLE!  For a Miracle is the choice to turn our FEAR into LOVE!   But it becomes increasingly challenging to make this shift when we are too busy being STRESSED by overloading our experiences with external pleasures we think will make us feel whole. Rather than realizing each moment in our lives is a moment to feel BLESSED!!  And filled with GRATITUDE and Grace!!  For as God has stated, I BRING YOU NOTHING BUT ANGELS!!   And as Bishop TD Jakes has espoused, "Appreciation leads to duplication."   

I would invite everyone reading today's post to ask yourself a few vital questions.   "Where exactly are you headed in life?  What is your CALLING?  What is the true LEGACY you would like to leave before this short Journey on earth ends?"  Because if we are too busy to answer these questions or have never slowed down enough to ponder these questions, isn't it time to finally allow ourselves the time to do so?! Aren't we truly worth this pontification....... Before it's to late to do so.....?!?!?  I don't think so, I KNOW SO!!  Just sayin....  LOL

There is an absolutely profound book called THE TOP 10 REGRETS OF THE DYING written by Bronnie Ware.    And I feel it perfectly encapsulates how important it is too live our lives with the STRESS level turned WAY DOWN!!  I would like to list the TOP 5 Regrets that she was so BLESSED to learn from those precious Souls who were brave enough to share their truths with her before they left this plane of existence.  And it is my wish that it will help my TRIBE to be a recipient of such WORLDY WISDOM that they can apply in their own lives.   Because there is still plenty of Time for it to make a lasting imprint for Soulful Course Correction on your own personal and unique Hero's Journey!


In the book, she said many of her patients had not honored even half of the dreams they wanted to fulfill, and this caused them to have major regrets before the end of their life. They wanted so badly to knock other things off their bucket list, but they had to die knowing they still had dreams. Don’t die with your dreams still in your heart. Don’t die knowing that you lived for someone else’s dreams and stuffed yours under the rug. Live life the way you want NOW, and don’t wait for anyone’s permission.


Ware said that this regret came in at number two, based on how often she heard people say this. We all work too hard in today’s world, but for what? We all want to reach some goal, some achievement, some number in our bank account. However, what will all this really mean? Sure, we may have security and pride knowing that we can afford certain things or have a specific title, but humans need more than that. We thrive on emotional connection and love, both of which require other people.
In the end, you won’t remember how much money you made or how far you got in your career; you’ll remember the people you made connections with, and how they impacted your life. You’ll think about the memories you made and all the laughs you had with those you loved. We have to work to survive, but don’t work so much that you forget to build relationships and a life outside of your job.


Coming in at third on Ware’s list, the dying patients also regretted holding back their feelings. They wanted to keep the peace and not rock the boat, so they settled for repressing their feelings. However, this leads to a limited and very resentful existence. You will come to resent those you keep feelings from, because you obviously have an issue with them but choose not to voice it. This results in bottled up feelings that can even lead to mental and physical illness.
Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes. Even if you lose friends or a relationship, say how you feel. You may lose someone, but no person on this Earth is worth holding back your feelings for. This will only haunt you in the end.


People at the end of their lives also regretted losing touch with friends. They missed their companionship, and wished they had put more effort into keeping in touch. We may take our friends for granted now, but remember, they won’t always be around. If you miss a friend, try to get back in touch with them via Facebook, email, text, or some other form of communication. They probably miss you too, and would love to hear from you sometime. Friends help us get through life, and stick with us through the ups and downs. Life may take you in different directions, but it doesn’t have to alienate you from them. Pick up the phone and chat with them for a bit; you will never regret reaching out.


We like to think that outside forces control our emotions, but the key to emotional control lies within us. We don’t choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we react to it. Life goes by so fast, so why spend it finding every little thing to complain about? Being happy costs nothing, keeps you healthier, makes life more fulfilling, attracts more positive relationships, and so on. So, unhappiness, then, actually costs MORE in the long run, and can even lead to serious illnesses. Our mental, emotional, and physical health relies on our perception, so if you want to start living a better life now, simply change how you look at things.
Listen, my own life has been BEYOND challenging the last 5 years.  And I can commiserate with many of you who feel in a similar fashion.  Life can be absolutely BRUTAL , and often PUNISHING!  Yet let us not forget that the challenges that come our way teach us how to shed the DARKNESS so that we may truly embrace the LIGHT!!  Because when we learn the tools to do it for ourselves, we are able to share our WISDOM with others!  And HEROES are NOT afraid to stare the UNKNOWN straight in the eyes with the Knowingness that they will be Rebirthed with a source of understanding that can heal the pain that comes from the trials and tribulations that confront all of our personal Journey's!

Because even though there are many moments in which we feel like braking under the pressure of the Stress that comes from this Heavenly experience, we must NEVER forget that we are all truly BLESSED simply to BE HERE NOW!!!!  

To that point, what would it look like for you to start a journal today in which you write down ALL THOSE THINGS THAT YOU ARE GRATEFUL FOR AND FEEL BLESSED TO HAVE IN YOUR LIFE EVERY NIGHT?!?   It's a wonderful way of forcing yourself to SLOW DOWN and simply Breathe in your BLESSINGS!!  Because life has a Magical way of duplicating anything you DESIRE when you feel Blessed rather than Stressed........



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, December 24, 2018

A VERY Special CHRISTMAS Message..!!

Wow!!!   It has indeed been quite a while since WE have paid a visit to you NEW AGE NERDS!!  So for those of you who may have forgotten.....We call ourselves-KISS(Keep It Spiritually Simple)- a compendium of Universal Energy traversing the Cosmos always and in ALL WAYS on the look out for planets that are on a convergent path with pure CONSCIOUSNESS.  And although it may not always FEEL as though the SOULS on this planet are working their way back toward the TRUTH that YOU ARE ALL ONE.....TRUST us....Outward appearances very often, but DO NOT always reflect INNER REALITY...  :0)

On the EVE of this very special night that celebrates the dawn of the day most of you call Christmas, WE thought it was the perfect time to give you our own GIFT of Re-membrance!!  And in doing so, it is our INTENTION that you continue to practice the tenets of your inherent nature.  That of course, BEING Love, Compassion, Joy, Happiness, Service, and Fearlessness!!!

And while we acknowledge each and every SOULS individual understanding and way of celebrating this most special of Holidays on your planet, for there are many paths back to LOVE, we would like to offer you one path that has served oh so many MASTERS that have walked along side of you as guides back to the Love Light that burns brightly for eternity and is waiting for your return!!

The master you call Jesus the Christ was chosen by GOD amongst BILLIONS OF SOULS to become made in human form for the very first Hero's Journey on your planet!!  He knew that the majority of SPIRITS who had also taken human form before him were completely out of alignment and had allowed the ILLUSION of this world to become their reality.   This was causing an immense amount of pain, suffering, and chaos on your earthly plane.   Rather than having to search for his earthly CALLING, he was born with an inner awareness that never left his side.  Through the two thousand years since his presence on your planet, the true nature of his CALLING has been twisted and contorted to serve the EGO of many who have wished to control the masses for purposes of GREED and FEAR

So as our Christmas gift to all of you, WE would like to offer up our understanding of the true meaning of this most revered Holiday on your planet so that you may always Re-member its true nature.........

Jesus the Christ was chosen to enter into the dense realm of your planet to leave a path of Re-membrance back to your true nature.   His teachings and so called miracles all ended with the same declaration, "This and so much more, one day, you too will do!"  A portion of HIS Calling was to remind you that each and every one of you precious beings are unique emanations of GOD.  Made in his image and thus able to accomplish the exact same earthly miracles that HE demonstrated during his short time here amongst you!!!  He also was well aware that often the path toward your salvation was through temporary SUFFERING.  And to assist your Re-membrance of this Universal Truth, he always BROKE BREAD amongst the masses before performing a so called earthly miracle.  A BEING of ultimate intention, his very purpose for this action was so that we understood that in this realm, we must often be broken just before birthing a MIRACLE!! 

Out of FEAR, so many of your so called Teachers have tried their best to turn his preachings into something that they were NEVER meant to BE.  That being that he declared there was ONLY ONE WAY BACK TO GOD.  And that way was to follow HIM!!  Yet our gift to you this Christmas is to let you know that THAT WAS NEVER A PART OF HIS TEACHINGS.  In fact, he preached that THERE ARE MANY PATHS BACK TO GOD.  For HIS level of understanding rose way above EGOIC tactics that offered any thought that only through HIM could you commune back with YOUR CREATOR

Many of you may question our presentation of the true teachings of Jesus the Christ, and THAT IS A GREAT THING.!!  For the only way that there are no more Gi-normous misunderstandings of this nature is for you to question EVERYTHING.  Listen to your feelings.   For they are the guideposts to your SOUL.  And when used with reverent intention , will always guide you back to TRUTH!!  Practice what others teach.  See what serves you.   And let the rest go!! 

As you and your most beloved TRIBE members celebrate this HOLY DAY, we ask that you Re-member that the core CALLING of Jesus the Christ was to show you the power of BELIEF.  And that is the exact same purpose for our brief visit with you special SPIRITS on this EVE of CHRIST.
This Holy Day is meant for the purpose of Re-membering the POWER OF BELIEF. Why else do you think that the magical idea of Santa Clause has engulfed the imagination of billions of children the last two thousand years?!?  It is so they can practice the power and understanding of what you can accomplish if .....YOU SIMPLY BELIEVE!! 

As much as we would LOVE to stay a little longer.....it is time for US to continue our own JOURNEY to spread the true message of this season to all those who have forgotten what this celebration is all about......    For it is THAT SPECIAL!!!!

Until We meet again...   Please Re-member that we are only one THOUGHT away...........



Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Learn Why The STORIES You Cherish Can CHANGE Your Life...!!

Today's Inspirational “MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC”


~~  Harold Goddard  (LEGENDS OF THE KNIGHT)

When I first decided to launch The New Age Nerd,  of course I was filled with some amount of trepidency about how it would be embraced.  Would there be other people like me, who have found inspiring strength, motivation, and a sense of ONENESS with the world of Mythology, both old and new, the same way that it has captured and informed my spiritual guidance and passion for life.  From the response the site has received, I believe the answer to my question is a resounding YES!  

But I recently had the privilege to watch a magnificent and quite moving documentary called ‘Legends of the Knight’ that has eternally filled in any gaps in lapsed confidence about my mission.  In a relatively short running time of 1:15 minutes, it deeply and emotionally conveys the power of  not only BATMAN, but many of the stories and modern myths that fill our collective consciousness and have the ability to transform our thoughts and actions toward ourselves and others in compassionate ways.

The documentary begins with a moving story from Michael Uslan, the executive producer of all of the Batman films since Michael Keaton first donned the cowl and cape back in 1988.  Back in 2012 he was asked to give a speech to the graduating class of West Point.  Quite an honor, not to mention quite overwhelming.  He decided to frame his speech around BATMAN as he started, “ Bruce Wayne in committing to become a hero for good after watching his parents brutally murdered before his very eyes, by believing ONE person can make a difference, sacrificed his childhood to train his body and mind in becoming the BATMAN.  He became a Legend, an urban warrior.  Cadets of West Point, YOU ARE BATMAN!”  The graduating class before him jumped out of their chairs in complete unison, high fiving one another for several minutes.  Michael said it was one of the most magnificent moments of his life!  A true testament to the power of modern myth in our lives!

My own childhood was fraught with strife and confusion and that is when I began to find solace in the world of WONDERLANDS from all forms of Myth. TV, movies, comic books.  I couldn't get enough.   They inspired in me a belief life could be SO much more than I was experiencing.  Myth became my entry point of self realization and spirituality.  In fact, Lydia Cerpa, a child family counselor was included in the documentary to express, “Stories with heroes help us in finding our true potential.  When a child starts to pretend with heroes they are actually creating new neuro-pathways in the brain that create new behaviors externally and internally as well.  Their brain begins to change .  Hearing a story wakes up something inside of you.  It can allow you to break through to your true potential by seeing alternate possibilities previously unheard of.   And when you see it through a story it becomes tangible because you think that could be me.”  YES!  And who amongst us New Age Nerds still doesn't try and use the Force just for shits and giggles every once and a while!  Be honest! LOL

Later in this fascinating exploration of the power of our modern day Heroes and Heroines there was another important explanation of this phenomenon from Jonathan Gotschall, the author of ‘The Storytelling Animal.’  He explains, “ What fascinates me about story is that we do it at all.  It's spectacularly improbable that humans would be this species that spends so much of our time on Earth in fabrication realities.  When I talk to my students, I ask them why do they spend so much time wrapped up in various forms of fiction?  Why do we like fiction so much?  They tell me it is because stories give us an escape.  That life is hard and it is an opportunity to go on a short vacation from the stress and problems of everyday life.  We can leave it unscathed and unchanged.  But, that is EXACTLY what the research is NOT showing.  The research is showing that the time we immerse ourselves in various forms of our favorite WONDERLANDS actually creates profound change in us.  This change comes on an emotional, and behavioral, and psychological level.  AND this can all be measured in a lab!”

We live in challenging times.  Not to be fear based, but there is NO denying the amount of various forms of carnage that fills our nightly news and daily papers, websites, and blogs.  This is NOT a part of our inherent nature.  We are after all ‘spiritual beings having a human experience.’  I believe we are all seeking a strong paradigm shift back to the attributes we find in many of our pop cultural myths.   Kindness, compassion, heroism, and respect towards all!  Why do you think SUPERHEROES have become a fanatical part of our current zeitgeist after DECADES where no movie studio would touch a comic book story with no matter the price.

In “Hunting the Dark Knight”, Will Brouker writes, “In popular culture there are times when anti-heroes and morally ambiguous heroes seem to be popular.  But I think the pure essence of superheroes, especially BATMAN, and why we constantly come back to them is about becoming someone better.  The strength and heart of BATMAN is about making a positive decision to make positive change in the world.  And I think that is a heroism we can all ASPIRE to!”

The documentary is filled with a myriad of wonderful examples of persons both young and old, who have used the BATMAN myth to help inspire, propel them to unimaginable heights despite enormous physical disabilities, and generally provide them with a Heaven sent HOPE!  Many of the stories brought tears to my eyes and even provided me motivation toward some of my own unfinished goals!  

I appreciated the fact that although the documentary strongly focuses on the undeniable influence of BATMAN on our culture, it also touches on the importance of STORY in general as a stupendous source of collective unity, understanding, and HOPE for so many.  I try and infuse The New Age Nerd with the power of STORY as often as I can as I believe, like Joseph Campbell, that our collective Story through MYTH is one of the most powerful gateways to our spiritual salvation on this planet.  Essentially, we all share the same story, and if we could just learn to acknowledge this on a deeper level, I believe the level of acceptance and unity in this world would be astounding.

That's why I loved this quote in the film by David Taylor from his book ‘Tell Me a Story’.
He espouses, “ I think the greatmess of seeing life through the lens of story is that I have the freedom to make real choices, I'm not determined by my biology, my gender, my history, or genes.  Those are all part of the story but at the end of the day, I have a choice to make and this is the most encouraging possibility of all.  You can be something other than you are if you wish to be.  You can be the GREATEST VERSION of who you are.”  Couldn't have said it better myself...so I won't!   :0)

At the end of the day, we are all seeking ways to move through this life with GRACE, HOPE, Peace, and Joy.   Us New Age Nerds get much of our inspiration and strength from the stories all around us.  But there are SO many paths back to the LIGHT!

For me, BATMAN has always held a special place in my heart and soul because he is the only superhero who is actually just a man.  His only real superpower is  his HUMANITY. And that is something we all have access to in becoming the Greatest Versions of the Greatest Visions ever held of ourselves.

Because the truth of the matter is.......    WE ARE ALL BATMAN


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Do You Have a LIFE PLAN...Or Are You DRIFTING Your DREAMS Away..?!?!



Over 70 years ago, Napoleon Hill wrote a book called “Outwitting the Devil”, yet it wasn't actually published until quite recently.  At the time of its crafting, he had already made quite a name for himself in the business world, especially from the success of his seminal tomb “Think and Grow Rich.” (If you have not read it, I suggest typing in Amazon.com in your web browser as soon as you are done reading this post!)  So why exactly did this particular vision from his inner mind lay hidden from public consumption for decades?!?  After all, Hill was the author of numerous books that transformed the cultural zeitgeist of a society that had been been fiscally stripped and spiritually annihilated by the horrors of the Great Depression.  He had made it is life's purpose to take on the near Herculean task of setting aside over 25 years of his life to uncover the underpinnings of life success and what nuances existed that separates those of us who merely survive from those of us who actually eat PASSION FLAKES for breakfast and thrive the rest of each and every day of their brief time here on the planet, fulfilling their Hero's/Heroine's journey along the way. He went so far as to partner with the iconoclast Dale Carnegie who assisted him as a mentor on this mission of a Lord of the Rings worthy proportion!  Frodo who?!?  :0)

If you undertake this job, you should interview not only the few who have succeeded, but the many who have failed. You should carefully analyze many thousands of people who have been classified as failures, and I mean by the term failures, men who come to the closing chapters of their lives disappointed because they DID NOT achieve the goal for which they had set aside their hearts toward achieving.   As it is inconsistent as it may seem, you will learn more about how to succeed from the failures as you will from the so-called successes.  They will teach you what NOT to do.  Among toward the end of your labor, if you carry it through successfully, you will make a discovery which may be a great surprise to you. You will find that the cause of success is not separate and apart from the man/woman.  That is is a force so intangible in nature that the majority of men never recognize it. ; a force which may be called ‘the other SELF.’  Noteworthy is the fact that this OTHER SELF seldom exerts its influence or makes itself known excepting at times of immediate emergency, when men are forced, through adversity and temporary defeat, to change their habits and THINK their way out of temporary defeat."

~~ Dale Carnegie  (OUTWITTING THE DEVIL)

In fact, this New Age Nerd credits a portion of his found commitment to life purpose on the profound Re-membrance that was gifted through Hill's luminous prose that contains a radical template for the law of attraction that FAR pre-dates this generation's proclamation that “The Secret” is the cure to our feelings of lack of abundance, inadequacy, and disconnection from our authentic SOURCE.   The only real secret he could find for manifesting extraordinary success in one's lifetime came from finding and following your purpose and desire for being here, and doggedly pursuing it with a concrete plan that is backed by daily ACTION STEPS.  Basically, know where you are going, and bust your butt with no complaining or explaining to get there!  Funny that the real ‘secret’ to, well, ‘The Secret’ is that THERE IS NO SECRET!  Perhaps Sean Connery summed it up best in “The Untouchables” with his wicked quip to Kevin Costner's lawman tasked with capturing Chicago's shiftiest crime lord, “Yes, but what are you PREPARED TO DO to get Capone!”  That line can be applied to all of our goals and desired manifestations.  Because you will most often find that those that simply DO, practice the ART OF ACTION.  As my my pop used to implore to his students, in life there are only two distinct camps.  You are either ‘working hard’ or ‘HARDLY WORKING.’  Nuff said! 

Conspiracy theories aside, I believe the reason the Napoleon Hill estate was reluctant to release the contents within “Outwitting the Devil” is due to its narrative premise.  For it is written from the understanding that Hill had an actual dialogue with SATAN himself.  A sit-down for the ages to say the least!  And what exactly would one even dare to wear for such an occasion!  LOL  Even in our contemporary exploitive and sensationalistic media landscape, the announcement of such a journalistic coup would cause quite a furor of frantic frenzy.  So can you you even attempt to ponder the marketing of such a seemingly preposterous declaration back in the days before Marty McFly innocently donned his Calvin Kleins before their time?!?  Although, ironically enough, it does feel like we are having continued dialogue with the DEVIL himself with each and every Donald Trump media debacle!  Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...  ;0)

So while reading the book, I took a page out of the Michael Beckwith (The founder of Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles) self actualization playbook, and substituted the ideation of the Devil, into THE EGO.  During many of his fiery Sunday  soliloquies, he would often refer to the Devil as being No Thing less than our own EGO, and it's attempt to keep us feeling separate from our authentic selves.(More on this masterful application in a future post!)

And just as in my beloved “Conversation with God” series, I implore my fellow truth seekers to try and set aside their contemplations on where the information is coming from, and instead intently focus on WHAT in the narrative actually RESONATES with their intuitive feelings.  CAPICHE?!?!


What did I find from this Devil's philosophical musings and declarations from the ‘Dark Side of the Force’.  While nothing revelatory in nature, it can be summed up within the context of one potentially destructive paradigm:  DRIFTING!  Napoleon Hill fastidiously used a simple, yet nearly flawless indicator of a person's current probability of achieving stupendous life happiness and success.  Before beginning work with a new group of corporate students, he would line them up and one by one, ask them just two basic questions.  The first being “What is your life purpose?”, and the second being “What is your plan for achieving it?”  After working with tens of thousands of well intended, highly educated individuals, he found that LESS than 10 percent could answer the questions he posed to them.  Many of them staying in jobs they detest, and in relationships that have long passed their intended expiration date!  And this, my fellow New Age Nerds, is the epitome of DRIFTING!

The Devil (EGO) said that this pattern of living energy is his greatest ally toward keeping people from a life filled with soulful expansion, peaceful platitude, and the ability to complete their Hero's/Heroine's Journey.  I can tell you from first hand experience that DRIFTING can become a horrible hindrance to any semblance of lasting happiness.  It's like ‘punching in and punching out’ of the time clock in life.  Living a surface existence instead of a deep, authentic, mindful co-creative process with life.  And it can touch upon and eventually erode what I call the PILLARS of LIFE.  Similar to the load baring posts that hold up any structural foundation, these pillars consist of personal support structures of our existence.  Relationships, jobs, health, fiscal abundance, spiritual practice; these are all the pillars that inform and maintain our sense of well being. 

When we drift in one or all of these areas, we are aimlessly sleepwalking through the precious moments of our days.  In the book, the Devil(EGO) specifically says, “A drifter is one who permits himself to be influenced and controlled by circumstances beyond his control.  He would rather have me occupy his mind and do his thinking rather than go to the trouble of thinking himself.   A drifter is one who accepts whatever life throws his way without putting up a protest.  He doesn't know what he wants from life and spends all of his time getting just that.  A drifter has lots of opinions, but none are his own......   I would advise him to WAKE UP AND GIVE.  Give some form of service to as many people as possible.  He must learn to give before he gets.”

So what can be done if you have found yourself in an habitual pattern of aimlessly DRIFTING through life?  I invite you to contemplate incorporating the following suggestions that can support you away from your EGO and it's treacherous temptations to keep you in a zombie like state of disillusionment, and bring back that ‘authentic swing’ that brings back the PASSIONJOY, and ZEST that makes life such a MIRACULOUS and Majestic experience!! 

1.  Decide what you want from life and what your God given talents might be.  The things that make time seem to FLY while you are participating in them is a great guidance system toward what those talents and passions truly are!

2. Create a plan for how to go about attaining your goal/purpose/mission.  Hiring a life coach is a wonderful way to start building a support team to assist you in this Journey in a compassionate, loving, and even fun manner!

3.  Analyze your past and present defeats or seeming failures.  (There are really NO failures, just ways that The Universe communicates constructive FEEDBACK .)  Again The New Age Nerd's definition of sin is to SUFFER without meaning.  Allow yourself to truly FEEL your feelings about the state of affairs in your life and ask Spirit for the guidance to help you understand the seed of equivalence in the form of an opportunity that is waiting to be discovered. 

4.  Become hyper aware of your daily habits and actions.  How much time are you spending surfing the internet, daydreaming, writing scripts in your minds for movies that will NEVER get made.  Anything that is actually keeping you away from tangible action steps toward your purpose. 

5.  Understand that FEAR is simply FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.  It is the EGO's way of keeping you small, and is the biggest ally to the nasty nature of DRIFTING

And if all else fails, seek out your SEARCH and RESCUE TEAM.  Let them shower you with the Love and respect you deserve.  And don't be afraid to ASK FOR HELP.  Sometimes just breaking up our larger purpose into bite size chunks can help maintain the courage to step forward and simply BEGIN!  And a warm, trusting support team can be your own ‘Gateway to Narnia’ that initiates the start of a great big JUICY exciting chapter in your amazing new life!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Are You READY and AWARE of Your LIFE REVIEW..?!?




I want you to think back to a time in your life, in which there was such irreconcilable differences between you and another individual who you cared for DEEPLY!  Do you ever recall thinking, “I wish he/she knew how this is making me feel right now.  And what the truthful beating of my heart was racing to express in its purest form!”  I know I sure have had that thought too many times to recall.  Well....not according to my therapist, he has them all written down.  :0)  LOL

Well today I am going to share with you that wishes do indeed come TRUE!  For those of you who had a chance to read my post ‘The Making of a New Age Nerd Part 3’ I retold the story of being deathy ill and being visited twice by an amalgam of SOURCE energy I refer to as The Elders.  Before continuing reading today's entry, I highly suggest going back to read that post before continuing with what I have to say today.  (The post can be found by typing in Making of a New Age Nerd Part 3 in the upper left and corner of the blog)

Ok, for the rest of you, let's continue!  Hopefully you will recall that during my visits with The Elders, they communicated with me strictly through FEELINGS.  One by one, the three of them approached my bedside and touched me with a knowing hand.  And then, something too magical for even an 80's Spielberg film occurred.  They began to transmit their feelings and thoughts through me from their energetic essence, straight into my mind's eye.  And as much as I absolutely adore words, I must admit that this form of communication was so clear, intense, and devoid of any subtext or misconception that I felt my body literally vibrating at a much higher level than I ever have since those experiences those many years ago.  There was no them and I, only ONE in the room.  If that makes sense.  I felt completely bathed in LOVE and supported with a knowingness that I AM NEVER ALONE!  EVER!  And neither are you!!

However, one thing I never described in my previous post was their explanation of what happens when you transition from this human form, back into the Source energy from which we all came.  It started when I discovered that I could communicate back to them through my innate feelings.  So I asked them if I was in Heaven.  And they instantly calmed my fears by assuring me that it was not yet my time.  And I will know when it is because after making the transition, I like every other soul, will go through an intensive LIFE REVIEW.  I would ‘relive’ my life from beginning to end, but in every co-creation I ever encountered, I would EXPERIENCE IT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE OTHER.  So I would be given the opportunity to know EXACTLY how anyone and everyone who ever came into my life felt at any given point in time during their moments in my presence.  I was informed that the process was NOT a tool used to hurt, punish, or bring vengeance, but rather as the ultimate teaching practice the Universe has to offer.  A PHD level course in THE SCHOOL FOR HEROES!!

The next morning when I awoke, I couldn't stop thinking about what The Elders had shared with me. Part of me was scared shitless!  Thinking back to times when I know I lashed out in anger and said things that I didn't really mean, and how it will feel to know the pain and anguish that it must have made so many people in my life experience.  As well as the ultimate vibrations of unadorned Love, Peace, Joy and Bliss that hopefully many of my co-creaions had wrought!!   But the more I thought about it, the more it made complete sense.  Can you think of a better way of teaching and learning about how your actions and words effect the vibrations of the Collective Consciousness?!?!  I have been pondering that question for nearly 20 years and still can't think of anything that even comes close!  If you can, PLEASE let me know!  

I can completely understand if many of you reading this are skeptical of its nature and truth.  And I don't blame you one bit.  However, I ask you this.  If there is just a 10% chance that what I was told that night 20 years ago is true, how might it impact the way you live your life from this point forward.  Will you work harder at shifting your perspective toward others from judgement, fear, and any form of prejudice or hate into compassion and LOVE?!?  Or  in a moment of temporary egoic rage tearing down another's beliefs for the quick fix of ‘being right.’  Or will you Re-member that you can choose to be loving, or you can choose to be right.  But rarely can you choose to be BOTH.  And to Re-member to stay as lovingly conscious in every moment of your Creations, both individually and with and for others! You may be the ever form of highly Collective Consciousness they ever encounter.........

I know what my answer to the above questions are, and I challenge all New Age Nerds to ponder what changes they will choose to make in their lives when they awake from their slumber tomorrow morning to each and every Soul they encounter during their Hero's Journey............



Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How To KNOW If You Are Having a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING....!


BOY:   “I want to be a Superhero!”
GIRL:  “ What's your name, Spiderman, Ironman?”
Boy:  “YOUR MAN.”


We are currently living in very precarious times.  People are living in FEAR, unsure of what their future may hold.  Our TV screens filled  daily with images of hate, violence, separation, judgment, vitriol, and anger. A cacophony of never-ending  'Cosmic Chaos'.  Yet, I am more hopeful than ever before!  Why, you ask?  Because I am experiencing an enormous amount of individuals who are using this time to try and learn, grow, and evolve into their highest selves.  
I receive SO many personal messages from readers of The New Age Nerd who share their stories of enlightenment with me.  And I feel incredibly honored and privileged they entrust me with their deep heartfelt longing and pain. Not too mention their sincere desire to experience a more spiritually awakened life. One that encompasses the reason why we are ALL here.  One filled with purpose and deeper meaning that juxtaposes materialistic binges filled with 'quick hits' of happiness for more long lasting inner BLISS! And that is to discover your personal MISSION, which will always include some form of service; the byproduct of which being the giving out and receiving MORE LOVE.........

For many of us, the first sign of a Spiritual Awakening is having what I call a ‘BREAK OPEN.’ This occurs when we are at our own razor's edge.  And life seems to be slowly breaking us down in every way imaginable.  Many people call it hitting ‘rock bottom.’  And it's more than just emotionally painful. It causes us to question the very fabric of our foundational BELIEFS.  And for those of you currently reading this who are in this state, I want to say CONGRATULATIONS!  Because this is a sign you may be at the precipice of having a Spiritual Awakening.  You are being broken down so that you can ‘Break Open.’  And in doing so, unleash the gifts and talents you were blessed with for the purpose of sharing them with the world!  Please do not misconstrue me. I am NOT implying this stage is easy.  FOR IT IS NOT!  I know from recent personal experience how scary, painful, and absolutely terrifying it can be. This stage often includes the letting go of things that no longer serve us;  where we live, friends, lovers, jobs, even family members. As Marianne Williamson calls it ‘The Day of The Wrecking Ball.’  Because our very foundation must be pulled up and out to allow the space for the new one to be built in its place.  And that my friends, is NO FUN!  Yet it is also a crucial part of the process.  Just like any building, it is ONLY as strong as its foundation, right?  Many of the elements of our past foundation were manifested into our experience when we were not yet ready to Break Open.  And now that we are, some things are going to have to change. Capiche?!  And for a while all the loss, change, and pain may cause us the desire to run back to our old, past surroundings and programming.  As the old saying goes, 'Better the Devil you know than the Devil you don't."

SUPERHERO'S IN TRAINING TIP:  Please do not do that.....You are preparing to soar with the Eagles rather than continue to cuss out life with the Crows....    ;0)

One of my personal heroes, the late Wayne Dyer, explained this stage like this, “The experience of a crisis immobilizes us for a long period of time. Our mind is focused on the disaster aspects of the situation, and we are unable to function effectively. We are unable to sleep or eat, and do not know how we are going to get past the terrible set of circumstances. We use our minds to focus on what is wrong, how painful it is, and how terrible it is going to be in the future. Advice from friends and relatives seems unrelated to our problem and usually results in anger and frustration. We cannot see any way out of our misery.

This is a typical response for all of us who are traveling our life paths in the belief that the external signposts are all there is to our reality. We cannot imagine that there is a valuable lesson in the trauma. We reject any suggestions that someday we will recall this experience as a necessary step in our development. We simply want to wallow in our hurt, believing that someone or something outside of us is creating this pain, and wishing that those externals would change.”

This stage often includes a short, yet very intense period of depression and anxiety, or both. Please know that there is NO THING wrong with you. You are NOT broken. What you are doing is getting prepared to birth miracles. And the birthing process (as you ladies know) is an arduous one.  Not for the faint of heart. Part of the depression/anxiety stems from the longing of the things we are letting go of.  Some of it is because we are just beginning the experience of having a deep KNOWINGNESS that we are not currently following our Superhero's Journey, the very purpose that we manifested into the human condition.  And leaving our old life behind so that we can accept the life that has been patiently awaiting us can be one of the most daunting endeavors we will ever undertake!  But as the late, great Joseph Campbell espoused, "We must all eventually leave behind the life we had planned. So that we may begin the rapturous life that has been awaiting us!" BOOM! Mike drop.......   ;0)

Stage TWO of a Spiritual Awakening is where we begin the slow process of having complete GRATITUDE for our sufferings. Because we start feeling that our pain and suffering is not in vein. We begin to have KNOWINGNESS that there is an important reason behind it. Things start making sense.  Wayne Dyer explains it like this, “This is an important step in the enlightenment process, and helps us to see how synchronized the one song really is. Certainly we still experience the pain and suffering, but we simultaneously know that there is something magnificent in this as well. We are able to be gentle and accepting with ourselves, and to honor and love even the part that is creating the crisis. We probably will not cognitively understand why this pain is occurring right now, but we will have an underlying knowingness and belief in the value of it.”

Stage THREE of this awakening is ALL ABOUT SYNCHRONICITY.  There comes a moment in which the pain of NOT committing to our awakening and purpose becomes more painful that the thought of taking that leap of faith.  So through pure force of will, we 'TAKE THE JUMP.' Having faith that Spirit will provide and protect us on our one of a kind Journey. And guess what, Spirit does. Always and in all ways.  It is a Universal Law  (A promise from source if you will) that once you TRULY commit to this Divine Awakening, Spirit will flood your experience with everything you need to fulfill your destiny.  It may not happen all at once.  So PLEASE, be patient during this stage.  Miracles take time in this dimension.  But by staying in this new state of ALLOWANCE, you will begin to experience SYNCHRONICITY almost daily. People start showing up out of the blue to offer guidance. Financial opportunities present themselves to help support your vision.  You begin to attract a new TRIBE of like minded friends and a support team.  And let me tell you, it's when you first start experiencing the sensation of Heaven on Earth!!  And it is blissful, and magical.  You cannot imagine living in any other way, ever again!  

For those of you who may be skeptical of this process, I can understand.  ESPECIALLY if you are currently in the middle of Stage ONE.  I know, because I've been there. BOY have I been there!! There were many days of depression and anxiety in which after simply making it from my bed to the downstairs sofa, I would softly declare, "Watch out world, there is NO stopping me now!!"  ;0)

But as I made a commitment toward my path, the fog slowly lifted, and my life took off like a rocket!   From the moments in time when I could barely get up, I now leap out of bed every morning, super stoked to experience the wonders of the coming day! Can I get an AMEN in this congregation!!  

Even if it doesn't feel like it right now, LIFE IS A BLESSING!  And please do not beat yourself up for whatever state you currently find yourself in.  You are EXACTLY where you need to be on your Superhero's Journey.  No Thing you have experienced will be wasted. For the Universe wastes absolutely NOTHING! Each and every one of them has been to give you the wisdom, understanding, patience, compassion, and empathy  you will need moving forward! And once you reach the place where you are in complete alignment of allowance, and living your PURPOSE, fully awakened to your calling, LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!



Jeffrey Louis Martinez