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My name is Jeffrey Louis Martinez. Also known as The Buddha Bro! Would you like 2024 to be the year in which you FINALLY started the journey towards ascending into your true Super Heroic Higher Self? Transforming all your Pain Points into your Super Powers! Then creating a new Super Heroic Mindset in which you are being of loving service to yourself and all others! Then please check out The New Age Nerd! It's a daily offering of support, inspiration, and lessons ‘learned along the way.' All mixed together with the perfect geeky dose of ‘MYTHOLOGICAL MAGIC' from our favorite pop cultural passions! With the intention of stepping firmly into our own personal Superhero's Journey, and in the process assisting one another in igniting the Divine BLISS within. So that we may live a life that leaves a lasting Legacy!........ Please keep anything that resonates, and let the rest GO! The Love Light will always be on... Nerdmaste, Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Monday, February 29, 2016

Try This to BOUNCE Back From Temporary Defeat.....

Last week I wrote about the dissolution of a potential new business opportunity that stung my tushie for a day or two.  But what kind of a New Age Nerd would I be if I spent TOO much time sulking in the shadows of temporary defeat?!?  Sure, I allowed myself to process and feel my emotions.  “Repressed emotions are unactualized Spiritual Lessons,” espouses Jeff Brown in his book Soulshaping.   I'll add that we experience our feelings for a reason, tho NOT ALL should be kept for a whole season!  Once the pain, confusion, and suffering has served its purpose -and usually there IS a purpose- LET IT GO!  Like Rocky said, “You, me, or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you get hit.  It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”

And here is something to try that has served me extraordinary well on my Journey.  While you are in emotional process, do not be afraid to ask for guidance from Spirit.  Your guardian angels are all around.  Waiting for you to simply request their assistance.  It's THEIR purpose and job to serve you. (I'm pretty sure mine may have asked for re-assigment on occasion!  lol)  Ask them to shine a light and show you the area or areas where LOVE would serve if applied.  This can often birth miracles.  In fact,  A Course in Miracles says the definition of one is “a change in perspective from Fear to Love.”  Often, our temporary defeat can be a heaven sent opportunity to heal something that is blocking us from our true potential.  And the setback is just Spirit's tug on your heart, alerting you that your  NEXT BEST THING is already on its way!  But in order to receive it, there is some work that needs to done.  

Now here is the Secret Sauce to this process and it involves The Law of Attraction.   Like SO many of us truth seekers, I used to be more inclined to think of this powerful Universal Law as a wish fulfilling mechanism.  I had my ‘christmas list’ full of wonderful stuff I desired.  THINK it, and it will come.  Only to usually end up extremely frustrated because IT never did.  And I bet I am not alone.  But through trial and error, and further investigation, I have come to understand that I ...  well, I didn't UNDERSTAND how to use it properly.  Now, with focused determination, I ask for the guidance to align my energy for the PROPER PLAN of action to appear.  Sometimes it may come as a chance meeting, or a last second invite to an event or an interview that you never expected.  All sent to help you start down on your personal Yellow Brick Road.  As they say, the greatest pleasure in this world is in the Journey, NOT the destination.  And the Universe is always pleased as punch when you ask for the course of action that will lead you to your purpose.   However once it appears, it is up to you to follow through.  As we all know, the things we have truly earned, through hard work, end up meaning the most to us!

To prove my point, after my temporary defeat last week, I put into practice everything from above.  And ya know what, I have a call at 2:00 today with another BIGGER and BETTER opportunity.  That's what I'm talkin’ bout!!  This really works!  But like anything else, it takes focus and practice.  It is a process!  So please be patient and kind with yourself if you decide to put it into yours!  

Gotta run , I have a NEW meeting to go to!  :0) Cheers to all the miracles yet to be birthed through YOU!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Captain America Quotes.....

The Princess Bride Quotes........

My father's initial cancer surgery and subsequent three month hospital stay was a daily stress fest.  Our head nurse became engaged during the Journey and her new last name was going to be MONTOYA.  To help bring some much needed levity and humor into the situation, I could not resist uttering, upon greeting her each morning, “Today, please do not kill my father, for if you do, prepare to die!" Of course, this being a riff on yet another of this TRANSCENDENT film's memorable moments......


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, February 27, 2016

What is the Big ‘BLEEPIN’ Deal About DEADPOOL?!?!.............

Colossus:  Four or five moments - that's all it takes to become a hero. Everyone thinks it's a full-time job. Wake up a hero. Brush your teeth a hero. Go to work a hero. Not true. Over a lifetime there are only four or five moments that really matter. Moments when you're offered a choice to make a sacrifice, conquer a flaw, save a friend - spare an enemy. In these moments everything else falls away...

One of the great, Juicy, and purposeful experiences in my life is engaging a FRESH perspective on The Hero's Journey.  Especially when it seems to touch a gateway or portal that connects with the cultural Zeitgeist and sets it afire.  In my world of Visionary fulfillment, this kind of smoke often leads to soulful re-membrance.  And THAT, my fellow New Age Nerds is magic and sparks the burning desire to do what I do.  

So when the first weekend box office tally for the new ‘Merc with a Mouth’ movie DEADPOOL hit the Geekosphere, I knew something was brewing in Spiritland.  It brought in more money its first three days (155 million) than any ‘R‘ rated movie in history!  Granted, superhero movies have been a surefire bet in tinseltown for over a decade now, but the Deadpool character isn't exactly an A lister on many fan lists. And Ryan Reynolds already failed to connect with audiences in two prior caped crusader attempts.   So I was super stoked to see what the BLEEP this movie was delivering that obviously deeply resonates with so many......


Wade Wilson: Here's the thing. Life is an endless series of trainwrecks with only brief commercial-like breaks of happiness. This had been the ultimate commercial break. Which meant it was time to return to our regularly scheduled programming.

This movie is BRUTAL.  It is in parts ultraviolent, profane, and punishing.  And absolutely  irreverent!  It more than earns it's ‘R’ rating and is certainly not a movie for everyone.  Just sayin’!  But it is also hilarious and heartfelt and insightful.  It's about the suffering life can dish out, and the power of LOVE to see us through the pain.  And now I completely understand why it is connecting at a level deeper than pure entertainment.  

What I find quite divinely interesting is that many of my recent conversations have involved the current barrage of daily life challenges that seem to affect SO many of us on this planet.  I'm talking about tough stuff!  Loneliness, heartache, mourning, loss of every kind.  And is it me, or does it feel like UNCONSCIOUSNESS is running rampant?!  (Just watch the next Republican debate if you aren't feeling me!)  And what Deadpool does so brilliantly is mirror our current state of pain and confusion.  But also our deep desire for soulful connection and personal transformation.   

Wade Wilson- AKA Deadpool - has a tortured Spirit born from a plethora of lifetime abuse and loss.  He is a Hero, and an asshole at the same time.  There is no black and white in his world, it's painted with only grey hues.   Deep down, he wants to be a ‘Better Version’ of himself.  But his pain outweighs any catalyst for such a change to occur.  UNTIL, he meets someone who has just as crazy a background as he does.  

Wade Wilson: Listen, I’ve been thinking. 
Vanessa Carlysle: Really? 
Wade Wilson: About why we’re so good together. 
Vanessa Carlysle: Why is that? 
Wade Wilson: Well, your crazy matches my crazy, big time. 
Wade Wilson: And, uh, we’ are like two jigsaw pieces, you know, and we have curvy edges. 
Vanessa Carlysle: But you fit them together and you see the picture on top. 
Wade Wilson: Right.

Former Czech president Vaclav Havel said HOPE is “not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense.”  And for the first time in Wade's World, his life finally does.  All because he has found true love.  Unfortunately, it is suddenly threatened by the realization that his body is riddled with cancer.  Sound familiar?  It does to me.  And a TON of other people in my life.  Just as everything you worked so hard for, and sacrificed to obtain falls into place, WHAMMO!  It disappears back into the ether from which it seemed to appear.  A magic trick from HELL!!   Leaving you to ponder what went wrong, and was it my fault,  not to mention “What do I do now?!?”

And for the rest of the movie, Wade's Journey is mostly that of a Hero.  Again, often like real life, his path is a complex process from absolute rock bottom!   He puts himself through unimaginable torture from a secret agency that promises to cure his cancer, and turn him into a man with superpowers.  HIS Journey, in numerous ways, is OURS.  Once he is confronted with losing everything, he allows himself to enter the wonderful-albeit often painful-womb of rebirth.  Where our former selves go to perish.  So that the REAL you, the one that came here with something grand and wonderful to accomplish can emerge.  It was always there in the first place, but this re-birthing process creates the flames of suffering that burn off anything that has dimmed your LIGHT.  All of the EGO's bag of tricks to keep you small.  The fear, self-judgement, and monkey mind chatter.  Until, the mask you had been wearing to keep you safe can finally be removed.  Once and for all!!

Deadpool: I should've come and found you sooner, but the guy under this mask, he ain't the same one that you remember. 
Vanessa Carlysle: You mean this mask? 
[takes off mask to reveal cheap paper mask of Wolverine]
Deadpool: And this one, in case the other fell off. 

Funny, poignant, and painful to the point of giving up.  Until..... wildly wonderful transformation occurs.   Just ....like....LIFE!! 


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Friday, February 26, 2016

A Lesson in Managing Life Expectations..........

My family laid my father to rest two years ago after his VALIANT fight with cancer.  One of the greatest decisions I ever made was taking time off from my career to assist in his daily care regimen.  What started out as a tumor in his nasal cavity, eventually found its way to his brain.  You may hear stories about the effects of this disease, but until you witness a loved one battle it on a daily basis, you simply cannot fathom the all encompassing and oppressive wrath of nature it brings to everyone involved in its wake.  NASTY...EVIL... SOUL CRUSHING stuff! 

And as a caretaker, each and every day becomes an opportunity to learn the importance of managing your expectations.  Learning to orchestrate and accept what may come in the kaleidoscope of  daily chaos is truly the determining factor in withstanding the momentous task at hand.  To further cement this point, let's just say projectile vomiting, daily trips to emergency rooms, and fainting spells that block entrances to popular establishments became commonplace.  Feel me?!

In fact, there is one particular story during this Journey that still stands as the most MEMORABLE, not to mention most powerful example of the importance of managing our daily expectations and accepting life as it occurs! 

My dad needed to have the entire right side of his face surgically removed in order to access the lemon sized tumor that had invaded his nasal cavity.  Bone was taken from his left leg to rebuild his cheek to create relative semblance of his face's pre-surgery form.  However, in the process, a new throat path was implemented for breathing and eating purposes.  As you can imagine, at his mature age, it took months of daily physical therapy for him to ‘re-learn’ how to swallow properly.  Doing so incorrectly would cause remnants to enter his lungs and not his stomach.  Serious stuff!  

His medical team put him on a grueling daily schedule that included just about anything and everything you could think a mouth and jaw could withstand, sans my dad's favorite passion of eating.  I mean nothing, nada, zilch in the food department for over three months.  Of course he was being fed through his IV lines, but let's be truthful, that does NOT a full belly make!  So I made him a promise.  I told him then the moment his doctors cleared him to finally delve back into the world of culinary delight, I would personally bring him whatever his blessed heart desired!

Several weeks later, I received a call from the hospital one early morning.  It was my Pop, and from the ebullient sound of his voice, I just knew he had been cleared for full swallowing!!   What I hadn't prepared myself for was the exhaustive list of various tasty treats he had his sights set on gobbling down.  In fact, here is the full list:  Pancakes from the local diner, a Wendy's hamburger and fries, a chocolate shake,  a whipped frap AND a regular coffee from Starbucks, jello, and “any kind of pie you can get your paws on Jeff”.  OK!  A promise is a promise.......

After the nearly two hour trek to actually procure all the items on his wish list, I finally made my way to hospital and I now know what Santa Claus must feel like.  My father's eyes lit up like it was his first Christmas as I slowly removed one piece of food after another from the giant bag I had brought.  It took two tables to set up the entire spread, and once I was finished, I looked him straight in the eye.  

“Are you sure you are ready for all this, Pop,” I inquired.  He was much too busy scouring the buffet tables before him to give me eye contact back.  But he nodded his head in a resounding YES fashion!

And just then, the Crohn's disease that sometimes causes me urgent need for a ‘bathroom break’ hit.  And HARD!  I decided to throw proverbial caution to the windpipe, and ran straight for the toilet.  Until......relief!!  But I soon heard a most disconcerting sound.  I am known to make some interesting bathroom music, but this was....different.  Nervously, I KICKED open the bathroom door, to see my father horribly choking in his chair!   His face was already turning blue!!   I immediately flung off the sweatpants and underwear that were still down around my ankles and ran back into his room, now NAKED from the waist down.   Yeah, I'm not kidding!!

There was a huge bed next to the chair where he had been eating, so I jumped up on it and grabbed my dad by his waist to start giving him the heimlich maneuver.  In between each shrug, I yelled for help toward the nurse's office with the room number where this..ummm...incident was occurring!  

One after another, nurses and doctors filled the room (nine in all), and jaws dropped each time at what they were witnessing.  Here was a HALF NAKED Mexican on a bed, shaking the hell out of a 65 year old man, bouncing up and down like a tryout for Cirque de Soleil!  Until.....POOOOOFFFF!!  The piece of food lodged in my dad's throat shot out across the room literally sticking to the wall several feet away.  I slowly, and gently put him down to rest in the bed.  The now somewhat emotionally scarred medical professionals in witness to this EVENT, rushed to my father's side as I slowly backed away.

Thank GOD, he was just fine!!   It was ME who then needed help.  The emotional charge of what had just happened starting to wear off, I remembered, I was still buck naked in a room full of strangers.  Aye Dios Mio!

Thankfully, the entire room started applauding my efforts, as I jaunted back to the bathroom where my PRIDE still resided.  Now YOU tell ME!  Could even my wildest expectations ever have conjured or even prepared me for the experiences that day brought?!  No way, Jose!  And guess what, although none of them nearly as bizarre as that day's, the Journey our entire family fought for over a year, trying to battle this cursed disease, brought dozens of unexpected delays, trauma, and scares.  We were initially told my dad's surgery and recovery process would be six weeks.    He didn't even WAKE UP from surgery for almost two months.  Looking back, I believe our biggest saving grace was learning to accept the ISNESS of our daily battles.  Through the lens of rear view perspective, the culmination of these experiences, albeit painful, costly and challenging, were also incredibly powerful lessons in how much our expectations play a role in determining how we deal with life.   Had we each conjured our own personal expectations for this year long roller coaster of a ride, it would have destroyed our emotional fortitude.  Expectations are NO THING more than premeditated resentments!  Please DO NOT let them be the author of the majority of the pain and suffering in your life.  Instead, remember that Katherine Hepburn said, “Love has nothing to do with what you expect to get-only what you are expecting to give.”


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Braveheart Quotes.......

Still to this day, when I am fortunate enough to bear witness to one of my male friends falling deeply,  head over heels for someone, I adoringly call it ‘Braveheart Love’!!  For as much as this film is about the importance of FREEDOM, to me it is also one of the most searingly powerful examples of LOVE ever put on celluloid.  Just as William Wallace carried a flower next to his heart through two wars and over 20 years of struggle to return it to his soulmate, ladies please know that there is NO THING a man, who sees his JOURNEY through your eyes, wouldn't do for you! 


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

NEVER Give Up on Love........

Although ‘The Big Bang Theory’ on CBS may have helped in the evolution of giving NERDS around the world a new distinction, there have been many other incarnations of such bonded friendships that could give their crew a real run for their geek cache.  In fact, I had such a group of Awkward Heroes growing up in a suburb outside of Washington, DC.  Built from a composite of various brainiacs,  gregarious geeks, and unlucky in love lotharios, what we lacked on the ‘popularity scale’, we certainly made up for with a passionate ingenuity!!

One trait that perhaps best exemplified the glue that kept us close for most of our formative years, was our unified stand on LOVE.  We cherished it.  Desired it and fiercely defended its honor at all costs.  Poems, love letters, songs.... we did them ALL!  Nothing gave us more pleasure than conjuring the most creative ways to express our affections in the attempt to win over the hearts of the glorious gals that crossed our paths.

In fact, one particular young lady, who had caught my complete adoration, became the benchmark for the lengths to which we would extend ourselves.  Her 18th Birthday was just around the corner and I was doggedly intent on making it one she would never forget.  So after an exhaustive trip to the mall for materials, I gathered our LOVE POSSE and we stayed up most of the night creating an 18 foot ‘Happy Birthday’ banner in our college dorm's parking lot.  These were obviously more innocent times; where five guys with spray paint cans and masks after midnight caused NO concern for further investigation. LOL  After several hours of drawing and painting, when we finally finished our mission it was nearly dawn.  And that's when the real work began.......

I was gracious enough to let most of the guys get to bed, sans one.  He had the stupendous task of convening with me a little later that morning at the High School that this lucky lass attended.  In true Mission Impossible style, I told him we had exactly ONE hour to climb to the top of the edifice guarding the building's main entrance to erect my VISION of overlaying this banner and its ‘Ode to LOVE’, plus 18 pink balloons, completely covering the school's visible namesake in the process.  That way, when all the busses pulled into the parking lot later that morning, my act of care and adoration could be seen by her and the entire school.  And ya know what, we somehow pulled it off.  Totally ‘Say Anything’ style!!

My piece de la resistance.  And........she LOVED IT!! Not only that, but I ended up escorting her to the school's end of year prom.  An amazing experience given I never attended my own! The school put out a beacon to find the culprit, but it did its job and I was never caught.  Years later, she sent me a picture of the banner, and told me it is still one of her greatest treasures!

Unfortunately, not all of my other attempts, and those of our group, were met with the same enthusiasm in the following years.  But we didn't give up.  Love never does.

There is a potent scene in the film Adaptation staring Nicolas Cage that completely embodied the ESSENCE of our unabashedly passionate stand on Love's elixir and its importance in our experience:

Charlie Kaufman: There was this time in high school. I was watching you out the library window. You were talking to Sarah Marsh. 
Donald Kaufman: Oh, God. I was so in love with her. 
Charlie Kaufman: I know. And you were flirting with her. And she was being really sweet to you. 
Donald Kaufman: I remember that. 
Charlie Kaufman: Then, when you walked away, she started making fun of you with Kim Canetti. And it was like they were laughing at *me*. You didn't know at all. You seemed so happy. 
Donald Kaufman: I knew. I heard them. 
Charlie Kaufman: How come you looked so happy? 
Donald Kaufman: I loved Sarah, Charles. It was mine, that love. I owned it. Even Sarah didn't have the right to take it away. I can love whoever I want. 
Charlie Kaufman: But she thought you were pathetic. 
Donald Kaufman: That was her business, not mine. You are what you love, not what loves you. That's what I decided a long time ago.

Let THAT sink in for a moment.  You are what you love, NOT what loves you.  PREACH!

Our world is in such need of Truth Seekers, Bringers of the Light, and convictions of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.  So even if you feel your wings are broken, or if your heart has been ripped apart by betrayal and loss, please NEVER give up on extending yourself toward others.  Honesty, kindness, respect.  There is simply not enough.  And always remember, what you are currently seeking is also seeking you!  

Eventually, we will prevail NOT in spite of our pain, failures, and struggles, but BECAUSE of the strength and guidance we gained from those experiences.   As Neale Donald Walsh heard from God's silent whisper, “Know, that I send you nothing but ANGELS.”


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Dances With Wolves Quotes......

To help support my way through college, I spent two years as an assistant manager of a local movie theatre.  (SHOCKER, huh! lol)  Dances with Wolves came out during my tenure, and during every break, I would go watch it.  Literally over 50 viewings.  Certain scenes still cause my eyes to swell just thinking about them.  

Recently, I watched a ‘making of’ documentary about the immense struggles Kevin Costner faced trying to bring his vision of this masterpiece to the big screen.   Hollywood had not seen a Western turn a profit at the turnstiles in ages, and the film needed Costner to not only direct and star, but also pony up millions out of his own pocket to bring it to fruition.  And as we all now know, the movie continues to imprint the hearts and souls of millions of its fervent fans.  

Thank you Kevin Costner, for having the prescient intuition, courage, and soulful commitment to take on this Hero's Journey for the ages!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Stand by You.........

Stand By You

By Rachel Platten

Hands, put your empty hands in mine
And scars, show me all the scars you hide
And hey, if your wings are broken
Please take mine so yours can open too
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Oh, tears make kaleidoscopes in your eyes
And hurt, I know you're hurting, but so am I
And love, if your wings are broken
Borrow mine so yours can open too
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you
Yeah, you're all I never knew I needed
And the heart, sometimes it's unclear why it's beating
And love, if your wings are broken
We can brave through those emotions too
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Oh, truth, I guess truth is what you believe in
And faith, I think faith is helping to reason
No, no, no, love, if your wings are broken
Borrow mine so yours can open too
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you
I'll be your eyes when yours can't shine
I'll be your arms, I'll be your steady satellite
And when you can't rise, well, I'll cry with you on hands and knees
'Cause I
(I'm gonna stand by you)

Rachel Platten seems like an overnight sensation.  But she has been pounding LA's musical pavement for over 15 years.  And I have such gratitude that she NEVER gave up on her calling.  Her songs are Heaven touched and connect with me so deeply!  I LOVE this woman!

Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Red Flags DO NOT Mean a Parade is Coming........

This week I decided to part ways from a potential business relationship after expending a Gi-normous amount of time and energy in the last month with the intention of creating a fruitful partnership.  Grrrrrrr animal!!  In reflection, there were some RED FLAGS that popped up along this process that tried my faith and patience on more than one occasion.  In my past, I tended to be TOO accommodating and ‘overlooked’ these warning signs, most often to my irrevocable dismay.  It's one thing to be flexible, yet an entirely different paradigm to think you can withstand being an ‘Emotional Gymnast’, contorting personal feelings, beliefs and convictions into places they were NEVER meant to go! I think a great deal of my overt flexibility stemmed from past trauma.  And as a result, not feeling I was worthy of the type of respect, love, and honesty I deserved.  And that if I didn't acquiesce to the manner of others engagements with me, no matter how painful,  that they might not stick around.  But are people who don't commit to meeting you halfway in your co-creations, and acknowledging your feelings in the process, worthy of KEEPING in your tribe.  Can I get a HELL NO up in this congregation!  ;0)

These recent events reminded me of a fantastic story an old friend in Los Angeles shared with me many moons ago.  It was still in my period of struggle to regain my sense of SELF and I was allowing another young lady to treat me in a fashion that was causing me a tremendous amount of pain and confusion.  And.....RED....FLAGS....GALORE.  This friend invited me over to her house for dinner, and given her at times brazen nature (she was a stuntwoman for goodness sake) I had prepared myself for an evening of tough love about this relationship.  Instead, I received several courses of culinary tasty treats, and an indelible memory from her childhood that still stands as a powerful testament for anyone who deals with the red flags that pop up in life.  And I think that just about includes....EVERYONE!

She told me that she grew up in a suburb of Chicago.  The back of her childhood home was part of a twice yearly parade route.  A week prior to each parade, county workmen would erect huge red flags to denote the path of the coming procession.  Her eyes widened and lit up while she recalled her memories of the parades from her past; how much fun and excitement they brought to her community.   A Hollywood playground come to life, and many a child's dream!  However, when her parents decided to move into a newer community, these memories caused her some opportunities for reframing about the TRUE meaning of what a red flag is in the context of our emotional lives.

After the move, whenever she heard the mention of ‘that's a red flag’, she took it as a meaning that A PARADE IS COMING.   When a girlfriend suggested, “That boy is nothing but a red flag”, she believed it to be a sign that good things from him were on their way.   Brings to mind screenwriter Geoffrey S. Fletcher's saying, “I'm most interested in how innocence fares when it collides with hard reality.”  Fo sho!

After several more sweetly anecdotal stories of her adolescent journey toward the understanding of red flags, as well as more glasses of red wine, she started to laugh.  UPROARIOUSLY!  And then so did I!!    “Red Flags DO NOT mean a parade is coming,” we sang together.    Brilliant, and poignant, and powerful.....

Thank you for sharing your TRUTH and vulnerability with me D!  And please still know, it did not go on deaf ears.  I am still learning how to make sure I am honoring my responsibility in all co-creations.  And you know what, it isn't always easy.  There IS a place for healthy flexibility with ourselves and others.  We all have bad days, make mistakes, and sometimes don't show up as our highest selves.  And that is OK.   I still don't believe it's in anyone's highest good to base their decisions on singular experiences.    But, heed D's realization my friends.  When red flags show up repeatedly in life,  IT DOES NOT MEAN A PARADE IS ON ITS WAY!!


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Parenthood Quote.....

My favorite quote from this FANTASTIC movie!  Are you summoning the courage to ride the roller coaster of life?!?  Or are you standing on the sideline, content to watch others experience all the fun?!  


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Just One Call Away.........

Dreams turn to wishes..
As Night transforms to Day...
Does the Pain fuel my Experience....
Guardian Angels dare not say...

Love is a constant Presence ..
Tho weary are the steps..
If Peace would slay my dragons..
The World I promise to protect..

The visage of each Soul..
Traversing through mind's eye...
For each precious beaming smile..
One thousand simply cry..

A Super Hero's cape...
Is present but no more..
Gone to find some solace..
On another planet's shore..

He hopes that some remember..
The reasons that he came..
May each seed that has been planted..
Blossom the Peace always meant to REIGN...

For even Heroes need to process
Unconscious feats they see each day
Heavy on their heart and Soul
Yet still always just One Call Away
by Jeffrey Louis Martinez


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Ferris Bueller Quotes........

I cannot believe it has been 30 years since this seminal part of my youth was in theaters... Thank you John Hughes... You were a master wordsmith, and had such insight into the joy, laughter, and heartache that accompanies this thing called LIFE.......


Jeffrey Louis Martinez

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Lost and Found..........

I have that Core entrenched  KNOWINGNESS…
That you and I contracted in this lifetime….
Like that of human Avengers…
To Reassemble..  Unite..  And assist in the 
Co-creation of..

The eternal Present we promised one another..  Was to emerge as our lives became SHATTERED
Our Trust…tattered and torn..
Our Faith..  Upended
And our Flame of Hope nearly extinguished…

Then ..in a dark night of the SOUL….

When the veil of darkness threatened to shield us from any semblance of our true PURPOSE.

You appeared to me…
And I appeared for you…

Two Stewards of Remembrance, our paths now TRUE

Now forever it will BE...
A Hero’s Journey for me....
And a Heroine's Journey for you......

Jeffrey Louis Martinez


Jeffrey Louis Martinez